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MGTOW debate: Are older women spoiled milk, or gonorrhea-stained used cars?

This kitty just drank a woman over the age of 30
This kitty just drank a woman over the age of 30

So the fellas over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are having a little debate, of sorts. What unappealing inanimate object is the best metaphor for women over the dreaded age of 30? You know, elderly women.

Someone calling himself mlpl2015 goes with an old favorite: spoiled milk.

TheoryMGTOW Showerthought: "Marrying a woman in her 30s is like paying full price for a near empty bottle of rotting milk. The rest of the milk was consumed by various unknown individuals when the milk was fresh. The kicker? They did not have to pay a cent for any of it."As the old joke goes:

“The food there is terrible! And such small portions!”

Joblessguy10, mlpl2015’s main opponent in this makeshift debate, goes with a fairly shopworn metaphor himself, declaring that “older” women are like used cars, depreciating by the day. But he weirds it up with some graphic sexual details. And some racism.

joblessguy10 24 points 2 days ago Or, to compare women as objects, buying a 2005 model year Mercedes Benz S Class with wear and tear, gonnorhea stains in the back, and cum on the steering wheel, and 150K miles for the price of a fresh off the line 2016 Mercedes Benz S Class with 0 miles and 0 wear and tear. Also, Mercedes--both the car and the woman--has a low resale value and suffer depreciation. A woman will get fucked and cummed in, gets old, and comes to you. One day, in bed, she'll crave Tyrone's 13" cock. Would you allow yourself to pay even half price for a woman that's 30 and had a blast in her past? One of the reasons why I go MGTOW is because if the woman isn't attractive and fresh/very low mileage, there is no point paying for such a woman anyway. What does she have to offer you? And even if you get such am attractive woman, she's going to control your life, cheat on you, and then financially rape you. By the way, a woman doesn't have to be attractive to treat you like shit. Average looking and even fat women think they're worth full price. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]AmlanceJockey 19 points 2 days ago Also, there are two kids in the back. permalinksaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]cagethepepper 13 points 1 day ago Tyrone is in the trunk.

I’ll get to the racism in a second, but my first question is: How exactly is joblessguy10 going to be paying for his brand-new Mercedes when he doesn’t have a job?

And on the metaphor itself: why is a car having sex with dudes (including the one it has stored inside of its own car body) instead of having sex with other cars, like normal cars do!

And just how bad does someone’s gonorrhea have to be that they are leaving visible stains on the upholstery? Have you guys accidentally mixed up “sex” with “David Cronenberg movies?”

Ok, the racism. Why are so many of these manosphere dudes so obsessed with the specter of hypersexualized black men with giant dicks having sex with “their” women? And then talking about this creepy fetishized fear online in a way that exposes their terror at their own perceived (or possibly quite real) sexual inadequacies?

Are fears of “race cuckolding’ really this widespread? Or is it just that the guys posting about “Tyrone” and his 13-inch cock on MGTOW message boards are the same guys who are yelling about “cuckservatives” on Twitter and The Daily Stormer?

I don’t know. I think I’m going to go watch an old David Cronenberg movie. Compared to these dudes, the man who’s been called “the King of Venereal Horror” has a subtle and healthy view of female sexuality.

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9 years ago

Sorry, everyone. I used a terrible word (in quotation marks because it was something someone said) without thiking that it could upset people because it’s not something I said. It went, understandably, to moderation. If it’s bad, I can revise my message removing it.

9 years ago

They remind me of kids who have just learned curse words and are trying them out to get a reaction from the adults.

9 years ago

Backlash holds up quite well. In fact, it makes GamerGate and a couple other shit storms make perfect sense.

9 years ago

@Juliette it’s been addressed already but neither of those are actual things which are new or on the increase, despite what the manosphere tries to convince itself and others of 😉

9 years ago

I get a perverse pleasure reading garbage like that from a bunch of rejected men that can’t even get a date, let alone get laid or get married. Who in the world would take advice from them?

They can tell themselves whatever they want to make themselves feel better, but the truth is far different. I know many women getting married for the first time in their 30’s and 40’s, and many others getting remarried in their 40-60s, which is far more action than any MGTOW is getting!

9 years ago


I may revisit Backlash because I’m genuinely curious what it will read like now. I’ll put on Concrete Blonde’s Bloodletting and dig up a copy.

9 years ago

Isn’t it more logical to get a woman who’s a year older with low mileage in like-new condition for 20% less?

…I may be doing this metaphor wrong.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

What? No references to Christmas cake?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ellesar | September 26, 2015 at 11:55 am
That post just makes me think of the man I had a very brief youtube ‘conversation’ with who said that he would totes fuck a 12yo girl ‘if she looked older and knew what she was doing’ because her vagina would be tight.

Okay, I agree with the rest of your post, but I want to address this “tight vagina” bullshit that this individual spouted.

As someone who is in possession of a vagina, allow me to just say this: “If it’s tight, you suck at foreplay”.

When a vagina is aroused, it expands in expectation of getting a D (Yes, even if you are having sex with another vagina owner). It also gets extremely wet, to create a natural lube. If it’s still tight when a D is put in, the owner of that D didn’t do a good enough job of arousing the person with the V.

Granted, some vagina owners do Kegel exercises to tone the muscles down near their Nether Portals to improve their D Grip, but I wouldn’t say that’s a large percentage.

As if we needed more proof that we need better sex education in schools, or that gross-ass men who go chasing 12-year-old girls need a fucking schooling in how vaginas work (preferably in prison, where they belong).

bananananana dakry
bananananana dakry
9 years ago

I just got married (for the first time) over a year ago at 42. So I guess I have the schadenfreude of mentally holding it over these algae scrapings of humanity.

And *13 inches*?! I don’t know what weird porno-fueled work they live in but my knees just clamped together. Like, forever, because my bits just started chanting ‘nope nope nope nope’ with all the fury and fervor of a religious revival.

bananananana dakry
bananananana dakry
9 years ago

I meant ‘world’, not ‘work’, but then again they kind of live in one of their own devising. So I guess autocorrect wasn’t being a *complete* asshole.

9 years ago

For men going their own way, they are constantly spinning their wheels talking about women. I think we can all rest easy with the assurance that these guys will likely never have any substantive, loving relationships and therefore really miss out on one of the joys of life.

9 years ago

gonorrea stains in the back

But gonorrea is a microorganism, it would not be visible as stains (especially since it cannot survive well outside of the human body and wouldn’t spread like a mold).

Maybe he means there are some of these plushies in the back?

They’re not stains, dude. You can just take them out, y’ know.

9 years ago

Oh I love that Plushy!!

9 years ago

As someone who is in possession of a vagina, allow me to just say this: “If it’s tight, you suck at foreplay”…. If it’s still tight when a D is put in, the owner of that D didn’t do a good enough job of arousing the person with the V.

This strikes me as unnecessarily moralistic. Both men and women have personal preferences in tightness of lubrication. There’s no objective “sufficient amount” of foreplay, just the right amount for each couple.

9 years ago

Also, I thought that MGTOWs were called that because they wanted to avoid having relationships with all women, period. Why would ‘older women’ be singled out as specifically terrible when your philosophy is that all women should be avoided?

9 years ago

But gonorrea is a microorganism, it would not be visible as stains

Gonorrhea can cause a green or yellow discharge, so I suppose it might be possible to cause a “gonorrhea stain” by riding around in your car with no underwear and a severe untreated case. I have no idea whether that would be difficult to remove.

9 years ago


MGTOWs don’t generally believe that avoiding women is inherently correct. They say that in our time, in our culture, avoiding women is the best option. Often, one of the reasons they say they don’t look for dates is that the available women are too old.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

13 inch penis would be like, “I hope I’ll never get an erection while wearing pants”.

9 years ago

I love how women depreciate after being with men. Speaking of femras, judgybitch has written an article called “5 things women do better than men”.

9 years ago

Over-30 woman’s out-of-shower thought:

MGTOW opinions on women of any age: Moronic, irrelevant, inane, or the cries for help of a man no woman would want anyway?

9 years ago


there is a real guy with a 13 inch penis. He was recently stopped and searched by TSA ’cause they thought he was smuggling.

9 years ago

Is there any person who actually wants something 13 inches long inside their bodies? That just sounds painful!

Not I. According to the instruction leaflet that came with my DivaCup, the average vagina is 3-4 inches long (I’m assuming in its unaroused state; aroused, it’s slightly longer and wider than usual.) Sounds about right to me. And I know that the average penis is 4-6 inches, fully erect. According to my calculations, that means the average vagina and the average penis should fit each other fairly comfortably. Can’t for the life of me figure out where this “Tyrone” guy fits in.

9 years ago

I gotta wonder why certain men keep spreading the myth that bigger is better, that women like double digit inches when it comes to dicks. If they actually asked and listened to pretty much any woman, they’d know that that’s not the case. Since most men are average size, wouldn’t those weirdos be happy that we like average sized schlongs? What’s the dealio?

9 years ago

@sunny, uninformed extrapolation, most likely. Most women who express any preference will say they prefer larger-than-average to smaller-than-average. These guys missed the memo that most of those women prefer *slightly* smaller than average.