homophobia misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Even Return of Kings Has Trouble Pretending to be Interested in Roosh V’s “Neomasculinity”


Pickup scuzzball Roosh V’s attempts to rebrand himself as a prophet of “neomasculinity” are not going well.

Several months ago, you may recall, Roosh said an official goodbye to the “red pill,” declaring that, though the term had “served its use in the past five years,” it wasn’t providing deeper answers to aging douchebags like Roosh who are desperately afraid that they’ve turned into the creepy old dude hanging out at the bar. (I’m very loosely paraphrasing here.)

The solution to this dilemma? What Roosh calls the philosophy of “neomasculinity,” which is basically like the red pill, only, like, deeper or something. And totally not open to “homosexuals.” 

Trouble is, no one really seems all that interested in taking up the banner of neomasculinity.

Including whoever is writing the headlines at Roosh’s Return of Kings blog.

You see, I noticed something a little odd today on Viva La Manosphere, a website that assembles the RSS feeds of assorted manosphere blogs into a handy and regularly updated set of links. There were two links to the same post at RoK:


Now, Viva La Manosphere posts its headlines newest-to-oldest, so what this indicates is that the headline writer at RoK first posted the article as “Why Christianity Is Not An Enemy Of The Red Pill,” then remembered (or was reminded) that Roosh had officially renounced “the red pill” for “neomasculinity — and quickly updated the title of the post.


It’s almost as though “neomasculinity” is just a warmed-over version of the same crap Roosh and his pals have been peddling for years.


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Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Crip Dyke | September 13, 2015 at 8:18 pm

I hear you even invented ontological paradoxes.

Oi, you leave my cousin out of this.

Thomas Hobbes | September 13, 2015 at 10:43 pm
Zounds! Roosk is an irrelevance and ROK writers are all heretics who must needs bow down and pray worshipfuly to our almighty Lord. Why is he hiding the truth about the John Lennon assassination? The powers that be silenced him because the Beatles were about to reunite to record a Gregorian chant album. Ye my comrades, though art wise to abandon and condemn the neomasculinity apocrypha; rather be ye authentic prayer warriors to God, the sun, and the Holy Paraclete; also is it not suspicious that Beethoven became deaf just as he was building new horizons in music; is that not what Rosh should be writing about? Please consider.

Oh look, it’s Monsieur salade de mots. Welcome back.

Still trying to convert people? Because I’m still an unrepentant pagan witch.

9 years ago

Oh joy, it’s our sequipedalian trollicus again. Still making about as much sense as a pigshit nickel. And of course, with zero proof to back up any of its inanities.

9 years ago

Thomas Hobbes
“Zounds! Roosk is an irrelevance and ROK writers are all heretics who must needs bow down and pray worshipfuly to our almighty Lord. Why is he hiding the truth about the John Lennon assassination? The powers that be silenced him because the Beatles were about to reunite to record a Gregorian chant album. Ye my comrades, though art wise to abandon and condemn the neomasculinity apocrypha; rather be ye authentic prayer warriors to God, the sun, and the Holy Paraclete; also is it not suspicious that Beethoven became deaf just as he was building new horizons in music; is that not what Rosh should be writing about? Please consider.”
“Paul McCartney predicted the new beautiful direction of Russian orthodoxy in Back in the USSR; Vladimir Putin secretly visited England as a teenager and helped write the song and others for The Beatles. Shakespeare also made a secret visit to Russia in the year 1600 where he met with a good sage who inspired him to write plays against feminism; however, the Royal Secret Police endeavored most voraciously to stop him. Christopher Marlowe was involved in this but he was assassinated before he could reveal it.”
Charles Manson was originally a spy for the Vatican but then turned on them. Thomas Aquinas wrote coded language in the Summa Theologicum which predicteth and established with forebearance and much patience that there would be a great idolator against the Church.comment image

Thomas Hobbes
Thomas Hobbes
9 years ago

I have veritable mountains of evidence. And know ye not that I am like unto the profit Isaiah, bringing down angelic proclamanations? But more importantly, my knowledge is based on research from G. Babbington Warwick, the A. E. Houseman full professor and endowed chair in the Department of English and World History at Southwest Lancashire University.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

I will give the troll points for the speed at which it comes up with new conspiracy theories based on whatever was mentioned in the previous point.

9 years ago

I’ll give our latest troll props for at least appearing to read the comments directed at him, as he does incorporate names that have been mentioned into his strange and unparseable tirades.

That said, I can’t really be bothered to read or digest his ramblings. Not that it matters, as all he seems to have to say is “something something celebrity something something the illuminati”.

Surprisingly inoffensive, or at least so incomprehensible as to not appear to be terrible, but not very interesting. 6/10.

9 years ago

Conspiracy theories are so much more entertaining when they’re earnest. This troll has had a couple of good ones, but ultimately, this is me

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

I will give the troll points for the speed at which it comes up with new conspiracy theories based on whatever was mentioned in the previous point.

Cleverbot can do that too. Then again, having the ability to understand and respond to input of an unusually simple chatbot still makes him the smartest troll we’ve had by a fair margin, so.

9 years ago

Meh, random and meaningless. 1/10.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Thinking about it, conspiracy theory is one of these things that, like law or traffic, we’ll probably see automated in our lifetime.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

It already is, EJ. It already is.

9 years ago

Has anyone seen this yet? Rooshy boy’s video of Poznan now that it’s degenerated worse than Toronto. I’ve also been reading his travel forums (the only part of his empire I find in any way interesting). One constant thread is how [insert ex-poosy-paradise here] is now getting degenerate and harder to game and the women are getting fatter etc.

Two things stand out:

1. Thanks to cheap flights, East Europe is filling up with “Thirsty Men” who are trying to pickup every good looking woman on the streets, thus ruining their game. Yet they never look in the mirror and see that they are those thirsty men who are ruining it for everyone else.

2. Places become degenerate as the wimmin copy the Zionist influenced godless materialism of the West and the wimmin become more like American “Beach Whales”. Nothing about how said countries are embracing freedom and don’t need to do sexual favors for some quick moolah anymore.
There’s a post how Moldova got ruined by giving their people freedom to travel in the EU. Now the local guys are driving fast cars and the wimmin ain’t interested in jumping on foreign dick for cigarette money anymore.

9 years ago

Ah, my favourite form of trollling. The sheer imagination, wit and unbridled creative talent that it takes to spew out whatever random crap comes off the top of your head is surely matched only by the writers of Family Guy cutaway gags.

I haven’t been this impressed since I saw Ang Lee playing shuffleboard with a zebra on the Starship Enterprise.

9 years ago

I have read the ramblings of real conspiracy theorists. This is no conspiracy theorist. Just a troll trying to get attention.

9 years ago

Are we sure TH isn’t just a scripted post generator?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
9 years ago

Those posts come off to me like a mildly sophisticated bot. If TH isn’t a bot, it’s something zie might want to think about. Like when a new building goes up, and they use siding that isn’t cheap vinyl but looks like cheap vinyl from 10 feet away.

9 years ago

That’s some classic cdesign proponentists right there.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago


One of Roosh’s fanboys that probably read this site will inform him forthwith and it will go straight into the memory hole.

Color Me Unsurprised
Color Me Unsurprised
9 years ago


I only skimmed it’s comments but it reads like complete gibberish on the edge of parody, of what I don’t know. I laughed at the randomness of it anyway.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
9 years ago

That’s some classic cdesign proponentists right there.

Rneomasculinityed pill indeed.

9 years ago

10d6 points of fire dawizard.

9 years ago

Pick up Scuzzball 🙂
That might be a required prefix to any time Pickup Scuzzball Roosh, is referred to from now.
Maybe Pickup Scuzzbal and NeoNazi degenerate, Roosh…

Odd how a self proclaimed Islamic dude from Turkey/Iran, living in his dad’s basement in Maryland, is decrying immigration to Europe.

9 years ago

I used to play neighborhood pickup Scuzzball, but then I joined a league.

Virtually Out of Touch
Virtually Out of Touch
9 years ago

“Does this mean that Milo Yiannopoulos isn’t welcome in Valizadeh’s little playhouse?”

“Re the Christianity thing: £10 says his preferred version of Christianity is Russian Orthodoxy”

Roosh’s mom is Armenian Orthodox Christian and his father is Shia Muslim. He seems to be flirting with both in that he attributes his “traditionally andro-centric” ideas to the influence of his Shia father but he sometimes disses Islam in favor of Christianity and/or “western values” in his blogs.

At other times he comes off as anti-religion altogether.

He’s just confused.