a voice for men antifeminism creepy Dean Esmay douchebaggery entitled babies facepalm harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men paul elam post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny! vaginas YouTube

VIDEO: Go Home, Men’s Rights Movement, You’re Drunk. (Seriously, folks, watch this one.)

Is the Men’s Rights Movement a bunch of middle-aged creeps obsessed with the sexuality of women young enough to be their daughters?

Judging from this video, shot at the first A Voice for Men “family reunion,” the answer is “yes.” Also, the Men’s Rights movement is drunk.

In the video, AVFM’s head middle-aged creep Paul Elam, working the camera, introduces his fellow “family members” as the only men in the Men’s Movement “who told Jessica Valenti ‘no’ to a blow job.”

Panning across the almost-all-white faces in the crowd, Elam gleefully shouts:

Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah! Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my God there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck it! [sic] … No means no, bitch! No means no, bitch!

At this point the entire group starts chanting “no means no.”

Valenti, the founder of Feministing, is a daily columnist for The Guardian and the author of four books. Elam is a middle-aged asshole who for many years has lived off of his girlfriend and/or the donations he’s been able to extract from gullible men.

Elam asks if anyone else has anything they want to say to the feminists of the world, because “this is going on YouTube.”

One gentleman shouts his message: “Go fuck yourself!”

Former AVFM second-in-command Dean Esmay makes an impossible-to-parse comment about “good rape.”

Elam adds his thoughts about another prominent feminist writer:

Hey listen, Amanda Marcotte! Your pussy stinks!

Then he ends the video with this little warning:

Hey, girls, look into your future! A lot more of this shit’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be fun except for us.

The Human Rights Movement of the 21st century, folks!

In the description of the video on YouTube, Elam (presumably sober by this time) makes clear he doesn’t care if anyone thinks the video makes the Men’s Rights movement look bad.

Look, it is just some men having non PC fun. If you find it offensive or a “bad thing” for the men’s movement, you can blow it out your ass.

Given that the so-called Men’s Rights movement is itself a bad thing, I’d like to thank Mr. Elam for once again making my work here easy.

NOTE: You folks might want to save this video, just in case Mr. Elam realizes what an ass he’s making of himself. (If you don’t have the right browser extension to save videos, this website will do it for you.)

EDIT: I just realized what this video reminded me of: The creepy dance sequence from the horror movie Calvaire.

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9 years ago

I don’t understand Paul Elam’s comment about Jessica Valenti and blow jobs. Jessica Valenti would not give a blow job to anyone. The whole point of radical feminism is that “all sex is rape.” I understand that Valenti and her rad-fems are insane, but Paul Elam is just being a loud, obnoxious drunk, who is blabbering things that make no sense. I mean why would you need to sexually reject a feminist like Valenti, who wouldn’t have sex with any man in the first place? Elam needs to put his vodka and beer shots down, and start making some sense.

(pats the troll’s head patronizingly)

Aren’t you a precious, special kind of stupid? Not only do you not have the foggiest clue what radical feminism is actually about, you’ve also mistaken Jessica Valenti — by no means a radical — for your straw-radfem. Meanwhile, she’s married to a man, and has a child by him as well.

Oops! So much for your widdle trollpost. Go home, zipper66, you’re drunk, too. And put down that mascufascist koolaid before you hurt yourself.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

So did anyone else notice in the comments for the video where Karen Straughan asked why she wasn’t invited to the gathering, and she was told it was for men only? I can’t wrap my head around a woman actually being disappointed on missing out on that. I can’t help thinking that it could have gotten really ugly if the men had actually had a woman to interact with while they were intoxicated like that on beer and spite and misplaced bravado.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog) | September 14, 2015 at 11:56 pm
So did anyone else notice in the comments for the video where Karen Straughan asked why she wasn’t invited to the gathering, and she was told it was for men only? I can’t wrap my head around a woman actually being disappointed on missing out on that. I can’t help thinking that it could have gotten really ugly if the men had actually had a woman to interact with while they were intoxicated like that on beer and spite and misplaced bravado.

Part of me wants this to blow up in their faces. Like I want Karen to insist that she be invited next time or something. Because this could be a very big awakening for her that they really couldn’t give a shit about her beyond being a shield to weakly deflect criticism that they’re misogynistic.

Karen’s supposed to be a member of the “Boys Only Club” because she’s their special snowflake “I’m not like other girls!” girl after all, so why wouldn’t she be invited to a night where the men get to get drunk and act like assholes?!

9 years ago

I can’t think of anything constructive I can add to this discussion, except maybe to say “fuck Paul Elam and his gang of idiot manchild clowns”.

9 years ago

The best thing about this video is it totally proves the ancient MRA truth that men only get more attractive with age. 🙂

9 years ago

Memo to Karen Straughan: The enemy of your enemy isn’t necessarily your friend.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

The best thing about this video is it totally proves the ancient MRA truth that men only get more attractive with age. 🙂

No. Just…no. You can’t say that, sarcasm or not. Stop this.

9 years ago


What? They’ll be Daniel Craigs and George Clooneys any day now, I’m sure. 😉 Biotruths and all.

Bonnie Blue
Bonnie Blue
9 years ago

Straughan is an unrepentant asshole, but honestly, that comment made me a little sad. This is a person who’s essentially devoted the past few years of her life to desperately trying to belong to a group that will never fully accept her as an equal. They’ll pat her on the head for being a good, obedient lapdog – but they’ll never respect her enough to completely overlook that she’s still a woman, no matter how much of a Cool Girl she is.

(Also, I love how there’s the one token black guy in this video. How much do you wanna bet that he passively accepts and agrees with the racist ramblings of all the other assholes in this group, because he’s “not like most black people”?)

9 years ago

I like to picture this as a dramatic reading of all AVFM posts at once, translated into Fratdude English from the original Frothy Word Salad. Fratdude English is much more concise than Frothy Word Salad.

Naomi Harvey
9 years ago
Reply to  zipper66

It seems, to me, to a an extrememly juvenile and insecure response to the idea that there are women who don’t want to fk him.

Sort of like when someone asks you out in school and when you say no, responds with “Yeah, well you’re ugly anyway!”

9 years ago

Why are the Elams of the world so interested in feminists’ mouths?

It sounds like a desperate attempt to stop the tidal wave of mocking laughter MRAs unintentionally generate from their juvenile horseshit.

9 years ago

David, I watched the Majority Raport show episode from yesterday this morning, and Matt Binder mentions you and your post about this MRA video about one hour and 28 minutes in. 🙂

9 years ago

Paul Elam, go home, take your diarrhea medication, and go to bed.

9 years ago

And I’ve just had the sad realization that there are people who take what these clowns have to say seriously.

9 years ago

“For Elam, that revelation came at age 13, when his mother tried to force him to take his diarrhea medicine.

Elam’s brothers held him down on the kitchen floor while his mother screamed and hit him with a wooden spoon until a concerned neighbor knocked on the door. “I felt like I was engaged in the battle of my life,” Elam said. “I was a rebel from that moment on … I’m still that 13-year-old kid on the floor that won’t take the medicine.””

I’m nearly in tears from laughing too hard. What a whiny little brat! Even my cat doesn’t put up that much of a fuss about taking medicine. Paul Elam is officially more immature than a four-legged creature that shits in a box and licks its own balls.

9 years ago

I’m actually glad I watched that, because it’s easy sometimes to find these guys scary, what with the onlne ranting and hate and threats of violence. And now that I’ve seen them in action I just feel sorry for them — what a posse of complete and utter losers. Whatever power I was giving them just got taken away.

9 years ago

And, not coincidentally, my small dog is way more masculine than any of these guys. And his balls were cut off years ago.

9 years ago

Why do you feel sorry for misognist terrorists?

“And, not coincidentally, my small dog is way more masculine than any of these guys. And his balls were cut off years ago.”

This is extremely sexist you basically called them “feminine” or “women”.

9 years ago

I see what you mean, but wouldn’t that be something those guys would find insulting?
If Thalia thinks that masculine is a compliment and feminine is an insult, you’re totally right, but as a quick way to insult MRAs, it probably works wonders.

9 years ago

I don’t really care what they find insulting it’s insulting to women because we are being compared to stupid, rapey, entitled, abusive, hypocritical, obnoxious terrorists.

9 years ago

I think everyone who’s commented has already said most of the things I take issue with, better than I could have, so I only have three things to say.

First, in regards to the whole bj thing, I think it’s not a response to a particular thing Jessica Valenti said, just that oral sex is seen as derogatory – and, by the way, great job those guys are making shaming it if they want any woman to ever blow them, fucking A. I guess they are suggesting that she enjoys givng oral sex (thus she’s a sluuuuut and therefore bad), but they’re rejecting her (because rejection is the worst thing ever /s).

The second is, I wouldn’t be upset if they decided to get drunk and insult women, record it, and put it on the internet. I’m offended, on an intellectual level, that those guys decided to post it as an AVFM thing, as if this is their main talking point – which I know it is, but they won’t own up to it when we point it out. “We’re, for realz, trying to help men! I know it was an AVFM meeting, and we only talked about how much we hate woman, but we were just having fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!” I wonder what it feels like to be so stupid. Do they usually forget to breath because they were too busy being hateful?

And if my future holds middle aged men I’ve never met getting wasted, rambling about “bitches” and posting it on the internet… Yeah, I’ll be fine

9 years ago

I get it now. Though I think (I hope) it’s just an attempt to target MRAs where it hurts the most, using women or the things associated with women as an insult is a problem.