Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart “journalist” and full-time GamerGate panderer, has weighed in on the topic of the day amongst woman-hating dudes: sexbots, and how non-robot women are going to be so sorry when men desert them en masse for sexy, uncomplaining lady robots.
His 1800-word post on the subject covers pretty much all of the standard manosphere talking points on the coming sexbot utopia for men; he even manages to quote (approvingly, of course) our old friend Heartiste, the woman-hating white-supremacist pickup guru.
The basic argument will be familiar to anyone who read my post about MRAs and sexbots yesterday, or who’s ever heard MRAs and/or manospherians wax poetic on the subject: modern Western women, infected by feminism, have gotten so awful that men these days only put up with their bullshit for the sex; as soon as even halfway decent sexbots become affordable, these mean ladies will get the comeuppance they deserve, and end up living sad, lonely lives with no one to keep them warm except for their cats.
And yes, Milo is enough of a hack that he actually includes the bit about the cats.
“When you introduce a low-cost alternative to women that comes without all the nagging, insecurity and expense, frankly men are going to leap in headfirst,” he writes. “What’s clear is that the purchase women have over men, sexually and emotionally, is fading fast.”
As Milo sees it, men won’t even mind that their sexbots’ orgasms won’t be real. Indeed, he sees this more as a feature than a bug.
[W]ith a robot, men know the orgasm will be fake, so it removes the performance anxiety of trying to make the grade. (Men know the robot orgasm doesn’t exist — unlike the female orgasm, whose existence is still insisted upon by some conspiracy theorists and biological extremists.)
Amirite, fellas? You’re terrible at sex, and you don’t care! High five!
Apparently worrying that he isn’t pandering enough to his audience as it is, Milo even suggests that his own sexual preferences — he’s gay — are the result of the deficiencies of human women.
“I mean, look,” he writes. “I don’t mean to be rude, but most of the reason I went gay is so I didn’t have to deal with nutty broads.”
Really, Milo? Really?
But this raises a question. Milo starts off his post by suggesting that the only reason human civilization has amounted to anything is because of the hard work men force themselves to do in order to impress the, er, “broads.”
Who, or what, men have sex with is the basis of our civilisation. It is the driving force behind our greatest accomplishments. Men don’t compete for abstract pleasure: they compete to bag the best mate. The internet, the pyramids and the moon landings would not exist were it not for man’s desire to have sex with woman.
Actually, the moon landing wouldn’t have taken place without the work of Margaret Hamilton, lead software engineer of Project Apollo, but never mind that for a moment.
The question I have is: why does Milo Yiannopoulos pound out 1800-word posts for Breitbart on a regular basis? Why does he even bother to get out of bed in the morning? I mean, he’s gay. He doesn’t need to impress any of those “nutty broads” he says made him gay.
Admittedly, Milo’s work isn’t advancing civilization in any way, shape or form, but there have been plenty of accomplished gay male artists, writers, inventors, you name it. I mean, I’m pretty sure that Michelangelo didn’t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to impress some hot chick.
And what about lesbians? How do they even decide who gets to be the hot chick, and who gets to be the hard-working genius trying to impress the hot chick?
It’s all very confusing. Or it would be, anyway, if Milo’s bullshit were anything other than bullshit.
It all sounds like great news to the women of the world: these guys will no longer pester you once they get their little toys. WIN-WIN.
Does it ever occur to them that if all the men of the world do indeed run off with sexbots, us straight nutty broads will simply get our own hot, funny, feminist manbots to cuddle up with in addition to our cats?
It never does 🙂 I would love this – if they’d be okay having sex with something that can’t feel anything, then they’re welcome to go off and sneer at the rest of us having relationships with actual people. Everyone wins.
Is this a joke…? It’s seriously difficult to tell, in the same article in which someone is saying they turned gay because they couldn’t put up with women. He seems like a… tragically confused person.
Putting this one in my “responses to men who insist that they can’t be sexist because they’re gay” file.
Well, the internet probably wouldn’t be around without “nutty broads” like Heddy Lemar and Grace Hopper and Ada Lovelace, either, but Milo’s not known for his accurate understanding of history. (never mind that for most of human history, getting a mate had nothing to do with impressing a woman, and everything to do with having your family negotiate an arrangement with another family to acquire you a wife, who did not, in face, just sit around eating bonbons all day while you earned a living.)
Way too many people took this Futurama joke seriously
The idea that humans do everything for the sake of getting laid is ludicrous. If you’re going to go that route, it would make more sense to say that the only reason anyone does anything is to get food, since that’s a much more basic biological need. You can survive without having sex.
A computer programmer is walking along the street one day when he sees a frog. He carefully steps around it.
“Help, help!” says the frog. The programmer stops, and looks down at it.
“Did you speak?” he says.
“Yes!” says the frog, “I’m actually a supermodel who was transformed into a frog by an evil witch for the crime of being prettier than her. If you help me break the curse, I’ll be really thankful!”
The programmer picks the frog up, puts it in his bag and walks off back home.
“Mpppt!” shouts the frog, muffledly, from inside the bag. “I’ll go on a date with you if you help me!”
The programmer ignores the frog and keeps on walking.
“I’ll marry you if you help me!”
No response from the programmer.
“Fine, I’ll be your sex slave for life! Just help me get back to my own form!”
The programmer laughs. “I’m a UNIX geek. I don’t need sex. But a talking frog is cool.”
The Moon Landing never took place.
If we went we would have gone back by now.
“Female orgasms don’t exist [because I’ve never given a woman an orgasm]”
“I went gay because women demand too much”
Could it be that he’s just really bad at sex (with women) and bitter about it? Naaaaaah.
…Did I just read that? Really? Does he think they built the pyramids so the mummies could have a place for their undead sexytimes? Or were they to score hot babes in the afterlife?
These MRAs must already be robots without feelings. They seem not to feel embarrassed, foolish or idiotic and lack the basic ability of self-reflection never mind the ability to edit a foolish, long-winded post.
Also, if he thinks the wimminz made him go gay by being all “nutty”, surely women can do the same if they’re not pleased with men. I don’t see how sexbots are a threat to women, especially in this magical world where people can apparently choose to become gay.
Does anyone ever wonder if the head honchoes of this MRA movement like Paul Elam really just do what they do, espouse what they do to make money off of it? The people attracted to this movement really seem gullible and unable to use basic logic and reason and will believe ANYTHING. I read that AVFM funding goes directly to Elam, into his personal account. Not sure if this is true but given the mental faculties of many followers of this MRA movement, they seem like easy targets to get rich off of by peddling a hateful ideology. I often wonder if the real aim of the people at the head of this movement is to milk the followers for money. Also, through in all the praise an admiration the gurus receive, the power they have over their followers. It’s all very cultish.
Ah yes, the idea that since everyone is as bitter and self-serving as they are MRAs believe that sex is the only thing that drives people in life and without the need to court a quick fuck humans will stop achieving anything.
I wonder what they think humanity’s quickest and most efficient times of discovering technology being a direct result of the needs of war. Do they think wars only happen because some national leader actually wants to have sex with a woman they saw that week so they use military might to impress them, hence leading to war time technological advancement?
Actually, wait, that’s probably exactly what they think.
*furrows brow* The pyramids were built by hundreds (thousands?) of people. So who got the credit with the ladies?
Let’s see, divorce rates are high, women in particular are delaying marriage – (and more and more often unable to find someone/miss their reproductive window and don’t have a family), and you guys are scoffing at the lonely ladies theory?
It’s already happening. Shit, if they made prodtituion legal, you’d end up with a corresponding drop in marriage.
Of course sexbots will mean less marriage and more lonely people. (people, as in men and women, because men think about sex more than loneliness.)
And as for his “nothin would exist without guys wanting sex” – ponder this: it’s been well known for some time that men wih equivalent education and job experience, but married, make more money. This is not disputed.
We can talk about reasons all day, but I know plenty of men who have taken the shittier job, that they didn’t want, with the gruelling commute, in order to make more money to be a provider. Rather than the part time gig so he can play video games and go to the bar once per week, he nuts up and takes a job he doesn’t want, works more hours than he would have otherwise, so that his wife and kids can be taken care of.
You want to blame that on outdated ideas like the patriarchy or some other bullshit – sure. But it is the way it is now and has been for most of human society.
These people clearly have no concept of the warming qualities of cats…Or that these “nutty MRAs” can drive me to get a cat along with my sexy man and lady bots.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4gPZPKJc0s&w=420&h=315%5D
I’m pretty sure he was joking about choosing to be gay. Unfortunately I doubt the target readers of Breitbart will be able to see that go and will have their beliefs reinforced that homosexuality is a choice.
Another engineer joke.
An engineer is standing outside a restaurant waiting for his fellow engineer to arrive. Shortly, his friend appears riding a very high-end racing bike.
1st engineer: Sweet ride! Where did you get it?
2nd engineer: It’s the weirdest thing. I was talking a shortcut through the park when this beautiful young woman cycles up to me, tears off all her clothes, lies on the ground and says, “take anything you want!”
1st engineer: Good call! The clothes wouldn’t have fit.
xodima | September 17, 2015 at 9:39 am
I love that song! Have you heard this very odd “cover version”?
Do these men get that women will *also* have low cost alternatives to men? And, if we really want to make babies, there will be enough men who will want money that we can always buy sperm. So…. where is teh down side to MRAs running off to bots?
Of course not. It was to impress some hot dude.
(Okay, fine, it was because a pope he hated made him. But if it had been to impress someone…)
Don’t forget Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest minds in history, and a lifelong bachelor. Pretty sure he wasn’t trying to impress the hot chicks.
He was just trying to score with pigeons though, sn0rkmaiden.
Hmm, speaking as a bisexual guy with no desire to a) be an MRA or b) to have sex with a robot, I think this is a really, really good idea! I mean, removing a fairly big chunk of adult males from the dating/marriage pool can only enhance the chances of those of us still craving for human ladies. So, please, by all means GYOW Milo (and the rest of the Manosphere as well) and leave the rest of us alone. 🙂