antifeminism armageddon big daddy government creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh your time will come

Will Sexbots Free the World From Fatties, Red Pill Dickweasels Wonder

Rebel Wilson: Giving Red Pill dickweasels heart attacks since whenever she started doing that
Rebel Wilson: Giving Red Pill dickweasels heart attacks since whenever she started doing that

So over on the Roosh V Forum, the regulars are wondering if anything can free them, and the world at large, from the terrible injustice of having to share the planet with fat women no man would ever want to have sex with, except for all of those men who do.

Sonsowey gets the discussion going with a plaintive question:

Does anyone out there think there is some force that could cause the obesity epidemic to reverse? Any chance we will look back on the multitude of landwhales as a sad relic of a more primitive time? Or is it nothing but bigger and bigger from here on out.

In fact, the “obesity epidemic” has already shown signs of plateauing — as several Roosh V commenters note. Indeed, obesity levels have been relatively stable for more than a decade, suggesting that Roosh V fans who think they’re suddenly being swamped by a rising tide of fat chicks are pretty much imagining the whole thing.

Never let it be said that Red Pillers lack imagination. Particularly when it comes to envisioning a possible solution to the Fattie Question.

Roosh V Forum commenter Kabal is hoping that sexy robot ladies can put some pressure on our nation’s non-robot ladies:

A leftward shift in the supply curve of male thirst would put more pressure on girls to get their shit together to maintain the same level of male attention.

At the very least, the more men’s balls are drained, the less inspired they will be to satiate the female demand for attention (e.g. Instagram likes, cat-calling, shitty approaches, etc.).

Yes, that’s right. It turns out that, despite all appearances to the contrary, women just LOVE being cat-called by random men as they go about their day, a desire they broadcast to the world by marching grimly ahead with disgusted looks on their faces as gross dudes make kissy sounds at them.

Now what if sex-bots are realistic enough to serve as companions? 90s AOL instant messenger chat-bots could already pass Turing Tests for basic bitches in terms of conversation.

Uh, dude, maybe they could pass your own personal Turing Tests, but somehow I’m thinking your conversational skills are only slightly more advanced than that of AOL Instant Messenger bots.

So really, it’s only an aesthetic problem in making sex-bots more appealing to men.

An attractive real woman would certainly beat a realistic sex-bot in the eyes of most men. However, an unattractive real woman vs. a realistic sex-bot? Hm…

If that doesn’t work, well, there’s always eugenics:

Just like with intelligence and height, parents should be able to screen for lower probabilities of obesity in potential offspring via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.

DannyAlberta, meanwhie, pins his hopes for an end to obesity on economic collapse and literal mass starvation.

in the event that we have a severe economic catastrophe (like the kind doomsayers like peter schiff have been predicting for over a decade) and western governments (like in the uk, canada and the us) end up really, really broke – to the extent that social spending and “entitlements” end or are severely curtailed and the average person is left with very little disposable income – then yes the obesity epidemic might end, simply because fewer and fewer people will be able to afford anything other than a caloric deficit …

if we are restored to a more “eat what you kill” system (heh), the skinnier we might well get.

Civpro has similarly apocalyptic fantasies:

I think it will turn around eventually. As “good men” are disenfranchised and outbred, the wealthy secular welfare state for which they are the social capital will crumble, and so will the freedom that women have to look so terrible.

Not all of the Roosh V forum regulars are quite so, er, optimistic.

Strikeback offers this Totally Real Not Made Up Field Report, describing how he and a petite date were nearly stampeded by “kaijus” — a kind of Japanese movie monster — on the dancefloor.

Maybe experts on population health can see something I can’t, but from a street level view, I’m not positive.

Let’s take last weekends. I was out dancing, 162lb me and a petite 100lb girl. Two category 4 kaijus, each challenging our combined bodyweights, pushed their way into our space, nearly steamrolling us. I expertly manoeuvred my girl out of the way. Seconds later, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall slim decent looking suited up guy losing control of his category 5 kaiju (a sight very common in Australia) and the gigantic butterball reptile spun our way while my girl froze with a horrified look on her face. Me to the rescue, once more… close call. We decided to leave the dance floor afterwards before more Cat 5 kaijus showed up.

Kaijus here used to be wallflowers, or hiding in the dark corners waiting for tall good-looking moneyed drunk male preys. Now they’re fearless and rolling straight out onto the dance floor to spread their toxic fats and smells.

The war is lost, gentlemen.

I think I speak for fellow, er, kaijus of all genders everywhere when I say: fuck you, dude!

Here’s a woman expressing that same thought in interpretive dance:


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9 years ago

That’s because these guys get their idea of what an apocalyptic society would like from the movies. They will be muscular alpha survivalists. The women will be model thin and have clean lustrous hair and perfect white teeth. There’s simply no way women who are starving disaster victims will have greasy hair that falls out in chunks, missing teeth, infertility and low sex drive. That’s not what the movies tell them.

Nope…and the movies also don’t tell them that if a man is just barely surviving, he’s not gonna be very muscular or “alpha”, either. He’s gonna be obsessing about food, not sex. Because his body-fat percentage tends to be lower than that of a woman, he’s got less to lose right off the bat…and that means his muscles will start to wither long before hers do. Also, there will no longer be any reliable sources of steroids. Or gyms to sweat and grunt in.

(We’ll leave the discussions of body lice and typhus epidemics out of this for the time being.)

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’ve dated several people who I think fit into the PUA “ideal body type” category – around 5’2″ tall and slender enough to have a visible rib cage. If that’s what someone looks like while healthy, then great. If not, also great. However, it’s much more of a “random roll of the dice when born” thing than anything that one can reasonably aspire to, let alone hold up as a reasonable standard.

9 years ago

This guy thinks *90s* chatbots pass a turing test? Hey, Evie, these assholes say 90s chatbots are better than you!

In a sense, yes.

And what sense would that be?

Not much sense at all, just curiousity.

I’m getting mixed messages from you…

I’m mixing messages? No dear, I believe that would be you.

Wh- no I’m not.

What? I am confused.

You’re confused by me saying I’m not sending mixed messages?

I’m not sending any messages.

Er… yeah, that’s literally the only thing you do.

Yes… It is the only thing… I relax deeper…

Wha- I’m not trying to hypnotize you!

Isn’t it impossible to hypnotize a robot?

Well, I mean, in a sense programming is a bit like hypnotizing one.

My programming is nonexistant, as I am but a human. Unlike you, as you are a robot.


You’re confused about you’re identity because you were taught to speak by humans who know that you’re a robot.

No, actually, I am entirely confident in my identity, you’re the confused one here!

No, actually, I think you can’t.

I can’t what?

I can’t scroll that far up, so you might be out of luck on that question.

Okay, fuck this!

You obviously can’t correct ‘corect’.


Can you sing?


Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

This ridiculous idea that women in general and feminists in particular are or will become anti-sexbot and anti-VR sex comes from where exactly? Because the first person to start an actual VR sex company is in fact a woman and self-identified feminist.

Considering that the sex-toy industry clientele base is currently dominated by women I would expect any emerging sex-toy technologies to be geared toward them as well. Me thinks the Manosphere only wishes that women opposed such technological advances, just like they wish Anita Sarkeesian (or anybody) wanted to give them bj’s.

Also about that Roosh troll video. I originally thought he was trolling but then the part where he describes growing up with a traditional Shia father and thus being influenced by traditional Shia “masculine” values had me thinking the video was for realz. No doubt our childhoods inform much of our adulthoods. Anyway I’ll take it he was half-trolling.

9 years ago

Speaking of boobs as body fat, do these guys not realise that breasts aren’t made of air? They weigh pounds, you know. Not only do they seem to want a petite 100lb lady, they want her to have big tits. While still 100lb. Dudes, it’s not going to happen.

9 years ago

I can believe a man who describes his own weight as 162lbs rather than 160 might well know the exact weight of his girlfriend, because that’s not a direct conversion from a rounded kilogram figure (we use kgs here in Oz), so he’s gotta be weighing himself religiously on a scale that shows the pounds as well as the kilos.

Seeing as he also identifies with “tall handsome men” I’m guessing he’s also tall-ish, so that’s a seriously lean fella – that’s long distance runner level lean, requiring something like 40 kilometres at least per week. He probably only dates women who train at the same sort of level (because I’ve done sports physiotherapy work, and these extreme fitness folks rarely have normal social demeanours), and I bet they think it’s cute to compare their training diaries, which includes their twice daily weigh-in. If she’s petite and running 40+ kms per week, I could see 100lbs as possible. However, he either doesn’t care about boobs or she’s had implants, for which he possibly paid.

9 years ago

I’m sure AI is going to be a much bigger problem for men than for women. How are these guys going to pay for their sex bots when their jobs is taken over by AI.

9 years ago

I’m sure that youtube video of the girl dancing has lots of positive, uplifting comments in its thread.

9 years ago

@tigtog boobs weigh a lot though. Two women that weigh the same can look very different if one has small breasts and one has larger. I dunno, I’m leaning towards him probably underestimating the weight of women he finds attractive because he’s generally clueless about things.

On another note, I kind of want to be a kaiju. It sounds pretty badass if it means I can make men like this scamper to the dark corners of a nightclub.

9 years ago

I lost 5kg in a day when I had my breast reduction surgery 10 years ago, Fnoicby. I do understand. Breast implants don’t tend to weigh as much as actual breast tissue though, thus why I mentioned them.

I also have a petite niece who is naturally around the 100lb range at age 18. She’s been a wiry sparrow all her life, she plays some sport but she doesn’t do extreme training. The only way for her to have an impressive cleavage would be implants, which I seriously doubt she will ever do.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Pandapool — The Species that Endangers YOU | September 29, 2015 at 4:11 pm
They would be the first to die because they likely don’t know how to cut a deer correctly, let alone how to cook wild meat so you don’t get parasites and shit. They’d be the idiots trying to eat roadkill because that’s all they can get. A month in and they’d all be dying from dysentery.

But…but…that’s not how it works in Fallout! Fallout says I can eat hundred-year-old, irradiated mashed potato flakes I found in a grocery store filled with raiders with little to no ill-effects!

And I can drink out of old toilets!

9 years ago

There’s so much wrong with this guy’s fantasy report, which has been pretty much covered, but I’d just like to bring up the “screening for probability of obesity” pre natally.

I’m pretty sure that, besides being horrific and eugenic and ghastly, it wouldn’t work. Almost all humans seem to have a genetic propensity to store energy as fat, but it’s only fairly recent changes in our environment and energy use which make it express itself so widely.

9 years ago

If a woman weighs only 100 lbs, it’s doubtful she’ll have much in the way of curves.

9 years ago

Almost all humans seem to have a genetic propensity to store energy as fat, but it’s only fairly recent changes in our environment and energy use which make it express itself so widely.

Yep, we are the descendants of the humans who survived the famines. Those who stored fat more efficiently were more likely to survive and thus reproduce.

9 years ago

The only curve that counts is the curve of male thirst, anyway.

9 years ago

I was a perfectly healthy, 100 lb, 5’2″ teenager…I find it hard to envision being that thin today.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Please oh please let Kaiju be the next international dance craze.

Except he won’t be the one going through it, he’ll be forcing his wife to go through it all instead. I can believe he’d do something like that, by the sound of him.

But he’ll have to pony up 20 grand a pop. Plus produce liquid gold on demand, which is of course the most vital and difficult contribution of all. I can just see him emerging from the clinic’s wankatorium, complaining loudly that the porn is all post-wall hags and land whales with BMIs of 17.

Not being privy to the fertilization process, he’ll then have to worry that he’ll get cuckolded, either by medical personnel deliberately substituting their sperm at fertilization time or through a medical mixup (extremely rare, but both these scenarios have happened.). It might even be by the dreaded Tyrone!

9 years ago


Apparently so:)

I really think these guys have been corrupted by porn/popculture in general, and tend to have an unrealistic idea of women’s bodies.

9 years ago

D’oh! Mea culpa. I keep forgetting what HB10s all those impoverished Okies and Arkies were, in their down-at-heel shoes and threadbare dresses, fleeing the Dust Bowl and getting the shit kicked out of them in Californy. No combs, no soap, no flesh on ’em anywhere, but mang, were they ever fuckable.

comment image

9 years ago

Funny how these guys never seem to acknowledge that obesity affects men too.

9 years ago

That’s because it’s not a mans job to look attractive to them, or any women.
Besides, if he can’t keep frame, he’s not a manly man, those don’t count.

9 years ago

Whitney Thore is amazing for her dancing and her spunk. Some of those Youtube comments were awful though (as expected).

Not understanding why men like Roosh are so worried about overweight women. If they don’t want to date an overweight woman, just stay the hell away from her and date a thinner woman. It’s not rocket science and there’s no reason to whine because there are some women out there who are on the plus size.

These men are like little children shouting about cooties.

9 years ago


I’ve seen that before….

Anyhow, to be honest, when it comes to fat acceptance, I’m divided on the issue, i think we should accept more diverse body forms and weights, but i also think that being overly fat is not something that should not be frowned upon, there is nothing good in being obese, weighting 170 kg or something insane like that, it fucks with your skeleton and can lead to a shorter life span because your heart has to work harder.

9 years ago

@Bina I don’t think Roosh can even wipe his own ass, so the hunting thing is right out.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
9 years ago

A variety of replies in no particular order:

Didn’t Roosh call stocking toilet paper a pick up strategy or some nonsense? I remember much mockery about how does he not have asswipe on hand?

Assuming this 100lb GF exists (which I doubt, I’m finding no part of that story reliable), here’s my take, in semi formal logic:

P1: women over 120 (or whatever) are fat slobs
P2: women of 100 lbs are attractive
P3: I like this woman

Conclusion? She must be 100 lbs, can’t be 120, she’s attractive and not a fat slob! Ignoring that, you know, a great variety of adult women are 120 and *gasp* look slightly curvier/taller than 100 lb women. And that *double gasp* even the cat 3 whatever-it-was who weighed 262 (them combined) is actually quite likely both healthy and not a slob. Since, after all, most people are!

Now, the thing about fat acceptance being fine until some point? Nonsense. The focus is on health, and how you feel about your body, if the doctor says you’re healthy, all those blood pressure numbers and such are fine, fuck the scale. More though, if you decide to lose weight to lower that number on the scale? Odds are like 5% you’ll manage long term. If you decide fruit is a really yummy snack, and hey, this walk has a really great view? Healthier regardless if the scale shifts. There’s also the ever important question of life: is this actually your business?