consent is hard creepy MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sexy robot ladies taking pleasure in women's pain

Obsession 2.0: MGTOW suggests making sexbots that look like ex-girlfriends

Practically identical to the real thing.
Practically identical to the real thing.

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are talking about sexbots, as it seems every single person in the broader manosphere has been doing this week.

And one of the regulars came up with a creepy new spin on the issue that took even me by surprise.

So the fellas were discussing the possibility of making sexbots look like anyone you want them to … and this happened.

joblessguy10 11 points 1 day ago What's more, we can probably design our own sex bots with their own unique likeness--or even ones based on actual women, with whatever body type you desire. You can have one with the face of Angelina Jolie with her succulent full lips paired with a body of big ass pornstar like Jada Stevens This may happen with more advanced forms of CAD and 3D laser based copies. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]moosevice_dot_com 28 points 1 day ago Or how about modeling your sexbot to look like your ex GF? Imagine that, she will be furious knowing that you get to still bang her doppelganger without paying for it anymore. HAHA. Good Times Ahead. permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive goldreply [–]joblessguy10 4 points 1 day ago I've never had a girlfriend but if I did, I would totally do that. Good time ahead indeed. Hopefully, we'll be alive by then to enjoy more advanced sex bots with pre-programmed multi functions.

This is the creepiest thing I’ve read in I don’t know how long, and I’m someone who reads the manosphere every day of the week.

I hate to have to bring you the bad news, fella, but if you’re sitting around imagining how cool it would be have a sexbot that looked just like your ex, so you could keep “banging” her even after she tossed you out of her life, you are not only not “over her” but you are also not in any way, shape, or form “going your own way.”

And you’re not fooling anyone by talking about the delight you’ll get in “still bang[ing] her doppelgänger without paying for it anymore HAHA.” Because what you’re really doing is symbolically “banging” your ex not without “paying for it” — these sexbots will cost many thousands of dollars – but without her consent. It’s a kind of ritual rape, less about sexual pleasure than about violating your ex.

How do I know that? Because you’re clearly more interested in making her “furious” than you are in “banging her doppelgänger.” Indeed, you mentioned her (predictably and justifiably) furious reaction before you even got around to mentioning the sex.

If you were really interested in “going your own way,” I think it’s safe to say, you wouldn’t be sitting around on the internet imagining elaborate ways to hurt your ex.  Get over her. Get over yourself. And just fucking GO already.



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9 years ago

I… I just…


9 years ago

You run this site and you’re surprised that they’d post that stuff?

There are so many things that they could do to make it worse but I don’t think that anyone else would be surprised by it.

Laura Shortridge (@DiscordianKitty)

“Just think how much me still being so unable to get over her I’ll pay to get a sexbot of her made will show her!”

9 years ago

Just when I thought they couldn’t reach a higher level of creepiness… woah…

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Go your own way, Mr mooservice_dot_com. Far, far away from her. Please.

Roaring Violet
Roaring Violet
9 years ago

That’s just creepy! I might possibly be fine with my partner having a sexbot, but if that sexbot looked like my best friend or his boss or an ex, that would seriously piss me off.

9 years ago

The especially creepy thing about this, anon, is that they’re basically fantasizing about raping their ex girlfriend. They don’t want a sexbot that looks like their ex because they think she’s beautiful, and/or enjoy having sex with her. They want her to know about it and be angry.

They see it as still having sex with her, and assume that she’ll view it the same way, and will be pissed off because there’s nothing she can do about it. That is rapey as all get out.

kyla ball
kyla ball
9 years ago

“I’ve never had a girlfriend but if I did, I would totally do that. “—That right there says it ALL.
Also, there is a comment about destroying Angelina Jolie’s likeness on the robot over an over again. This is the cruxt of the manosphere issue, the desire to destroy the beauty that attracts them that they can’t get a date with. There is this sense of entitlement to not just a relationship with a woman but it had better damn well be with a supermodel or porn star damn it!!

9 years ago

@EJ (The Other One)

Society will collapse without them. Shhhh, play along. If we use reverse psychology then they might actually carry out their threat and remove themselves from society.

9 years ago

Whoa hold the phone, joblessguy10 has never had a girlfriend? Damn. I can’t possibly imagine why somebody wouldn’t want to spend lots and lots of intimate time with such an obviously charming person. 😐

Jef Rouner
Jef Rouner
9 years ago

Wasn’t this an entire plot line on Buffy

9 years ago

These MGTOW way are overwhelmingly motivated by annoyance with specific people(coupled with entitlement). They just generalize that onto an entire gender, rather than being grown up about it.

I recently got dumped by my girlfriend of 11 years in a way that was really painful. But I didn’t go “wow, all women are mean and worthless and I’ll show her by getting rid of them.”

I resent the specific hurtful things she did to me, and then started to move on. Dear MGTOW kids(many of whom are probably older than me), just accept the pain, accept that you can’t control everything, especially people, and move on.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago


You’re right.

Wait, Mr mooservice_dot_com! Don’t go! Don’t leave us! Here, I’ll let you share some of my bonbons!

Oh wait, I’m male. This means I don’t get bonbons. Well, um… I’ll let you share some of the backbreaking labour in the bonbon mines, I guess?

9 years ago

Oh great. Now I need to have an academic conversation with myself about how this form of virtual rape compares and contrasts with the continued virtual rape of child porn victims as they become adults (as the images of their exploitation remain fairly permanently). Dammit!

Lisa C (@hppykittystudio)

Soooo….who needs a little brain bleach after that? I know I do.

9 years ago

Jef: Yes! it was one of Buffy’s plots, where a guy named Warren, created a robot to worship him and I think his ex discovered it. Later he made a bot of Buffy and gave it to Spike and he used it for sex. and even worse, he later put some sort of compliance spell on his ex-girlfriend and made plans to share her with his friends.

All around, it was a very rapey Buffy that year.

9 years ago

This, this OP right here, is why I keep a steel-wool loofah in the shower.

9 years ago

It seems like the MGTOW’s like to talk about going their own way more then actually DOING it.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago

Proves again that they don’t care that much about sexual satisfaction – what they care about is (like David wrote) ritual rape.

9 years ago

Oh god, I didn’t watch Buffy very much at all, but I think I heard of the rape-bot.

Was Warren played by the guy from Three’s Company // Dating My Teenage Daughter, or was that someone else?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

And yet there are still people who say that men are governed by reason and logic, unlike fragile, emotional women.

9 years ago

Am I the only person who would be amused by my ex was banging a sex bot that looked like me? It’s both ridiculous and hilarious. I mean, which Greek letter does that fall under? Surely neither alpha (he’d get over an ex) nor beta (he’d still have that GF).

9 years ago

I don’t doubt that these guys wouldn’t hesitate to post revenge porn of their “ex”, using the sexbot, either . That way they can have double the amount of violation.

But maybe by the time tech is advanced enough to give us identical robot copies of people, society will have stopped with its awful view that women’s nudity/sexuality is something inherently shameful, and instead be disgusted by the actions of these fuckheads who post such things without consent.

…hey if these guys get to indulge their unrealistic fantasies, so can I.

kyla ball
kyla ball
9 years ago

Ha ha!! Ælfscýne!! So true!!

9 years ago


You’re thinking about the late John Ritter, who played a robot Buffy’s mom dated for a while. Warren was played by Adam Busch.

If I found out a friend of mine had a sex-bot that looked like their ex, I’d look at it as a cry for help. One that looked like a celeb would be odd, but at least is in the realm of fantasy/role play. Heck, I can see Porn Stars marketing their own line of sex-bots. But, at least they’re not developing a pill that gives worms to ex-girlfriends. That would just be weird.


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