So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are talking about sexbots, as it seems every single person in the broader manosphere has been doing this week.
And one of the regulars came up with a creepy new spin on the issue that took even me by surprise.
So the fellas were discussing the possibility of making sexbots look like anyone you want them to … and this happened.
This is the creepiest thing I’ve read in I don’t know how long, and I’m someone who reads the manosphere every day of the week.
I hate to have to bring you the bad news, fella, but if you’re sitting around imagining how cool it would be have a sexbot that looked just like your ex, so you could keep “banging” her even after she tossed you out of her life, you are not only not “over her” but you are also not in any way, shape, or form “going your own way.”
And you’re not fooling anyone by talking about the delight you’ll get in “still bang[ing] her doppelgänger without paying for it anymore HAHA.” Because what you’re really doing is symbolically “banging” your ex not without “paying for it” — these sexbots will cost many thousands of dollars – but without her consent. It’s a kind of ritual rape, less about sexual pleasure than about violating your ex.
How do I know that? Because you’re clearly more interested in making her “furious” than you are in “banging her doppelgänger.” Indeed, you mentioned her (predictably and justifiably) furious reaction before you even got around to mentioning the sex.
If you were really interested in “going your own way,” I think it’s safe to say, you wouldn’t be sitting around on the internet imagining elaborate ways to hurt your ex. Get over her. Get over yourself. And just fucking GO already.
Has it been awhile since you’ve seen Serenity? Lenore didn’t have a whole lot of complexity. She was an animated realdoll, and still very obviously artificial, moving and talking in very stilted ways.
This seems like it’s really stretching the definition of rape. Let’s leave out the idea of the guy doing… something… to let his ex know this is happening (which is certainly strongly implied by their talk, and glee, over how “furious” she would be). personally, i’d argue that fucking a robot (or realdoll, since i was the one who brought those up) with the likeness of an ex is no more than a much more expensive and complicated version of “Bitterly masturbating to a photo of your ex-girlfriend” as Chaos-Engineer so perfectly phrased it. if no person, or even living creature is being harmed by it, surely it isn’t rape?
I’m also very interested in the answer to this question, and would like to learn from the people here who know more than I do about gender politics and consent issues.
Wow, I see why his girlfriend became his ex-girlfriend and I see why we have a ban campaign on sexbots but then again if we don’t allow people to get “dopplegangers” of actual humans then it should be fine I guess.
Spindrift says he wants a fake page with fake women and fake feminists so creeps can harass them all day and leave real women and feminists alone. I think that’s a great idea.
Whether or not having sex with a sexbot is rape would depend on if the sexbot was sentient or not. If it’s just a mannequin with a fleshlight attached, it’s not rape. If the bot genuinely had artificial intelligence and autonomy, then having sex with it without obtaining consent (whether or not they would be considered capable of giving meaningful consent in the first place of another question), would indeed be rape.
I dunno about the “if no living being is harmed by it” deal. That would depend greatly on your definition of harm. (I’ve seen an article arguing that having sex with someone who is unconscious, assuming there are no harmful physical effects, and they never find out about it, would not be harmful. Yeck) I think a better definition would be “sexual activity with a sentient being that has not granted meaningful, informed consent.”
I don’t think it’s rape I think it as more “fantasy rape” he’s only thinking about it, he’s not technically hurting anyone but the person (people) in his head and placing that to an physical object which is drawing, sexbots, writing, etc. If he did say this to the person, he is threatening her and wanting to dominate her. It’s not rape but the police/restraining order should get involved.
@ej it would all depend on the complexity of the robot. Since in philosophy there is no concensus that human cognition is anything other than a complex series of algorithms that respond to stimulus and can create more algorithms over time, any sufficiently advanced program running a sex bot could raped. Even reprogramming the robot to enjoy it would be no different than slipping someone a drug to remove resistance.
In this particular case, it is not rape per say, but a ritual fantast of rape with a very specific prop that cannot consent. If it is programmed to resist, then it gets even more squicky.
I don’t know. I blame Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because that’s the first thing I assumed most sexbot fetishists would want a sex bot for. Given the hope that others would be jealous and the whole fantasy of Stepford Wives control, I pretty much read every one of these screeds coming from a Warren type upset that the flesh and blood women who briefly make the mistake of dating these douches have escaped their clutches or never were the porn fantasy they were promised by the patriarchy.
And so I presumed that that would be the main appeal of this fantasy.
I also presume that if they ever got their magic “utopia” and acquired their ex-bots, that’d they’d find the experience of their ex-bot simulacra hollow and about as satisfying as using a Real Doll while watching porn and get even more angry at women and their exes because somehow this is their fault.
I also presume that if that happened, they’d just move on to the next step, which would be making their exes into the sexbots as that would somehow “fix” everything.
Under the technical and legal definitions, it is definitely not rape.
Consent does not apply to the sexbot though if such a technology comes to fruition I am very sure that some legal guidelines may be created to protect real individuals from having their likeness manufactured. In the end the sexbot is an object that is being used by an individual that is not harming others (a much more sophisticated fleshlight as someone put it) so no, it is not rape. It can be downright creepy depending on how it is used and what it resembles though. This MAY change if sexbots become programmed with actual AI and the question of sentience comes up as now it could become capable of giving and withdrawing consent.
Gender politics is muddled enough as it is and a sexbot is very likely to be labelled an object instead of any gender (regardless of resemblance) so I don’t think we are going to extend it any such benefit. If anything, I would argue that all genders would discriminate (with varying degrees) against sexbots if they did become sentient or self-aware. Also remember that until sexbots gain the ability of self-replication or reproduction their ‘gender’ would be entirely reliant on their creators – leading to a whole other can of worms we have not dealt with at all. If it is that part of gender politics that you are referring to I would honestly say I don’t know how we would deal with it. I would say that everyone (including feminists) is most likely going to do it wrong and in the end it would be up to the sexbots to define for us what their ‘gender’ is going to be. Again, this all assumes that sexbots become sentient. As objects this discussion is irrelevant.
In England the definition of murder refers to the killing of “any reasonable being”. It doesn’t actually say human.
Rape does say “woman” though.
On the face of it though it could be a crime to kill a sentient AI, but not to rape one.
It’s not rape but I call it “fantasy rape” which he’s only thinking about it and places that onto something physical like drawing, writing, sexbots, etc. I would indeed get the police and a restraining order involved.
Oops I posted my comment twice.
@Catalpa, 11:19am – Oh yeah I agree. Like I said, I think that something like this – if it happened in the real world – could realistically be termed as a sort of sexual abuse. My issue is specifically with referring to it as a type of “rape,” which I don’t think is accurate.
@Bina, 11:28am – Well, with that scenario, there are two things to consider: the effects that this guy’s act could have on the animal in question, and the effects that this act could have on the ex-girlfriend in the photo. One could argue that the animal is indeed being raped (though again, I think that the discursive language around this stuff is more limited than it should be, and that ideally we’d have a better and more-nuanced way to discuss ideas of consent and agency as they relate to non-human beings). But, while the ex-girlfriend in this scenario is possibly being harmed by this act (like, if she’s informed of it later), I don’t think it’s fair to say that she’s being “raped” as a result of this act.
To imagine an altered version of the same scenario: let’s say that instead of dressing up and pasting the photo on an animal, the guy did this to a toaster, then, um, ‘had sex with’ the toaster – saying that the toaster in this situation is being “raped” would be pretty silly, right? If the guy took photos of it while it happened and then sent them to his ex, well, that’s where it starts crossing into abusive behavior, but no one in this situation is being raped.
@brian, 11:45am & Catalpa, 12:07pm – I agree that the standard of “if no living being is harmed by it” doesn’t really cover it. Like, there are times when people are raped and, for whatever reason, they don’t feel too bad about it later; that after-the-fact emotional response doesn’t change the act of rape – in and of itself – from being an act of rape. Catalpa’s definition of rape, “sexual activity with a sentient being that has not granted meaningful, informed consent,” seems like a pretty good one to me, though even there I think it can be tricky to qualify what counts as “sexual activity.”
The term “ritual rape” makes complete sense to me. Yeah, it’s not actual rape because the sex bot isn’t something to ask for consent, but the guy is only doing this to say “i’m going to have sex with ‘you’ (or something that looks like you) whether you like it or not.” The whole point is that he’s able to have sex with a simulacrum of a woman without her needing to say “yes.” It’s a rapist without a rape victim. The mindset is not that different.
This is part of the reason why I’m suddenly way more skeeved out about even celebrity likenesses in sex bots (and other sex-related stuff), and in hindsight I’m not sure why I wasn’t before. Guess I never really thought about it too deeply.
Oh, yeah, I’m am definitely not saying that I don’t think it’s wrong or problematic (though I’m actually uncertain there as well), and it’s definitely “gross.” It’s certainly sounds like acting out a rape fantasy, which is “rape-y” but again not necessarily something I think is *inherently* “wrong” (but the idea of repeatedly acting out that fantasy with a semi-realistic replica of a real human that was personally known to you is suuuuper fucked up for sure).
oh, and all my speculation/questions/arguments in this thread have been based on what I think is the realistic expectation of “sexbots” within the next 10-20 years (e.g. animatronic realdolls with Hatsune Miku-esque voices and bare bones personalities), i’m definitely not thinking of what the guys on that subreddit presumably are, of BSG Cylons, or Ava from Ex Machina. If they were like that, fucking them without consent would definitely be rape. Cuz those are people.
Yeah, I wasn’t trying to define rape there, though you’re right about the wiggly-ness of the word “harm” in what I did say. In the hypothetical you mentioned, even if it doesn’t include “harm” it includes “violation” which in my mind would make it rape. I guess harm is a bad word to use because you can have consensual sex that includes acts that would be considered by many to be “harmful.”
(side note: does anyone know why sometimes when I leave a comment, it remembers me and I don’t have to sign in again, and sometimes it doesn’t?)
Sentience and even awareness isn’t a necessary condition for rape.
A person could rape someone in a persistent vegetative state and even if no one ever knew about it, it would still be rape.
The sc-fi geek in me recommends a couple of media for reflection:
1. Blade Runner – major duh, but an awesome movie to watch if any of you haven’t yet. A good exploration on what defines our humanity and there is a relationship between a man and a replicant. Worth pondering about 8p
2. Off on a Starship (by William Barton) – Unfortunately this is no longer free online, but you should be able to track down a copy of a sci-fi anthology that has this story in it from your local library. It’s a fun romp through sci-fi nostalgia but one of the main themes in the story is the relationship the protagonist develops with an artificial sentient being. This being, which is trying to understand the protagonist better, actually chooses to become a physical copy of a girl he had a crush on – when he was a kid! (now he is a teenager) Now, now, I know that this sounds downright creepy on paper, but trust me, the writer (thankfully) did not go down THAT road. I won’t spoil it any further, but of interest to think about is that in this particular yarn the artificial being is the one making its own choices with its own agency.
That is a good point to bring up, but I would point out that others belonging in the same group (humans) are capable of sentience and hence we extend the right to them even if they are currently in a physical state where sentience is not apparent or possible. The right is given because we make the assumption that outside of whatever state they are in, they would possess sentience.
Objects, no matter how complex the algorithm that runs it (short of a true AI), is not considered sentient regardless of their state of being. Nor are other objects of the same grouping ever considered to be sentient.
While I know that in general our legal guidelines don’t explicitly state sentience the necessary condition I do think that it is used broadly as an underlying assumption for a lot of the rights we extend. Hence why we don’t pass laws protecting objects explicitly. It is always in context to the owner/owners.
Mike: In this case, I think we should transpose the wording. It’s not a ‘ritual rape’, it’s a ‘rape ritual’. That is, it’s not actual rape, but it’s a ritual meant to both evoke and satisfy the same twisted desires that actually raping their ex would.
People have talked about differing reactions to discovering their ex had a sexbot crafted to look like them; I suspect the ex’s reaction to this scenario would be based heavily on the perpetrator’s ability to move it up the scale. If she’s in a position of relative safety, ‘disgusted, pitying amusement’ might be more likely; if she feels more vulnerable, then it would definitely trigger a threat-response.
The legal issues folks have mentioned are likely interesting. Here’s a quick primer on ‘misappropriation of identity’ under U.S. law:
For the tl;dr:
Celebrities would be best served suing under the Right of Publicity–basically, by using their likeness, the sexbot manufacturer is selling their image, which is considered the celebrity’s property. The law would likely take a dim view of that sort of thing (though it could be harder to enforce against a manufacturer set up in, say, Taiwan or Hong Kong, who only used American/European celebrities as models). An importer or shop owner could be sued, but direct mail would be a lot trickier.
This is a lot more difficult for, say, a sexbot made with a 3D printer using a photograph of an ex. That would fall under “Misappropriation of Name or Likeness for an Exploitative Purpose”. The case law it talks about doesn’t look good for stopping someone from using a sexbot made to look like an ex for their own personal pleasure.
Now, some folks speculated about using a sufficiently lifelike sexbot to make revenge porn (which would then be released in some fashion, presumably). At that point, it’s very clearly a case of libel/slander, especially if the sex portrayed is exceptionally demeaning (as seems likely). It would also be a more solid misappropriation for personal benefit.
I may be unique, but I don’t think I’d care if someone was doing a doll that looked like me. I might want royalties, but how is it different from someone jacking off with your picture?
Since that’s never bothered me, I don’t think this would either.
I’m kinda like, “yeah, fine, you have a fantasy. don’t tell me about it and carry on.”
I’m not saying it’s wrong to let it bother you, if it does, but honestly I’d rather have them playing with a me doll than drunk dialing me at 0 dark 30, or giving me teary rants about how I owe them sex.
@ reallyfriendly
The idea of extending rights to non humans is something my animal rights friends are heavily involved with.
There’s also some activity in the environmentalist movement to argue that non sentient lifeforms, trees particularly, should have rights.
The latter is perhaps a bit left field, but the idea that great apes should have at least some rights is gaining ground. Especially as we learn more about consciousness and intelligence.
Of course, the concept is in the phrase animal rights, but as you say, we currently don’t grant animals rights as such, it all comes from an outside i.e. human perspective.
@ freemage
I doubt if the scenario you describe would count as defamation.
That requires a statement (not necessarily in words) that would lower the reputation of the victim in the minds of right thinking people.
The courts would be unlikely to find that people though I’ll of the victim rather than the perpetrator in such a case.
Its all very grey. We tend to extend rights and create laws based on our internal perceptions of the world so it is no surprise that many things (living/non-living) were not even brought up for consideration.
I have heard of environmentalists trying to sidestep the ‘sentience’ issue by focusing on ‘life’ itself, or broadening the description of ‘sentience’. There is also the inherent difficulty of creating rights for living beings that are not speaking for themselves directly.
For humans, we typically listen to the discriminated groups and from their input we extend rights or create laws to help with their needs. When the group you are fighting on behalf off can’t provide you with any direct input the understanding is based very strongly on our own perceptions.
Before we go way off-topic here, I think one of the key reasons why we focus on sentience here is due to consent being a way to define what constitutes an actual rape – and consent is typically only given/withdrawn with a person’s sentience (or possibility of it).
Agreed, but, like reallyfriendly said, that person is a human and humans on the whole are classified as sentient beings.
IMO, just being living is not grounds for the capacity to be raped. Yogurt is living. Involving yogurt in sex play would not be considered raping the yogurt.
Or, the human body is host to ridiculous numbers of symbiotic bacteria, all of which are considered to be living things. But one does not need to obtain the consent of the bacteria to have fully consensual sex with the person.
@Alan Robertshaw:
…So unreasonable beings are acceptable to murder? 😉
There would undoubtedly be much debate over the standards qualifying “unreasonable”.
@ catalpa