Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart “journalist” and full-time GamerGate panderer, has weighed in on the topic of the day amongst woman-hating dudes: sexbots, and how non-robot women are going to be so sorry when men desert them en masse for sexy, uncomplaining lady robots.
His 1800-word post on the subject covers pretty much all of the standard manosphere talking points on the coming sexbot utopia for men; he even manages to quote (approvingly, of course) our old friend Heartiste, the woman-hating white-supremacist pickup guru.
The basic argument will be familiar to anyone who read my post about MRAs and sexbots yesterday, or who’s ever heard MRAs and/or manospherians wax poetic on the subject: modern Western women, infected by feminism, have gotten so awful that men these days only put up with their bullshit for the sex; as soon as even halfway decent sexbots become affordable, these mean ladies will get the comeuppance they deserve, and end up living sad, lonely lives with no one to keep them warm except for their cats.
And yes, Milo is enough of a hack that he actually includes the bit about the cats.
“When you introduce a low-cost alternative to women that comes without all the nagging, insecurity and expense, frankly men are going to leap in headfirst,” he writes. “What’s clear is that the purchase women have over men, sexually and emotionally, is fading fast.”
As Milo sees it, men won’t even mind that their sexbots’ orgasms won’t be real. Indeed, he sees this more as a feature than a bug.
[W]ith a robot, men know the orgasm will be fake, so it removes the performance anxiety of trying to make the grade. (Men know the robot orgasm doesn’t exist — unlike the female orgasm, whose existence is still insisted upon by some conspiracy theorists and biological extremists.)
Amirite, fellas? You’re terrible at sex, and you don’t care! High five!
Apparently worrying that he isn’t pandering enough to his audience as it is, Milo even suggests that his own sexual preferences — he’s gay — are the result of the deficiencies of human women.
“I mean, look,” he writes. “I don’t mean to be rude, but most of the reason I went gay is so I didn’t have to deal with nutty broads.”
Really, Milo? Really?
But this raises a question. Milo starts off his post by suggesting that the only reason human civilization has amounted to anything is because of the hard work men force themselves to do in order to impress the, er, “broads.”
Who, or what, men have sex with is the basis of our civilisation. It is the driving force behind our greatest accomplishments. Men don’t compete for abstract pleasure: they compete to bag the best mate. The internet, the pyramids and the moon landings would not exist were it not for man’s desire to have sex with woman.
Actually, the moon landing wouldn’t have taken place without the work of Margaret Hamilton, lead software engineer of Project Apollo, but never mind that for a moment.
The question I have is: why does Milo Yiannopoulos pound out 1800-word posts for Breitbart on a regular basis? Why does he even bother to get out of bed in the morning? I mean, he’s gay. He doesn’t need to impress any of those “nutty broads” he says made him gay.
Admittedly, Milo’s work isn’t advancing civilization in any way, shape or form, but there have been plenty of accomplished gay male artists, writers, inventors, you name it. I mean, I’m pretty sure that Michelangelo didn’t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to impress some hot chick.
And what about lesbians? How do they even decide who gets to be the hot chick, and who gets to be the hard-working genius trying to impress the hot chick?
It’s all very confusing. Or it would be, anyway, if Milo’s bullshit were anything other than bullshit.
Milo’s tweet:
First off, Brietbart illustrates Milo’s article with a still from “The Stepford Wives” (the remake, not the good one). So yes, these guys are aware their utopia is something most people see as the plot to a horror movie.
Whenever sexbot fantasies come up, which is weirdly often in the manosphere, I have to wonder what MRAs think the sexbots are going to do that’s different from what existing sex toys do. I mean, we already have RealDolls, Fleshlights, dildos and vibrators, X-rated dating sim games, and more straight-male-oriented porn than anyone could consume in a lifetime. How advanced does sex technology have to get before men who hate women stop pestering them for sex?
Milo does nothing to clear this question up for me. The closest he comes to describing what the sexbots will actually be like is quoting Roissy:
“Ladies, if you think guys are selfish, egotistical pricks now, just wait until they start showing up to dates basked in the afterglow of sex with their Jessica Alba robots,” writes the widely-read blog Château Heartiste. “It is going to take a lot more to win over a guy who is that sexually satisfied.”
So… I can see a sex doll that looks like Jessica Alba being a fun toy, if you’re into that, but I’m not sure how it’s supposed to produce mind-blowing sex just by looking like Jessica Alba. If looking at Jessica Alba’s face while you masturbate is the secret to sexual satisfaction, I hate to tell Roissy, but most straight men of my generation cracked that secret with a copy of Maxim at around age 13.
(And no, Roissy and Milo, I don’t think guys are selfish, egotistical pricks. Most of the guys I know are cool dudes who are fun to be with. Many of them are also in on that female orgasm conspiracy.)
God, he’s wordy.
@alaisvex Yeah, I’d say Milo is a homophobe/privileged brat/Boris Johnson cosplayer.
Just look at this “comedy article” https://archive.is/4ooTA where he claims white cishet men are the most oppressed.
Good point. Apparently most MRAs are just optimistically hoping that whatever sex dolls there are in near future will be good enough to satisfy most men and drive women into existential panic.
They say cold fusion is always a technology available 50 years from now. I guess the sexbots are always coming (or pretending to come) sooner than that.
I don’t think Jessica Alba asked to have sexbots made to look just like her. Gross.
Yeah… I know polyamorous folks, and I get why they’re frustrated, but it’s a bit like sex work–just doing blanket legalization seems to create another option for oppression because of our patriarchal society. There’s an increasing list of things that I’m becoming convinced will be okay ‘if and only if’ we can actually rectify the core problem first.
Heheh, thanks! and yeah, those eyebrows are awesome :O
someone tell Milo that Real Dolls exist and that many of the men who own them still have relationships with actual women. I don’t see how a moving Real Doll would change that.
Well, what he (or rather, his fanboys) want is legalized slavery. What they’re hoping for, in their pathetic, shriveled, black hearts is that we’ll come up with an AI strong enough to be functionally equivalent to ‘people’ but which is not given the rights thereof. They generally don’t say this outright, because even they realize how vile it will sound, but it’s obvious that they aren’t interested in the interim stage of ‘sexy toaster’ as-such.
Damn! That was excellent!
I hate to play at what I call ‘shit-house psychologist’ but I believe they call that ‘projecting’
By the way, those current-day RealDolls get some really rough treatment. Here’s (an archived) article about a guy who repairs them. Note: triggery as fuck.
I love the unspoken premise here. They think that feminists are interested in “win[ning] over guys”?
Dudebros, we’re the ones who aren’t interested in that shit, remember? We’re the ones who fought to remove the stigma from female singlehood. We’re the ones who believe women’s lives can be happy and complete without marriage or men.
And I hate to break it to you (I really don’t hate breaking it to you), but science sez that marriage is good for men. In fact, it’s better for men than it is for women. Marriage seems to have health benefits for both sexes, but the effects are greater in men.
Male sexbots + 3D printing => Milo can finally *literally* go fuck himself.
With any luck, maybe he’ll go off gay men.
I’d heard of his having a partiality for men of colour, and that on some fairly recent trip across the Atlantic he’d been the subject of a bit of gossip for hooking up with someone white. I once half-formed a vague theory that the sort of men he liked were the closeted kind who would only be inclined to whatever suited his preferences in a social climate of oppression and repression, but couldn’t summon enough interest to flesh it out.
Um. He knows where babies come from right? So if he’s right and all those evil lonely women who insist on having pesky little things like rights eventually die off, so will the entire race….so men won’t have to work so hard to get something to fuck them but then again they will all be dead so it won’t matter.
Wait wait wait, haaaaaang about…. if the female orgasm doesn’t exist, where exactly is our motivation to just go slutting about with whoever we fancy? Is it just to tick off Yiannopoulos specifically?
Ummm, why does the author think that the moon landings would not have happened if not for the lead software engineer they hired for the Apollo project? I mean, Margaret Hamilton is a brilliant person, and did a lot to advance the field of computer science, but the Apollo program had many, many brilliant people leading many different parts of the entire program. It’s rather irrational to claim that we would not have made it to the moon if the exact people heading each department were not the ones heading those departments.
I think sex robot is a bad idea.. it seems to me that women’s body just for sex. there are very rare male sex bot in the market. i think this product is sexist toward women
He’s a self-proclaimed gay exceptionalist. He says in general society advances because of the difficulty of impressing broads, but has talked/written much more on how gays have contributed more than their fair share of the MOST impressive accomplishments. And he uses this as his basis for saying homosexuals should go back in the closet and breed like “normal” people (to speed up the Flynn effect, but also to keep gay culture more underground, exclusive and intellectual).
Hand-wringing over the views of such a walking embodiment of IDGAFness (or God-tier troll, if you will) is cursing into the abyss if I ever saw it. Nobody who would otherwise be drawn to his views (or his personality) is going to be swayed. Nobody who finds him repulsive is going to find him more repulsive because this is not an exposé. And nobody who would remain indifferent is reading any of this.
Shaming this man = a no-go. Just thought I’d educate you a bit.