UPDATE: It’s out! I’m about to watch it! Let’s continue the discussion here.
So last night Jordan Owen made the announcement on Twitter:
Clearly, all didn’t go according to plan, because the video wasn’t released later that night. But apparently its release is IMMINENT.
Alas, it won’t be free on YouTube. It will cost $3.99 to rent on Vimeo, $7.99 to own.
I will keep refreshing this page until it appears, and then I will watch it so you don’t have to!
I’ll update this post as soon as it’s out. (Assuming I’m not napping.) And will follow it with a review, of sorts.
Feel free to post anything you hear in the comments below.
In other news, “street philosopher” Justine Tunney — one of the people Davis Aurini interviewed for the “film” — is pestering Owen on Twitter for no clear reason.
@jordanowen42 This is you. pic.twitter.com/hWJeF6BtAx
— Justine Tunney (@JustineTunney) September 14, 2015
Hmm, £2.60 is pretty reasonable, but I’m not sure I want to put any money towards those guys. And two hours? Aurini’s 30 minute cut was long enough.
Thanks for the explanations of NYS.
How knows, maybe Denzel is a GG supporter, that other actor dude who’s name i can’t remember is/was one after all.
skiriki: Not to worry, he’s just about there – at least, his hand is, seen lying about on a table during one of the interviews due to the poor framing.
Also featured in the trailer: The first interview sounds like it has audio captured from two microphones a few milliseconds out of sync with each other, the second is bursting the microphone due to being too loud and the third is far too quiet. During Christina’s bit, there’s a really bad crossfade in the middle of her one sentence in order to make it appear that she’s saying something relevant. It ends with some new theme music that reminds me that I really wanted to get the Amiga out again one of these days.
I’m also tempted to pay the asking rental price because terrible people wasting their time and money is the sort of car-crash entertainment that I can really get into, but I wouldn’t want to be seen as supporting the project in any way.
Be careful if you watch the trailer on the Vimeo page! There are some cuts in there that are so jarring, I think they might need a seizure warning. I hope the rest of the movie isn’t like that.
I’m not willing to give them money, but I’m looking forward to David’s recap/review of it. I am also wondering if Owen’s release date has anything to do with the fact that Anita released a new Tropes v. Women video not too long ago.
>on Vimeo, must pay $3.99 to watch
Thanks for ensuring nobody will watch it, you dip.
Ahahahahaha https://twitter.com/jordanowen42/status/643508443140243457
I would gladly give $4 to a charity if it meant I could see this “movie”. But not to Owen. :/
Seriously!? He really thinks that she’s threatened by this shitshow. Somebody make the popcorn. This is going to be spectacular.
Also, it’s not like Anita’s new video ties into the one she posted a few weeks ago. I’m sure she just threw that together this morning when she found out the film was being released. /sarcasm
Why is the movie not free?! I thought they were doing this as a service to the public!
Don’t they realize their arch-enemy is giving her stuff away for gratis!? That is clearly part of her self-serving money-making diabolical master plan! You can’t compete with such obviously blatant manipulative deviousness by charging for your Oscar-winning expose of journalistic integrity!
Yes, I understand that the TRUTH is priceless so either you should charge accordingly (like $49.99 at least) or free to demonstrate the innate generosity of your movement and cause as a just counterpoint to the twin towers of evil that houses the watchful EYE of Anita.
To speak the truth you have to make the truth accessible mon!
Well it’s up. and it’s TWO AND HALF HOURS LONG!
Jordan Owen would have to pay me a lot more than 4$ to sit through TWO AND AHALF HOURS of people whining about Anita Sarkeesian…
As a quick aside about the ‘philosophy’ of Justine Tunney, the only relation it has to ‘street’ are the gutters and sewage. Look up her Twitter and be much amused.
Considering the absurd amount of money they got to make this windows-movie-maker-edited “documentary” it’s kinda messed up that one would have to pay for it.
Yeah, it’s worth remembering here that one of the stated objectives of the project – and one of the reasons they said they needed a decent chunk of money to get it done – was to end up with a polished, professional-quality film whose production values would outshine those of Sarkeesian’s videos. Like, if they could make something that looked and sounded better than what she makes, but for less than her ostensible budget, then that would help further the argument that Sarkeesian is a hack-y fraud. I haven’t watched the whole thing, but based on everything that’s come out so far, it feels like barely a single second of this thing was competently (let alone professionally) made. This thing is like the trainwreck that keeps on giving – The Giving Trainwreck, if you will.
Gotta make up their skull budget somehow.
Just as a heads up, that patronising bunch of broadcast meeja tosspots, who take my licencing fee are showing a shitely titled show called “Girls CAN code”. My wife’s spitting chips at the moment as all it’s doing is pandering to the short-brained shiteheads who have Women in STEM issues, five mins in and I have to agree that the language is overly patronising.
Well, we are all aware of the feud between the great houses of Aurini and Owen.
However, what we are not aware of is the forbidden romance between Professor Skull of House Aurini, and Tubithia, Owen’s porcelain companion and member of House Owen.
Jordan was made aware of the Professor’s secret meetings with his precious porcelain Tubithia, and thus forbade it from meeting with the skull ever again. Tubithia sobbed and asked for Jordan to reconsider, but Jordan refused.
Unfortunately for Jordan, Professor Skull has access to something his porcelain lover does not: hands. Hands with which to open doors.
So, late at night while Jordan is up working on his precious movie, Professor Skull summons his skeletal hands to open the doors separating him from his lover, and they canoodle in quiet secrecy…until Jordan needs the tub to film again.
It’s like Romeo and Juliet, except the main characters can’t die.
Actually I think it is the part where they fed their own cause the poison and can’t tell if it is dead or alive – even though it was already part of the plan 8p
https://twitter.com/betsyinferno has some thoughts and handheld camera clips from the film. None of them are exactly surprising, but the sheer absurdity of some of the moments is worth seeing 🙂
Ah. Gotcha. In short, someone who would make actual philosophers palm their faces hard.
Something tells me this is going to go down like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpY7FxErwRI
The comments are actually worth reading this time if you can stomach industrial grade ignorance
Pascal’s a far better philosopher than Tunney.

@scribbles – um wow… what WAS that?
@Mike: That was some dude’s entry into a film festival for school or something. The reason why it’s kind of infamous now is that after he (obviously) lost, he blew up on Reddit and social media, saying he was screwed out of winning by SJWs and that every other film wasted time with a “message”.
Even GamerGate thinks his movie sucked.