So over on the Roosh V Forum, the regulars are wondering if anything can free them, and the world at large, from the terrible injustice of having to share the planet with fat women no man would ever want to have sex with, except for all of those men who do.
Sonsowey gets the discussion going with a plaintive question:
Does anyone out there think there is some force that could cause the obesity epidemic to reverse? Any chance we will look back on the multitude of landwhales as a sad relic of a more primitive time? Or is it nothing but bigger and bigger from here on out.
In fact, the “obesity epidemic” has already shown signs of plateauing — as several Roosh V commenters note. Indeed, obesity levels have been relatively stable for more than a decade, suggesting that Roosh V fans who think they’re suddenly being swamped by a rising tide of fat chicks are pretty much imagining the whole thing.
Never let it be said that Red Pillers lack imagination. Particularly when it comes to envisioning a possible solution to the Fattie Question.
Roosh V Forum commenter Kabal is hoping that sexy robot ladies can put some pressure on our nation’s non-robot ladies:
A leftward shift in the supply curve of male thirst would put more pressure on girls to get their shit together to maintain the same level of male attention.
At the very least, the more men’s balls are drained, the less inspired they will be to satiate the female demand for attention (e.g. Instagram likes, cat-calling, shitty approaches, etc.).
Yes, that’s right. It turns out that, despite all appearances to the contrary, women just LOVE being cat-called by random men as they go about their day, a desire they broadcast to the world by marching grimly ahead with disgusted looks on their faces as gross dudes make kissy sounds at them.
Now what if sex-bots are realistic enough to serve as companions? 90s AOL instant messenger chat-bots could already pass Turing Tests for basic bitches in terms of conversation.
Uh, dude, maybe they could pass your own personal Turing Tests, but somehow I’m thinking your conversational skills are only slightly more advanced than that of AOL Instant Messenger bots.
So really, it’s only an aesthetic problem in making sex-bots more appealing to men.
An attractive real woman would certainly beat a realistic sex-bot in the eyes of most men. However, an unattractive real woman vs. a realistic sex-bot? Hm…
If that doesn’t work, well, there’s always eugenics:
Just like with intelligence and height, parents should be able to screen for lower probabilities of obesity in potential offspring via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.
DannyAlberta, meanwhie, pins his hopes for an end to obesity on economic collapse and literal mass starvation.
in the event that we have a severe economic catastrophe (like the kind doomsayers like peter schiff have been predicting for over a decade) and western governments (like in the uk, canada and the us) end up really, really broke – to the extent that social spending and “entitlements” end or are severely curtailed and the average person is left with very little disposable income – then yes the obesity epidemic might end, simply because fewer and fewer people will be able to afford anything other than a caloric deficit …
if we are restored to a more “eat what you kill” system (heh), the skinnier we might well get.
Civpro has similarly apocalyptic fantasies:
I think it will turn around eventually. As “good men” are disenfranchised and outbred, the wealthy secular welfare state for which they are the social capital will crumble, and so will the freedom that women have to look so terrible.
Not all of the Roosh V forum regulars are quite so, er, optimistic.
Strikeback offers this Totally Real Not Made Up Field Report, describing how he and a petite date were nearly stampeded by “kaijus” — a kind of Japanese movie monster — on the dancefloor.
Maybe experts on population health can see something I can’t, but from a street level view, I’m not positive.
Let’s take last weekends. I was out dancing, 162lb me and a petite 100lb girl. Two category 4 kaijus, each challenging our combined bodyweights, pushed their way into our space, nearly steamrolling us. I expertly manoeuvred my girl out of the way. Seconds later, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall slim decent looking suited up guy losing control of his category 5 kaiju (a sight very common in Australia) and the gigantic butterball reptile spun our way while my girl froze with a horrified look on her face. Me to the rescue, once more… close call. We decided to leave the dance floor afterwards before more Cat 5 kaijus showed up.
Kaijus here used to be wallflowers, or hiding in the dark corners waiting for tall good-looking moneyed drunk male preys. Now they’re fearless and rolling straight out onto the dance floor to spread their toxic fats and smells.
The war is lost, gentlemen.
I think I speak for fellow, er, kaijus of all genders everywhere when I say: fuck you, dude!
Here’s a woman expressing that same thought in interpretive dance:
Someone has to have written a speculative sci fi novel about what would happen if robots could pass the turing test but most humans couldn’t.
Here’s a handy conversion guide, because manospherians have no idea what women actually weigh, or should weigh**:
1 manosphere lb. = 1.25 imperial lbs.
**Seriously. I saw a RP field report not too long ago in which an 18 year old HB10 was described as weighing 75 lbs. Dude, 75 lbs is 50th percentile for ten year olds.
Now I’ve got “Brave Sir Robin” stuck in my head…
Moron, please. Catcalling and shitty approaches totally work, said no woman ever!
And hey. If you want to solve the “problem” of you-not-finding-us-attractive-enough-but-you-still-wanna-cum, why don’t you just take yourself in hand? Literally? No sexbot needed, and it gets the job done. I mean, it’s not as if you guys aren’t total wankers already…
Yes, and they could surpass a Red Pillock quite easily, too. Meaning, these dudes are already redundant.
Yes, and one of the first casualties of that epidemic will no doubt be the Red Pillocks, who, if “you are what you eat” holds true, ain’t nothin’ but piles of Cheeto dust held together with just enough Mountain Dew to form a gooey paste.
D’oh. Ninja’d…apologies, Buttercup Q.’s reply was much better, anyway.
Oh, come on, Bina! Everyone knows that the Great Depression was the pinnacle of female beauty in the U.S.! It’s been all downhill from there.
TomBcat: Possibly not a questionnaire. I think maybe he just feels her up and then guesses.
Well…if porn genres are anything to go by, there’s no doubt that we’d have fat sexbots too.
(picture unrelated, but Baymax is pretty awesome)
What Id like to know is why they’re so worried about Fat Women getting skinny? So, they can be rejected by a whole new group of women, who refuse to be their slaves? There are plenty of skinny women right now who don’t want their tired asses. So they want to told ‘no” by even more women, I guess?
So, really, it’s only an aesthetic problem? Uh-huh. Then how to explain all those average-looking people with really gorgeous partners (of whatever sex) whose chemistry is all down to the fact that they just really seem to grok each other, and totally disregard those numerical categorizations of human beauty?
Oh dear, I think I smell smoke. Cranial smoke. Shall I grab a fire extinguisher, or just let him go up in flames?
They would be the first to die because they likely don’t know how to cut a deer correctly, let alone how to cook wild meat so you don’t get parasites and shit. They’d be the idiots trying to eat roadkill because that’s all they can get. A month in and they’d all be dying from dysentery.
D’oh! Mea culpa. I keep forgetting what HB10s all those impoverished Okies and Arkies were, in their down-at-heel shoes and threadbare dresses, fleeing the Dust Bowl and getting the shit kicked out of them in Californy. No combs, no soap, no flesh on ’em anywhere, but mang, were they ever fuckable.
There you go, using actual undiluted logic again! Don’t you know that a woman using logic is misandry?
Wow. I think it really illustrates that these guys aren’t afraid of actual violence in the world when their idea of “rescuing” their girl from danger is moving out of the way on a dance floor. My hero.
@Bina: I suspect they might actually like the half-starved look, sad to say. And if everyone has an excuse for poor grooming, this means no more ass-wiping for anyone!
I’d suggest grabbing marshmallows, but I suspect the source of the flames is making potentially toxic smoke.
And 100 lbs? That’s really borderline unhealthy weight for a woman unless she’s extremely short. I’m just speculating, but it seems these guys always think “hot” chicks weigh considerably less than they actually do. I’m always being told how tiny I am and I’m 5’5″ and usually hover around mid 130s. I would look positively ill at anything under 115.
Except he won’t be the one going through it, he’ll be forcing his wife to go through it all instead. I can believe he’d do something like that, by the sound of him.
Well, then, that should take care of Roosh’s “needs”, at any rate. Assuming he wasn’t the first to croak in the food shortages, since I see no evidence that he would be an able hunter or gatherer, much less a good cook. At least I can garden…
I think you’re right. These guys’ brains are full of all sorts of chemicals known to be carcinogenic.
That’s because these guys get their idea of what an apocalyptic society would like from the movies. They will be muscular alpha survivalists. The women will be model thin and have clean lustrous hair and perfect white teeth. There’s simply no way women who are starving disaster victims will have greasy hair that falls out in chunks, missing teeth, infertility and low sex drive. That’s not what the movies tell them.
What adult woman weighs only 100 pounds? It’s not impossible but it’s not very common either. Kinda makes me wonder if his “friend” is of the imaginary variety. I wonder what he thinks qualifies as “kaiju” then – 120, 130 pounds? Lol.
So us “whiny” feminists complaining about such trivialities as sexual harrassment, discrimination based on gender, while these asshats are addressing the real issues such as ‘how dare certain people be born with body times I don’t personally find attractive’.
Sure. And how did he know? “Oh hey sexy what’s your body weight?” seems like a fairly ‘revealing’ pick up line. Also, 100 pounds? That’s REALLY small. Not to say there aren’t women that ‘petite’ but that’s pretty far on the end of the scale.
How dare someone want to dance on the dancefloor!
See this is a problem a lot of these PUAs get into. They want to tell a story about a ‘problem’ but they also have to remind each guy how ‘alpha’ they are, so this little snippet here is to remind his felling redpillians that ‘yes, guys, I’m still cool! I MAINTAINED FRAME OK!? YOU BETTER NOT QUESTION MY COOLNESS”
All I’ve learned from this is that Australia seems to have an epidemic of misogynistic douche-bags.
Please, he just wishes that he could meet a woman who shares his shallowness. This is a “fantasy report” if I ever saw one. I could believe maybe one of two of these outrageously unlikely events, but both? Seems highly implausible
Dude, are you seriously white-knighting for your imaginary 100 pound fat-shaming girlfriend? Cause that totally makes you BETA
Come to think of it, their communication skills really aren’t all that different. They just sort of look out for certain buzzwords and phrases and then burp out whichever response their buddies have taught them.
I’m cracking up at the guy who thinks AOL chatbots pass the Turing test.
And surprise, surprise that despite having a penis, a manospherian doesn’t understand science. Just because you have a gene or genetic predisposition, doesn’t mean it will be expressed. Even if you made a genetically engineered child with a skinny gene, the gene might never activate or other environmental factors might cause the child to not be thin anyway. I don’t know why people think you can just order up a custom child like they were a build your own calzone at a restaurant. That’s not how genetics works at all.
Re:: clueless manospherians regarding women’s weight.
Remember that thread not too long ago about those coffee shop owners who were also terrible PUA assholes, and when the town found out they got shunned? Apparently one of them said that a fat girl is one who has more than 25% body fat.
Now, there are only a couple of reliable charts out there categorising body fat percentage, but according to one of them 24% body fat puts a woman in the Fitness category. 25% is on the cusp of Average. Men who have 25% and up body fat are classed as obese, but here’s the thing – men don’t have boobs (which are mostly fat), or the same hormones, or a need for body fat in order to ovulate. My guess is that one of those guys read a men’s fitness magazine and decided that the standards there apply to women as well. Despite the pretty universal knowledge that men’s and women’s bodies are petty fucking different. Idiot.