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Reddit MRA: If we let feminism “win,” they’ll throw all men in prison and use them for breeding. Then Muslims will take over.

Wait a minute! All this already happened ... in 1992!
Wait a minute! All this already happened … in 1992!

I learn a lot from reading the Men’s Rights subreddit. For example, I learned today that feminism can’t win, because it’s impossible, but that if it does win, feminists will throw all of us men into prison and use us for breeding. Though they won’t actually be able to throw us in prison. Then Muslims will take over, unless they don’t.

Let’s let the fella who calls himself 192873982 explain, because reading back over that last paragraph, I have to say it doesn’t seem to make much sense:

92873982 1 point 7 hours ago Because you are making false assumptions. If we let feminism "win", they'll try to control men by throwing all men in prisons and using them only for breeding. Then some other culture will start a war against the country, most likely the muslim people because they are the most patriarchical and power-hungry around, and they'll win, because woman don't have enough ability to defend themselves, and they don't even understand the importance of an army (they'd abandon the army most likely). Then this other culture would subdue the feminists and we would be at a patriarchy. If no other culture attacked, they would most likely be able to keep themselves alife (it's not hard with todays tools), and having enough babies would be easy to achieve too. But anyway, they'd not be able to force all men into prisons, because men would win in a fight. The pendulum would swing back, and women would be subdued. I don't want to be killed or imprisoned. Because most men feel the same, feminism can't win. Even most women disagree with the goals of feminsim. There is just no way feminism can win, that's why we can't let them win, because it's impossible. Feminism can only be successfull, if they have mens support, which they do right now. But since they can't reach their goals with mens support, they can't win.

Is this what they call STEM logic? Because it sounds like something the stem of a cherry might have come up with after soaking in a martini for a couple of hours.

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture


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9 years ago

The fool. He is so limited in his imagination. Men thrown in prison and used for breeding?

He knows nothing of the tampon mines.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Don’t throw me into prison! I provide you with bonbons! Noooooo!

9 years ago

Well that made no sense.

I realize this is something I say and think often, but holds true more often then not, or something, i don’t know :/

9 years ago



9 years ago

Does this person ever leave the house?

9 years ago

Mra: “so what can we talk about today, guys? Male victims of rape and domestic violence? Racism? Trans and homophobia? Healthy masculinity?

Mra2: “I know! How about we complain and make up future scenarios about feminism and women/girls just like every other day!?”

A.A. Wils
9 years ago


9 years ago


He knows nothing of the tampon mines.


*wipes a tear* Oh jeez, good one. Good one.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

The best part about this is he’s deadly fucking serious. Like he legitimately thinks we’re out to take over the world and *pfffft* put him in a prison to harvest his sperm for breeding!


*wipes away tear* C’mon now…every feminist worth her salt knows that Red Pillers aren’t eligible for the breeding program. They’re all sent to the bonbon factory, duh!

We only harvest sperm from grateful, willing, beta cucks who lavish us with attention and gifts and who willingly bow to Katie.


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Though, I’ve been thinking about our last Hufflepuff conversation, now that I mentioned Katie.

U Guis. Katie’s a Hufflepuff.

Or at least, I’m tempted to make some Katie stickers that say that. Or bring up other Katie jokes just for you guys.

9 years ago

Women wont understand the need for an army? Bwahahahahahahaha!

9 years ago

It’s obvious this redditor has yet to reach their 15th birthday

9 years ago

I’m so very, very confused. If we put all the men in prison, who will buy us dinner?

9 years ago


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

NicolaLuna | September 18, 2015 at 7:05 pm
I’m so very, very confused. If we put all the men in prison, who will buy us dinner?

We’re not going to put all the men in prison, Nicola! Just the ones we intend to harvest for sperm!

The rest of them will either go into labor professions, mining up bonbons for us if they’re Red Pillers or otherwise Undesirable, and we’ll of course, have our orbiting beta cucks to cater to our every whim.

So, they’ll buy us dinner!

9 years ago

I’d rather take the optimist route and just believe this is a really entertaining troll, because the other option scares me too much.

9 years ago

I’m so very, very confused. If we put all the men in prison, who will buy us dinner?

We’ll confiscate their money and use it build male sex/waiterbots who all look like Brad Pitt to make and serve us dinner. Obviously.

9 years ago

Our Brad Pitt sexbot/waiter army will vanquish all foes. MRAs and Muslims alike. All in the name of Katie.

9 years ago

Hmm… Hmm… Hmm…

I think he has completely failed to see the actual potential of men here. Why would the women just toss men into prison and only use them for breeding purposes? That would be a massive waste of resources and not to mention a great loss of the workforce for society in general.

Instead, I think the Matriachy would find many, many uses for men in the post-feminist-apocalyptic future. Like, they could be hat stands, railway spikes and coat hangers. They could be laid down on puddles when women step out of taxis. They could be used to reach hard-to-reach spots, great for clearing cobwebs and mowing the lawn. They are so multi-functional! Why would they be left to rot in prisons?

Someone already pointed out their great use in the tampon mines (I agree). They can also be the moving targets at firing ranges, they can hold a hot pot while you eat out of it, they can be used to hold a parking space while you are away.

The possibilities are endless! Why is he so limited in his imagination!

(not to mention the sex-men potentials! WHOA!)

Men could be mobile couches, back-scratchers and mice-catchers. They could be a cat scratching post or a doggy bone. They can be used as picnic tables, or the grab the hot coals out of a BBQ pit.

Clearly he needs to go back to his Manosphere teachers as I have already demonstrated my superior knowledge of mens’ future enslavement.

Tsk tsk.

9 years ago


We can use them like sex bots without the bot part!

It’s the end of the world as we know it and i feel fucking fantastic!

9 years ago

I just realized something, about a day ago someone on youtube said that the goal of feminism is to kill all men, i replied jokingly saying that the goal is actually to enslave all men. Now, considering MRA’s and their lack of most things, maybe this dude is the same guy who i replied to on youtube? Maybe he thought i was serious and dreamed up this scenario he’s talking about?

We may never know….

9 years ago

It mystifies me how there can be so many men who have apparently never spoken to an actual feminist.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

My favorite part:

you are making false assumptions.

9 years ago

Okay, let assume, for the sake of argument, that the feminzais are plotting to stuff men in prison for breeding purposes. The America people would tell them to piss off before they could even get their plan off the ground.

Also, I think he got the idea from reading the Fallout: Equestria fanfics one too many times.

9 years ago

Psssh, tossing them in prison would be so wasteful. Personally, I look forward to the day when Katie rules supreme and I can finally get me a male bookshelf.comment image

I’ve heard you can train them to reccommend good books, if you try really hard.

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