I learn a lot from reading the Men’s Rights subreddit. For example, I learned today that feminism can’t win, because it’s impossible, but that if it does win, feminists will throw all of us men into prison and use us for breeding. Though they won’t actually be able to throw us in prison. Then Muslims will take over, unless they don’t.
Let’s let the fella who calls himself 192873982 explain, because reading back over that last paragraph, I have to say it doesn’t seem to make much sense:
Is this what they call STEM logic? Because it sounds like something the stem of a cherry might have come up with after soaking in a martini for a couple of hours.
H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture
Feh, I misspelled “ecraseur”.
They want women to be slaves.
And if women did become slaves, these guys would complain that their slaves were cramping their style because they had to feed them and clothe them and such. I’m a slave to my slaves, damn it!
And if they sold their slaves, then they’d be lonely. Where are my slaves to keep me happy?!
And if they bought back their slaves, then they’d be critical. My slaves look older. How will I maintain my status in the eyes of other men?
And if they kept their slaves, they’d be paranoid. I treat them badly. They must be planning to gang up on me and kill me!
These are people who don’t know how to get along with other people.
@happy cat
No worries, I’m fine. It wasn’t nauseous nauseous, as much as ‘nauseous with anger’. Because this kind of shit and the other shit we have to put up with day to day makes me very, very angry. Eliot Rodger was a special class of ‘and nothing of value was lost’, however.
This article is interesting in its own right, but it also ties in with this thread. Check out one of the criticisms of the suffrage movement; that the combination of unmanly men and manly women would lead to children unable to fight of the inevitable invasion by asiatics and africans.
Of course not all suffrgists were into intersectionality and Emmeline Pankhurst made it clear that she didn’t want to interfere with the prejudices of race and class (at least she was honest!)
Sort of off topic but I just saw a neat PSA encouraging men suffering from mental illness to seek help. http://bringchange2mind.org/programs/psas/
This is the kind of thing MRAs would be doing if they actually cared about the men’s issues they claim to care about. They should at least be signal boosting this campaign, but the two organizations that are doing it are run by Glenn Close (over the wall feeemale! Ew!) and Brendan Marshall (black NFL player, cuckolding! No!) so I’m sure it’s not going to happen. I think it looks great though.
@Vanir: Thank you for clarifying it. As I said, what little I know of it was what I read on wikipedia, after watching a documentary about one of our lovely homegrown extremists who had, according to the narrator, pulled many of his ideas from TD. I knew only that it was racist book, and several of our homegrown extremists think of it as some sort of holy tome.
But it seems like white supremacism and male supremacism do fit hand in glove. And there is a huge amount of cross over between the two camps. Blech. Such horrible people that inhabit this planet with us!
I have created a handy, clear, logical, unemotional, synopsis. Just in case I am not the only one having trouble following the “reasoning” of this post, but I think I figured it out. Hope it helps.
“Feminism can’t win, because no one supports it, because some men support it, and having enough babies keeps feminists alive.
Also, women can’t army, and when feminism does or doesn’t win, because it can’t, breeders will live in prisons, and muslims.”
Ok, I have a confession to make. And it’s a major one…..*I’m* ‘Katie’.
I know, I know I should have said so well before now, but I doubt that anyone would want to be associated with the asshat who first mentioned me, if they were in my shoes! (Which are, off course, sensible stiletto heels.)
In any case, no need for worshiping me, there are far more worthy individuals to deify in furtherance/support of the feminist cause. I’ll just be out getting some exercise wearing my sensible stilettos and running through a cemetery where I am being chased by MRA-type zombies in the meantime…
Alright, in all seriousness, these guys aren’t worthy of being selected for breeding stock. They are also woefully ignorant that women don’t all share the same tastes in what they find attractive, among so many other things on the list of what they are clueless about.
errgh *of not off
“Ok, I have a confession to make. And it’s a major one…..*I’m* ‘Katie’.”
“In any case, no need for worshiping me”
Too late
So in this matriarchal utopia, when I need a jar opened or someone to buy my shoes for me, do I just rent a man out from the prisons or will I be assigned one? I don’t want to interfere with the tampon mines or Bon Bon suppliers…
“because women don’t have enough ability to defend themselves”
Oh, I forgot our military doesn’t have high powder guns, missiles, tanks and whatnot. Forgot that male soldiers from opposing armies are just going out there and hitting each other with their fists, and of course girls can’t hit as hard.
The men in prisons will be misognists, abusers, nazis, terriorists, rapists, racists, any other bigots, etc aka manopsherians including Mras, red pillers, etc.
So no they are of no use but we will have a beta network where we will assign a beta to you after they graduate from the beta academy free of charge and we’ll even hand you a guide book and dvd again free of charge.
…”The men in prisons will be misognists, abusers, nazis, terriorists, rapists, racists, any other bigots, etc aka manopsherians including Mras, red pillers, etc….”
(I’m not even going to try and blockquote, the mammoth scares me too much!)
One could argue that a large part of the prison population we currently have in the U.S. is a member of one of the ‘types’ on that list. The belief that feminist women and women in general are tripping over themselves to have sex and reproduce with men who have enjoyed the hospitality of the Prison system (or currently are, in areas that permit conjugal visits…) is ridiculous but the manosphere believes based on their extensive knowledge (see: a couple of documentaries which the televised length of is a handful of hours…) so…
An illogical argument, grotesquely vast projection, and most heinous of all, terrible grammar. 0/5 dude you need to try harder. And leave the house to talk to people some time.
The one thing I love about the theory its twisty turny nature. After his dire predictions, he realized it was giving women too much respect, so he brought in the muslims to put them in their place, but then he realized he hated muslims! We can’t have them be the heroes! But if the muslims can’t be the heroes, and he can’t respect women enough to make them win, what’s the solution? Well obviously men would never stand for it! So there’s no threat at all. All is right in the world.
Umm..no? The US imprisons more people than any other Western country in the world, and its not because we have some ridiculous amount of criminals.
…misogynists, abusers, nazis, terrorists, rapists, racists, any other bigots…
…”Umm..no? The US imprisons more people than any other Western country in the world, and its not because we have some ridiculous amount of criminals…”
I didn’t say anything about how many prisoners, just that a large portion of the total are…misogynists, abusers (child, elder, and domestic abuse are all crimes), nazis (Aryan brotherhood, a prison gang, for example), terrorists (although there are probably more in Guantanamo Bay, terrorism is a crime), rapists (rape is a crime), racists (see Aryan brotherhood)…etc.
I don’t disagree that we have a huge inmate population, largely thanks to expanding corrections to include facilities run by private businesses. Do they all belong in prison? That I can’t say, especially considering that with the shutting down of state mental hospitals there’s been a huge increase in the number of mentally ill persons in our correctional facilities.
Isn’t the largest proportion of the prison population black guys arrested for smoking/selling pot? Admittedly I’m not up on the exact numbers, being Australian, but that’s what I thought. ^^;
There are unusually large numbers of black men incarcerated at any given time, but not as many are arrested simply for smoking or selling pot as people have been led to believe. Why this is the case (why are so many black men being incarcerated) I don’t know if there is any one answer to that question. Part of it may be some are suffering from a mental illness and prisons/jails have taken the place of state run facilities because the promised community-level options never came into being. Some could be dealing with socioeconomic issues – once someone has an arrest record they tend to have trouble finding work, so if they live in an area that is already economically depressed it’s likely to make circumstances for the individual worse. If they turn to illegal means of making money then jail/prison becomes almost a revolving door. The issue with gangs is another consideration…
Yeah, I just disagree with your statement and I don’t think it makes much sense.
Wait… What? The answer is racist cops, racist judges and racist juries. Same reason why so many have been murdered in cold blood without justice. Come on, that’s obvious.
It seems like an attempt to top the hype they’re trying to put out about Julie Bindel.
Well if you’re not going to say *why* and/or *what* about my statement(s) you disagree with or don’t think makes sense – disagreeing is something you’re entitled to though – there’s not much point in pursuing any kind of intellectual discussion or debate. Oh well.