antifeminism Dean Esmay men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny MRA racism

White dude tells black trans queer woman she’s a “disgusting racist sexist bigot who has every advantage in life over me”

Dean Esmay: The white voice of black America?
Dean Esmay: The white voice of black America?

I don’t really intend to write about former A Voice for Men number two Dean Esmay as often as I do. But every time I so much as glance at his Twitter timeline, I find something so noxious and ridiculous it makes my head hurt. In other words, here we go again.

Yesterday Raquel Willis, who describes herself in her Twitter bio as a “black trans queer feminist media maven,” Tweeted pictures of Alice Walker and bell hooks alongside a comment criticizing those who think “black feminism/#womanism is just a way to keep the black man down.”

Mr. Esmay, a big ol’ white dude, saw her Tweet, and decided that he needed to put her straight on a few things. It wasn’t pretty.


Yep, apparently Mr. Esmay has decided that he’s the voice of black America, or at least of America’s black men, and that for some reason it’s appropriate for him to call a black woman a “girl.”

Does Mr. Esmay have any reason to assume that Ms. Willis is especially privileged? He does not. He appears to know precisely nothing about her except her gender and her race.

The conversation continued, with Esmay quickly reduced to sputtering rage, spewing forth an assortment of his favorite epithets.


He followed up with this, er, observation.

Intersectionality, you’re doing it wrong.

But that’s not surprising. A lot of MRAs — and antifeminists generally — seize on the concept of intersectionality as a way, perversely, to avoid having to account for their privileges, deciding that any disadvantages or hardships they’ve ever faced automatically trump those of the genuinely less-privileged folks they so often find themselves arguing with.

Yes, Dean, you have a working class background. You have apparently faced hardships in your life. You are clearly not the most privileged white dude to ever be a white dude. But, as Willis notes, this doesn’t mean you don’t have privileges as a cis white person and. yes, as a man.

And it certainly doesn’t make you an expert on the lives of black people, even if you do co-host a regular YouTube “radio” show with a black man. Having a black friend does not give you the right to whitesplain black women about racial issues. His blackness has not rubbed off on you.

Naturally, MRAs like Esmay tend to think that their off-brand version of intersectionality-as-trump-card only applies to them. While Esmay often brings up the abuse he says he suffered as a child, and sometimes acts as though anyone who disagrees with him is thereby attacking all men who’ve suffered abuse, he regularly dismisses the abuse others have faced as irrelevant to their arguments.

Hell, he did this earlier today, in one of his many Tweets to the imaginary feminists living in his head:

After his encounter with Willis yesterday, Esmay decided that he hadn’t said enough on the subject of privilege, and why white dudes like him should feel free to hurl abuse at black people they disagree with.

In a TwitLonger post titled Tips for addressing racist black people, especially of the #SocJus crowd, he wrote

I see so many white people and others getting flipped out because some black skinned person called them a racist or even called them privileged. Defensive whites (and their friends) seem to think arguing over this or that concept of “privilege,” or this or that thing with the ancestors and all that stuff you weren’t even here for is the way to go. It almost never is.

There’s a much easier way that almost always gets the abusive bully off of you. Just ask them who appointed them to speak for Black People.

Because nobody did. I mean, you know, they just didn’t. Or if they did, ask to see the election results.

That’s it. “You, sir or madam, are an idiot, and do not represent black people.”

Well, this last bit is true, up to a point. Willis no more speaks for all black people than Esmay speaks for all white people. But to jump from this fact to the conclusion that any random opinion Esmay has about the black community carries the same weight as hers is absurd.

Of course, Esmay isn’t interested in having a respectful debate; he’s looking for an excuse that will allow him to go around calling black women “racist bigots” because they point out his privilege as a white man.

Indeed, Esmay goes directly from the “you … do not represent black people” bit to this:

And by the way, feel free to call them an idiot. In fact, here are some other things you can call a black racist: asshole, fuckface, shithead, bigot, bitch, cunt, lowlife, piece of shit. You can call anyone you want of any race those things and it’s not racist. (Unless you only call them that I guess.)

Dean apparently thinks he’s invented the concept of white people calling black people names.

You know what most of these race-baiting racist people are really? Spoiled middle class brats who most of Black America can’t fucking stand anyway. If you notice they happen to be middle class, go out of your way to point that one out, because almost all these puffed up “You got white privilege!” fuckstains are privileged middle class brats who’ve never even had a real job. Fuck them. They aren’t worth your time.

Esmay’s final sentence is especially revealing:

And frankly, you might pick up a black friend or two along the way who was wondering when you were going to figure this shit out.

Ah, the proverbial “black friend.”

Because in a lot of ways that’s what this seems to be all about. Esmay has a black friend, and apparently thinks this makes him an expert on all things black.

Is there a term for this? “Black Friend Syndrome,” or something a bit more creative? There must be. But I don’t know what it is, because I’m a big ol’ white dude.

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9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
“Voice for Men number two” is a good way to describe this guy. Emphasis on “number two.” He’s a sorry piece of shit.

Some sort of username
Some sort of username
9 years ago

I will never not be amused by MRAs attempting to use “Social Justice” terms and failing immensely at it. It’s pretty clear Dean doesn’t ACTUALLY know what privilege is.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

@Dodom ShitRedditSays covers bigoted posts on mainstream subreddits. Anything on a Manosphere site counts as “low hanging fruit.”

9 years ago

@Nerd: Alright then, thank you for the precision.

9 years ago

Wow. He’s gotten so vile an Illinois Nazi would be disgusted.

9 years ago

It seems, from Esmay, that he has met, at some point in his life, a black man who agreed with his repugnant views about women. Having met and had a friend-ish conversation with this black man, he considers himself to have met all black men, and they are all equally friend-ish – “Black Men” clearly being equally as homogeneous of a group as “Women”. Because people who are individuals with individual opinions, each worthy of consideration, are white men. Others are neatly slotted into groups, one of which may occasionally be given a voice. But mostly only if they agree with Esmay.

Please correct me if I’m wrong. 🙂

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Wow. He talks about her being abusive in this conversation were the worst she does is be sarcastic. Meanwhile he calls her a bitch and repeatedly condescendingly calls her a “girl.” He really doesn’t have any self awareness does he?

Rishi N
Rishi N
9 years ago

Mr.Esmay really needs to grow up and stop being a jerk to strangers.

9 years ago

I’m not sure that he doesn’t get intersection… no, I’m sure he doesn’t get intersectionality, but I’m not sure that’s the main issue.

I think he’s trying to do it exactly backwards, where whiteness and maleness and, I assume, cisness are all things that are oppressed. It’s not that Esmay thinks that his class background trumps everything Willis has to deal with, it’s that he’s convinced himself that she’s the straight, white, cis dude, and he’s the black, queer, trans woman.
So, to him, a black man would be privileged as black, but not as a man, I guess?

That’s as much sense as I can make of it, but I’m way too tired for this.

9 years ago

And he’s implying that he made his black friend(s?) precisely BECAUSE he spouted hateful shit at some other black people (presumably women)?
that seems unlikely, to say the least.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Well, if his friend is an enormous misogynist, it’s possible that they’d be willing to overlook the equally enormous racism. See: Milo Y and Breitbart/#GG, Roosh and the white supremacists, any number of black/female Republican politicians and the Republican voter base.

9 years ago

The whole “I have a black friend so I can speak from experience” thing is actually just an extension of the “in my experience…” argument.

“In my limited, small world, own back-yard experience, this is what I have observed…so it must be the truth, and it therefore must be true of all similar situations, and there couldn’t possibly be any extenuating circumstances that have brought this scenario about…it’s just what I observe, and because I observed it, it is right, and no further discussion is needed”.

So how can we satisfactorily encapsulate that simple thought process into one package? How about the acronym of ME (My Experience) argument.

Oh here we go again with one of your ME arguments! It’s all about ME!

Ah yes the dreaded ME rears it’s ugly head again.

Just a thought…and I kind of like the irony…

Halo Jones
9 years ago

I’m struggling to understand just what it is that Dean Esmay actually DOES all day. I mean does his life solely consist of being bizarrely obnoxious (obnoxiously bizarre? I dunno) to strangers on Twitter 24/7?

Not exactly blue-collared, manly work, is it?

Halo Jones
9 years ago

Oh, so he does the same thing on YouTube as well? My bad. Way to go Deano, you well-rounded individual, you :/

9 years ago

I think Dean Esmay is working his way towards intersectionality in his theoretical world where women are the most powerful beings and men are victims.

I don’t believe the argument that women are inherently privalidged.

9 years ago

What “abuse” did she commit exactly? Just finding him toxic? Because if that’s it, I’m abusive now too.

Wow. He talks about her being abusive in this conversation were the worst she does is be sarcastic. Meanwhile he calls her a bitch and repeatedly condescendingly calls her a “girl.” He really doesn’t have any self awareness does he?

It’s just like the MRA (and MRA-adjacent) dudes who had a meltdown over this tweet:

They were livid that Google was consulting with these people about stopping online abuse, because, apparently, a bunch of people in that group are themselves abusers.

As evidence for this, they cite the Zoepost (an unreliable, slanderous hit piece), the fact that Randi Lee Harper has given some sharp replies to people harassing her online, and the fact that Rose Eveleth posted a critique of that guy who wore a space-babe shirt on international TV (and she is therefore apparently responsible for the entirety of #shirtgate).

They have a mind-bogglingly broad definition of abuse, but only when it applies to them. Anita Sarkeesian got driven out of her house by death threats? Drama, thin skin, freeze peach lol. Rose Eveleth publicly disapproves of someone’s shirt? Internet mob! Harassment! Abuse! She weighs the same as a duck!

It’s not even a matter of not dishing it out if you can’t take it. It’s like they want to be able to toss around verbal hand grenades, but start screaming if someone lobs a water balloon back at them.

9 years ago

‘endless #feminist abuse of black men.’

Come again????

I mean, I know certain areas of feminism can be rightly accused of marginalizing/ignoring PoC, and many white feminists fail to acknowledge their own privilege, but does that really translate into racism being the fault of feminism? And specifically racism towards black men?

Last time I checked the only black man Esmay and his ilk were interested in defending was Bill Cosby.

9 years ago

“Because nobody did. I mean, you know, they just didn’t. Or if they did, ask to see the election results.”—-GENUIS!!! 😉

I think the Dean Esmays and Paul Elams of the world are ultimately just rage/crisis-aholics. They go looking for stuff to rage at, the stuff that they feel they have an excuse to yell and scream at. Drama drama drama.

9 years ago

“I mean, you know, they just didn’t”—that’s the most articulate part. 😉

9 years ago

I guess he will never be self aware enough to realise that he is the one creating the problems, and that they are not caused by the people you resent.

I have a similar issue with a former colleague, who is absolutely convinced that he was fired because he was “working class”, and that this was all a massive conspiracy against him because of his political views.

You can probably glean from that glimpse of his personality how accurate the charge is.

9 years ago

He attacks her personally, without knowing her personally (I assume), and yet clings to idea that she tried to speak for all black people. I guess stating your opinion, which does not agree with his is somehow code for ‘I speak for all black people when I say I disagree with you’. And how is Esmay using LOTS of gendered slurs to a woman any better than using racist slurs towards a black woman? I wouldn’t have thought that *on a scale* one trumps the other?

And I do get really pissed off at the assumption of privilege simply because one is an articulate person who uses the internet (which he seems to be assuming here). Being able to write in complete sentences with big words does not automatically make you middle class! And neither does having internet access – I share with 3 others access that costs us £1 a day – hardly a middle class privilege.

The other thing I find so bizarre about this rant is that he really seems to have no idea at all that any oppression he may suffer at being working class is not caused by feminism, or by women generally. His main problem is capitalism – but he would probably rather remove his genitals with a rusty razor before he admits that!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

His main problem is capitalism – but he would probably rather remove his genitals with a rusty razor before he admits that!

This, right here, could be the t-shirt definition of MRAness.

9 years ago

“a disgusting racist bigot who is trying to incite race hate”

Esmay hangs out with Stormfronters, so apparently the “disgusting” part only counts if he *disagrees* with the person “inciting race hate”…

9 years ago

Spot on.

I also think they believe men feel pain more than women because they don’t see women as fully human. There was a study that showed white believe black people don’t feel pain as strongly and I wouldn’t be surprised if men believed the same about women. I don’t know if this has been researched but it would explain a lot.

The manosphere is built around it. A rape accusation is worse than rape. Male tears memes are worse than death threats against women. A woman throwing beer on Roosh is worse than Roosh being a rapist. Women only attempt suicide for attention. A man being rejected is worse than a man shooting people because he can’t get laid. Etc.