Is the Men’s Rights Movement a bunch of middle-aged creeps obsessed with the sexuality of women young enough to be their daughters?
Judging from this video, shot at the first A Voice for Men “family reunion,” the answer is “yes.” Also, the Men’s Rights movement is drunk.
In the video, AVFM’s head middle-aged creep Paul Elam, working the camera, introduces his fellow “family members” as the only men in the Men’s Movement “who told Jessica Valenti ‘no’ to a blow job.”
Panning across the almost-all-white faces in the crowd, Elam gleefully shouts:
Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah! Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my God there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck it! [sic] … No means no, bitch! No means no, bitch!
At this point the entire group starts chanting “no means no.”
Valenti, the founder of Feministing, is a daily columnist for The Guardian and the author of four books. Elam is a middle-aged asshole who for many years has lived off of his girlfriend and/or the donations he’s been able to extract from gullible men.
Elam asks if anyone else has anything they want to say to the feminists of the world, because “this is going on YouTube.”
One gentleman shouts his message: “Go fuck yourself!”
Former AVFM second-in-command Dean Esmay makes an impossible-to-parse comment about “good rape.”
Elam adds his thoughts about another prominent feminist writer:
Hey listen, Amanda Marcotte! Your pussy stinks!
Then he ends the video with this little warning:
Hey, girls, look into your future! A lot more of this shit’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be fun except for us.
The Human Rights Movement of the 21st century, folks!
In the description of the video on YouTube, Elam (presumably sober by this time) makes clear he doesn’t care if anyone thinks the video makes the Men’s Rights movement look bad.
Look, it is just some men having non PC fun. If you find it offensive or a “bad thing” for the men’s movement, you can blow it out your ass.
Given that the so-called Men’s Rights movement is itself a bad thing, I’d like to thank Mr. Elam for once again making my work here easy.
NOTE: You folks might want to save this video, just in case Mr. Elam realizes what an ass he’s making of himself. (If you don’t have the right browser extension to save videos, this website will do it for you.)
EDIT: I just realized what this video reminded me of: The creepy dance sequence from the horror movie Calvaire.
Particularly funny since you know which older man actually did creep on a lot of young girls? That’s right: Hitler.
And before Kevin froths out about “But that doesn’t prove anything! Hitler owned dogs too, do you think dogs are evil?!” – he locked up and (probably) raped his own niece and she committed suicide to escape him. So. Y’know.
That is so awful but I’m not surprised he is Hitler after all.
that is called sarcarsm. your buddy, the user “Scented fucking hard chairs”, called me a nazy out of the blue.
“I’m sure the Jews would be delighted that you’re comparing millennia of systematic persecution, pogroms, and extermination to your feelings being hurt because the vast majority of 22 year old women find it creepy to be hit on by quintagenarians.”
Acutually “scented fucking hard chairs “” made that comparison. I was only telling him that it is wrong.
“and extermination to your feelings being hurt”
i never said that. when you need to lie to make a point…….
@Paradoxical Intentions
you have clearly not followed the discussion or you have but are disingenious. the person who compared consensual relationships between people people of large age gaps with rape,zoophilia and pedophilia is the user named “Policy of madness”.Another user also called him up o it but he defended his point. You can easily go a few pages back and see his comment. But I am sure you alread know that and just try to lie o make a point.
The nazi claim also belongs to the user “Scented Fucking Hard Chairs”. I was trying to tell him why is it wrong.
“We’d like to not be perved on by predatory old men please.”
If you look at my post I was always referring to consensual relationships. I am the only user in this debate who uses the word consensual. Lying about my statements is disgusting on your behalf. Its as almost if you would want me to be a rape apologist so that you can make a point. Disgusting
P.S: I do not know hwo kevin is.
P.S: the discusion here goes a bit weirdly, showing that people here are far less interested in the wellbeing of women and they just climb on the latest hate wagon. A very good example is this: the user Scented Fucking HArd chairs called me a nazy a couple of posts back.I replied I think that comparison is disingenious. A couple of posts later a bunch of users weirwoodtreehugger,Fruitloopsie ,Paradoxical Intention accuse me of making the nazy comparison despite the fact that it was “Scented Fucking HArd chairs” who makes the nazy comparison throughout this thread. Their literally accusing me for what the do. That says a lot more about them that they want to admit.
They’re back.

Don’t try to pull that trick here. The comments are still visible for anyone who scrolls up. You wrote:
…right here:
Yes, before that, SFHC called Kevin a Nazi, and also suggested that you are Kevin. That’s because both you and Kevin use the word “my(s)andry”:
I suppose it’s possible that two posters could, by coincidence, turn up at the same time and use the same wrong spelling of a fictional concept. But the very fact that you use the term “misandry” in a non-piss-taking way indicates that you’re an MRA troll, rather than someone who cares about people facing stigma for consensual relationships.
“Mysandry,” “Nazy”… Kevyn sure does love hys mysplaced Ys.
Hmm, reading a 3rd time, I can see how that much-quoted “what nazis did” line was probably meant to be sarcastic, in context. Sorry for piling on with that. But the point about being an MRA troll, imitating tumblr-SJWs, trying for a gotcha, still stands.
I am the only one who advocates consensual relationships throughout this thread and consider ageism disgusting. And keep in mind that a lot of elderly women fall victim for the same type of ageism that you people throw at elderly men in this thread, especially when it comes to getting a job and they cant….but hey lets fake interest in the wellbeing of women by attacking elderly men.
“trying for a gotcha”
thats not what a gotcha means. My main argument in this thread is that a younger woman can have a consensual relationship with an elderly man if both agree to it. Then out of the blue I get called a nazy,mra, plus insinuations that I support pedophilia, zoophilia and rape. I didnt even bring those concepts in the discussion. THis says a lot about the mentality of the comenters here, who constantly break blog rules.
“MRA troll, imitating tumblr-SJWs”
so defending consensual relationships makes me a mra troll and tumblr-sjw imitator? lel. just admit you have no idea what any of the concepts above mean.
interesting how on this comment page the users Scented Fucking Hard Chairs,Fruitloopsie, Katz, Paradoxical Intentions have a rather long conversation and obsession with Adolf Hitler. Rather unusual obsession since the topic does not concern anything to do with Hitler, but that shows what their main obsesession is
So you are Kevin.
interesting how on this comment page the users Scented Fucking Hard Chairs,Fruitloopsie, Katz, Paradoxical Intentions have a rather long conversation and obsession with Adolf Hitler. Rather unusual obsession since the topic does not concern anything to do with Hitler, but that shows what their main obsesession is
the truth hurts
You mind using words instead of gifs? Or is that too much to ask? If you are illiterate its ok. I would understand in that situation. Many unpriviledge people did not benefit from proper education.
Hi Kevin. I’m glad to see that you’ve decided to respond to everyone else and not just to me.
My commentary on your previous points still stands in the other thread, by the way. I wrote it while trying to be nice and respectful even after you insulted everyone, so I’m a little hurt at your lack of manners there. Not as hurt as I am by you straight-up advocating Nazidom, of course, but a little hurt.
No, using the word “misandry” with a straight face makes you a MRA. Calling people “mysoginistic/racist/myandristic homophobe” makes you look like you’re parroting words you don’t understand because you think they’ll win an argument. Following it up with “not all middle aged men are like those” shows who you *really* care about. Doing all that on a blog dedicated to mocking misogyny makes you a troll.
@EJ(the other one)
I wish I knew what you were talking about.
misandry”-it exists. not as much as mysoginy but it exists. and it is growing. denying it makes you a misandrist. period.
“Calling people “mysoginistic/racist/myandristic homophobe” makes you look like you’re parroting words you don’t understand because you think they’ll win an argument. ”
On the contrary. I only called mysoginistic the people who think they can decide who women should date or not instead of letting women make the choice.You misogynistic shill do not get to decide that. It is up to the individual woman. I called racist the people who use the horrors of the holocaust as a casual insult. And yes I accused Policy of madness of being a homophobe since he compared couples with large age gaps to zoophiles,pedophiles and rapists, comparisons made by actual homophobes to opress gay people and oppose gay marriage. Keep in mind that in this thread Policy of madness was called up by another user and he defended the comparison. And since you also defend it I also believe you to be a homophobe.
“makes you look like you’re parroting words you don’t understand because you think they’ll win an argument”
says the people who post gifs and accuse others of nazism, zoophilia,pedophilia for advocating consensual relationships.
“Following it up with “not all middle aged men are like those” shows who you *really* care about”
because the reality is that not all middle aged men are like this. You cant handle reality. What you are proposing and Is agism which is a vile form of discrimination that affects millions of elderly daily. Saying that all middle aged men sexual creeps because of a youtube video is like saying all african americans are violent because there are a bunch of youtube videos of african americans fighting in the street. Your logic is the same.
“Doing all that on a blog dedicated to mocking misogyny makes you a troll.”
I am the only one supporting consensual relationships and advocating womens right to choice. You are advocating against it. funny how your petty insults mirror what you really are. YOu are not a feminist. Far from it. Once you start imposing your own view on women and their choices you become a misogynist shill. Feminist is not about how you entitle yourself but by your ideas, principles and behavior. Oh but I forgot…you know better than women whats good for them dont you?……
(I’m joining in the gif posting because it seems to be the most productive thing to do. I’m not going to make fun of your writing style, but I’m also not going to respond to you as if you’re a person with serious ideas until you behave like one.)
@delavrancea – You appear to have mistaken me for the commenters who were talking about age gaps in relationships.
That’s another tell.
Please quote/link to the comment where anyone said that.
“PolicyOfMadness was mean to me.”-not to me. to women who enjoy consensual relationships with older men. He thinks its similar to pedophilai,zzoophilia and rape.
“Let me define misogyny for you.”-never said that. you are lying
“Nobody here except me understands consent.”-never said that. but nobody here cares about consent
“I’m the real feminist here.”- never said that. One of the basic tennents of feminism is the womans right to choose for herself. A lot of users here believe women do not have that right.
Saying that young women constantly have older men hitting on them, despite showing zero interest and pointing out that it’s common for older (not necessarily elderly) men often objectify younger women and abuse the power dynamic is not the same as saying all middle aged men are creeps. It’s not the same as saying women aren’t allowed to have a consensual relationship with someone older.
I think you know that. Until you stop pretending you don’t know the difference, nobody needs to treat you as someone who wishes to have a serious conversation.
Okay, I was going to make a Portal GIF specially for the silly little sock, but every time GLaDOS starts talking, I start squeeing like the hopeless fangirl I am and lose my train of doing-anything-that’s-not-making-noises-that-would-deafen-bats. So you’ll just have to imagine that this JPG’s animated. Close enough.
@Scented Fucking Hard Chasirs
So youre ableistic too.Not only are you obsessed with Hitler you are degrading people wiht mental disabilities. Whats next? Calling me the n word?Damn…how the hell didnt you get banned yet.
What the hell is going on here? O_O
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