#gamergate grandiosity gross incompetence jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies sarkeesian!

Friday Afternoon Video: “What it’s like watching The Sarkeesian Effect”

Ran across this on YouTube, from someone called ScAgCoWbOy. I know nothing about them, but this video pretty much nails the experience of sitting through all 2 1/2 hours of The Sarkeesian Effect — probably the longest 2 1/2 hours you’ll ever endure. The sleepy dog, needless to say, is not in the original.

By the time the “film” got to this point — this is from Jordan Owen’s weird Ayn-Randy monologue, around 2 hours in — I was so completely zoned out I couldn’t really appreciate the ridiculousness of what he was saying. Or the loopy graphics.

Also note the completely random (and way too loud) music. It’s like that all the way through this piece of crap.



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9 years ago

Any word on when the site update is coming. Not to be impatient, but now the autoplaying video ads are played with sound on my phone. It’s very obnoxious when I’m in public. And I’m general. *shakes fist at WordPress*

9 years ago

Hmm… I always thought of TSE as an endless trailer repeating one point:

‘I don’t like Sarkeesian and I cannot understand why people like her.’

ad nauseam

You mean they have other points too?! Mayhap some…. SKULLS?

9 years ago

I want to harangue the multitudes!! It sounds like fun.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


It sounds even better if you imagine it in Mr Burns’ voice.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

as well as a very messy transfer of the blog

Do you actually need to transfer?

If you start with a clear slate there’ll be no evidence of all the times I said something stupid.

9 years ago

No worries, David! That’s actually sooner than I was expecting. Better to get it done right and take your time.

9 years ago

I hope the blockquote mammoth gets transferred too. It wouldn’t be the same without it.

9 years ago

Don’t have 2.5 hours to waste but that’s a really cute doggie. Would love for Ms. Sarkeesian to continue making more long running “Tropes v. Women” videos. Now those I would watch endlessly.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
9 years ago

On the subject of Jordan Owen’s verbal droning, it does seem that it’s considerably more pronounced when he’s reading from text rather than speaking extemporaneously. The best example (by which I mean the most horrifying) is his reading from his own pornorific masterpiece, Eros Empire.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Good god, what is he doing with his voice? Dude even if you were doing a supposedly professional documentary (your not by the way) your still doing a performance. Don’t just read your script in a monotone voice, put in some emphasis and a modicum of emotion. Even news casters are less monotone and they are specifically trained to not put to much emotion in there voices.

9 years ago

He’s dead set on ignoring how video games are mass consumer goods produced by corporations and how simply by purchasing games, the consumer will keep them coming. For instance, WTF is this passionate safeguarding gibber gabber? Is it a conscious, proactive and/or collective act?

I think he actually means that the free market is how the ‘safeguarding’ happens. As best I can tell, the theory is: Until recently, the content of games has been determined by the ideas of the developers or by the demands of the market (or both), but that so-called SJW critics are like a powerful and fundamentally external force – a force that is able to influence games without any legitimate connection to developers or to the games market. Like, I think it’d be analogous to, say, some totalitarian government all of a sudden taking control in a coup d’etat, and then, on a whim, imposing arbitrary strictures on game development – games would have to be made according to a specific set of guidelines, but those guidelines wouldn’t reflect the honest desires of developers or players. Somehow, in the world of GG (or this movie, anyway), progressive critics have managed to assume massive amounts of undue influence and power in the industry; a lot of it comes down to a sort of paranoid fantasy, which is very much in-line with the movement’s general right-wing underpinnings.

Wow that was longer than I thought it’d be… I’ll just add this:

A lot of the anti-Sarkeesian rhetoric has revolved around the old trope (there’s probably a name for it) of “If you know so much about this, why don’t you go do it?” Like, saying to a film critic “If you’re so smart about movies then why haven’t you actually made a movie?” It’s a very old, very tired line of thinking (I can’t say for sure, but I’d be willing to bet that it dates back to the earliest days of published criticism) – it’s basically a fancy way of dismissing criticism at the root, rather than trying to engage with it in a meaningful way.

History Nerd
History Nerd
9 years ago

By Jordan’s logic, the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games videos are works of art that are only constrained by Anita Sarkeesian’s mind and creativity. Is something only “creative” or “art” when it meets his expectations or isn’t politically correct because it challenges Randroid ideology? Doesn’t he not have a right to have his views or interests represented or defended in feminist cultural criticism?

9 years ago

@Olive O’Sudden

On the subject of Jordan Owen’s verbal droning, it does seem that it’s considerably more pronounced when he’s reading from text rather than speaking extemporaneously. The best example (by which I mean the most horrifying) is his reading from his own pornorific masterpiece, Eros Empire.

In his defense, his performance in the Eros Empire reading noticeably picks up after the 20 minute mark.

I kid. I bailed after about a minute and, oh boy, is Owen a bad writer.

9 years ago


and every cent is certainly on display

Lorcan Nagle
Lorcan Nagle
9 years ago

Christ on a badger, I had to turn that off after a minute. Not even sleepy dog could make it listernable

9 years ago

…games have been passionately safeguarded by creator and consumer alike, forever immune to the demands of political correctness and social justice sermonizing.

Quite literally “Things that I don’t agree with are having an effect on gaming!” Implicitly acknowledging that there are many many things that place demands on game creators, but it’s exclusively things that he disagrees with that are having a negative impact and killing creativity.

Also given their extreme determination to completely misses the point of criticism, I wonder if their next work will be The Siskel & Ebert Effect?

9 years ago

I watched that on YouTube, and then it directed me to this amusing repurposing of footage from Smokin’ Aces to tell the story of Davis Aurini and the Patreon money:

He did one for Jordan too:

His channel has several other videos about Aurini.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Has anyone heard anything from Ownrini’s backers? Do they feel cheated by this steaming pile, or are they satisfied that this is the product they wanted?

9 years ago

Jordan Owen writes erotic fiction? The mere thought of that demands brain bleach.

9 years ago

“Can you see why we hold Anita Sarkeesian and her kind in such contempt?”

Not based on your completely inaccurate description of how the videogame industry works or anti-intellectual take on Art…


A lot of the anti-Sarkeesian rhetoric has revolved around the old trope (there’s probably a name for it) of “If you know so much about this, why don’t you go do it?” Like, saying to a film critic “If you’re so smart about movies then why haven’t you actually made a movie?” It’s a very old, very tired line of thinking (I can’t say for sure, but I’d be willing to bet that it dates back to the earliest days of published criticism) – it’s basically a fancy way of dismissing criticism at the root, rather than trying to engage with it in a meaningful way.

Oh yeah, I come across it often and it never ceases to aggravate.

The funny part being is that those who use such an argument have never bothered to create a piece of Art and Entertainment themselves – they just assume that, simply because they like it a lot, they “understand” it better than one who would criticize it negatively. They obviously don’t. If they did, they would not be so hostile to other observations made about it and act as if they were personal attacks against themselves and the creator(s).

It’s akin to when someone, rather than just arguing the particulars of a certain subject, just tell you to “get back to me in ____ years” from now. It’s a really smug way of acting like you won an argument by using a deflection as arbitrary as age. It also doesn’t matter if you actually follow their advice as they’ll always change goal-posts to “prove” the other person wrong.

So, it doesn’t matter if you bothered to actually make a movie or wait a decade to gain some wisdom before talking to someone again: there will be some excuse about how it isn’t “good enough” in some way, which is wholly convenient for them.

9 years ago

Hang on. I can buy the bizarre pseudo-Ayn-Rand rant, but didn’t this whole crapfest start partly because a bunch of people decided that games like Depression Quest shouldn’t even exist, or at least that nobody in the gaming media should talk about them?

9 years ago

“I love free speech more than anyone else alive…until it’s speech I don’t want to hear, then it must be silenced! That’s not hypocritical or anything, honest!”