Well, it seems that some of the good folks on the Men’s Rights subreddit have taken issue with my post this morning congratulating them on their massive victory in brigading their preferred definition of “MRA” into the top spot on Urban Dictionary. Apparently they think I was trying to brigade their victory away from them.
Let’s take a look at some of their specific complaints, shall we?
The lovely fellow who calls himself ThePigmen brings up the important issue of me being a “walking shit-stain,” makes an irrelevant pedantic point, and accuses me of running ads I’ve never actually seen on my own site, perhaps because at least some of the ads are tailored to user profiles.
Right now the top ad I see on this site is one tailored to “xfinity customers like you,” and I am in fact an xfinity customer, for better or worse.
Whelponry notes that my last name sounds like a naughty thing in French, sort of.
Another commenter isn’t quite sure who I am, and decides to simply presume the worst.
Remember, when you presume you make a pres of u and me!
There is the obligatory wall-of-text-so-big-I-had-to-make-two-screenshots-and-smush-them-together suggesting that no woman would ever touch me and that I am basically like the Ku Klux Klan, if you think about it.
One commenter notes that the central premise of the Men’s Rights post — that I sent my “wolf pack” out to brigade the Urban Dictionary definition of MRA — is not actually true. They get downvoted.
Wow. Apparently the Battle of Urban Dictionary is much more important to these folks than I even realized.
If you ever wonder why I turn down offers to debate with MRAs, this is why: they would totally win!
Also, quick note to the wolf pack: CODE 4 RED “THEY KNOW” PROTOCOL 2.6 YANKEE HOTEL MARCOTTE
“Harass?” Aren’t these the same type of people who claim that “disagreement isn’t harassment” while they fill someone’s twitter mentions?
Well, that’s Foxtrot Uniform Bravo Alpha Romeo, Sierra November Alpha Foxtrot Uniform and a Charlie Foxtrot rolled into one. Standard Mike Romeo Alpha stuff.
Sorry, just showing off.
They’re sure your minions are busy clicking on Urban Dictionary, but from comments on the previous post, most readers here were quickly distracted by the prospect of a Zazzle store, news about Walker, and, of course, Doctor Who. All of which are topics of much greater interest than their “achievement” on UD.
Ceiling Cat, grant me the patience to read through that herd of teal deer.
*reads through the herd*
Yup, those were some teal teal deer with hardly anything to say. At least one person there has a shred of self-awareness.
It’s always projection.
“Trained in Brigading?” He might have you mixed up with Pharyngula, when PZ used to direct people to smash unregistered “popular opinion” polls any time the opposition used one as if they had any value.
I brigade like a house-cat.
I’ll do some presuming of my own and surmise that they are unaware that Suffragist is what the original women called themselves.
Suffragette started out as a pejorative term (because of the more ‘feminine’ suffix) but they reclaimed the name for themselves.
People who are familiar with my obsession with Edith Garrud may have noted my pedantic use of the former term 🙂
Wait I thought they hate false acusations? These guys didn’t know who you are and they already made an assumption you harass mras and you are a rapist or something? (the part where you can’t get women unless it’s not legitmate and wait to go on advocating that toxic masculinity no one is a better misandrist than you misognist rapey a-holes) And really? Comparing David to the Ku klux klan? Dang mras you overreact to everything and we women and feminists are the emotional ones?
You complaining about people harassing you is like a bully beating up a kid and the kid tells him to stop and the bully replies stop harassing me. Mras you don’t care about men or boys you just whine all day about the friendzone and want women and girls to not have any rights or to be treated like people at all you are not fooling us.
I’m not feeling good today so apologies for my long ranty comment.
“Way to go” not “wait to go”
“Futrelle” doesn’t actually sound anything like “fucker” in French. But whatever, reality isn’t the issue here.
HotZone_, who needs an underscore so as not to infringe upon The Original HotZone™
A minstrel play? How would that even work? Is the analogy here that there isn’t really a man, but “Dave” is actually a woman in “maleface?” Does HotZoneUnderscore acknowledge the existence of Dave but somehow imagine him to be in “womanface?”
Are the only options here that HZ_ either has no idea what he’s talking about, is repugnantly transphobic, or both?
What bothers me the most about these guys is their ability to warp confused minds into their horrendous way of relating to the world.
They are essentially destroying people’s lives.
If David is capable of sending out wolf packs to attack MRAs, doesn’t that make him an …
Genital integrity? GENITAL INTEGRITY?
Good grief Charlie Brown!
So, if David is a house Negro in this terrible, terrible analogy, than MRAs are field Negros. Right? So, they’re saying that people not taking them seriously on the internet is equivalent to being a slave who works in punishing outdoor conditions and is frequently whipped, beaten and tortured. What? That is so ridiculously offensive. Especially since they don’t actually care at all about the very real problems that, thanks to a legacy of slavery, black men still face. Dean Esmay didn’t even know what stop and frisk was! Usually, when MRAs think of black men, they think of cuckolding. They’re only concerned with carcerality when it comes to “false” rape accusations. They don’t care about the gross inequities in the criminal justice. They only mention racism when they attempt to trash feminism.
They really are disgusting.
Also, I have something to tell Pigman. If there’s a blue triangle in the corner of the ad, it’s from ad choices. They are, in fact based on your cookies and the information that other businesses you’ve interacted with have sold. When I had to buy a bridesmaid’s dress, I bought a plus size and had it tailored down because my boobs are too big for the rest of my body and I had to buy a large size to cover them. While I am by no means thin, I wear regular sizes. But after I bought that plus sized dress, I got ads for plus sized retailers on every site I visited. That’s how marketing works these days. How is it possible to not understand that?
Sorry, I missed the training sessions are you considering having them posted on line at some point?
As a female I am incapable of doing anything without direction from a male.
They finally got it! David is THE alpha they aspire to! Hence all this jealousy and name dropping – they can’t get him out of their minds.
He gets all these happy thoughts from wimenz and it makes them so frustrated. They want to get some of the lovin’ by gnawing and pawing, but ain’t no male Alpha like David – in the hearts of women and the minds of men.
Sir Knight, I salute you.
And somewhere along the line, they lost their great victory. The “whiny pedantic morons” definition of MRA is now back in first place, with 17,116 upvotes.
also on reddit MRA today: apparently MRA redditors have to have sarcasm explained to them because they fall for it in droves, I guess?
“We have 2 problems on this sub just to do with what people post.
A. Satire Articles – If somthing seems strange about the article and it sounds like it could be sarcastic than it probably is. We come from a diffrent viewpoint than a lot of people and if they make fun of our views in a sarcastic way, it dose not help if we upvote it to the front page.”
Instead wasting their time on crap like this, how come they don’t help the boys of afghanistan. Is it because they can’t blame women for it.
Haha, they think they’re a civil rights movement. Yes, all of those MRAs out in the streets, marching, demanding change, organizing coalitions, helping homeless and downtrodden men whenever and wherever they can and totally not just whining about feminism on the Internet and culling what information they don’t make up from sources like Breitbart. Right.
Anyway, doesn’t all of this keyboard crusader slacktivism shit actually mean they’ve been the SJWs all along?
“They’re only concerned with carcerality when it comes to “false” rape accusations. They don’t care about the gross inequities in the criminal justice. They only mention racism when they attempt to trash feminism.”
Yes, I’ve noticed the same. I think we all have at this point. They’re pointing out tiny flecks in the broader problems inherent in the judicial system when it suits their misogynist goals. If they actually cared they’d fixate less on extremely rare shit like false rape claims and more on, I don’t know, the entire fucking justice system?
Shit, don’t they love Cosby too? Sure isn’t creepy at all how they currently have a “So You’ve Been Accused of Rape” thread on their reddit right now. Totally not creepy and telling. Totally.
We absolutely, positively did not brigade anything.
David didn’t say “Would you kindly … ”
Hang on though, if he used a picture of a Silence, like this one,
labelled “Brigade Urban Dictionary,” would any of us actually remember doing it?
I see what you did there. =P