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Reddit MRA: If we let feminism “win,” they’ll throw all men in prison and use them for breeding. Then Muslims will take over.

Wait a minute! All this already happened ... in 1992!
Wait a minute! All this already happened … in 1992!

I learn a lot from reading the Men’s Rights subreddit. For example, I learned today that feminism can’t win, because it’s impossible, but that if it does win, feminists will throw all of us men into prison and use us for breeding. Though they won’t actually be able to throw us in prison. Then Muslims will take over, unless they don’t.

Let’s let the fella who calls himself 192873982 explain, because reading back over that last paragraph, I have to say it doesn’t seem to make much sense:

92873982 1 point 7 hours ago Because you are making false assumptions. If we let feminism "win", they'll try to control men by throwing all men in prisons and using them only for breeding. Then some other culture will start a war against the country, most likely the muslim people because they are the most patriarchical and power-hungry around, and they'll win, because woman don't have enough ability to defend themselves, and they don't even understand the importance of an army (they'd abandon the army most likely). Then this other culture would subdue the feminists and we would be at a patriarchy. If no other culture attacked, they would most likely be able to keep themselves alife (it's not hard with todays tools), and having enough babies would be easy to achieve too. But anyway, they'd not be able to force all men into prisons, because men would win in a fight. The pendulum would swing back, and women would be subdued. I don't want to be killed or imprisoned. Because most men feel the same, feminism can't win. Even most women disagree with the goals of feminsim. There is just no way feminism can win, that's why we can't let them win, because it's impossible. Feminism can only be successfull, if they have mens support, which they do right now. But since they can't reach their goals with mens support, they can't win.

Is this what they call STEM logic? Because it sounds like something the stem of a cherry might have come up with after soaking in a martini for a couple of hours.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Reddit MRA: If we let feminism “win,” they’ll throw all men in prison and use them for breeding”

They wish! Only certain men will be used for breeding, none of whom are MRAs. Muaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha!!!!!

9 years ago

I agree SFHC, which is why I think just throwing out that you think they’re mostly terrorists/anti-feminists/neonazis etc. makes no sense whatsoever.
I’m really not in the mood to have some long drawn out conversation about it, though. People are in prison for a multitude of reasons, many of them absurd. Many of them racist as all hell.

9 years ago

@msexceptiontotherule, I’m not American but… there are misogynists and racists etc in prison I’m sure, just as there are in your Congress and other political offices from municipal to federal. What was your point?

9 years ago

….” The belief that feminist women and women in general are tripping over themselves to have sex and reproduce with men who have enjoyed the hospitality of the Prison system (or currently are, in areas that permit conjugal visits…) is ridiculous…”

If women aren’t climbing over each other to get to the
“…misogynists, abusers, nazis, terrorists, rapists, racists, any other bigots…” (a common redpillian belief is that women *do*) in prisons now, why would they have any interest in these individuals in the matriarchal future let alone imprison them for breeding purposes?

9 years ago


There are unusually large numbers of black men incarcerated at any given time, but not as many are arrested simply for smoking or selling pot as people have been led to believe. Why this is the case (why are so many black men being incarcerated) I don’t know if there is any one answer to that question. Part of it may be some are suffering from a mental illness and prisons/jails have taken the place of state run facilities because the promised community-level options never came into being. Some could be dealing with socioeconomic issues – once someone has an arrest record they tend to have trouble finding work, so if they live in an area that is already economically depressed it’s likely to make circumstances for the individual worse. If they turn to illegal means of making money then jail/prison becomes almost a revolving door. The issue with gangs is another consideration…

You’re getting pushback on this because you completely ignored institutional racism as a factor.

There’s ample studies that show that a black man–particularly a poor black man, but this is true even if you eliminate economic factors–will get a worse outcome at every step of the process in the U.S. He will be more likely to be stopped/interviewed by the police, he will be more likely to be cited for an offense, he will be more likely to be arrested rather than released on his own recognizance, he will be less likely to be offered a plea deal, and if he is offered one, it will usually be far less forgiving; he will be more likely to be charged with a more serious offense; he will be more likely to be convicted; and his sentence will likely be more severe. Oh, and he’ll be less likely to receive parole before serving his full sentence.

And THEN the socio-economic factors of being a black man in the U.S. kick in, because he’s less likely to be returning to a community that can and is willing to support him in getting his life back on track.

9 years ago

I do apologize for not mentioning institutional racism, it’s one of those things that I unintentionally wind up leaving off, which I attribute to being someone who is unlikely to experience it. Thank you for reminding me to step outside the comfort of privilege.

9 years ago

islamic extremists were not the biggest fans of women’s rights.

5 years ago

As the saying goes: “one judges as one lives”.

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