A week or so ago, YouTuber Kevin Logan, known for some pretty hilarious takedowns of some of the manosphere’s, er, leading lights, put up the first installment of what was intended to be a 2 1/2 hour long “review” of Jordan Owen’s The Sarkeesian Effect that consisted basically of him making snotty remarks as he watched the terrible, terrible film.
Owen sent a DMCA takedown notice, claiming (and I suppose he was right) that Logan’s video showed a lot more of his movie than “fair use” would allow. Like pretty much the entire first 25 minutes of it. So it was removed from YouTube.
Logan has returned with a couple of new videos that solve that whole “fair use” problem in a novel way.
Instead of talking over Owen’s film, he has instead chosen to do a sort of parodic re-enactment of it, which alternates clips from the film (or at least the footage that Owen “borrowed” for the film and that he doesn’t actually have rights to) with droning fake narration, weird “puppet” shows, and some distinctly unprofessional vocal versions of Owen’s music for the film.
“Davis Aurini” makes intermittent appearances, in the form of an egg with a face drawn on it.
As one of the few people who’s actually seen Owen’s terrible film, I have to say that Logan’s parody is pretty much spot on, and is about a hundred times more entertaining to watch than the plodding original.
Then again, he’s only made it through about a quarter of the film so far.
Without further ado, the first two installments of What Can Only Be Called Kevin Logan’s The Sarkeesian Effect.
It’s crude and deliberately stupid but I enjoyed it.
This is a vast improvement on the original.
I feel bad…I never actually knew Anita was Canadian *hangs head in shame*
The title will throw a spanner in the “real” so called film’s search results, which is a cheerful thought.
I don’t know what editing software is being used, but shadowing/highlighting the text would make it easier to read in places.
Nice description of Jim Goad, lol.
Tried watching this in my school library before realizing I probably couldn’t stifle my laughs throughout the whole thing. It got way too hard during the animated sequence.
I discovered this a few days ago, it’s hilarious. I’ve been binge watching Logan’s videos ever since.
Though I must warn anyone who checks him out, he hasn’t had the memo about not using ableist or gendered slurs. But his take downs are spot on in spite of that.
I wasn’t aware there’s an IMDb page:
3.3 rating but needs more reviews.
3.3 out of 10, mind.
Brb, off to go binge watch this guy’s videos
Apparently it’s for Aurini’s version of the movie, not Owens’! That page labels Aurini as the director. XD
Kurt Logan, not Kevin Logan.
Shalimar, I don’t know if you’re joking or not. It’s Kevin Logan. The “Kurt Logan” thing is a reference to a recent video by Matt Forney in which Forney referred repeatedly to him as Kurt, showing how carefully researched (not) Forney’s attack on Logan really was.
@sn0rkmaiden eh, it’s expected. I don’t mind people using a few soft slurs here and there as general insults as long as they aren’t directing them at me because I’m disabled or queer and stuff. I mean, youtube is not a safe space or anything. You can’t expect people to be polite all the time.
Shouldn’t Davis be played by a white egg?
I loved the swipes he took at at Karen Straughan in Part 2. Also, his rendition of the TSE theme song was awesome. 😀
oh my god this is the most marvellous thing I’ve ever seen
brb recommending it to EVERYONE
It would seem Kevin is touching some nerves, Jordan’s latest video is focussed on him. At least he got his first name right.
@Paradoxical Intention
I missed Aurini listed as directer. Must hurt.
I usually have more sympathy for Owen, but I just got hold of a *ahem* very inexpensive copy *koff TPB koff*. Am 3 and a half minutes in, and oh dear.
Starts very choppily. From 2:00 to 2:30 ish, actually feels like a real doc. And the into animation isn’t bad. But talk about overblown narration:
“The video game industry bowing down to a bully like none before”.
Wow, really? Lolwut
Well, this could be considered accurate if taken to mean he’s talking about the few companies and websites bowing down to #GamerGate.
Matt Forney got Kevins name wrong on purpose because he thinks it makes Kevin angry. Its from a few months ago when Davis Aurini got kevins name wrong and called him Kurt Logan in a video and Kevin posted comments on the comment board acting as if he was angry at Aurini for getting his name wrong. It looked like Kevin was just joking around but Davis and Matt took him seriously hence why Matt Forney is now calling him Kurt out of spite.
“I deliberately called him “Kurt Logan” because he flies into a spazzy, Chris-chan-esque rage whenever people get his name wrong.”
matt forney from the comment board of his recent video
I’ve been enjoying Kevin’s Descent of Man-osphere series too!
I love Kevin but he is more anti manspherian rather than a feminist so keep that in mind while watching his videos.
I can’t get enough of that a cappella TSE theme tune. And that Thunderf00t impersonation is uncanny. Looking forward to the next installments! 😀
Nene.. Nene.. Nene.. Nene! Meep, meep, meep, meep, neeneeeneeneenee.. Nene.. Nene.. Nene!
I can’t remember the last time I’ve laughed this hard.
Have I mentioned that I’m a scientist?
Well, we’re all laughing. But we also all know that we’ll have to watch Jordan’s film at some point, like we all had to fucking drag ourselves through Expelled.
Still: Nene.. Nene.. Nene.. Nene! Meep, meep, meep, meep, neeneeeneeneenee
Part 3 better have more skulls.
Guys. Guys.
Witness the culminating moment of GamerGate.