#gamergate grandiosity gross incompetence jordan owen men who really shouldn't be making movies sarkeesian!

Friday Afternoon Video: “What it’s like watching The Sarkeesian Effect”

Ran across this on YouTube, from someone called ScAgCoWbOy. I know nothing about them, but this video pretty much nails the experience of sitting through all 2 1/2 hours of The Sarkeesian Effect — probably the longest 2 1/2 hours you’ll ever endure. The sleepy dog, needless to say, is not in the original.

By the time the “film” got to this point — this is from Jordan Owen’s weird Ayn-Randy monologue, around 2 hours in — I was so completely zoned out I couldn’t really appreciate the ridiculousness of what he was saying. Or the loopy graphics.

Also note the completely random (and way too loud) music. It’s like that all the way through this piece of crap.



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9 years ago

Nobody needs to sit thru 2.5 hours of that nonsense. I can barely handle the 1.5 minutes there. If that is indicative of the rest, it looks like mediocre YouTube video at best.

patti roberts
patti roberts
9 years ago

Love the dog, it’s the only way I could have watched the less than 5 minutes. How did you watch the whole thing!

9 years ago

…so far past florid and purple, you can’t even see them with binoculars.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago

That monotone. Ayn Randian is right. BTW, I’ve never actually watched one of Owen’s videos(can’t stomach his bs. Blegh!), does his voice really sound like that?

9 years ago

So when does Superman come in and punch this guy? (It sure sounds like a supervillain monologue, anyway…)

9 years ago

It’s like Owens is trying to have the worst monotone voice known to man. It doesn’t help that the graphics look like they belong in a high school powerpoint either. I’d wonder at them charging money to watch such crap, but then we already know why.

Ms b.
Ms b.
9 years ago

It’s up foe voting on

9 years ago

Is that a text-to-speech device reading that monologue? It sounds like it.

And the space background. How cliche can you get?

9 years ago

Wow, I never heard someone shout “You’re not my mom!!” for a minute and a half before. Once is usually enough for anybody.

9 years ago

Dawg really helps to make this watchable, but why is there no skull? Eh, I guess this is my biggest criticism for a lot of shows…but man, the antics of a bookshelf skull are a good addition to just about anything. Too bad “too much skull” was the only critique Professor Skull allowed himself to process.

9 years ago

Oh boy, found a new blog ten minutes ago that I thought was going to be fun, but it turned out to be a Sad Puppy, a Gamergater, and a Badwrongfunblog* all rolled into one.

*That’s the sort that says if you’re playing anything the author doesn’t like, you’re an awful person and they’re entitled to smugly suggest you throw away your game and start playing the ones they sanction.

9 years ago

So for 2½ hours, Jordan Owen scolds people with his soothing voice about how artists are entitled to exclude everyone except white guys from their characters. Did he ever consider that audiences are just as entitled to criticize them for doing this?

9 years ago


-The Creative People

9 years ago

So Owen has absolutely no idea how AAA video games are developed and believes there’s a creator/artist (just one?) free to as they want since “there only obligation is to themselves”. Who knew the companies spending tens of millions on the games are so hands off?

…games have been passionately safeguarded by creator and consumer alike, forever immune to the demands of political correctness and social justice sermonizing. When Anita Sarkeesian and her cohorts arrived it signaled the end to that creativity. Gaming they decided would be the new pulpit from which they would harangue the multitudes with their sermons. If you are dissatisfied with what already exists then you are free to do what every creative person has done since the dawn of time and begin to create something new that is the product of your own imagination.

This clip gives a nice overview of how astonishingly wrong Owen is about everything.

He’s dead set on ignoring how video games are mass consumer goods produced by corporations and how simply by purchasing games, the consumer will keep them coming. For instance, WTF is this passionate safeguarding gibber gabber? Is it a conscious, proactive and/or collective act? Do they work in tandem with Gamestop or do they and the major publishers simply acquiesce to the noble demands of these passionate creators and consumers.

So if Anita Sarkeesian is all four horseladies of the gaming apocalypse, how did she gain such power and what specifically has changed since her terrible arrival? Who are her cohorts?

The pulpit metaphor is a bungled mess. Gaming is her current subject, but her Youtube videos are her metaphorical pulpit and her hate groupies have to actually voluntarily watch those to be harangued by her.

Owen is seemingly unaware of the role of the critic and how criticism, good and bad, does require imagination. If Sarkeesian’s videos aren’t a creative endevor than what about Owen’s
numerous shitty Youtube response videos to other people’s work? In few that I’ve forced my self to watch he often spends a good portion of those videos awkwardly reading out loud what other people’s writings. What’s his excuse?

I’d never watch TSE but I would be tempted by any director commentary track, if only to hear him explain the reasoning behind the milky way graphic.

9 years ago

He would make a FORTUNE if he made self relaxation audio tapes. Dude is missing out.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

God, I could only make it through the first sentence, but…

If no one has the “right” to be represented in any one of their demographics (which isn’t what people are asking for? Like we’re asking for people to consider adding more diversity? Not just make token characters? ??????), then I have the right to not represent cishet white dudes in anything I do.

Of course, I’d be harassed for “erasure”, or “not being realistic” if I ever did something like that though, because the mental gymnastics that Owens and other Goobers do to assure themselves that they’re the “default” of the human race is fucking astounding.

Film Runner
9 years ago

Is that voice text-to-speech software?

9 years ago

That fucking speech is just stupid and try hard that i can’t help but laugh.

9 years ago

If no one has the “right” to be represented in any one of their demographics (which isn’t what people are asking for? Like we’re asking for people to consider adding more diversity? Not just make token characters? ??????), then I have the right to not represent cishet white dudes in anything I do.

Of course, I’d be harassed for “erasure”, or “not being realistic” if I ever did something like that though, because the mental gymnastics that Owens and other Goobers do to assure themselves that they’re the “default” of the human race is fucking astounding.

There was a Gamergater on a forum some months back making a wildly incoherent rant about one of the new releases (I’m pretty sure it was the new Dragon Age) and how it includes representation from various marginalized demographics, including a lesbian. So, something like this:

“If you don’t like the way games are made, go make your own games the way you want to!”

[Creator makes game and includes diverse characters]

“ZOMG how dare you not represent only white males and the white male viewpoint of the world and The Way Things Should Be!”


Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Sarah: Exactly. They say people should “go make their own games”, but when creators do, they whinge and cry about how those games were “tainted by SJW ideology” or some bullshit.

So, what they’re saying is, they’d rather we didn’t make our “own games”, and if we do make games, we’d have to pander to them, and since they think they’re the only ones who play “real” games, or they’re the only people worthy of having games made to their tastes or be included in games, “our” games would be immediately disqualified as a game by these shitlords.

9 years ago

There was a Gamergater on a forum some months back making a wildly incoherent rant about one of the new releases (I’m pretty sure it was the new Dragon Age) and how it includes representation from various marginalized demographics, including a lesbian. So, something like this:

“If you don’t like the way games are made, go make your own games the way you want to!”

[Creator makes game and includes diverse characters]

“ZOMG how dare you not represent only white males and the white male viewpoint of the world and The Way Things Should Be!”


You should see the steam forums for any game that has the ‘Female protagonist’ tag

Auntie Alias
Auntie Alias
9 years ago

That’s far worse than I had imagined.

The Sarkeesian Effect: Inside the World of Social Justice Warriors

These two con men claimed they had an inside scoop which was a big, fat lie. It’s the usual “You can’t criticize my hobby!” whining wrapped in pretentiousness and accompanied by the kind of music heard on mid-20th century soap operas. Seriously, WTF is that?

I’m guessing the universe image represents “gaming’s expanding horizons”. *cringe*

9 years ago

Owen is a Randroid. I’m sure he thinks that droning monologue is his version of Galt’s speech. Pathetic.

9 years ago

They say people should “go make their own games”, but when creators do, they whinge and cry about how those games were “tainted by SJW ideology” or some bullshit.

It’s good to remember that GG had (has?) three main targets/archenemies/strawwomen/etc.; of those three, two are game developers.

9 years ago

How is it creativity to make the same game about a white guy shooting stuff and bouncing boobs? I guess the boob physics are creative. But in this case, creative means wrong and physically impossible.

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