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The 10 Most Ridiculous Responses to the #MasculinitySoFragile hashtag

It's Toxic Masculinity Man!
It’s Toxic Masculinity Man!

The #MasculinitySoFragile hashtag took off yesterday after a Buzzfeed article highlighted a bunch of products being marketed to men with some of the most cartoonish evocations of old-school masculinity you could possibly imagine, from grenade-shaped shower puffs for men to Man Chocolate.

The point of the hashtag was fairly obvious: to look at, and mock, the ways these ads try to capitalize on male insecurities and suggest ways men can free themselves from destructive stereotypes of masculinity.

Because, as these ads make clear, masculinity and femininity aren’t inscribed in our genes the way eye and hair color are; they are to a large extent cultural constructs, ways of seeing, ways of thinking, ways of acting that we learn from parents, peers, and, increasingly, the media  — hence the insecurity many men feel about their masculinity, and the ease with which advertisers are able to play on these insecurities to make money.

Talking about these constructs as constructs can help us to free ourselves from aspects of masculinity and femininity that are toxic or unnecessarily restrictive.

The #MasculinitySoFragile hashtag, like the Buzzfeed article that got the conversation going, broaches the subject in a funny way, telling guys that, yes, it’s ok to buy yourself a pink shower puff for $3 instead of shelling out twice that much for an Axe Detailer Shower Tool that looks like it came straight out of Gears of War.

So, naturally, the hashtag was quickly flooded by antifeminists and anxious men who saw the whole thing not as a deconstruction of the sort of toxic masculinity that’s making them anxious in the first place, but as an army of evil feminazis calling them a bunch of wusses.

Not realizing that the feminists were talking about the surprising fragility of cultural definitions of masculinity, the critics of the hashtag assumed the feminists were accusing  men of being fragile.  I don’t know the last time I saw such a colossal outbreak of not-getting-the-point.

As one observer sympathetic to the original aim of the hashtag noted,,

How did the “critics” of the hashtag get it so wrong? Let me count the ways.

1) They declared that it wasn’t MEN who were fragile, but FEMINISTS so there.

2) They offered to fight any feminist comers, to show the world just how unfragile they are.

3) They accused feminists who weren’t shaming men … of shaming men.

4) Meanwhile, others in their camp tried to shame women for being (allegedly) inferior to men at pretty much everything.

5) Sometimes they forgot to make an argument and just said “suck it.”

6) Others fell back on random insults.

7) They cast aspersions on the motivations, and the masculinity, of feminist men participating in the hashtag.

8) Some of them decided to take the opportunity to cast aspersions on Barak Obama’s masculinity as well, because isn’t he like a feminist or something?

9) A few used the hashtag to promote white supremacy, because why not?

10) They warned feminists that if they kept talking about how men are fragile — which, again, they weren’t doing — well then, these women wouldn’t be getting any more help from men with stuck jelly jar lids, and they could forget about having doors opened for them ever, much less having dudes treat them to dinner!

Ladies: You have lost a POWERFUL ALLY today.

Never again will you have a nice dinner. Or eat jelly.

Tauriq Moosa probably did the best job of summing up the whole parade of nonsense.

Yep, that pretty much covers it.





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9 years ago

I have never in my life, not even once, been worried about being “emasculated”. Does this only happen to Supermen or something? The only way you can be “emasculated” is if you’re really nervous about other people not thinking your masculine enough. And they still can’t see what’s toxic about being constantly nervous over some made up ideal?

9 years ago

My trick for opening stubborn jars is to put on one of my thick leather and wool winter gloves.

Regarding Elam’s tweet, I’m wondering what a bigoted basilisk is? Are they the boyfriends beta orbiters to the feminist morays?

9 years ago

Holding the lid under the hot tap can work well too.

Incidentally, when the outdated fuses blew in our house the other week, guess who it was who knew how to fix them? (I used to do it for my mum when I was a kid). We can do anything we’re taught to do, male or female.

9 years ago

Oh my gosh they(as in Sargon of Akkad and chums) think that when someone uses the term “toxic masculinity”, they’re talking about masculinity in general? That’s just… precious.

By that logic, you can’t complain about rotten eggs without complaining about regular fresh delicious eggs.

9 years ago

I have found that if I give a jar a few good hard slaps on its bottom, it will be much easier for me to open the lid. I can’t explain why that is though.

Here’s the sad thing about one of those statements: What makes him think that women are going to miss the self-involved, condescending, bullsh** civility he practiced anyway? Some of us women NEVER got such treatment from men like him because we weren’t considered “hawt” enough to warrant being treated in a civilized manner.

So by his logic, the only women who should be treated with the respect given to human beings are Hawt women he’s like to f***. Except they don’t actually want to treat the Hawt women with dignity or respect either, since men like him all advocate for abusing such women, at every opportunity.

9 years ago

Yeah, I called it yesterday. I knew there’d be a bunch of dipshits reacting to this and just proving the whole point. Yes, yes, let it all out… let that butthurt FLOW!

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Has anyone mentioned just getting the jar lid warm yet? Then it expands so is easier to get off.

You can either run it under the hot tap or just use the friction from your hands. That probably explains the old “I must have loosened it for you” thing.

9 years ago

You know what makes me very sad?
How many women were featured in those captured tweets.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

Just smash the jar like it’s made of patriarchy!

9 years ago

It turns out we are tool-using hominids and feeling the need to brute force something is kinda silly.

9 years ago

I find that pretty often I have better luck opening my jars if I get a towel or something to provide a better grip.

9 years ago

I don’t remember when was the last time I couldn’t open a jar. I’m not super strong or anything, maybe I’m a man after all?

Maybe I live in a place where only ridiculously easy to open jars are commercialized?

Maybe no one opens jars anymore? Maybe we don’t even exist?

9 years ago
Reply to  sn0rkmaiden

sn0rkmaiden | September 24, 2015 at 11:33 am

As a short woman with very slim wrists I learned a good trick for stubborn jars, just take a screwdriver and use it to lever under the lid, not enough to bend the metal, just enough to break the vacuum. I also keep a small foot stool in the kitchen for those high shelves. Remind me how helpless without a man I am again?

My dad, who’s nearly seventy and decided it was getting too difficult to open stuck jar lids, applied his usual logic to solving the problem and picked the most efficient jar opener he could find. It’s a plumbing tool used for tightening or loosening fixtures and it now resides permanently in my parents’ kitchen drawer. I’ve tried it myself and it’s very effective. Lol, I love dad logic 😉

BTW your footstool comment reminds me of a passage from Michael Moore’s book Stupid White Men where he basically says that women don’t need men anymore – they just need an aluminium* stepladder.

(*because it’s light but very strong.)

9 years ago

Nequam | September 24, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Strap wrenches do a good job on jars too. Plus they can be used on oil filters (wash ’em afterwards if you want to go back to jars), pipes, even tight bottlecaps if you can adjust them down small enough…

OMG, ninja’d myself by not reading all the comments first! A strap wrench IS what my dad uses for opening stubborn jar lids.

9 years ago

2) They offered to fight any feminist comers, to show the world just how unfragile they are.

Somebody responded to the challenge from that “mechofwizard” guy and he backpedaled, apparently on the grounds that she wasn’t an “organic” user of the hashtag. Pretty sure she was serious on taking him up on his three rounds challenge, too. It was hilarious.

9 years ago

I just want say Michelle Malkin is a terrible person. She rights for the terrible Vdare, the premier platform for blatantly racist paleoconservatives, and wrote a terrible book defending the WW2 Japanese internment that’s a crime against history.

I have a copy of that book (I wrote a paper on the Japanese and Aleutian Indian internment for a history class and I cited it) and it is, in fact, hilariously awful. Another fun fact: Vox Day ripped into Malkin over this book; his posts on the subject are an object lesson in how right-wingers and libertarians will fling racism at their supposed allies while making their points. If you’d like to see it for yourself, do a search for the phrase “me so Michelle” on his blog.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

lkeke35 | September 24, 2015 at 1:30 pm
I have found that if I give a jar a few good hard slaps on its bottom, it will be much easier for me to open the lid. I can’t explain why that is though.

I do the same thing. A couple of good smacks on the bottom with the heel of my hand usually works.

If not, then I get a paper towel to get a better grip on the lid.

As for the topic at hand: Actually, it’s all about ethics in masculinity.

9 years ago

A gentleman friend of mine who has a chronic itchy bum uses the $3 shower flower. Blessed relief!

I didn’t know the Axe Detailer was a thing but, having just looked it up, all I can think of is my friend’s bum and how that thing should never get near it.

Daniel Ross
9 years ago

Ikeke35: I think the reason slapping the jars around works is that a lot of the time when a jar is stuck it’s because the lid was well enough sealed that it created a vacuum. Slapping it can make the lid jiggle just enough to let air in.

9 years ago

You missed The Amazing Atheist’s ridiculous tweet that “Feminists creating the #MasculinitySoFragile hashtag is the equivalent of the KKK creating the hashtag #BlacksSoRacist”

9 years ago

As a guy I keep 2 strap wrenches in the kitchen to open jars(one to grip the jar one to grip the lid), sadly not pink ones

9 years ago

I don’t know the last time I saw such a colossal outbreak of not-getting-the-point.


9 years ago

She also founded the terrible website/train wreck Twichy, which cherry picks random tweets in order to denounce the all powerful, yet impossible stupid, liberal cabal that’s ruining America.

for some reason, as Wonkette loves to remind us, somehow this requires a payroll of 9.

If you’d like to see it for yourself, do a search for the phrase “me so Michelle” on his blog.

Oh my god. No, I don’t think I will.

9 years ago

The weird commercial divide starts early. My son (8) refuses anything pink. I’m not a pink person, but I don’t hate it either. I bought myself a nice pink toothbrush when I discovered my son was using mine on a regular basis. I love my boy, but I don’t want to share a toothbrush.

I have a pair of rugby boots that are *bright* pink (they are technically men’s football boots) Another coach (male) saw them once and said “Y’know you’re not fooling anyone with those boots right?”

(Not quite sure what that meant)

9 years ago

@Falconer, it seems she’s in the habit of using the Royal We a lot:

Most of the stuff on her is five to ten years old, so it seems that’s been forgotten/swept under the rug/too boring to pursue at length anymore. She’s not the media darling she was; guess she’s hit The Wall or sumpin’. I dunno.

Personally, I have trouble believing that any one person is that energetic, even if all she does with her prodigious energy is churn out mounds of drivel. She’s had help, and plenty of it, from the mister.

(I also refuse to believe any one person on her own can be that spectacularly stupid, but I’ll cheerfully admit I could be wrong about that. At the very least, though, in this case, I’d say it’s probably folie à deux. One person’s stoopid feeding another’s, IOW.)