So over on the Roosh V Forum, the regulars are wondering if anything can free them, and the world at large, from the terrible injustice of having to share the planet with fat women no man would ever want to have sex with, except for all of those men who do.
Sonsowey gets the discussion going with a plaintive question:
Does anyone out there think there is some force that could cause the obesity epidemic to reverse? Any chance we will look back on the multitude of landwhales as a sad relic of a more primitive time? Or is it nothing but bigger and bigger from here on out.
In fact, the “obesity epidemic” has already shown signs of plateauing — as several Roosh V commenters note. Indeed, obesity levels have been relatively stable for more than a decade, suggesting that Roosh V fans who think they’re suddenly being swamped by a rising tide of fat chicks are pretty much imagining the whole thing.
Never let it be said that Red Pillers lack imagination. Particularly when it comes to envisioning a possible solution to the Fattie Question.
Roosh V Forum commenter Kabal is hoping that sexy robot ladies can put some pressure on our nation’s non-robot ladies:
A leftward shift in the supply curve of male thirst would put more pressure on girls to get their shit together to maintain the same level of male attention.
At the very least, the more men’s balls are drained, the less inspired they will be to satiate the female demand for attention (e.g. Instagram likes, cat-calling, shitty approaches, etc.).
Yes, that’s right. It turns out that, despite all appearances to the contrary, women just LOVE being cat-called by random men as they go about their day, a desire they broadcast to the world by marching grimly ahead with disgusted looks on their faces as gross dudes make kissy sounds at them.
Now what if sex-bots are realistic enough to serve as companions? 90s AOL instant messenger chat-bots could already pass Turing Tests for basic bitches in terms of conversation.
Uh, dude, maybe they could pass your own personal Turing Tests, but somehow I’m thinking your conversational skills are only slightly more advanced than that of AOL Instant Messenger bots.
So really, it’s only an aesthetic problem in making sex-bots more appealing to men.
An attractive real woman would certainly beat a realistic sex-bot in the eyes of most men. However, an unattractive real woman vs. a realistic sex-bot? Hm…
If that doesn’t work, well, there’s always eugenics:
Just like with intelligence and height, parents should be able to screen for lower probabilities of obesity in potential offspring via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.
DannyAlberta, meanwhie, pins his hopes for an end to obesity on economic collapse and literal mass starvation.
in the event that we have a severe economic catastrophe (like the kind doomsayers like peter schiff have been predicting for over a decade) and western governments (like in the uk, canada and the us) end up really, really broke – to the extent that social spending and “entitlements” end or are severely curtailed and the average person is left with very little disposable income – then yes the obesity epidemic might end, simply because fewer and fewer people will be able to afford anything other than a caloric deficit …
if we are restored to a more “eat what you kill” system (heh), the skinnier we might well get.
Civpro has similarly apocalyptic fantasies:
I think it will turn around eventually. As “good men” are disenfranchised and outbred, the wealthy secular welfare state for which they are the social capital will crumble, and so will the freedom that women have to look so terrible.
Not all of the Roosh V forum regulars are quite so, er, optimistic.
Strikeback offers this Totally Real Not Made Up Field Report, describing how he and a petite date were nearly stampeded by “kaijus” — a kind of Japanese movie monster — on the dancefloor.
Maybe experts on population health can see something I can’t, but from a street level view, I’m not positive.
Let’s take last weekends. I was out dancing, 162lb me and a petite 100lb girl. Two category 4 kaijus, each challenging our combined bodyweights, pushed their way into our space, nearly steamrolling us. I expertly manoeuvred my girl out of the way. Seconds later, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall slim decent looking suited up guy losing control of his category 5 kaiju (a sight very common in Australia) and the gigantic butterball reptile spun our way while my girl froze with a horrified look on her face. Me to the rescue, once more… close call. We decided to leave the dance floor afterwards before more Cat 5 kaijus showed up.
Kaijus here used to be wallflowers, or hiding in the dark corners waiting for tall good-looking moneyed drunk male preys. Now they’re fearless and rolling straight out onto the dance floor to spread their toxic fats and smells.
The war is lost, gentlemen.
I think I speak for fellow, er, kaijus of all genders everywhere when I say: fuck you, dude!
Here’s a woman expressing that same thought in interpretive dance:
@panda – She kind of is.
(Oddly cropped, face-obscuring pic of her in her 20s.)
peaches — let me tell you, my back surgery improved my quality of life immensely! Even with the restrictions the first year afterwards until the bone grew in…I still can’t believe how good I feel all the time now.
Another way the manospherians don’t understand science, malnutrition during pregnancy can actually cause obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. http://www.hongerwinter.nl/item.php?id=32&language=EN
If they think the apocalypse is going to get them sex with lots of supermodel looking women who will birth out future ubermensch babies, they’re very, very wrong.
Absolutely. A college acquaintance came back from summer break 25 pounds thinner and received lots of compliments and queries about how she did it. She did it by getting cancer :/ I’ve since heard and read stories from many other people who’ve lost weight because of illness or mental health issues and had people be jealous. I’m guilty of doing this myself because I’ve still got really fucked up thoughts about my body and my weight sometimes. I just know better than to say anything. My policy is to never say anything to someone about their weight, whether it’s a loss or gain, unless they bring it up first. And of course when I did practice disordered eating I didn’t even realize at the time that when I got compliments, people were literally complimenting me for being sick.
@Argenti: Perhaps a little nitpicky, given the context of the second paragraph.
You’re getting exercise and are enjoying it, that’s what’s important, even if you don’t lose an ounce. 🙂
Sorry, I’m just afraid of swinging the other way with LOOK AT HOW GREAT THIS EXERCISE IS YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!!!!
*gags* yeah, I hope my new hobby!!111!!!! doesn’t come off that way
Exercise and eating healthy are both good practices. If the weight is caused by poor activity and diet, then diet and exercise will cause weight loss naturally, otherwise they are still going to result in improved health outcomes, regardless of weight.
Focusing on weight as the direct marker of health is counterproductive and dangerous. It causes people to focus on the short term solutions, scams and dangerous activities in search of immediate gratification.
I have a strong genetic heritage of diabetes. My blood sugar got to the point that my doctor & dietician recommended that I start carb-counting and eating more frequent snacks. This has resulted in weight loss (though not to “normal” weight levels). This is completely consistent with HAES, because the goal wasn’t weight loss, the goal was getting my A1C down (which it is).
(The way I was eating before was–depending on how much you buy into “carbs=evil” vs “fat/animal products=evil” and whether snacks are a good thing or a bad thing–not necessarily less healthy for someone without a tendency towards insulin resistance, but it was less healthy for me at my current level of insulin resistance.)
I lost 10 pounds in just a couple of weeks when switching to a new medication. I had no appetite and felt miserable and came close to fainting a few times. Never got so many compliments in my life. My husband even told me it was a nice problem to have when I was telling him about how hard it was for me to eat enough food. To his credit, he didn’t realize yet how sick it was making me, but still.
And back to agreeing with most people on most things. The only woman I loved was almost certainly over-weight enough to get on these asshole’s bad list (given that she’s lost well over 160 lbs from before I knew her to now and still isn’t technically thin) and I know the crap she’s gotten from people (we’ve broken up but still contact each other periodically). Actually, I know the crap a lot of people who I care about have gotten for their weight (women and men), quite frankly including me (I’m not at that stage now, but I have been in the past). While I hope they live a healthier life than I know many of them are living, why is their a need to be a shit to people you don’t know? This is what pisses me off about the red-pillocks, PUA assholes…its just the need to be an ass for no reason.
Having said that, if someone makes a lifestyle change for truly health-based reasons I’ll always give them encouragement (a friend has adopted a pretty hard-core diet change, not out of pure weight loss but due to a family history of pretty bad diabetes).
Have these chumps ever considered the cost of purchasing a sexbot, or is it in their little entitlement bubble these manufactured items are handed out for free in some form of state sponsored redpill welfare. I seriously doubt that electronic manufacturing companies will be giving the RooshV crew major discounts.
Meh! I know, its a stupid thought spawned from reading about their stupidity, I wonder if they’ve given any thought at all to the actual economics of this…
Okay, can anyone parse this? Sexual-marketplace ickiness aside, I think he’s either treating demand as a commodity in itself or mixing up supply and demand. Also, I can’t figure that second sentence: is he saying that a reduction in supply creates a pressure to keep production constant by raising demand?
In addition,
When I do exercise a decent amount (I do it or not based on how motivated I am and if I have a specific goal), I do a lot of weight lift. Not out of “Do you even lift brah” attitude but because it has positive results and, for whatever reason, I find it very mentally relaxing (there is no one there, there is no goal other than to do better than I have before, its amazing how “peace of mind” that is).
jy3, basically he can’t econ.
I’ll try and do some sketches later, maybe.
I exercise 40+ minutes a day, eat a bit less than others and I’m still fat. So I’m really really pretty sick of people trumpeting the “fat people are unhealthy” and “fat people are lazy” baloney. Most thin people I know exercise a whole lot less than I do, if ever, yet no one ever tells them how they’re ruining society with their unhealthiness on sight.
My ancestors weren’t thin and delicate and dainty. They raised half a dozen to a dozen kids at a time while subsistance farming on basically rocks. Willowy isn’t as helpful as being able to lift a toddler in each arm and a sack of horse feed on the hip before you hitch the horse up to plow; a good bit of well-insulated muscle is, and that’s what I’ve got thanks to my ancestry. It’s right under the fat, and you’re not gonna see it unless I flex.
I could beat a lot of these chumps at arm-wrestling, fat or not.
When I was a preteen or so, my mother pointed out to me the frequent correlation between the size ideal for women in a society and the amount of power they have, and how rapid social gains for women are often followed by a sudden hetero male “preference” for skinnier women. I interpreted this as metaphorical for the longest time, but a few years ago, it finally occurred to me that it’s not: they want us smaller because it’s easier to physically dominate us that way, and harder for us to hurt them.
I’m sure it’s almost entirely subconscious, given how little our cultural conditioning allows us to consciously consider that women *can* fight. But those final comments by “Strikeback” really stink of the fear of physical confrontation, and the sure knowledge, on some level, that women in general sure don’t owe men like him any kindnesses.
jy3 — I think he’s saying that if the demand for a product falters, the product has to be of higher quality to sell. Which, okay, works, yes… right until the demand is men looking for female partners, and the product is women. Then it’s just icky.
More like a doomsayer grifter, for over a decade Schiff has been predicting an “any minute now” compete collapse of the American economy, while encouraging people to buy gold because it will totally, without a doubt, be worth $13,000+ an ounce after paper money is rendered useless. Luckily, you can buy gold bars to bury in your yard from a trusted source for precious metals, Schiffgold.com. Hurry, ignore all the dupes who say the gold market is driven solely by irrational fears and point to how low gold prices have sunk since it hit an all time high in 2011. Give the gold bug grifter your American dollars while there still worth something, before it’s too late!
@ mockingbird – I think that’s part of the problem, but I suspect that it would be closer to the mark to say that our culture assumes there’s a direct correlation between ‘thin’ and ‘healthy’, so the underlying assumption becomes that anything that makes you thinner cannot be too unhealthy.
These days the leading man in a film is often tall, broad, and muscled. And the leading woman is often extremely slender. They are a study in contrasts. (Think Mr. Big and Carrie from “Sex and the City.”) And you just know that the women are hungry all the time.
Michelle Obama has the nerve to be almost as large as her husband–and the body police never let her forget it. I think that it’s great that she’s a healthy eater.
I’m glad that you were able to get away from that abuse. Good for you for taking care of yourself.
@WWTH, Ire, Bina, mockingbird:
I’m glad to hear you survived it. As a man currently grappling with his own disordered eating, it’s always immensely inspiring to hear the stories of people who were there and went on to a healthier place. Thank you for sharing.
I would be entirely behind my taxes being used to buy every MRA, PUA and MGTOW a sexbot. Not only does it go one step closer to my long term project of putting all my enemies in lotus-eater machines, but it also stimulates manufacturing and so creates jobs. There’s no downside.
When I went through cancer treatment, I spent 7 weeks throwing up constantly. I lost 23lbs. I looked like death warmed over: yellow, huge bags & circles under my eyes, dull skin & hair. I can’t even count the number of times people told me how great I looked. Because I was so much skinnier. As soon as I got done with cancer treatment, I worked my way down to 650 calories a day to get even skinnier. I know why I did it – I needed to exert some control over my body (exacerbated by my horrible body image). But I was skinny! It disturbs me how much happiness I got from eating so little. Or how happy I’d get by fitting into a smaller size.
Even knowing what I know – how unhealthy I was & how mentally unwell I was – I am freaking out by how much weight I’m gaining since I got pregnant. Here I am, creating a whole new person, and I’m still upset that my ass is getting bigger & that I’m not going to look like a beach ball on stilts. It’s so messed up.
So yeah – fuck these guys. And hello. 🙂 I grabbed a new poster gift bag a few weeks ago when I started reading regularly.
@buttercup Q. Skullpants and @littleknown
Thanks for pointing out I wasn’t wrong! Because I thought I had missed the mark so bad. I think after I posted that my thinking went:
“Wait, no… eugenics is WAY fucked up. No way I read that right.”
Then when I went to reread David’s post, I guess my brain just didn’t register it the second time because I was thinking about how “They’re bad but no way they’re THAT bad.”
Welp…. WRONG.
Don’t know if I feel sad knowing I was right, or if I feel better knowing I’m not so silly I would read something that wasn’t there. =P
RE: men not knowing how to properly estimate weight… SO true. Reminds me of this really awful rock station we have here. The DJ’s are TOTAL jerks. I’ll never forget the day they were having a segment on how “Women are either smart and ugly, or dumb and hot.” Not even kidding, though I wish I were. One brave caller came on air to tell them how the DJs were full of shit, and that she knows someone who is both. Says she’s a teacher, incredibly intelligent, and hot as heck to boot.
DJ just kind of goes, “Uh, yeah, sure… How much does she weigh?”
Person is caught of guard and kind of politely replies, “Um… pretty sure like 113?”
DJ yells – and I mean YELLS – “SEE?? FAT! All smart women are ugly!” Then hung up before the caller got a chance to respond.
I honest to god wish I could say that didn’t happen. Those DJs are still on air, too. Have been for years.
To have a segment like that in the first place, then to yell at a fan and hang up on them, and then to act like 113 is just soooo fat and that was a “gotcha!”… yeah, just blew my mind on so many levels.
I suppose it’s possible either the DJ or I misheard (since now that I think about it, 113 does soudn like 130), but either way… even at my thinnest when I was a size 7 I was 150. =p
“Michelle Obama has the nerve to be almost as large as her husband–and the body police never let her forget it.”
People criticize Michelle’s body? Which part? She’s incredibly fit.
It took me decades to overcome my own ‘fat equals unhealthy’ programming, despite the evidence of my own eyes–both in knowing fat female athletes in far better shape than my skinny self, and in my own experience of being thin (not due to disordered eating or trauma, just through luck and lifestyle) and being always tired, sick and cold, and, in middle age, after going up three dress sizes having more energy, rarely getting sick and not minding the cold. This book was probably what made me turn the corner:
It’s not written by a doctor–it’s written by a lawyer, who evaluates the available evidence to reach conclusions.