antifeminism entitled babies grandiosity MRA reddit slacktivism

A stunning victory for Men’s Rights Activists

Give yourselves a pat on the back, fellas. You deserve it!
Give yourselves a pat on the back, fellas. You deserve it!

Never let it be said that Men’s Rights Activists cannot effect meaningful change in the real world through the power of their activism.

At least if your definition of “effecting meaningful change in the real world” is “voting their preferred definition of MRA to the top spot on Urban Dictionary.”

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating this rare victory as if they’d just won men the right to vote or something. No, really: they literally compare themselves to the suffragettes.

MenandBoysareGood 27 points 1 day ago "first they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.". I've seen the men's movement evolve substantially and I'd say there will be a day where it will be plain wrong to try and ridicule the movement. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Kryptof 8 points 1 day ago Kind of like it's just plain wrong to ridicule examples of "real" feminism. Fighting against discrimination, actual discrimination and sexism, is quite admirable. I hope this marks the first step to overcoming hate and preconceptions of what we stand for and we can be taken as seriously as suffragists.

Another commenter warns his comrades that the battle isn’t over yet.

captain_tenniele 5 points 1 day ago It's going to be a long slow uphill battle. But progress is being made. I just hope we break through before it's too late.

Go forth, young men! For there is more crap for you to upvote on the internet before you secure your victory!


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9 years ago

@Citizen Justin

Thank you for posting the link David. Being a petty-minded internet user, I just took five seconds to go to U.D. and cast a few votes regarding that entry.

Thanks for the tip, CJ! I just did the same, tee-hee.

9 years ago

They set the bar REALLY low when it comes to victory, don’t they? And the other definitions are hilarious and extremely accurate. And they are also very self important. Comparing themselves to the suffragettes?! Come on! Don’t you mras know that men had the right to vote since voting existed?!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The top definition is now “A bunch of whiny pedantic morons that think there is some vast Illuminati feminist conspiracy while seemingly ignoring the fact that their own gender runs the majority of the world.”

So much for their victory. =P

9 years ago

It’s “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.” Only, with Menzers, the whole game seems to be stuck at “laugh at you”, because really, you’re asking for it, d00dz.

9 years ago

Will the “I am Katie” coffee mugs ship to Sweden? 🙂

9 years ago

Is it wrong that I’m a little disappointed no internet randos have defined “MRA” as a weird sex act?

9 years ago

I wish I had the craft skills to make Scented Fucking Candles. So many scents to choose from!

Male Tears

Liquid Gold

Directly on the Beach

Cave Bonbons

Gina Tingles

9 years ago

Btw, I’ve worked out where I’ve seen that photo at the top before, it’s from an ad for Insignia male grooming products. Dammit, I can still remember the jingle!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

If you make scented candles labelled “male tears”, I will buy them for all my female friends. All of them. Please, take my money.

9 years ago

Since apparently Mammotheers are a wolf pack now, maybe there should be a parody of the “three wolf moon” T-shirt? I don’t know what a feminist wolf would look like, sadly.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

A feminist wolf looks like a wolf wearing one of those “this is what a feminist wolf looks like” t-shirts. Pshaw.

9 years ago

It’s T-shirts all the way down!

9 years ago

Well, I bought Scented Fucking Shampoo the other day, purely by accident.

It looked just like our regular shampoo, but I get it home and Beloved smells like a Pacific Northwest pine forest after her shower that night.

So I look at the bottle, and it’s aimed at men. Great big old MAN there on the label. Dunno how I missed it.

Men smell like every episode of The X-Files looks, apparently.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention — do you want a render of something you could image manipulate or whatevs for something snappy? I do happen to have a great assortment of cybernetics, cats and humanoid figures, thrones and gods know what else.

9 years ago

Oh mammoth, I’ve missed you…

9 years ago

I think the feminist wolves should have died fur on the tops of their heads and wear thick glasses. The feminist morays should be covered in tats.

9 years ago

I don’t know what a feminist wolf would look like, sadly.

I think its fur would be dyed a most unwolfish shade of mauve. Or magenta. And maybe it would wear a nose ring?

9 years ago

There’s a soggy Pacific Northwest forest somewhere in that picture, Moggie.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Do the tree octupuses give it away?

9 years ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand, their stupid definition is now sitting at #7. GG.

@PI Glad you like the ideas! Katie always was my favorite in-joke since you don’t really need to know the origin in order to “get it”.

9 years ago

Wait, when did we become a wolf pack? I thought we were cats. Or ferrets.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

dhag85 | September 21, 2015 at 11:35 pm
Will the “I am Katie” coffee mugs ship to Sweden? 🙂

It’s a little vague, but I looked at Zazzle’s FAQ.

Moggie | September 22, 2015 at 7:57 am
Since apparently Mammotheers are a wolf pack now, maybe there should be a parody of the “three wolf moon” T-shirt? I don’t know what a feminist wolf would look like, sadly.

A three mammoth moon shirt?

skiriki | September 22, 2015 at 9:12 am
@Paradoxical Intention — do you want a render of something you could image manipulate or whatevs for something snappy? I do happen to have a great assortment of cybernetics, cats and humanoid figures, thrones and gods know what else.

If it does come up, I’ll keep it in mind, thanks! 😀

weirwoodtreehugger | September 22, 2015 at 10:15 am
I think the feminist wolves should have died fur on the tops of their heads and wear thick glasses. The feminist morays should be covered in tats.

Bina | September 22, 2015 at 10:29 am
I don’t know what a feminist wolf would look like, sadly.

I think its fur would be dyed a most unwolfish shade of mauve. Or magenta. And maybe it would wear a nose ring?

Oh Katie, these are all way too funny.

9 years ago

…I got a werewolf (several, as a matter of fact), and each of ’em is fittable with a glorious punky riot-colored hairdo. 😀

9 years ago

I notice that their preferred definition of MRA has sunk to #7 on Urban Dictionary. Sucks to be you, guys. 😉