#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity harassment literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Psy-Ops and Stealth Infiltration: The Protocols of the Elders of Roosh

Roosh V's role model?
Roosh V’s role model?

It was a tad ironic, to put to mildly: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that famously phony anti-Semitic “document” purporting to provide the details of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy straight from the Elders themselves, not only helped to inspire and rationalize the vicious Nazi campaign against the Jewish people; it provided the Nazis with a blueprint for their own underhanded actions.

“The Protocols was required reading for the Hitler Youth,” Stephen Eric Bronner notes in A Rumor About the Jews, his history of The Protocols.

The pamphlet served to illustrate “how it could be done,”or how the seizure of power might be accomplished. The fictional conspiracy of the Jews was employed as a model by the Nazis.

This meant a lot of pretty underhanded shit:

Intimidation of opponents became a favored tactic along with the assassination of public figures. Perversion of the public sphere, concerted use of propaganda, and use of the big lie all became elemental tactics. No charge was too outlandish, no tactic too outrageous, no goal too ambitious. 

Has Roosh Valizadeh, the noxious “pickup artist” and wannabe prophet of “neomasculinity” who favored us a few months back with his thoughts on “The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture,” been reading The Protocols recently?

Because it seems as though he’s trying to beat the imaginary Elders of Zion at their own game.

In a grandiose and ethically bankrupt manifesto posted on his blog yesterday, Roosh sets out what he sees as the path forward for “neoreactionaries” like himself to bring about the return of patriarchy over the next half-century or so.

In his mind, it will be a five stage process.

In the first stage, already completed, people like him set up blogs and built “Red Pill”

internet communities that serve to help men meet women, teach them entrepreneurship skills, improve their health and bodily strength, and enlighten them with counter-cultural truths. 

In Stage 2, which Roosh for some reason calls “Seed Resistance,” these Red Pill dudes will basically start acting like utter douchebags to everyone who disagrees with them, launching “counter operations” in the form of “attack pieces against far left narrative bots” (?) as well as cruder “public shaming” campaigns against enemies “through humorous images and comics.”

This stage, he explains, is ongoing.

But it’s in the third stage, which we are just entering into, where things start to get wildly underhanded and unethical.

This stage begins with a pulling together of a new coalition of patriarchy lovers made up of  elements from

the men’s rights sphere, religious conservatives, liberal gamers, and even white nationalists.

These groups, currently “probing each other for common ground, loyalty, and commitment” will ultimately assemble into “a huge fighting force” and launch an all-out “Culture War” against the “far left” ideologues who, like the fictional Elders of Zion, supposedly run the world.

Culture war will involve sustained, asymmetrical, and intense informational warfare against the enemy that starts to damage their way of life, happiness, and disposable income. They will soon have sleepless nights just like I did in Canada when the full force of the establishment came down upon me.

The strategies Roosh suggests that this ragtag army use against the evil “establishment” seem to be copied straight from Supervillaining for Dummies. You can almost hear a loud “muahaha!” as Roosh spells out his devious plans:

  • Acute divide and conquer campaigns that target weak-willed individuals who are not ready to fight without being part of the herd.
  • Sustained criticism of individuals to encourage meltdowns and bad decisions, facilitating their descent into illogical madness that makes them lose support or prestige within their group.
  • Psy-op campaigns to undermine the word of women and other alternative groups by painting them as pathological liars or mentally insane
  • Creation of pressure groups (i.e. mobs) to target small companies that are sensitive to even small amounts of negative publicity and profit loss.
  • Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.

As he sees it, the first shots in the Culture War have already been fired: he counts GamerGate, the Hugo awards fiasco, and the “cuckservative” meme to be some of the victories so far.

It’s at this point — in stages four and five — that Roosh’s manifesto starts to sound a bit like the supposedly foolproof plan of South Park’s Underpants Gnomes.

After a decade or so of “Culture Warring,” Roosh thinks a giant “cultural vacuum” will form, allowing neoreactionaries like him to, well, suck up those no longer convinced by the establishment’s evil narrative. And then, somewhere in the 2045-2075 time range, the patriarchy itself will magically return, triumphant.

Over the course of a generation, there will be a gradual return to the patriarchy as at least 50% of the population believes in traditional ideals and have the voting power to usher in non-bought leaders who see patriarchy as the only way to maintain cohesion of society.


I have no doubt that stages four and five are little more than the grandiose visions of a PUA guru who desperately wants to become a full-fledged cult leader; they will never come to pass.

It’s stage three — all that underhanded shit — that’s more troubling. Roosh’s plans to bring back the patriarchy is doomed from the start, but energized “neoreactionary” trolls can cause a lot of damage to individual people while traveling down their particular road to nowhere


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9 years ago

I’m more convinced than ever that all of this is just an elaborate rationalization for why they’re entitled to be jerks. “I”m not indulging the worst part of myself! I HAVE A PURPOSE!”

patti roberts
patti roberts
9 years ago

Invest in aluminum foil. I am sure they will all be wearing foil hats very soon. They are not all there.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Return to patriarchy”? How can you return to something that currently exists?

9 years ago

Hate to burst this guy’s bubble, but MRAs can’t do humorous images and comics.

9 years ago

I remember my philosophy teacher in high school told the class to read a text called “Lenin’s Decalogue – Manual to Seize Control of a Society”. When I first read it, I thought it was too super-villainy sounding to be real, and my father told me (comparing it to the Elders of Zion mockument) that it was clearly fake, and just something written to drive people against communism by misrepresenting it.

The thing is, Roosh’s plan to “reinstall” patriarchy read a lot like this text – and yet, if he found a list exactly like his, only purporting to dismantle the patriarchy and target men, I bet he’d say that this shows how evil feminism is.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.

Good luck passing yourselves off as an academics, when there are no MRAs anywhere that can find actual feminism on a map. Now, let’s discuss the details of Martha Nussbaum’s criticism of Judith Butler.

9 years ago

He’s on to us! He just repeated exactly what we are doing to them – clearly he is cleverer than he smells.

1. Acute divide and conquer campaigns that target weak-willed individuals who are not ready to fight without being part of the herd.

According to the rumors in the manosphere, feminists have been sneaking their agents into the various manosphere groups.

How do they know? Because there is fragmentation within the groups now. This is not because they are terrible human beings lacking in empathy and communications skills but rather due to our sleeper agents manipulating their people (most probably with sex, so easy) and turning them into proto-SJWs (their term, whatever that is). HOW DID HE FIGURE THAT OUT?

2. Sustained criticism of individuals to encourage meltdowns and bad decisions, facilitating their descent into illogical madness that makes them lose support or prestige within their group.

Hmm, a personal anecdote from Roosh. I guess we gave that one away – he is one sharp cookie here! Clearly a dough above the rest!

3. Psy-op campaigns to undermine the word of white cis-het alpha men by painting them as pathological asshats (reworded for proper context)

He got you there David! Though to be more accurate, it is not really undermining that is being done but highlighting. Almost full points there Roosh!

4. Creation of pressure groups (i.e. mobs) to target small companies that are sensitive to even small amounts of negative publicity and profit loss.

Yes, we feminists have clearly been manipulating an…. wait a sec… what do you mean we don’t, are we so backwards?

Alright, fellow MRAs (Matriachy Radically Awesome), Roosh was ahead of us on this one. Implement ‘Katie-Valenti Protocol 66 #catsareadorable’ ASAP!

5. Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.

Ah dang. How did he know we did that already? WHAT PART OF STEALTH DID YOU GUYS NOT GET?

Kudos for his refreshing honesty at least. Some members of the Manosphere try-hard to pretend to be not a part of their own demographic, but you sir, have the cojones to just preach the TRUTH! Such stealthy psy-ops there. I would salute you except I can’t reach around to my ass so easily.

9 years ago

RosaDeLava wrote:

The thing is, Roosh’s plan to “reinstall” patriarchy read a lot like this text – and yet, if he found a list exactly like his, only purporting to dismantle the patriarchy and target men, I bet he’d say that this shows how evil feminism is.

And I bet if we waited a year and then did exactly that, every last one of them would fall for it.

…of course, then we’d be hearing about it as “proof that feminists are eeeeebil!” for the next hundred years or so, no matter how often we debunked that crap.

I guess psy-ops don’t work against people with no psy to op….

9 years ago

I love how women – half the global population – constitute an alternative group.

9 years ago

I’ll try to use a blockquote – crossing my fingers

I guess psy-ops don’t work against people with no psy to op….

It’s like a carnival ride in reverse: “You must be at most this self-aware to be an MRA”

9 years ago

Always the asshole Roosh.

Should be a book.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Wow. Roosh really is one of the worst people ever. I’m both disturbed by how vile his plans are and dismissive of what he seems to see as victory’s. His attempts to court Gamergate haven’t really resulted in much, I doubt he’ll ever get the religious right on his side given how openly sexual he is and how openly atheist his followers are. The only group he’s really gotten on his side are Neo-Nazi’s which even the most extreme conservatives don’t want tied to his name. The sad art is that he’s probably still going to manege to do a lot of damage in the process of trying to reach his ludacris goals.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I guess psy-ops don’t work against people with no psy to op…

I’m quoting this line purely because I love it so much.

9 years ago

Wait, I thought the Patriarchy was a made up word created by feminists to blame all their problems on and now Roosh believes it exists and wants to “return” to it?

But all that aside the patriarchy has existed since the dawn of time, Dooshy Dearest.

9 years ago

you already know this but it seems you have a creepy stalker by the name of Xerxes of Armvir on your Twitter.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Xerxes of Armavir”? The enormous similarity to “Sargon of Akkad” cannot be coincidental. Same asswipe, or just a fan of said asswipe?

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

Is he going to change his website to Returnofpatriarchs when the appropriate stage in his cunning master plan rolls around?

9 years ago

If he’s lucky, maybe 40 guys will show up at his speech in toronto next time!

9 years ago

Phase 1: Harass women
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Profit

9 years ago

Acute divide and conquer campaigns that target weak-willed individuals who are not ready to fight without being part of the herd.

Sustained criticism of individuals to encourage meltdowns and bad decisions, facilitating their descent into illogical madness that makes them lose support or prestige within their group.

Those two points mark the profound difference between folks like myself and the Rooshes of the world. I want to help people, to bring strength to the weak and to help the illogical make good decisions. He’s happy to destroy those folks in pursuit of his ideological pipe-dream. It’s sickening.

9 years ago

He’s a greedy, neonazi pua scuzzball.

Some of the white supremacist folks think that Roosh is a Jew. Or a Kazar. Or both.

How’s that for Psyops 🙂

9 years ago

In Stage 2, which Roosh for some reason calls “Seed Resistance,” these Red Pill dudes will basically start acting like utter douchebags to everyone who disagrees with them, launching “counter operations” in the form of “attack pieces against far left narrative bots” (?) as well as cruder “public shaming” campaigns against enemies “through humorous images and comics.”

Excuse me, who are the narrative bots, again?

Also, pretty sure that “liberal gamers” want NOTHING to do with this sack of shit.

9 years ago

“Xerxes of Armavir”? The enormous similarity to “Sargon of Akkad” cannot be coincidental.

All we need now is Zuul of Gozer, and the trinity will be complete.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


I think he means #Gaters. Somehow, most of them do manage to look “Liberal” next to his serial-raping neo-Nazi unwiped ass.

Like how I’d rather catch pneumonia than Sudden Head Explosion Syndrome (which is totally a real thing and not just me thinking that even ebola doesn’t deserve to be compared to Roosh. Yup. Totally).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

There is no douchebag, only Zuul.

(Oh how I wish.)

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