a voice for men antifeminism creepy Dean Esmay douchebaggery entitled babies facepalm harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats oppressed white men paul elam post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny! vaginas YouTube

VIDEO: Go Home, Men’s Rights Movement, You’re Drunk. (Seriously, folks, watch this one.)

Is the Men’s Rights Movement a bunch of middle-aged creeps obsessed with the sexuality of women young enough to be their daughters?

Judging from this video, shot at the first A Voice for Men “family reunion,” the answer is “yes.” Also, the Men’s Rights movement is drunk.

In the video, AVFM’s head middle-aged creep Paul Elam, working the camera, introduces his fellow “family members” as the only men in the Men’s Movement “who told Jessica Valenti ‘no’ to a blow job.”

Panning across the almost-all-white faces in the crowd, Elam gleefully shouts:

Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah! Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my God there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck it! [sic] … No means no, bitch! No means no, bitch!

At this point the entire group starts chanting “no means no.”

Valenti, the founder of Feministing, is a daily columnist for The Guardian and the author of four books. Elam is a middle-aged asshole who for many years has lived off of his girlfriend and/or the donations he’s been able to extract from gullible men.

Elam asks if anyone else has anything they want to say to the feminists of the world, because “this is going on YouTube.”

One gentleman shouts his message: “Go fuck yourself!”

Former AVFM second-in-command Dean Esmay makes an impossible-to-parse comment about “good rape.”

Elam adds his thoughts about another prominent feminist writer:

Hey listen, Amanda Marcotte! Your pussy stinks!

Then he ends the video with this little warning:

Hey, girls, look into your future! A lot more of this shit’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be fun except for us.

The Human Rights Movement of the 21st century, folks!

In the description of the video on YouTube, Elam (presumably sober by this time) makes clear he doesn’t care if anyone thinks the video makes the Men’s Rights movement look bad.

Look, it is just some men having non PC fun. If you find it offensive or a “bad thing” for the men’s movement, you can blow it out your ass.

Given that the so-called Men’s Rights movement is itself a bad thing, I’d like to thank Mr. Elam for once again making my work here easy.

NOTE: You folks might want to save this video, just in case Mr. Elam realizes what an ass he’s making of himself. (If you don’t have the right browser extension to save videos, this website will do it for you.)

EDIT: I just realized what this video reminded me of: The creepy dance sequence from the horror movie Calvaire.

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James Goss
James Goss
9 years ago

“Tell us more about Good Rape” is I think what he’s saying.

AnAndrejaPejicBlog (@A_Pejic_Blog)

Somewhere, Valenti is thinking
comment image

9 years ago

Well, that about says it all, doesn’t it? Shows the MRAs for just who they are: guys with arrested development who don’t really care one whit about men’s rights, only about hating and insulting women.

9 years ago

Ironically, “non-politically correct” is itself the politically correct term for “complete and total bastard”.

This video is… incredible.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

“Non-PC fun” = “indistinguishable from 9-year-olds.” Glad to have that cleared up!

Yes, MRAs! Girls do, in fact, have cooties! You’d better stay faaaaaaar away from them!

9 years ago

To quote Voltaire: “I always made one prayer to God, a very short one. Here it is: ‘O Lord, make our enemies quite ridiculous!’ God granted it.”

9 years ago

These guys are readying themselves for the line up of women who supposedly want to give them blow jobs? HA HAHA HA HA HA HA HAHA HA HA!!!!

9 years ago

That’s the worst version of “sour grapes” I’ve ever seen

9 years ago

Truly amazing how they managed to fit so much talent, humor and grace into just one room. If I were Jessica, I’d be devastated at their rejections.

latsot (@latsot)
9 years ago

Wait…. I think I’ve seen this before:

9 years ago

How they’ve convinced themselves that this is a thing feminist women would want to do is even more baffling. Is it just that they assume anyone against them is a “slut” and therefore bad (ironically enough Jessica Valenti has written several books deconstructing exactly that mindset)? Or is it “we hate feminists” and “we hate (consensual) sex” and therefore feminists must be 100% indiscriminate in their (consensual) sex and that’s a bad thing? The “no means no” bizarre tangent makes me suspect that it’s a deliberate misreading of the book title “Yes Means Yes” that she coedited (i.e. she wrote yes means yes, so argle bargle that must means indiscriminate sex monster because words meaning things are misandry)? Though it could just be standard threats and insults about perceived sexuality are literally all we have?

And at this point I realize that I’m probably putting way more thought into what they mean than they did.

9 years ago

Question: How many of these men have actually met Jessica Valenti? Like, face-to-face, been in the same room with her? My guess is <1.

Also, what's the deal with the brewery that was mentioned? I only made it about 20 seconds into the video before I had to shut it off, but Elam described the brewery as "refusing to kowtow to feminists." Does anybody know what he's talking about?

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

“Non-politically-correct fun” for MRAs is is the same “fun” all hate groups engage in; stroking their hate boners and talking shit about those they hate. Same as always. They’d go out and find some feminist/uppity woman to lynch if they though they could get away with it.

“We gun’ hang us a fem’nist, boys!”

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

The only guys this facepalmingly obsessed with BJs are guys who’ve never had (consensual) BJs.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

stroking their hate boners

And, in this case, their literal boners.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

And at this point I realize that I’m probably putting way more thought into what they mean than they did.

– Cerberus

Yeh. Doubt there is much thought here, at all. Just a straight pipeline between their mouths and the vile, hate-filled sewage that clog their brains.

9 years ago

Hey, girls, look into your future! A lot more of this shit’s coming, and it ain’t gonna be fun except for [sic] us.

This is the live action version of Lewis’ Law right here. Misogyny is not exactly anything new and their threats of a world where men treat us as a collection of orifices for boners and insult us on that premise? Well that just proves we still need feminism. So, thanks guys!

9 years ago

When they say, “here’s a bunch of dicks so and so won’t have”, are they doing it ironically? 😉 cause yes, there is no way in hell she would have those dicks, cause EUUUUeeee…

9 years ago

In my time reading here, I have seen some wretched crap, but I am not clicking on that video. Something about seeing these people say their usual out loud is extra repulsive.

9 years ago


Somebody in the video’s comments asked and was linked to this in response:

Same old story, IMO

9 years ago

Hello Jessica! Hello Jessica! Yeeaaaah! Here’s a dick you won’t suck! Oh, there’s another dick you won’t suck! Oh my God there’s just thousands of dicks that don’t want you to suck it!

Well, he’s not wrong. I may be a bit behind on my modern toxic masculinity, but I’m pretty sure “here’s a bunch of men you don’t want to have sex with and don’t want to have sex with you” isn’t much of a brag.

9 years ago

We discussed before on this site that the targets of manosphere rage are usually young and conventionally attractive feminists. They’re not going after older feminists like Gloria Steinem, bell hooks, Naomi Wolfe etc. They do go after Lindy West, but they don’t seem to obsess about her as much.

They hate all women. But what they really hate most of all is that there are young, pretty women who are not acquiescing to what they think their designated role is. They’re supposed to be submissive blow job dispensers and sammich makers! Feminism is supposed to be for old and/or ugly women! How dare Jessica Valenti choose feminism over a life of servitude to a much older misogynist?

They’re claiming to be having non-PC fun here, nothing more. But they don’t look happy or celebratory to me. They don’t look fun. They look as bitter and rage filled as always. They’re enraged at Valenti and Marcotte for not performing as good little fuck toys and are attempting here to put them in their place by attacking the one thing MRAs think women are good for, their sexuality and genitals.

9 years ago

So, by “drunk” somehow I didn’t think that you meant Actually Drunk.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago

I know who we’re talking about, but does Paulie seriously think that saying that someone’s vagina is “stinky” an okay thing for to say? Especially for the head of an alleged professional organization, no less? Christ what an asshole. Does he not understand how public relations work?

9 years ago

??? Even if Jessica Valenti DID, for some inexplicable reason, want to have oral sex with these fuckheads, she would accept a “No”. A main tenent of feminism is respecting consent. Only MRAs seem to think that turning down someone’s sexual advances is the WORST POSSIBLE THING you could do to a person. The projection is strong with these assholes.

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