a voice for men antifeminism creepy Dean Esmay douchebaggery entitled babies facepalm harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men paul elam post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny! vaginas YouTube

VIDEO: Go Home, Men’s Rights Movement, You’re Drunk. (Seriously, folks, watch this one.)

Is the Men’s Rights Movement a bunch of middle-aged creeps obsessed with the sexuality of women young enough to be their daughters?

Judging from this video, shot at the first A Voice for Men “family reunion,” the answer is “yes.” Also, the Men’s Rights movement isΒ drunk.

In the video, AVFM’s head middle-aged creepΒ Paul Elam, working the camera, introduces his fellow “family members”Β as the only men in the Men’s Movement “who told Jessica Valenti ‘no’ to a blow job.”

Panning across the almost-all-white faces in the crowd, Elam gleefully shouts:

Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah!Β Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my GodΒ there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck it! [sic] … No means no, bitch!Β No means no, bitch!

At this point the entire group starts chanting “no means no.”

Valenti, the founder of Feministing, is a daily columnist for The Guardian and the author of four books. Elam is a middle-aged asshole who for many years hasΒ lived off of his girlfriend and/orΒ the donationsΒ he’s been able to extract fromΒ gullible men.

Elam asks if anyone else has anything they want to say to the feminists of the world, because “this is going on YouTube.”

One gentleman shouts his message: “Go fuck yourself!”

Former AVFM second-in-command Dean EsmayΒ makes an impossible-to-parse comment about “good rape.”

Elam adds his thoughts about another prominent feminist writer:

Hey listen, Amanda Marcotte! Your pussy stinks!

Then he ends the video with this little warning:

Hey, girls, look into your future! A lot more of this shit’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be fun except for us.

The Human Rights Movement of the 21st century, folks!

In the description of the video on YouTube, Elam (presumably sober by this time) makes clear he doesn’t care if anyone thinks the video makes the Men’s Rights movement look bad.

Look, it is just some men having non PC fun. If you find it offensive or a “bad thing” for the men’s movement, you can blow it out your ass.

Given that the so-called Men’s Rights movement is itself a bad thing, I’d like to thank Mr. Elam for once again makingΒ my work here easy.

NOTE: You folks might want to save this video, just in case Mr. Elam realizes what an ass he’s making of himself. (If you don’t have the right browser extension to save videos, this website will do it for you.)

EDIT: I just realized what this video reminded me of: The creepy dance sequence from the horror movie Calvaire.

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

From some googling around, looks like it’s a term of art in reviewing beer, indicating exactly what it sounds like, it’s easy to drink it fast.

Don’t be precious. The beer in question wasn’t Coors Lite, it was called “Dallas Blonde.” The beer company people have admitted it was deliberate double entendre.

9 years ago

“Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah! Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my God there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck-”

Nobody wants you or your d*** especially Jessica now stop being d***s yourselves and sit down.

9 years ago

It’s weird how AVFM and MRAs seem to think their movement is about feminists and antifeminist having sex. You would think they had real life stuff to complain about but instead they spend their time talking about sex with feminists. Or the lack of..Dafuq. If they hate feminists so much, then why make sex with them a focus. Do they really think it is logical in any way? I don’t get it.

9 years ago

Gross gross gross

9 years ago

Would it be appropriate to send Jessica a fruit basket and a note of congratulations on all the dicks not to be sucked? (Not sure how to phrase that last bit) Maybe muffins or a year’s subscription to inappropriately shaped chocolate items delivered every month?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I think it’s rather telling that the best thing they could come up with is “You’re not gonna suck my dick!” Like, they don’t like this woman, so they won’t use her to pleasure themselves with.

Excuse me while I roll out my Sarcastic Feinting Couch.

9 years ago

Okay…time for some translations:

First, Shallow Elam — er, Deep Ellum Brewery:

it’s a literal description of the beer with a blowjob joke. A double entendre. And yes, I find that funny.
What’s not funny is how that’s been interpreted to promoting rape culture. If anyone is to blame for promoting such thoughts, it should be those interpreting the phrase to that level.

Translation: “How DARE you suggest that we are using rape culture to sell our diabetic horse urine! How DARE you suggest that it’s old, tired, nasty and unfunny? Whatsamatteryou? Oh, I just got an idea: I’ll point the finger at you and ignore the three pointing back at me! Now YOU’re the sexist rape culture promoter! Neener, neener, nee-ner!

And them again:

To those who have been offended by this glorified blowjob joke, I am sorry. Lesson learned.
To those who have likened this to rape culture or tried to cheapen this to just some sexist asshole trying to sell beer, shame on you.
Just as we don’t need cheap tricks to sell our beer, you don’t need cheap tricks to push your agenda.

Translation: “Hi, here’s another cheap-ass nopology comin’ right atcha. How DARE you see through our cheap trick for selling our crappy suds? How DARE you call us on our sexism? How DARE you call us on our capitulation to rape culture, and our appeal to the lowest common denominator of masculinity?” (clutches smelling salts, staggers to fainting couch, wilts dramatically)

Oh, and “Cans for Cans” as a breast-cancer charity fundraiser? Why not call it “Boobs for Boobs”? It would be more accurate that way. Dude, you’re offending cancer survivors with your own sexism in order to sell beer. That’s pretty fuckin’ low.

Yeah, Deep Ellum, I don’t think I’ll be drinking your beer ever. I only heard of you today.

9 years ago

And now, let’s translate Paulie into plain English:

Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah! Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my God there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck it! [sic] … No means no, bitch! No means no, bitch!

Translation: “Fuck, I’m so pissed that Jessica doesn’t want to suck my cock. Sure it’s kinda old and shrivelled and droopy, and all this beer I just guzzled isn’t helping any, but damn her anyway for not having beer goggles where we geezers are concerned. And how dare she say that you can’t have sex without enthusiastic consent? Those big fancy words aren’t supposed to be in any woman’s vocabulary. BITCH!”

Hey listen, Amanda Marcotte! Your pussy stinks!

Translation: “I can’t reach those grapes, either. They must be sour!”

Hey, girls, look into your future! A lot more of this shit’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be fun except for us.

Translation: “We’re gonna get together and get drunk and film our incomprehensible babblings on the regular! We’re gonna pretend it’s fun so you’ll get all jealous at what you’re not getting and don’t want anyway! Boogaboogabooga!” (sobs, hiccups)

Look, it is just some men having non PC fun. If you find it offensive or a β€œbad thing” for the men’s movement, you can blow it out your ass.

Translation: “How DARE you suggest that we sound immature! What are you, my mom? No, Mom, don’t come at me with that diarrhea medicine! I’d rather shit my pants than do what a mere woman tells me, even if she IS my mom! Fuck off, mom! FUCK OFF!!!”

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Aw. They try SO HARD.

(Shhhhhh. Please, for the love of Katie, nobody tell them how much fun we have laughing at them.)

Oh please, Mr. Elam, sir, don’t tell us terrible feminists how much you and your ragtag dupes pals don’t want those hummers nobody offered you!

9 years ago


YES!! The “never put salt in your eye” KITH!

Exactly like that. πŸ™‚

9 years ago

I’m confused. Obviously Valenti never offered any of these men a blowjob, so why are they so proud of their fictional refusals? It’s only becoming clearer and clearer that the Men’s Rights Movement is fully comprised of sad, lonely, inadequate, inferior men who feel as if calling women gendered slurs somehow gives them power.

9 years ago

Upon a bit of thought, I will give them one thing. No does indeed mean no. Glad they finally admitted it.

9 years ago

What did Amanda Marcotte even do to make them single her out? I guess I can sort of understand them targeting Jessica Valenti since she’s a pretty well known feminist, but Amanda seems to be a lot less well known. Hell, I didn’t even know who she was until I came across one of her speeches while looking through Skepticon videos just the other day. Are they just running out of targets?

9 years ago

Also, the guy with the beard and the honey badger brigade t-shirt starts saying “no means blow” after the rest of the crowd finishes chanting. I’ll bet he’s so proud of himself for coming up with that pun.

9 years ago

I think it’s because there’s overlap between the manosphere and atheism of the smug Dawkins and Harris variety. She’s dared to disagree with some of the more misogynistic members of the atheist/skeptic community and besides atheism is supposed to be a safe space for teh menz!

9 years ago

I imagine Valetti laughs herself to sleep every night

9 years ago

You will never EVER see a feminist say “This is a video of a bunch of drunken feminists acting like immature jackass children and making fun of men’s genitals, and I don’t care how bad it makes feminists look you poopoohead!”

9 years ago

I don’t understand Paul Elam’s comment about Jessica Valenti and blow jobs. Jessica Valenti would not give a blow job to anyone. The whole point of radical feminism is that “all sex is rape.” I understand that Valenti and her rad-fems are insane, but Paul Elam is just being a loud, obnoxious drunk, who is blabbering things that make no sense. I mean why would you need to sexually reject a feminist like Valenti, who wouldn’t have sex with any man in the first place? Elam needs to put his vodka and beer shots down, and start making some sense.

9 years ago

These guys look like they wish they were a thousand miles away, but they made the mistake of showing up and now they are being filmed by a giant bully shaming them into acting like assholes.

Captain Kei
Captain Kei
9 years ago

Well, that was predictably repugnant.

9 years ago

I honestly always imagined the MRA movements members to be alot younger. I guess there hope for my generation yet.

9 years ago

An excerpt I found amusing in this context — from Amanda Marcotte’s January article on MRA movements self-defeating themselves:

In the past few months, MRAs have finally gotten some serious mainstream attention, creating an opportunity to show the world that they are what they say they are: humanitarian activists who simply want men to be equal in a supposedly female-dominated world. Knowing, for instance, that the press would be swarming his MRA conference held in Detroit over the summer, A Voice for Men founder Paul Elam publicly asked participants to put their best face forward:

“Please, for all here who are attending, keep this in mind with everything you do and say. Even at after-hours social events, if you hear anyone saying anything that can be used against us, or that makes our gathering toxic, pull them aside politely and say, β€œHey, you are hurting us with this. If you want to hang with this group you have to stop it.””

9 years ago

Zipper 66,
No. Feminists say if a person hasn’t consented to sex it, is rape.

If you think all sex takes place without the consent of the women, go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Because you’re essentially admitting to being a rapist.

9 years ago

Wow, that was painful to watch. I feel almost embarrassed for them, except I’m pretty sure they aren’t aware that they ought to be embarrassed. There were moments where I thought, “oh, god, they think that was clever and witty!”

John Pavlich (@johnpavlich)

Wait, these guys are actually IN Dallas?!?! I’ve been in Texas most of my life but if THIS is what I have to live next door to, I gotta get the fuck out of The Lone Star State.

Also, to the Deep Ellum Brewery guy, you can’t “apologize” and then immediately undo it by doubling down on your position. It’s like saying, “I’m sorry, but…” No! No but! Your slogan IS kinda sexist. Either own up to it and keep it or own up to it and change it. Those are your only options. Pick one. You don’t get to have it both ways, wherein you do an OBVIOUSLY bad thing and then deny it by deflection.

Man, I’m glad I don’t frequent bars much and have never cared for the taste of beer. Although, I have a friend who brews his own and he made this citrus IPA once that was actually quite tasty. πŸ™‚