Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart “journalist” and full-time GamerGate panderer, has weighed in on the topic of the day amongst woman-hating dudes: sexbots, and how non-robot women are going to be so sorry when men desert them en masse for sexy, uncomplaining lady robots.
His 1800-word post on the subject covers pretty much all of the standard manosphere talking points on the coming sexbot utopia for men; he even manages to quote (approvingly, of course) our old friend Heartiste, the woman-hating white-supremacist pickup guru.
The basic argument will be familiar to anyone who read my post about MRAs and sexbots yesterday, or who’s ever heard MRAs and/or manospherians wax poetic on the subject: modern Western women, infected by feminism, have gotten so awful that men these days only put up with their bullshit for the sex; as soon as even halfway decent sexbots become affordable, these mean ladies will get the comeuppance they deserve, and end up living sad, lonely lives with no one to keep them warm except for their cats.
And yes, Milo is enough of a hack that he actually includes the bit about the cats.
“When you introduce a low-cost alternative to women that comes without all the nagging, insecurity and expense, frankly men are going to leap in headfirst,” he writes. “What’s clear is that the purchase women have over men, sexually and emotionally, is fading fast.”
As Milo sees it, men won’t even mind that their sexbots’ orgasms won’t be real. Indeed, he sees this more as a feature than a bug.
[W]ith a robot, men know the orgasm will be fake, so it removes the performance anxiety of trying to make the grade. (Men know the robot orgasm doesn’t exist — unlike the female orgasm, whose existence is still insisted upon by some conspiracy theorists and biological extremists.)
Amirite, fellas? You’re terrible at sex, and you don’t care! High five!
Apparently worrying that he isn’t pandering enough to his audience as it is, Milo even suggests that his own sexual preferences — he’s gay — are the result of the deficiencies of human women.
“I mean, look,” he writes. “I don’t mean to be rude, but most of the reason I went gay is so I didn’t have to deal with nutty broads.”
Really, Milo? Really?
But this raises a question. Milo starts off his post by suggesting that the only reason human civilization has amounted to anything is because of the hard work men force themselves to do in order to impress the, er, “broads.”
Who, or what, men have sex with is the basis of our civilisation. It is the driving force behind our greatest accomplishments. Men don’t compete for abstract pleasure: they compete to bag the best mate. The internet, the pyramids and the moon landings would not exist were it not for man’s desire to have sex with woman.
Actually, the moon landing wouldn’t have taken place without the work of Margaret Hamilton, lead software engineer of Project Apollo, but never mind that for a moment.
The question I have is: why does Milo Yiannopoulos pound out 1800-word posts for Breitbart on a regular basis? Why does he even bother to get out of bed in the morning? I mean, he’s gay. He doesn’t need to impress any of those “nutty broads” he says made him gay.
Admittedly, Milo’s work isn’t advancing civilization in any way, shape or form, but there have been plenty of accomplished gay male artists, writers, inventors, you name it. I mean, I’m pretty sure that Michelangelo didn’t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to impress some hot chick.
And what about lesbians? How do they even decide who gets to be the hot chick, and who gets to be the hard-working genius trying to impress the hot chick?
It’s all very confusing. Or it would be, anyway, if Milo’s bullshit were anything other than bullshit.
Note: possible trigger warning for mention of sexual violence.
Compared to what some MRAs and PUAs say, I find the fact that Milo assumes female sex robots will be programmed to orgasm, rather than resist and cry, vaguely reassuring. Maybe it is because he is gay so he doesn’t see sex as a weapon that allows him to destroy women in the way some MRA and PUA seem to.
“…and end up living sad, lonely lives with no one to keep them warm except for their cats.”
“It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. And I thought to myself, ‘I’m going to get so much poon once I get back there. This mission was totally worth it.'”
-Neil Armstrong
I approve of this so hard.
(Thank you Zazzle.)
I just noticed some of the letters got cut off while I was putting the text on. Damn it all, but at the same time ¯_(ツ)_/¯

xodima – that video was great! And now I (who have never been able to decide on a tattoo) am obsessed with scroll-y eyebrow tats.
@Paradoxical – Fabulous!! Love it. The cut off letters guve it that authentic MRA graphic touch.
PI: Perfection!
Thanks to everyone who liked it, but Zazzle deserves all the credit, as I used their shirt tool. XD
(Although a special thanks to Panda for using an Alistair image. I don’t know much about Dragon Age, but I did play Origins, and that man…)
Just replace “she” with “he”, and you’ll get the idea.
I did notice that the s got cut off of “conspiracy theorists”, thus making it sound like one lone conspiracy theorist insisting that female orgasms are a thing, which makes for some awesomely hilarious imaginings.
“NO U GUIZ I’M SERIOUS. There are female orgasms! I’ve seen them!”
No mention of obelisks? Really, Milo? I’m disappointed.
@Paradoxical Intention
Now that I’ve looked at the shirt (It looks really convincing too, how’d you do it?) what is “biological extremists” supposed to meet? Aren’t all extremists inherently biological? Or people who take biology extremely serious? And, if this was the case, why doubt them? What does this guy mean by it? My lady brain is so confused.
It’s not Alistair, it’s Cailan…not that I can fault you for mixing them up.
Zazzle has a “design a shirt” feature on their website. You slap the text in there, and you can place it however you want.
Though, as to what the fuck Milo means…
I thought “biology extremists” were those guys who use biology to excuse mens’ and boys’ actions “boys will be boys” “they can’t control themselves” “they get distracted easily” etc and also try to use biology to control women and girls “they’re emotional” “if they do this or that then this will happen” etc.
@Paradoxical Intention
I have to take a look at it then!
So people who agree with Milo, then? What baffles me is that he used “biological”, which – my first language isn’t English, but I’m pretty sure – all extremists must be, because you have to be living to even understand an ideology. (At least right now; maybe when the sexbots are released this will change :P)
How much does this guy get paid for writing this crap?
I’ve been unable to hate Yiannopoulos since watching him on 10 O’clock live talking about what a sad, sick, unfortunate thing it is to be gay and that’s why we shouldn’t allow gay marriage. David Mitchell called him a “homophobic gay man,” which pretty much sums it up.
Self-loathing brings out all kinds of twisted behaviours. But this “crazy broads” stuff is all talk – Milo would go straight in an instant if there was a magic wand that would do it – he has said so. It’s very sad.
Ktoryx – as a gay man myself, if there WAS a magic wand that could turn Woe Is Milo straight, I’d be all for it. He sounds like he’s auditioning for a Boys in the Band revival.
I just googled Milo Yiannopoulous and gay marriage. He’s written numerous articles bashing the gay right’s movement since that interview, and he tweeted in June that “gay marriage only works if you allow polygamy but liberals have that covered.” He’s definitely a homophobic gay man, and that’s why the right loves him. It makes their homophobia look so much more legit if they can get a gay person to make those arguments.
Okay, I’m going to regret asking this, but: Huh? Wut? I mean, sure, I think polygamy should be legalised as well, but how does one “Only work” with the other? That’s like saying you can only eat cheeseburgers if you have fries on the side. Fries are a nice bonus, but they’re not required.
Look, Milo…my best friend is an uncloseted, self-loving, happily gay man. He’s been with his hubby for more than 25 years. They are monogamous almost to a fault. In fact, he’s told me quite frankly that sometimes they’ve gone as long as a month without having sex. Not a word about how they’ve decided the gayest thing to do would be to start boinking other people. As for polygamy, I have it on good authority that straights have that market cornered…

…among others. Lord knows they’ve been doing it long enough.
And, for the record, my friend is, like me, a democratic socialist. That’s MORE than liberal. That’s leftist. And for the record, we oppose polygamy, because wherever it is sanctioned, it invariably tends to default to polygyny…and that’s shitty for women.
What women were Ada Lovelace and Alan Turing trying to bed with their inventions again?
I’ve read many of Milo’s “articles”, and it’s doubtful he is in fact writing from the authentic perspective of an actual gay man. He’s very anti-everything-gay, and Breitbart’s readers use this supposedly gay man’s words to “prove” that gays are so abhorrent that even other gays hate them.
Also, this bit about “I’m kinda gay cuz of how annoying wimmin be, ya know?” flies in the face of everything we know about human sexuality and sexual orientation. Women annoy the living heck out of many men, and they don’t go gay to escape the heck. Many men annoy the heck out of women, who actually don’t willy-nilly “turn” lesbian! And Cthulu knows that any of my gay/lesbian friends have been endlessly annoyed by their same-sex mates over the years… and they managed to not go straight.
Come on, Milo. I think someone is just writing this tripe as a male version of a Honey-badging Karen Straughn.
I completely believe that he’s gay. He’s catholic, very publicly and actively catholic, and the kind of flailing he’s engaged in wrt his homosexuality makes a lot more sense when you remember that. At least he didn’t become a priest.
As for all the speculation about which parts of his spiel are jokes and which are earnest, I would say that none of them are earnest, but that doesn’t mean they are jokes. This is a man who used to work for Breitbart. I could say more about Breitbart if people like, but basically what you need to know is that Breitbart and his disciples are so cynical and so transparently manipulative I honestly think that they no longer believe in the concept of “truth.” The things they say are neither lies nor honest opinions; they’re simply whatever seemed useful to say at the moment.