It was a tad ironic, to put to mildly: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that famously phony anti-Semitic “document” purporting to provide the details of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy straight from the Elders themselves, not only helped to inspire and rationalize the vicious Nazi campaign against the Jewish people; it provided the Nazis with a blueprint for their own underhanded actions.
“The Protocols was required reading for the Hitler Youth,” Stephen Eric Bronner notes in A Rumor About the Jews, his history of The Protocols.
The pamphlet served to illustrate “how it could be done,”or how the seizure of power might be accomplished. The fictional conspiracy of the Jews was employed as a model by the Nazis.
This meant a lot of pretty underhanded shit:
Intimidation of opponents became a favored tactic along with the assassination of public figures. Perversion of the public sphere, concerted use of propaganda, and use of the big lie all became elemental tactics. No charge was too outlandish, no tactic too outrageous, no goal too ambitious.
Has Roosh Valizadeh, the noxious “pickup artist” and wannabe prophet of “neomasculinity” who favored us a few months back with his thoughts on “The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture,” been reading The Protocols recently?
Because it seems as though he’s trying to beat the imaginary Elders of Zion at their own game.
In a grandiose and ethically bankrupt manifesto posted on his blog yesterday, Roosh sets out what he sees as the path forward for “neoreactionaries” like himself to bring about the return of patriarchy over the next half-century or so.
In his mind, it will be a five stage process.
In the first stage, already completed, people like him set up blogs and built “Red Pill”
internet communities that serve to help men meet women, teach them entrepreneurship skills, improve their health and bodily strength, and enlighten them with counter-cultural truths.
In Stage 2, which Roosh for some reason calls “Seed Resistance,” these Red Pill dudes will basically start acting like utter douchebags to everyone who disagrees with them, launching “counter operations” in the form of “attack pieces against far left narrative bots” (?) as well as cruder “public shaming” campaigns against enemies “through humorous images and comics.”
This stage, he explains, is ongoing.
But it’s in the third stage, which we are just entering into, where things start to get wildly underhanded and unethical.
This stage begins with a pulling together of a new coalition of patriarchy lovers made up of elements from
the men’s rights sphere, religious conservatives, liberal gamers, and even white nationalists.
These groups, currently “probing each other for common ground, loyalty, and commitment” will ultimately assemble into “a huge fighting force” and launch an all-out “Culture War” against the “far left” ideologues who, like the fictional Elders of Zion, supposedly run the world.
Culture war will involve sustained, asymmetrical, and intense informational warfare against the enemy that starts to damage their way of life, happiness, and disposable income. They will soon have sleepless nights just like I did in Canada when the full force of the establishment came down upon me.
The strategies Roosh suggests that this ragtag army use against the evil “establishment” seem to be copied straight from Supervillaining for Dummies. You can almost hear a loud “muahaha!” as Roosh spells out his devious plans:
- Acute divide and conquer campaigns that target weak-willed individuals who are not ready to fight without being part of the herd.
- Sustained criticism of individuals to encourage meltdowns and bad decisions, facilitating their descent into illogical madness that makes them lose support or prestige within their group.
- Psy-op campaigns to undermine the word of women and other alternative groups by painting them as pathological liars or mentally insane
- Creation of pressure groups (i.e. mobs) to target small companies that are sensitive to even small amounts of negative publicity and profit loss.
- Stealth infiltration into intellectual circles and various institutions such as universities, media, military, and government bureaucracies.
As he sees it, the first shots in the Culture War have already been fired: he counts GamerGate, the Hugo awards fiasco, and the “cuckservative” meme to be some of the victories so far.
It’s at this point — in stages four and five — that Roosh’s manifesto starts to sound a bit like the supposedly foolproof plan of South Park’s Underpants Gnomes.
After a decade or so of “Culture Warring,” Roosh thinks a giant “cultural vacuum” will form, allowing neoreactionaries like him to, well, suck up those no longer convinced by the establishment’s evil narrative. And then, somewhere in the 2045-2075 time range, the patriarchy itself will magically return, triumphant.
Over the course of a generation, there will be a gradual return to the patriarchy as at least 50% of the population believes in traditional ideals and have the voting power to usher in non-bought leaders who see patriarchy as the only way to maintain cohesion of society.
I have no doubt that stages four and five are little more than the grandiose visions of a PUA guru who desperately wants to become a full-fledged cult leader; they will never come to pass.
It’s stage three — all that underhanded shit — that’s more troubling. Roosh’s plans to bring back the patriarchy is doomed from the start, but energized “neoreactionary” trolls can cause a lot of damage to individual people while traveling down their particular road to nowhere
@EJ (The Other One)
You really put your finger on it here – these guys are just talk. They want an alternate society, but their idea is to just sort of screw around and try and break stuff. It’s weird, pathetic, and entitled.
Really what Roosh and company do is suck off the teat of remaining patriarchy and priviledge systems. What they really want is society to pat them on the head for being male and give them a cookie, and they’ll whine and scream if that doesn’t happen. What they don’t do is MAKE anything.
The real “SJWs” and activists are out there now building society, organizing politically, engaging in effective protests that (usually) doesn’t make them look like malicious assholes. And they’re not being activists by buying skeezy books or supporting someone’s lifestyle.
All these guys can do is burn things, which painful and awful as it is, also speaks to their impotence. Society could collapse tomorrow and Roosh and company would be the LEAST likely to know what the hell to do.
It’s funny how his plan to eliminate the supposedly powerful lefties is to attack those without any power to begin with.
@Roaring Violet — welcome aboard! Have you checked out the benefits package provided by Feminist High Council, the big Scented Fucking Candle up there? If you’ve helped yourself, jolly good. 🙂
I don’t think they even want an alternate society. They’re like the soldiers from the Thirty Years War who were looking for a cause, any cause, which would let them rape and pillage. They don’t care about the end result, just that it’s a banner in whose name they can misbehave.
Are you saying that getting a beer thrown on you isn’t like say, Steven Biko being killed in prison? How dare you! You don’t know Roosh’s struggle! He had to take a shower to get the beer out of his hair. You know how he hates having to bathe!
Sorry for the length; this started as a note on Daesh vs. ISIS or IS or whatever you want to call it, and then turned into a rant.
I found this article very helpful:
In short, “Daesh” is not a magical word with multiple conjugations. (It’s a neologism, so the idea that it can be “conjugated” into another, established word itself is a little nonsensical.) The original Arabic name of the group directly translates to “Islamic State in Syria and the Levant,” with Levant being a term for the region that includes Syria; thus ISIL or ISIS. The acronyms are equivalent to Daesh; Daesh is simply true to sound of the Arabic words.
Arabic’s just like any other language; there are layers of cultural meaning tied into every word and phrase, so, yes, there’s cultural assumptions and allusions to “al-Dowla” that many of us won’t be privy to. But it’s worth noting: Such cultural connotations are not unique to Arabic. I mean, when Roosh pontificates on “Western civilization,” we know he’s talking about a very specific thing, and it’s not the same thing one would talk about in, say, a U.S. civics class.
Anyway, this is a somewhat hot-button topic for me; I’m not accusing anyone of racism, but the West has a history of looking at the cultural connotations in Eastern languages and inferring a kind of mysticism. The idea that Daesh has all these nebulous, negative connotations somehow tied to strange linguistic gymnastics plays directly into that narrative, and the simple truth of the matter – that “Daesh” punctures the self-importance of a horrific organization – gets buried. (For that matter, I’ve always enjoyed calling the group ISIS since that’s also the Anglicized name of a pagan god; something, I feel, which equally undermines their bloated pomposity – and does it with a play that exists in my language.)
Guys, we shouldn’t mock this. That beer was probably pretty dense.
Can’t have been half as dense as Rooshie Boy himself.
Emphasis on the ‘stealth’ because who wants everyone to know what an awful dumpster you actually are?
Matter of fact, emphasis on the ‘do villainous stuff on the Internet’ because who wants to defend willfully flawed logic face to face?
Be more cowardly.
Thank you for that, Mewens. I am not in a position to debate it either way, I only have the word of a bunch of London-born Arabs, so if you know more about it then I’m grateful to learn from you.
The Hugo awards “fiasco” was a victory for neoconservatives? Really? Every category that was all Sad Puppies got a “No Award” vote. How is that a victory for reactionaries? Sounds more like a win for the liberal SJW side.
Demographic projections aren’t in Mr. Roosh’s favor. The White population is declining as a percentage of the U.S. population and will no longer be the majority in 2045-75 time frame.
The Hugo thing is something he considers a victory? GamerGate is some triumph of manliness? I’m staggered that a thinking human could see either of those things as anything more than toddler-level supermarket freak-outs. I think Rapey McRacist needs another fucking cold beer in his face.
[oops, my URL was borked!]
@Mewens @EJ:
I was going off of what a Saudi (well, Saudi dad, American Mom – grew up mostly is Saudi, back in the US for school and because he hates moat of SA) friend of mine said (paraphrasing): “I like the name ‘Daesh’. People should use it. It’s like calling them ‘assholes’ every time you talk about them.”
I read this article the other day. I don’t even know why I read this manospheric bullshit. I guess I’m a masochist of some sort. I chuckled when I saw some people on twitter labeling Roosh’s article as “a great analysis”. Yeah, right. More like delusional wishful thinking and wet dreams of a vile misogynist.
Sometimes I do get worried about the idea of return of the patriarchy. I don’t think it’s likely and I always try to be optimistic, but who knows what happens in the future. Even if it doesn’t happen during my lifetime, I don’t want my daughters and granddaughters to live in a goddamn patriarchy.
Also, neoreactionaries, red pillers and the ilk often dream about some kind of reset of civilization after which they will take power and establish their reactionary laws. I think they’re genuinely looking forward to the possibility of the Western world collapsing completely so they could seize power after the collapse and enlighten everyone on how feminism, secularism and individual rights are terrible and corrupt inventions which brought us to the collapse of the civilization in the first place. Sick.
@skiriki I cannot see a scented candle anywhere 🙁
…Do we know for sure that he’s showered since then?
Whenever I read a rant like that, I always think of Charles Manson’s philosophy, because he did it first and better than them. They aren’t being original, they’re just contemptibly warming up his leftovers without even having the commitment to do it properly.*
*Dear Mr MRA, please do not take this as a challenge to become more committed and more organised and start killing people. You’re far less harmful to the world sitting on reddit in your underwear than you would be anywhere else. Stay there, s’il vous plait.
I just posted something including a quote which I should have censored; because despite being a direct quote it’s got some extremely hateful words in it. Fortunately, it seems to be stuck in moderation. David, if you could edit it, I’d be very grateful.
@Roaring Violet
Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be there anymore. It linked to the welcome package, here’s a direct link:
> This stage begins with a pulling together of a new coalition of patriarchy lovers made up of elements from
>> the men’s rights sphere, religious conservatives, LIBERAL GAMERS, and even white nationalists.
There are not enough quotation marks in the world to adequately convey how not-liberal those gamers would have to be/are.
Thanks for the edit, David.
@Myoo Thanks!
Wow….. I read things online, and I just……wow. People are crazy stupid yahoos, I dig that, but there are some batshit crazies out there. Think I’ll just polish up my shotgun and wait for the zombie apocalypse with my dogs
Roosh thinks a 4chan raid that not only failed in its initial objective (get Zoe Quinn to kill herself) but also got their mortal enemy on national TV is a model of psy-ops.