So the fellas over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are having a little debate, of sorts. What unappealing inanimate object is the best metaphor for women over the dreaded age of 30? You know, elderly women.
Someone calling himself mlpl2015 goes with an old favorite: spoiled milk.
As the old joke goes:
“The food there is terrible! And such small portions!”
Joblessguy10, mlpl2015’s main opponent in this makeshift debate, goes with a fairly shopworn metaphor himself, declaring that “older” women are like used cars, depreciating by the day. But he weirds it up with some graphic sexual details. And some racism.
I’ll get to the racism in a second, but my first question is: How exactly is joblessguy10 going to be paying for his brand-new Mercedes when he doesn’t have a job?
And on the metaphor itself: why is a car having sex with dudes (including the one it has stored inside of its own car body) instead of having sex with other cars, like normal cars do!
And just how bad does someone’s gonorrhea have to be that they are leaving visible stains on the upholstery? Have you guys accidentally mixed up “sex” with “David Cronenberg movies?”
Ok, the racism. Why are so many of these manosphere dudes so obsessed with the specter of hypersexualized black men with giant dicks having sex with “their” women? And then talking about this creepy fetishized fear online in a way that exposes their terror at their own perceived (or possibly quite real) sexual inadequacies?
Are fears of “race cuckolding’ really this widespread? Or is it just that the guys posting about “Tyrone” and his 13-inch cock on MGTOW message boards are the same guys who are yelling about “cuckservatives” on Twitter and The Daily Stormer?
I don’t know. I think I’m going to go watch an old David Cronenberg movie. Compared to these dudes, the man who’s been called “the King of Venereal Horror” has a subtle and healthy view of female sexuality.
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The persistent ideation of women as something to be purchased is revolting enough on its own.
Add in the squeamishness about sexual contact with a woman who is not a virgin, may have had children and the racist cuckoldry obsession and I become convinced that these men must be magazines ’cause they have issues. And nobody needs to subscribe.
I know there are gay men who are conflicted about their sexuality (Jack Donavon, g0ys, Log Cabineers) but these MRAs seem truly tormented by simultaneously being attracted to/repulsed by The Other. Curious thing is, not all straight men seem to have that problem, but it is an MRA article of faith that they do.
“Someone needs to call AAA and have that entire metaphor towed.”
Please don’t, I hear enough horror stories of the calls they get as it is (my mother works their phones). They do now tow motorcycles, yes, even the three wheeled ones, but I’m fairly sure metaphors lack the parts required for even a flatbed tow.
On topic-ish: yeah I’m not seeing 13″ going into a vagina comfortably. Up the rear entrance, sure, but as somebody else sorta mentioned 8″ seems to be about the limit for comfortable vaginal penetration. Of course, it really is in how you use it, so maybe 13″ would be better than their utter inability to grasp that vaginas are more than a warm hole for them to stick it in all willy nilly! I mean, any partner who gives a flying fuck about your pleasure is going to trump one who only cares about…whatever these guys actually care about. I’ve yet to actually figure that out. Pretty sure it’s selfish though, and the only way sexual acts where you only care about your own pleasure actually count as “good sex” is if you’re having said sex with yourself.
I’ve gotten way off topic, I guess some things never change!
Paradoxical Intention:
(I apologize in advance for being a little mean, but this whole bit really rubbed me the wrong way.)
First, just say penis… Saying “The D” makes you sound like one of those douchey highschool or frat boys “Hur hur she wants the D.” Ugh.
Second, I disagree. The arousal is a physical response to with no actual “intent” so suggesting it’s in preparation for or in “expectation of” anything specific is inaccurate and leaning towards “this is the ‘right’ way to have sex.”
Unrelated to that post, but it really doesn’t matter how long a sex toy is, It’s only going to fit to a certain point no matter what, the real question is diameter.
RosaDeLava-I know, right! it would be like having the entire length of a 30cm ruler (plus some) shoved inside. Do these guys know that the average penis length is actually about 5-6 inches and that having an 13 inch penis isn’t a good thing?
I really love being compared to a mindless object!!! /sarc Of course these guys would say that women are not being objectified. Well guys, comparing women to old second hand cars and old milk IS objectification! I find it sickening that women are routinely compared to objects (and never in a positive way) simply for being women+not being immortal. While it is perfectly ok for these guys to age (and 30 is NOT aged, far from it actually) it is not ok for women to age, even though there is no way anyone can avoid it. These guys are such hypocrites.
Alright, I was wrong.
As a stereotypically black name, Tyrone seems a little weirdly 1975. The only Tyrone I’ve ever met was white and Irish.
Re: the car analogy, the thing is, a car’s condition depends on how well its owner takes care of it, not on anything the car itself does. Cars need gas, regular oil changes, maintenance, cleaning, decent roads, and a temperate climate to run their best. They also need to be driven regularly. You can’t just stash a car unused in a garage for six months, then take it out without warming it up for a hard 100mph joyride over cobblestones, then stick it back in the garage again for another six months. And, like the relationships they’re so against, cars cost ongoing money to maintain, including insurance, inspection, and annual excise tax.
All of those requirements hold whether the car is brand new or pre-owned, whether a woman is young or old. You don’t put time and money into a car/relationship because it’s a great investment (although cohabiting can be very beneficial financially for both parties). You put time and money into a car/relationship because it will take you places you need to go. If you think a vehicle is too “used”, then don’t buy the damn thing, but also don’t walk into a Mercedes dealership brandishing two dented bottle caps you found on the street and get all fratchy when that doesn’t buy you a brand new S class model. SMV works both ways.
Wait, is he posting his wife on eBay or something? What is this “resale” fuckery?
The “Tyrone” thing is easy to explain. They obviously don’t know any actual black men, so they have no idea what names are common among African Americans.
Or… Tyrone is the name of the 1 “black friend” they always mention when they say anything racist. Since “those people” are all alike, they naturally just assume that all black men are named Tyrone. (Or maybe they think he’s personally cuckolding all of them?)
Vaginas are designed to accommodate babies, who have heads 13-14 inches around. The idea that any human penis is large enough to permanently stretch any human vagina out of shape is possibly flattering to some penis-owners, but unlikely.
If these guys get their virginal young wife, what are they going to do when she finally turns 30? She’ll be all old and gross, not to mention spoiled by having had sex. No way will the dealer at the used woman lot accept a favorable trade-in.
You all laugh know but when the cootie epidemic breaks out you will all be sorry.
For the article itself 13 inches is like the size of a macbook. If you had one that would cause bloodflow problems and probably couldnt even get erect.
Well, I suppose it would make sense that black guys would only be willing to put up with the blatant bigotry of these tools if they were interested in spending some quality time with these dude’s lady friends. So it wouldn’t be inconceivable that these “black friends” are also the ones cuckholding the ignorant white misogynists, because otherwise black men want nothing to do with the shitshow that these guys embody.
I think where this comes from is porn culture. There is an EXTREMELY widespread idea in the pornosphere (if I can coin a term…or if it hasn’t already been coined) of black men “cucking” (short for cuckolding) putzy white businessmen. It’s total blacksploitation because it hits race stereotypes on several levels:
1. the white man is a busy workaholic who fritters away his days earning money to “pay for” his stay-at-home-bombshell wife
2. this stay-at-home wife (and I’m not slamming moms who are homemakers. My mother was a homemaker and was extremely helpful in my education and formation as a conscientious adult, so respect where it’s due) is rather overtly disgusted and fed up with white boy hubby’s teeny weeny peeny
3. the black man is typically nameless and just shows up and lays in to the woman, effectively reducing the black man to nothing more than a turgid penis and some grunting, which is exactly where some of these goons want to place all black people (and really any person of color): a grunting, sex-crazed savage who needs to be shipped off to prison or back to [insert country of origin here].
4. invariably the black man has a penis that is well beyond normal size, and often it looks as if they have been pumped or similarly mechanically enhanced, which hits the “black men have bigger dicks so whites are all inferior and the women are going to abandon white men if we don’t do something about it” trope/meme.
5. the woman is typically extremely domineering (MGTOWs and MRAs would, I’m sure, call them either of two words starting with b: one rhymes with switch and the other is, of course, bundtcake! <3)
6. the white man is completely powerless to stop this scene that is unfolding. Never does the white guy call the police, punch the guy off of his wife, or put up more than the most half-hearted effort to stop it.
If I am correct in my assessment, then it's really interesting to think about this: these guys are formulating this idea about black men cuckolding their women from porn videos they are watching wherein they presumably find sexual arousal and climax from watching a black man take a white woman. Freud would have a field day with that analysis.
This conversation reminds me of a time back in the Usenet era when someone took one of those pyramid scam posts and replaced the constant references to dollars with “inches of penis”. The end result was both hilariously surreal and a perfect metaphor for how penis length really is considered a currency in certain male circles.
As the owner of a penis that falls some considerable distance short of thirteen inches, all I can say is that I’ve never had any complaints. And the last time I had sex with someone under 35 was way back in 1989 – once I tried one highly experienced sexual partner who truly knew what she was doing and could articulate precisely what she wanted in return, there wasn’t much incentive to go back.
Too true.
In my experience, there’s a strong correlation between people who are good at reading my body and making me feel good, and between people who know what works for them and what doesn’t (and will tell me if something doesn’t work for them.) This is why it’s always so odd for me to hear about PUAs obsessing over inexperienced people. Guys, do you not actually want good sex?
Like with penis length, however, the answer is that they don’t want good sex: they want to win the competition with other men. These are the yardsticks of masculinity, like a peacock tail; and just like a peacock’s tail, enlarging it to the point where it’s actively a hindrance makes them feel that they’ve won somehow.
Off topic but on the subject of toxic masculinity: I was reading about the Waffen-SS and came upon a lovely little passage about sexuality in that organisation.
Naturally, homosexuality within the Waffen-SS was illicit. Before 1941 soldiers found to be gay were dismissed; after the Soviet campaign began and manpower became in short supply, having a gay past was no longer punished but acts of homosexuality with other soldiers were punishable with death. However, this sentence would be annulled if the soldier’s comrades testified as to their courage in battle; not as a pragmatic measure to retain good soldiers, but under the assumption that anyone manly enough to be good at fighting could not possibly be gay, and therefore the charges must be false.
Oh, those wacky Nazis.
The SS had never heard of the Sacred Band of Thebes?
For some reason I always thought the “Tyrone” meme came from the Chappelle Show sketch “Mad Real World”, in which one white guy participates in a reality show where every other contestant is a black stereotype. I think the backstory to this sketch was Chappelle’s observation that reality shows often have a single black contestant who has to put up with constant casual racism and eventually appears to act irrationally when under extreme pressure.
The well meaning white guy in the sketch tries his best to get along with the other contestants, but the hostility gradually escalates. The biggest bully in the sketch is played by Charlie Murphy, who also has sex with the white guy’s girlfriend when she comes to visit. In my mind, Murphy’s character was called Tyrone. After having googled, I now know his name was really “Tyree”.
Tyrone is a completely different Chappelle character. :p
“How exactly is joblessguy10 going to be paying for his brand-new Mercedes when he doesn’t have a job?”
Easy, he is a welfare king, an expert @ milking the system and/or relatives.
“And on the metaphor itself: why is a car having sex with dudes (including the one it has stored inside of its own car body) instead of having sex with other cars, like normal cars do!”
Do you really want to know the answer to that? -D
Yah, that could make a great horror Movie plot, a perverted monsanto CEO tricks MGTOWs into taking a drug claiming it increase penis size but he infact infecting them with parasites that causes hideous body mutations.
The evil sex plot eventually fails miserably because the MGTOWs and PUAs don´t get anywhere as much as they claim they get (even with women over 30) while cars and blow dolls can´t get infected.
“Are fears of “race cuckolding’ really this widespread?”
Yes. if you read up on their widely held beliefs about women and hypergamy, it makes sense. It makes them feel better to believe whenever they see a white woman with a black man that she’s only after the BBC and will get hers in the end for not choosing a decent white guy when she’s abused and left with a bunch of kids. Its also a chance to air their racist views at the same time (note the 2 kids in the back, he’s hiding in the trunk comments) Which are often as strong as their misogynistic ones. A lot of these guys think of themselves as identifying with right wing traditionalists (who had the whole oppressing women thing right, of course) and there’s no shortage of racism over there .
But promisedlandpastor said it better than me. 🙂
“not as a pragmatic measure to retain good soldiers,”
Yes, the whacky notion that soliders that actually saw the soldier in combat actually know the f*** they are talking about and that the bureaucrat away from the fighting does not.
I just took a peek at the MGTOW thread under discussion, and thought I’d throw out this little gem from “BRBGTGBOWFLEX”:
I wonder how many of those “over 40 women” came back for a second helping? Something tells me that you probably won’t need a spreadsheet to keep count.
“BRBGTGBOWFLEX”? Someone’s sure not playing at hypermasculinity there.
And if he stopped using his spreadsheet at just “around 30” women, but still can estimate “over 40”, he’s not as hypermasculine as he wants his fellow morons to believe. I know any number of “swishy” gay guys who would look at that tally, and just sneer.
These MGTOW guys are funny, I don’t really know where to start with how far from reality they are. I reckon if I’m a car it’s s ’66 Ford, body works a bit shabby, part need replacing and a bit hard to come by but a wash and a polish and it looks OK presentable and it can still storm down the motorway when it needs to, mind you its not very economical by modern standards. Mrs Autosoma still loves a drive in it weather it’s the daily run or a spin on the highway. Maybe if they had cars or partners they’d think differently, top gear and pornhub aren’t substitutes.
Then when a woman mentions having a rich boyfriend, those guys go all “women are so shallow, they believe men are like ATMs or big cars…”