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A stunning victory for Men’s Rights Activists

Give yourselves a pat on the back, fellas. You deserve it!
Give yourselves a pat on the back, fellas. You deserve it!

Never let it be said that Men’s Rights Activists cannot effect meaningful change in the real world through the power of their activism.

At least if your definition of “effecting meaningful change in the real world” is “voting their preferred definition of MRA to the top spot on Urban Dictionary.”

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars are celebrating this rare victory as if they’d just won men the right to vote or something. No, really: they literally compare themselves to the suffragettes.

MenandBoysareGood 27 points 1 day ago "first they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.". I've seen the men's movement evolve substantially and I'd say there will be a day where it will be plain wrong to try and ridicule the movement. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]Kryptof 8 points 1 day ago Kind of like it's just plain wrong to ridicule examples of "real" feminism. Fighting against discrimination, actual discrimination and sexism, is quite admirable. I hope this marks the first step to overcoming hate and preconceptions of what we stand for and we can be taken as seriously as suffragists.

Another commenter warns his comrades that the battle isn’t over yet.

captain_tenniele 5 points 1 day ago It's going to be a long slow uphill battle. But progress is being made. I just hope we break through before it's too late.

Go forth, young men! For there is more crap for you to upvote on the internet before you secure your victory!


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Moocow | September 21, 2015 at 3:09 pm
3. If you’re going for designs, in-jokes and things that only people who’ve read the welcome package can ‘get’ then I think it totally makes sense to have your designs as a separate store, that way it doesn’t confuse people (I’m guessing the Official store will cover all the “mammoth-hunting”). Of course, the skeptic in me has to ask, is it too redundant to have two stores? I guess that’s more David’s question to answer.

I was considering it during my ponderings last night. And David also did say that I could submit designs to the official store as well. My only issue with that is David would have to be the one doing the formatting, and that does make me nervous.

Again, not that I lack faith in David, but this sort of stuff is kind of my thing as I went to school for it, and I’d like to be involved in the entire process.

4. I’m assuming T-shirts, hoodies and hats will be a thing. So I’d recommend keychains and phone cases.

Duly noted, thanks!

I was thinking keychains and stickers would be good, as they’re pretty cheap and most people could afford them. T-Shirts are kind of a bigger purchase.

5. For the Katie one, may I suggest that she is atop some throne, simultaneously petting two cats? Perhaps in a room lit by scented candles? With ghost-in-the-shell type tubes connecting her to rest of the ‘hivemind’? Hopefully that’s not too over the top, but it must have “All Hail Katie!” somewhere on it!

Holy crap, that sounds awesome! While it may not work for smaller items if it’s too complex, a more complex design could work on a shirt or something.

For other injokes, how about “brain bleach”; a bottle of bleach that spills out adorable kitties, puppies etc…?

Hmmm…like a bottle of It’s-Not-Clorox-I-Swear bleach lying on its side, and has a pool of the stuff with kitty faces and puppy faces in it? (And it has to be sparkly.)

“WHTM Brand Brain Bleach: When you really don’t want to think about it.”

That’s all I got. Best of luck on making this a thing 🙂

Thanks for the input and the support! Here’s hoping it goes well!

9 years ago

Apparel might be a difficult sell for inside jokes. I know I wouldn’t want to have to explain what I was wearing all the time. I would definitely consider something like a mug, shot glass or keychain though.

9 years ago

Ooh, or how about pet toys? I’m sure my cats would love a little mammoth you could stuff with catnip.

9 years ago

Wait, Katie is cybernetically enhanced? Is she actually a Cyberdyne Systems K-T3000?

I was thinking keychains and stickers would be good, as they’re pretty cheap and most people could afford them. T-Shirts are kind of a bigger purchase.

I wouldn’t wear a message T-shirt, but you can never have too many funny coffee mugs.

9 years ago

Off topic, but fellow USians will be relieved to know that Scott Walker is dropping out of the race for the Republican nomination. Of course, every candidate is terrible but Walker has a knack for seeming reasonable while being every bit as racist, misogynistic, and homophobic as the others. Not to mention his hatred for working people and servitude to the Koch brother types.

Luckily, the GOP is chasing everyone who can trick low information voters into thinking they’re moderate away. Walker was the candidate I was most worried about for the general election.

9 years ago

“I am Katie” 🙂

9 years ago

“…we can be taken seriously as suffragists.”

I already take them very seriously as suffragists. I absolutely agree that men deserve the right to vote.

9 years ago

Wants MRAs to be “taken seriously as Suffragists”. Clearly doesn’t know the meaning of the word “suffrage”. Even though this whole thing is about a *dictionary* page. Beautiful.

“Votes For M- ! oh, wait… yeah…”

Kudos to Ikanreed for that perfect analysis of the situation, as well.

MERCH! I would probably buy an Official Mammoth Mug or somesuch. (Thinking one with the header logo on it would look pretty good in my kitchen) …Badges, mousemats, scented fucking candles…. Quite a lot of room for possibilities here.
Maybe some fridge magnets! I can never have too many fridge magnets (I’ll just buy a bigger fridge, damnit!) 😀

9 years ago

WWTH: Walker was the candidate I was most worried about. All of them have shitty views, but Walker has a track record of actually getting his shitty agenda done. I’m really glad he’s out.

9 years ago

@Weirwoodtreehugge re:Walker

I just heard that and did a giant happy dance, that man is a slimy lowlife scum sucking nematode.

@Paradoxical Intention
I love the Brain Bleach idea, that would be awesome on an smart phone cover or sticker. I would keep the stores separate but give David 10% to half of the proceeds.

9 years ago


If there is one person you should dox, it is Heartiste. He is not just a misogynist but a racist as well. He calls colored people ‘shitskins’. Heartiste’s real name is known. Where does he work?

Some of this commenters, like Laguna Beach Fogey, open call for Breivik-style massacres.

“We’re going to need a lot more Breiviks.”

This is far more than just whining. This is actually a call for hate crimes.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I would love to buy a WHTM hoodie or shirt to wear to feminist events. If anyone can make one that fits my spaghetti-like build, then I’ll gleefully buy one from you.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger | September 21, 2015 at 4:14 pm
Apparel might be a difficult sell for inside jokes. I know I wouldn’t want to have to explain what I was wearing all the time. I would definitely consider something like a mug, shot glass or keychain though.

That is a good point. It’d be difficult to explain to people, but then again I see people wearing shirts like “Vote for Pedro” all the time, or people wearing meme shirts?

Though, I suppose that’s a bit wider spread than our little community.

weirwoodtreehugger | September 21, 2015 at 4:15 pm
Ooh, or how about pet toys? I’m sure my cats would love a little mammoth you could stuff with catnip.

Well, I’m limited to what Zazzle can make. If someone was a bit more crafty (and had a little bit more start-up money) than I am, making a cat toy Etsy wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

Moggie | September 21, 2015 at 4:17 pm
I wouldn’t wear a message T-shirt, but you can never have too many funny coffee mugs.

Coffee mugs are doable. And Zazzle does make travel and regular mugs. 😀

msexceptiontotherule | September 21, 2015 at 4:54 pm
“I am Katie” 🙂

That’s a really good one! 😀

AltoFronto | September 21, 2015 at 5:05 pm
MERCH! I would probably buy an Official Mammoth Mug or somesuch. (Thinking one with the header logo on it would look pretty good in my kitchen) …Badges, mousemats, scented fucking candles…. Quite a lot of room for possibilities here.
Maybe some fridge magnets! I can never have too many fridge magnets (I’ll just buy a bigger fridge, damnit!) 😀

I can’t do candles (again, I’m limited to what Zazzle can offer), but I think the rest of that should be fine.

mistressoflarry | September 21, 2015 at 5:10 pm
@Paradoxical Intention
I love the Brain Bleach idea, that would be awesome on an smart phone cover or sticker. I would keep the stores separate but give David 10% to half of the proceeds.

Thanks for the idea for the proceeds. That’s one of my bigger concerns.

Of course, that would also depend on how much is bought, and how much we get from Zazzle post-sale.

For those that missed it, I’m hoping to have 20% markup on items, which means that I’ll get that extra 20 percent in profits. Zazzle gets a base price for printing and hosting and such.

EJ (The Other One) | September 21, 2015 at 5:29 pm
I would love to buy a WHTM hoodie or shirt to wear to feminist events. If anyone can make one that fits my spaghetti-like build, then I’ll gleefully buy one from you.

Again, I’m limited to what Zazzle can print. 🙂 If they have a shirt size that you think would suit you, please let me know so I can make sure to format it!
So, we have mugs, buttons, mousepads, magnets, keychains, and other small stuff, and a few people vouching for shirts and hoodies. Excellent. I’m taking these notes down now.

However, I’m considering just making small stuff, and letting David handle shirts and bigger items, and even sending him shirt ideas he can format, judging from the amount of interest in what other people are asking for.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

If Paradoxical Intention made a mankini with text reading “The dress code should be conservative,” would anyone buy it?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Subtract Hominem:

Who the fuck am I kidding? I’d buy one.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

@Subtract Hominem

Thanks, now there’s coffee sprayed all over my Wii U GamePad. XD;

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Argh, attack of the WP smilies.

Whothehell Cares
Whothehell Cares
9 years ago

I can see why youhuntedthemammoth. You’re still living in the time of the neanderthals.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

David Futrelle | September 21, 2015 at 6:42 pm
PI, you said something about sending me $ from your store, not sure if that’ what you meant, but you should keep the money for yourself or donate to charity.

Aw, David. ; u ;

Can anyone think of any good charities I can send some of the money to then? I know of Con or Bust, but some good ones involving feminist issues, trans folks, other charities that help out people of color, or even charities helping men get mental health assistance would be fantastic as well.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I feel like I should design a shirt for David as well. Maybe something like “I’m just a business of Ferrets in a human suit trying to make my way in a sexist world” or something.

9 years ago

It’s hard to say because the orgs that need funding the most are usually local. I like this one but it serves people living with HIV/AIDS in my area only, so I don’t know.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Yeah, that’s always an issue. :/

Though, if there are any national ones, I’d be open to hear about them.

9 years ago

This fills me with a deep burning indifference! Wow. It’s kinda adorable they’re so happy about it, though.

9 years ago

MRA activists = clicking on a button

Female Suffragists = Getting the vote, Equal work opportunities, Breaking traditional roles and ideas, etc

The similarity is uncanny. I literally can’t tell them apart!