So the fellas over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are having a little debate, of sorts. What unappealing inanimate object is the best metaphor for women over the dreaded age of 30? You know, elderly women.
Someone calling himself mlpl2015 goes with an old favorite: spoiled milk.
As the old joke goes:
“The food there is terrible! And such small portions!”
Joblessguy10, mlpl2015’s main opponent in this makeshift debate, goes with a fairly shopworn metaphor himself, declaring that “older” women are like used cars, depreciating by the day. But he weirds it up with some graphic sexual details. And some racism.
I’ll get to the racism in a second, but my first question is: How exactly is joblessguy10 going to be paying for his brand-new Mercedes when he doesn’t have a job?
And on the metaphor itself: why is a car having sex with dudes (including the one it has stored inside of its own car body) instead of having sex with other cars, like normal cars do!
And just how bad does someone’s gonorrhea have to be that they are leaving visible stains on the upholstery? Have you guys accidentally mixed up “sex” with “David Cronenberg movies?”
Ok, the racism. Why are so many of these manosphere dudes so obsessed with the specter of hypersexualized black men with giant dicks having sex with “their” women? And then talking about this creepy fetishized fear online in a way that exposes their terror at their own perceived (or possibly quite real) sexual inadequacies?
Are fears of “race cuckolding’ really this widespread? Or is it just that the guys posting about “Tyrone” and his 13-inch cock on MGTOW message boards are the same guys who are yelling about “cuckservatives” on Twitter and The Daily Stormer?
I don’t know. I think I’m going to go watch an old David Cronenberg movie. Compared to these dudes, the man who’s been called “the King of Venereal Horror” has a subtle and healthy view of female sexuality.
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I guess I should mention that the 13″ penis guy is white.
Do you mean slightly larger than average, perchance?
Plus I imagine that years of getting their sex ed from porn probably doesn’t help. I guess they also missed the memo that the women in porn films are faking it.
Also, isn’t the white guy with the thirteen-inch dick the, er, owner of the world’s largest one on record?
And has anyone told these guys that women having jobs, money of their own, places of their own, and independence from their parents after the age of eighteen means that women aren’t, ya know, for sale? Or that, I dunno, women can contribute financially to the marriage and almost certainly will contribute more money to the marriage than any of the jobless-on-purpose MGTOWs? Do they understand that if anyone will get, er, “financially raped” (can’t put enough scare quotes around that) a divorce with a MGTOW by having to pay alimony and/or child support, it’ll be the woman because she’ll almost certainly be the one who makes more money?
Weighing in on the size debate for literally no reason, anal is a thing that exists and your rear is much more expansive than the average vagina and therefore able to take larger insertions.
This sounds a lot more creepy now I’ve typed it out.
@Some sort of username
Yeah, I was just about to say, any toy that’s over 10 inches in length was likely not made with a vagina in mind.
yes, switched my words. panda, yes, that’s the world record guy. Might be 14, I don’t remember.
Although honestly I suspect odds are good the real world record is some unknown guy living in a rural village in China or India.
That’s not what “record” means. If it wasn’t recorded for posterity, it’s not a record.
It’s certainly possible, even likely, that some “world records” aren’t really the biggest/smallest/fastest/mostest whatever, but if nobody knows about it or there’s no real proof, then it doesn’t count.
Uh, Tyrone *Power*?
@Some sort of username
I had forgotten about that, my bad.
But, if you or anyone can answer this, would something 13 inches long be considered “good” in this situation?
(1) Among men, the larger the penis the more status its owner gets (assuming the man owns the penis, not vice versa), and through the logic of projection they assume that women think the same. But I have often felt that if Katie offered every man the choice of having a 12-inch penis with the understanding that 90% of women wouldn’t be willing to fuck him, a lot of men would choose the huge dick anyway.
(2) I think a lot of women misunderstand the MGTOWpians. They have no intention of going their own way; what they want is a traditional relationship where the woman takes care of their house and their boner. But she shouldn’t ask for any emotional commitment from them, and she should earn her own money and not make demands of any kind on them, etc. etc. The underlying assumption is that women can’t be happy except in a relationship with a man, and therefore they can be blackmailed into being the perfect Stepford wife. “You’ll be a lonely old lady with cats, nyah, nyah, nyah.” They don’t seem to realize that the majority of women with male partners outlive those partners, so being an old lady with cats is the expected situation.
In other words, it’s a negotiation ploy where the MGTOWpians make the crucial mistake of failing to understand how little leverage they have — because they have completely mistaken views about women..
In the situation of anal? Depends on who you’re asking but I’m in the “bigger is better” camp myself. Thirteen inches is, actually, somewhat appealing. As for vaginal I can’t speak unfortunately, being trans sucks. The general consensus seems to be that thirteen is way too much to do anything good with though.
“Marrying a man in his 30s is like paying full price for a container of used q-tips. Most of the q-tips were used by various unknown individuals when the box was first opened. The kicker? They did not have to pay a cent for any of it.”
–said no one ever
If only these MGTOWs would truly go their own way and stop interacting with women completely. God, it’s so obvious why women won’t go near them.
We don’t misunderstand. When we ask why they’re not going their own way already, we’re being facetious in order to point out that they in fact are not going their own way and don’t plan to.
(2) I think a lot of women misunderstand the MGTOWpians. They have no intention of going their own way; what they want is a traditional relationship where the woman takes care of their house and their boner.
Okay, you’re just fucking with us now, right? Because we’ve been saying exactly that for… Years, at least. Over and over again in every friggin’ thread for much longer than I’ve been here.
We’re not stupid. “Ladybrainz” aren’t a thing.
Wow, I don’t even know how I fucked that one up. Take two.
Okay, you’re just fucking with us now, right? Because we’ve been saying exactly that for… Years, at least. Over and over again in every friggin’ thread for much longer than I’ve been here.
We’re not stupid. “Ladybrainz” aren’t a thing.
Oh I want to weigh in with a medical ish perpective. Men over 10 inches have a very high rate of erectile disfunction. And due to the size it can be very painful for them to have vaginal intercourse, since that is long enough to damage the females body. So it’s actually pretty bad to be much bigger then average.
Also many of these arguments seem to say oh its because women get more lose over time and so need more to feel something, but this is galse, I mean women give birth and still feel pleasure from sex, and a baby is going to stretch someone far more then anything you have. The truth of the matter is your sexual organs are pretty elastic, and should return to their normal size after sex.
So there is a sort of medical explication for it. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific, I’m on break and don’t want to be looking up specific term/sources (because there are a fair number of related muscles and stuff. :p )
@Some sort of username
I’ll keep that in mind. Do you think the three-foot sex toy is appealing as well?
As a person with a vagina, I can only imagine that having intercourse with someone who had a penis this long wouldn’t be particularly fun. Vaginas are, I think, about 4-6 inches.
I honestly believe that dudes are far more interested in the size of a dick than women are. I suspect that the size competition is just another pissing contest between men, like most things. After all, women aren’t the competition in the gender war, they’re the ball.
I like the way you’ve summed it up. (Especially the old lady with cats part.)
We’ve talked about this issue here before, but the MGTOWs keep saying that they’re going their own way. So until they get a new name–maybe We Hate Everyone Who Isn’t Us–we need to keep talking about how they don’t go their own way.
Weighing in: I, uh, know someone whose SO’s member is a hair under 8 inches long and girthy.
It can cause issues.
So they went to the women store and it was out of women in their preferred age range?
That does sound like an insurmountable problem.
Buttercup Q. Skullpants said, at 12.23pm:
Which is an interesting observation. Since it leads me to thinking about the intersection of toxic masculinity and the demands of same for masculine hyper-sexuality (in the sense of “men are always supposed to be thinking about sex” and similar such requirements). Since so many of the more vocal MGTOW seem to subscribe to the most toxic version of masculinity conceivable, and then spend a lot of time defending their choice of this particular brand of masculinity, it makes sense they’re also talking an awful lot about sex (in much the same way that twelve and thirteen year old boys do – it’s a lovely idea in theory, and there’s lots of sniggering involved at the “transgressive” nature of the discussion). But the repeated themes of “sour grapes” and “hyper-pickiness” are a way of disguising either a lack of enthusiasm for the subject matter, or a complete lack of interest.
Unfortunately for them, if they’re actually honest enough to admit to being either asexual, or demisexual, they suffer a critical hit to the Masculinity (due to not being hyper-sexual enough to fit the model). So their real problem is that they’re trying to both “go their own way” and stay in the same place simultaneously. Oddly enough, this doesn’t really work out.
(Incidentally, I’m pretty sure there’s at least some MGTOW who have actually gone their own way, and have decided to discontinue their subscription to this particular variety of masculinity. Unfortunately, we don’t hear from them because they also tend to be calm enough about it that they don’t feel the need to constantly defend their choices on the internet. Pity. They’d probably be the ones most worth talking and listening to.)
13″ cock? What the– what kind of bad “erotic” fanfiction are they talking about here?
And yes, I should (sort of) know; I’ve read lots of bad fanfiction where some dude has a penis that’s like… a foot long or some change. Last one I read had a Gary Stu that had one that was ten inches long and four inches in diameter. Yes, it said that in the darn fic. (I’ll spare you all the details of said fic, because reading it made we want to toss the writer into a sex ed. class.)
…and yes, I’ve read way too much fanfiction in my time.
But seriously, what is it with these dudes comparing women to cars and thinking that every black dude is named “Tyrone” or some other name like that? That truly baffles me.