So Buzzfeed ran a pretty hilarious post today featuring 23 Gendered Products That Prove How Truly Fragile Masculinity Is — including the example above, of a shower puff shaped like a hand grenade, because what real man would ever use a … shower puff to wash off his manly stank?
Well, turns out I’m not the only one who thinks these gendered products are completely ridiculous; the Buzzfeed post has gone viral, getting nearly half a million hits so far and re-igniting the Twitter hashtag #MasculinitySoFragile.
Here are some of the highlights from the hashtag so far. (Click on the smaller pics to enlarge them.)
#MasculinitySoFragile even the food they eat has to be "tough". pic.twitter.com/Og1mRaoP1n
— Genie Lauren (@MoreAndAgain) September 23, 2015
#MasculinitySoFragile they need special products for housework and get to think they're a hero. pic.twitter.com/25zQMDAy7l
— 🌈 (@RoisinO) September 23, 2015
#MasculinitySoFragile pic.twitter.com/wbQR6xhVlm
— bloodshot diva (@helokabelo) September 23, 2015
This birthday card, at least, is self-aware:
As is this dude:
Can't relate to #MasculinitySoFragile with a desk like this. Look at all that pink. My shit is invincible. pic.twitter.com/k0O37G3N4U
— jesse (@GLOHeadcase) September 23, 2015
But the hashtag has turned out to be more than just an opportunity to post pics of ridiculous products aimed at insecurely masculine men; it’s helped to spawn an interesting discussion about masculinity.
And it’s also spurred on a backlash from antifeminists, who (almost completely missing the point) have been bombarding the hashtag with attacks on “fragile” feminists.
More on all that in a future post or two.
In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this. I have no idea what it has to do with the hashtag but it is AWESOME.
☀ #MasculinitySoFragile in TL today made me adore the dudes who follow Dark Matters even more than I already did. pic.twitter.com/hegR3sAIrF
— Dark Matters (@DarkMattersProj) September 23, 2015
@katz – Aside from the pepto pink, tools designed for smaller hands are actually pretty cool.
Many such products (and tech) are designed by and for people with (on average) larger hands than (again, on average) most CIS women have.
…I’m still waiting for Pebble to come out with something that won’t make me look like a child trying on Daddy’s accessories.
I’m starting to think we need to agitate for the return of the full Elizabethan codpiece as a fashion statement.
Hear me out: I’m female, and rather big-busted. This, I suspect, is why I’ve never really needed to be reassured about my femininity – all I have to do is look down to check. Still got tits? Yeah? Right, still female, no need to worry. Which means I’ve never really been a good market for those things in the shade I call selling-to-people-with-ovaries-pink. (There’s also the monthly-ish reminder that I have a functional womb, as well – see, more visible reassurance about my femininity!).
So I figure what these insecure dudes need is a visible, physical reminder of their masculine identities – and what better way to do this than by having a strategically padded accessory which mimics an erection and emphasises the presence of their dick?
So let’s bring back the codpiece, and maybe then they’ll feel a bit more reassured.
@scented fucking hard chairs
that trimmer is ridiculous, but imo it doesn’t beat q-tips. they have packaging gendered for men and for women and afaik, the swabs are exactly the same… not even changing the color on the actual product there.
and in general, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at this. I thought I’d seen plenty of stuff like this but fuuuuuuck, there’s so much more, and much more stupid, than I’d imagined. it’s pathetic… and the most worrying thing about it is that it MUST BE WORKING. what the hell are wrong with my fellow male human that many apparently go “Well, I had no interest in yogurt, but I see that it’s FOR MEN so sign me the fuck up!”?
I hope this link works, not sure how these things work
Nope. . . I dunno how to do it, but the tweet was pretty funny, a gif of a commercial where a woman hands a man her purse and he acts like he’s been handed dog poop and covers it with a plastic bag.
I actually find the Man Tin kind of clever, marketing-wise. But what has left me all agog is the manly scented fucking candles. Does Katie know about those yet? Shall their makers feel her wrath?
My wife says the advantage of pink tools is that the guys never tried to steal them.
Powerful Yogurt™…gives you Man-Sized Poops™!
And when you’re done with your manly pooping, you can wipe your manly ass with some Manly Toilet Tissue™ (steel grety, extra rough texture, because your man-ass can take it!).
Then you can wash up with Hero Soap™. Because even your big, manly man-hands are not immune to Man-Sized Poop Germs™.
Gollywhiz, all this fragile masculinity sure needs some ridiculous props to keep its wang up…
Ack…should read “steel GREY”, not grety.
Apparently not. But heaven forbid anyone do anything other than for straight white cisgendered dudes.
Then they have to deal with feminine things like feelings and the color pink, or homosexuality. Their precious masculinity can’t handle it!
Hell, it can barely handle being told it’s fragile, if this hashtag’s anything to go by.
“Masculinity seems to be really narrow in terms of definition, I mean, it seems kinda fragile if you can’t even eat yogurt without having a specific men’s brand of it…”
I’m just gonna leave this here:
Over this side of the pond, we have http://www.manflu.com
And, yes, those are real products.
So, there’s actually a twitter account solely dedicated to the hashtag now.
I don’t know about all of you but I think all of this is hilarious and I admit I think some of the products are pretty cool especially the bic pens reviews! ????
I’m glad I bought those pens too because before all I could draw was guns and penises now with bic pens ‘for her’ I can draw cats and unicorns thanks bic! ????
but of course there are guys in the comments/reviews who just have to ruin everything or maybe they’re just making fun too.
Guys, just do or buy what you want to do or buy if you are just buying/doing to impress your buddies or scared of being unmanly to others tell me who are the true strong ones; the person who is scared of being seen as unmanly, do what others tell them to do and get upset/overreact over the tiniest thing OR the person doing/buying things that they want to do/think is right without worrying about what others think (as long as that person is not hurting themselves or others)?
This.. This just broke my brain.
There are more like this. I..don’t even know what to say or how to react.
And that’s kinda where the whole hashtag comes from. The fact they need packaging to “sooth their egos.” The fragility of the “male ego.” Like if I beat a guy at a video game, it’s somehow worse than a guy winning because I bruised their ego. People didn’t want girls playing little league because if girls did better, it’d hurt the boys’ feelings. Oh no, he wasn’t just struck out, he was struck out by a girl! And of course this fragility is interspersed with misogyny because most of the “for men” stuff are countering things that are often perceived for women. Lame.
Crap, I retract that “lame” and am sorry…
I’m a man and I’d never be tempted to buy any of this stuff, but I don’t really understand why it’s any more laughable for guys to buy into it than it is for women to purchase ultra-feminine products. I’m pretty sure that a lot of the men who would buy this stuff are doing it at least semi-ironically.
FWIW, I love that dude with the all pink desk stuff. He is FABULOUS.
I’ve just been rereading Reflecting Men at Twice Their Natural Size, and it starts out with a discussion of ‘the male ego’. Something along the lines of ‘every woman knows about the Male Ego. It is a fragile and delicate thing, and it’s the responsibility of every woman to protect it at all costs. Women, it seems, don’t have egos.’
Wait, is that scented fucking candles for men? What sorcery is this!?
And when we overlay this obviously socially constructed phenomenon with the popular trans activists view on gender as a biological construct we get?
FYI, that man’s cake bakery link is blocked by my institution as a “malicious website” – so it either currently or recently has had malware or whatever on it. So maybe don’t click on the link, just in case.
Read the comments above they explained it already.
… Huh? I’m not sure what your point is?
Seconding Nick here — the two-surface scrubby thing is actually pretty handy, so much so I’m willing to pay a premium for it, despite its Axe branding. I’m surprised Unilever hasn’t marketed it under one of its women’s brands.