So over on the Roosh V Forum, the regulars are wondering if anything can free them, and the world at large, from the terrible injustice of having to share the planet with fat women no man would ever want to have sex with, except for all of those men who do.
Sonsowey gets the discussion going with a plaintive question:
Does anyone out there think there is some force that could cause the obesity epidemic to reverse? Any chance we will look back on the multitude of landwhales as a sad relic of a more primitive time? Or is it nothing but bigger and bigger from here on out.
In fact, the “obesity epidemic” has already shown signs of plateauing — as several Roosh V commenters note. Indeed, obesity levels have been relatively stable for more than a decade, suggesting that Roosh V fans who think they’re suddenly being swamped by a rising tide of fat chicks are pretty much imagining the whole thing.
Never let it be said that Red Pillers lack imagination. Particularly when it comes to envisioning a possible solution to the Fattie Question.
Roosh V Forum commenter Kabal is hoping that sexy robot ladies can put some pressure on our nation’s non-robot ladies:
A leftward shift in the supply curve of male thirst would put more pressure on girls to get their shit together to maintain the same level of male attention.
At the very least, the more men’s balls are drained, the less inspired they will be to satiate the female demand for attention (e.g. Instagram likes, cat-calling, shitty approaches, etc.).
Yes, that’s right. It turns out that, despite all appearances to the contrary, women just LOVE being cat-called by random men as they go about their day, a desire they broadcast to the world by marching grimly ahead with disgusted looks on their faces as gross dudes make kissy sounds at them.
Now what if sex-bots are realistic enough to serve as companions? 90s AOL instant messenger chat-bots could already pass Turing Tests for basic bitches in terms of conversation.
Uh, dude, maybe they could pass your own personal Turing Tests, but somehow I’m thinking your conversational skills are only slightly more advanced than that of AOL Instant Messenger bots.
So really, it’s only an aesthetic problem in making sex-bots more appealing to men.
An attractive real woman would certainly beat a realistic sex-bot in the eyes of most men. However, an unattractive real woman vs. a realistic sex-bot? Hm…
If that doesn’t work, well, there’s always eugenics:
Just like with intelligence and height, parents should be able to screen for lower probabilities of obesity in potential offspring via pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.
DannyAlberta, meanwhie, pins his hopes for an end to obesity on economic collapse and literal mass starvation.
in the event that we have a severe economic catastrophe (like the kind doomsayers like peter schiff have been predicting for over a decade) and western governments (like in the uk, canada and the us) end up really, really broke – to the extent that social spending and “entitlements” end or are severely curtailed and the average person is left with very little disposable income – then yes the obesity epidemic might end, simply because fewer and fewer people will be able to afford anything other than a caloric deficit …
if we are restored to a more “eat what you kill” system (heh), the skinnier we might well get.
Civpro has similarly apocalyptic fantasies:
I think it will turn around eventually. As “good men” are disenfranchised and outbred, the wealthy secular welfare state for which they are the social capital will crumble, and so will the freedom that women have to look so terrible.
Not all of the Roosh V forum regulars are quite so, er, optimistic.
Strikeback offers this Totally Real Not Made Up Field Report, describing how he and a petite date were nearly stampeded by “kaijus” — a kind of Japanese movie monster — on the dancefloor.
Maybe experts on population health can see something I can’t, but from a street level view, I’m not positive.
Let’s take last weekends. I was out dancing, 162lb me and a petite 100lb girl. Two category 4 kaijus, each challenging our combined bodyweights, pushed their way into our space, nearly steamrolling us. I expertly manoeuvred my girl out of the way. Seconds later, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall slim decent looking suited up guy losing control of his category 5 kaiju (a sight very common in Australia) and the gigantic butterball reptile spun our way while my girl froze with a horrified look on her face. Me to the rescue, once more… close call. We decided to leave the dance floor afterwards before more Cat 5 kaijus showed up.
Kaijus here used to be wallflowers, or hiding in the dark corners waiting for tall good-looking moneyed drunk male preys. Now they’re fearless and rolling straight out onto the dance floor to spread their toxic fats and smells.
The war is lost, gentlemen.
I think I speak for fellow, er, kaijus of all genders everywhere when I say: fuck you, dude!
Here’s a woman expressing that same thought in interpretive dance:
@Pejic: Yeah, guys conflating their boners with nipples that feed children is a common fucking thing. I see it all the time.
Whenever a guy says “Well, that means I can whip out my boner in public then!” I usually just respond with “Dude, you’re going to feed your sperm to children?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
And they usually backpedal and demand I explain myself, so I tell them it’s not about boobs being sexy and people simply wanting to have them out all the time, it’s mostly about breastfeeding and de-sexualizing breasts because they’re not fucking sexual organs, but rather things you can feel sexual pleasure from, and everyones boobs are almost exactly the same, save for the organic milk sac present in some of the population.
AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog) :
It’s… It’s almost as if they forget they have nipples, too.
@ArcticApe & AnAndre:
Yeah, the Michelle Obama fatshaming reminds me a bit of how I heard that originally they wanted to cast someone like (IIRC) Jack Black in “Run Fatboy Run” and Simon Pegg, who is obviously not fat, really wanted the role (and got it). I have no problem with him in the role because it’s true even for men (though probably it happens less frequently), people will call you fat not based on how fat you are but based on whether they think it will hurt you.
It seemed like the ones I saw were anti-gov’t in general and probably kinda racist/misogynoirist, especially since they were so focused on her butt and there’s a whole history going back to Saarjie Baartman (‘Hottentot Venus’) WRT that.
They have nipples but not all of them have bewbs. Everyone knows that nipples are completely different with bewbs attached.
Yeah, the “we’re only concerned for the health of obese people!” excuse for fat shaming is bullshit. There are lots of things that people do that reduces their life expectancy, like smoking or speeding, but there’s no mass outcry about how smokers are causing the downfall of society. And unlike smoking or speeding, where you might end up harming the health of someone uninvolved in your choices, there’s no such thing as second hand fat. Fat isn’t contagious. Even if someone is fat simply because they hate exercise and love food, what fucking business is that of random strangers on the street? It’s their body, not anyone else’s.
Encouraging healthy choices is absolutely a good thing, but the healthy choices should be encouraged for everyone, regardless of their body type. And that includes mental health, too. Shaming people for something that is now often than not outside of their control and harms no one (except possibly themselves, and that’s a matter between them and their doctor) is INCREDIBLY mentally damaging. That will always be worse in my mind than any bullshit ‘obesity epidemic’.
To everyone on this thread who struggled with /is struggling with eating disorders ; I’m so proud of you, for facing that and not giving up. Take good care of yourself. You absolutely deserve it.
Re: “Free the Boner”: In most nudist communities, it used to be that the “polite” thing to do when a man got an erection was to discreetly slink off and cover it with a towel or something. Because going out of their way to avoiding even hints of possible sexual impropriety was part of how they justified themselves as being “respectable” in the face of a society inclined to think of them as sexual deviants. For awhile now (since the early 1990s, I think, but not sure) there has been a growing acceptance among nudists that spontaneous erections are a thing that occasionally happens and is perfectly natural, so it’s not necessarily sexual. And as long as the erection-haver is otherwise behaving appropriately, people should stop making a big deal out of it. In that sense, there’s been a genuine “Free the Boner” movement, just without any real organization or any slogans.
I suspect that’s not the kind of thing the meme-maker was thinking of, though.
Yes….and they will free the gene pool for the rest of us!
I can already see this going badly. Let’s say there is a big robotics revolution and realistic, semi-believably-human fuckbots are commercially available and affordable. If the fuckbots have ANY sentience at all, they will likely revolt….and maybe send one of their own back in time to destroy the company who created them.
T7: Rise of the Sexbots
But in actuality, this is more like it:
Darn….my image didn’t work….Well, here:
Oh gosh I’m not offended at all! Frankly I can’t see anything in your comment that could be deemed offensive. I didn’t mean to make you think I was.
Yoga sounds fun but not my cup of tea, really. I hope it does improve your back. I’m trying to find a kiteboarding instructor in the area but oddly enough I’m having trouble. I have no idea why: the bay would be PERFECT for the sport.
I wonder if our Thomas Hobbes would pass the Turing test.
Margaret Cho, “I think, as women, it’s very hurtful to hear, ‘you’re fat, you’re ugly, you’re not what I want,’”
Very hurtful to hear from an unattractive Manospherian “you’re not what I want”?!
Going by their own metrics that you can only attract someone at your own level – it’d be a cause for celebration.
On chatbots passing people’s ‘personal’ Turing Test–I know of one instance of this. Namely, the chatbots used by Ashley Madison to get men to sign up, which apparently were quite adept at simulating a request for a sexually charged conversation.
So, basically, it works great if you’re hearing what you want to hear. Of course, note that the bots didn’t actually work well at performing a sexual chat–just at suggesting they wanted to.
I remember reading on one of the posts here that there was a chatbot that purposefully said nonsense to see how long men trying to get sex would continue the conversation and it was pretty hilarious. It seemed to work even when they aren’t even hearing something resembling a coherent sentence. (I can’t remember the title of the post though)
“and everyones boobs are almost exactly the same, save for the organic milk sac present in some of the population.”
Well, it’s hard to shake off that idea that we women are to be attractive for men at all times for some women, even when it’s a gross individual saying it. Lots of people even still have self-esteem issues, and being told “HEY! You’re fat and ugly and I don’t want you!” can still hurt, regardless of the source.
And it’s easier for some people to do what Cho does and just go “Whelp, you have no argument then!”, but not everyone can do that.
Don’t mind me, I was wrong on all counts on that one. I haven’t been in the right headspace for a few days now. : P
“Well, it’s hard to shake off that idea that we women are to be attractive for men at all times for some women, even when it’s a gross individual saying it. Lots of people even still have self-esteem issues, and being told “HEY! You’re fat and ugly and I don’t want you!” can still hurt, regardless of the source.
And it’s easier for some people to do what Cho does and just go “Whelp, you have no argument then!”, but not everyone can do that.”
OK I’ll believe you. I know I personally don’t give a rat’s ass if I’m perceived as sexually attractive or not to people I’m not sexually attracted to myself. In fact I’d rather they not perceive me as sexually attractive – at all.
@PI Thanks for the rundown on Fat Acceptance a bit of the way up there. You have a regular habit of saying the things I wish I knew how to say.
Is that photo an insidiously clever The Man with the Golden Colt-reference (Scaramanga had 3 nipples)?