So the fellas over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit are having a little debate, of sorts. What unappealing inanimate object is the best metaphor for women over the dreaded age of 30? You know, elderly women.
Someone calling himself mlpl2015 goes with an old favorite: spoiled milk.
As the old joke goes:
“The food there is terrible! And such small portions!”
Joblessguy10, mlpl2015’s main opponent in this makeshift debate, goes with a fairly shopworn metaphor himself, declaring that “older” women are like used cars, depreciating by the day. But he weirds it up with some graphic sexual details. And some racism.
I’ll get to the racism in a second, but my first question is: How exactly is joblessguy10 going to be paying for his brand-new Mercedes when he doesn’t have a job?
And on the metaphor itself: why is a car having sex with dudes (including the one it has stored inside of its own car body) instead of having sex with other cars, like normal cars do!
And just how bad does someone’s gonorrhea have to be that they are leaving visible stains on the upholstery? Have you guys accidentally mixed up “sex” with “David Cronenberg movies?”
Ok, the racism. Why are so many of these manosphere dudes so obsessed with the specter of hypersexualized black men with giant dicks having sex with “their” women? And then talking about this creepy fetishized fear online in a way that exposes their terror at their own perceived (or possibly quite real) sexual inadequacies?
Are fears of “race cuckolding’ really this widespread? Or is it just that the guys posting about “Tyrone” and his 13-inch cock on MGTOW message boards are the same guys who are yelling about “cuckservatives” on Twitter and The Daily Stormer?
I don’t know. I think I’m going to go watch an old David Cronenberg movie. Compared to these dudes, the man who’s been called “the King of Venereal Horror” has a subtle and healthy view of female sexuality.
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Downfall is a brilliant film, and it absolutely blows a lot of neo-Nazi apologetics out of the water, but I wouldn’t say that it makes Hitler sympathetic. About the only senior Nazis who are treated sympathetically are Mohnke and Schenk, both of whom were thoroughly evil people in real life, but since neither were important enough figures that anyone except historians had heard of them until they saw the movie, it sort of gets away with it.
(Heinrich Himmler is presented as a deadpan snarker, which is downright odd but somehow works quite well.)
Definitely see it.
Re Lolita: I have several friends who are far better feminists than I am, whose degrees are in literature, and who have defended Lolita as being one of the most beautiful and evocative uses of language within the western literary canon. The subject matter is, however, deeply problematic.
I haven’t read it. I was going to, but then I got recommended it by a girl I met at a party on the grounds of how great the vintage fashions in it are, and that put me off it entirely. Liking it for that reason misses the point by an amount only measurable by astronomers.
“one of the most beautiful and evocative uses of language within the western literary canon”
I’m not well read enough to judge whether it’s one of the most etc, but it’s certain got beautiful and evocative writing well covered. Problem I’m having is dealing with that applied to young girls through the eyes of a pedophile. It’s language a grown ass woman would likely love to hear from her partner, poetically so, but applied to children.
And yeah, Downfall is on my endless list.
@ej I hope the three peaks hike went well–several years ago my officemates decided to do it and I went along, figuring why not; I made it maybe 1/4 the way up pen-y-ghent and then said fuckit and went for breakfast. So I hope your trip went better.
The key thing to get about Lolita is that it is very much the archetype for the concept of the Unreliable Narrator. At points in the text, even HH admits that he’s spinning and obfuscating to make himself look better and diminish the wrongness of what he’s doing. If you trust HH’s version of events, you’re reading it wrong (and it doesn’t surprise me that there’s a lot of internet denizens who do just that–I’d be inclined to say that such a reading should automatically qualify the reader as an MRA).
Here’s one way of dealing with people like HH.
Interesting from a legal perspective as it’s a case utilising the new “loss of control” defence to murder.
Hopefully, those that can’t deal with life unless every thought and action is regimented in a
society-approved way that read here has learned a few things in this thread, because a lot of good advice was given. Seriously people, rules are made by those that benefit by them. And TPTB in the corporate world and academia know that. It’s all set up to keep people on the hamster wheel of success. Even the people I know in life that have ticked off most of the boxes and on schedule on the way-its-supposed-to-be-done list fall short in some areas. Life is sometimes messy. For everyone. Relax.
I read Lolita about 5 years ago and had a hard time finishing it, but I did, and I won’t be going back for a re-read. I just don’t have the stomach for it. HH’s justifications of what he does made my skin crawl in the same way the reject MRA’s justifications do. I’m pretty much of the opinion now that they all are part of one big circle-jerk of arrested development.
I’m going to go out on a real long limb here and say that all the creeps on the “no hymen no diamond” FB page aren’t anyone that any woman would want.
What’s up with these men talking about “paying” for women? They must live in a country where slavery is still in full effect and women are on sale. Certainly not the U.S. or any other western or democratic country.
And yes, they are terrified of the mystical Black Mandingo with “their women”. That’s why they talk about “Tyrones” with big penises all the dang time.
II was at work but I thought I’d say one last thing.
Funny thing? I didn’t base my statements on “sweeping assumptions and generalizations” but rather a long track record of observation (in terms of examples that definitely run into the hundreds). And in almost all cases when someone tried coloring outside the lines life smacked them down *hard* (I’m talking “They’re not getting up” hard). Where as the “white male priveledge” (which is ironic, considering the men I know who went down this path the best weren’t white, nor for that matter were all of them men) path that was mocked?
Well, you had to try to fail at that path to fail (literally, except for me, no one failed without heavy self-destructive choices). Heck, I was actually shocked at the idea that you couldn’t go on this path and actually raise your kids because I could give you fifty examples who are doing it now (albeit, with a fair helping of total chaos involved…but that appears the case with children in any case). Its not about societal expectation but rather minimizing risk. Admittedly, this may be different in countries that aren’t America (because, thanks to having an actual safety net, the risk is not born entirely by the individual there), but in America if you take the chance and fail? You. Are. Screwed.
I’m not insulting anyone who hasn’t achieved a particular path, hell, I haven’t myself, but I am (and will continue to) acknowledging that many paths in my life are closed, those that remain are much less attractive than the lives of *any* of my contemporaries and even the successes will be that much less. You can complain about societal pressure or what not, but the percentages of life are what they are. And in America, if you go down, you ain’t getting back up.
“Are older women spoiled milk, or gonorrhea-stained used cars?”
We’re your mothers, aunties, and grandmothers… and we’re about ready to drop kick your arses into next week. We didn’t raise you in a barn.