a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA straw feminists the eternal solipsism of the MRA mind the poster revolution has begun

Hey Ladies! Is this pathetic poster A Voice for Men’s response to threats against Toronto feminists? [UPDATED]

Masters of public relations at work
Masters of public relations at work

UPDATE: This poster (apparently) isn’t an official AVFM poster, but they have endorsed it. See bottom of post for details.

Is the appearance of this poster at a Toronto train station an example of inadvertently terrible timing, or an act of astounding assholery?

The poster in question was spotted at Toronto Transit’s Ossington station yesterday, a day after reports of online threats against University of Toronto women hit the media. Classy, AVFM, classy!

Adding to the ick factor: As one Twitterer pointed out, the bus line that goes through the U of T campus connects to the subway at Ossington Station.

Even if the timing of this little poster campaign is purely coincidental, it’s a little hard to fathom how anyone associated with AVFM would think that the best way to recruit Toronto women to their cause would be to essentially tell them: “We have no respect for you and no understanding of feminism; we like to imagine you suffering; come join us for some epic mansplaining!”

But AVFMers seem to have perpetual troubles telling the difference between “brilliant PR move” and “shitting their pants in public.”

Twitter parody account @TTCwelps had what is probably the best response to the poster.

And here’s a reminder that not everything that starts out with the phrase “hey ladies” is automatically terrible.

UPDATE: Here’s an official statement on the poster from AVFM’s Facebook page. It’s a little … confusing, in that they’re not entirely sure if it’s one of their posters or not.

A Voice for Men I do not recognize this poster and it does not appear to be one we created but AVFM salutes this individual for getting our name out there. Like · Comment · Share · 23 hrs Most Relevant 139 people like this. 12 shares David Futrelle Write a comment... Choose File A Voice for Men To the individual who posted this, feel free to contact us wink emoticon We have more shit for you to put up around Toronto.


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9 years ago

But I thought that getting dates was super easy for all women everywhere because feminism created a female sexual utopia that allowed hypergamy to run rampant. I also thought that all women everywhere had mastered the mating strategy that is “Alpha fucks/beta bucks.”

God, it’s like they can’t even keep their stories straight.

9 years ago

Bina: Yep!
Don’t own or want a combo. I got a house. Doing just fine in it, thanx!
I’m over 40, got no kids but I didn’t get into Feminism to have kids and I have plenty of nieces and nephews and little sisters to satisfy whatever maternal cravings pop up.
Oh, hey! Not looking for dates, cuz that’s not what feminism is for.
So yeah, I think I got this Feminism thing wrapped up, too.

Virtual high five!

Right back atcha!
comment image

Just thought of some more alternative “answers” that they also won’t like:

1. If I wanted dates, I would go to a dating site, not AVFM. (Alternatively, I’d put word out on Facebook and see who nibbles.)

2. If I were having trouble with condo fees, I’d join a housing website, and commiserate/seek solutions with other local folks. (Or, again, put word out on Facebook and take all replies into consideration.)

3. Still can’t see what’s so bad about being 30, feeeemale, and unmarried. Maybe that’s because I believe all genders should be equal, with equal rights, equal humanity, and equal respect. A still-unmarried man that age wouldn’t be made to feel that HE’s missed out. So I don’t feel like I’ve missed out. And therefore, I still think that’s a silly question.

4. Yup, feminism is still working out fine for me, as it’s enabled me to analyze all this with a clear, rational head, and come to the conclusion that I’m not doing all that badly at all, thanks. Any problems I do have that feminism can’t fix, I can still look just about anyplace on the web EXCEPT Paulie’s House of Idiocy.

9 years ago

I’m surprised AVFM is using the phrase “Hey ladies,” given its history with MISANDRY!!!!!!!

9 years ago

I get misplaced anger, and taking joy in causing discomfort in other people because you’re frustrated. I don’t condone it, and I try to be kind and empathetic, but I’ve been a jerk at times, and I get that there are reasons people decide to be jerks.

But doing something like this implies that these are people who have never had a moment of self-awareness — ever. Like, this is a brilliant move in their minds, one that will make women see the error of their ways. They’ve thought this out thoroughly, they understand women just well enough to see that this will provoke them, but seem to have no idea at all about how this makes AVFM look.

I mean, I’m not a neurologist or a psychologist, but it just seems improbable. It’s not that I think these people are decent in any way, but how could you never even stumble into a moment of just basic self-awareness — this is who I am, this is what I’m doing, this is how it looks? It just seems like brains do that automatically from time to time, even in jerks, don’t they?

9 years ago

I have to say u am really enjoying your gifs. 🙂

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Hipsterminator | September 12, 2015 at 3:57 pm
Funny. Just a few minor changes and:

Hey Men,
You are not getting any dates?
Can’t afford the high condo fees on your own?
You are 50 and still not married?
How is the Manosphere working for you?
Want some answers?
Go to

there. Fixed it.

Made it better:

It was painful to keep that god-awful formatting, but I figured the joke wouldn’t work nearly as well if I fixed it. : P

9 years ago

That would be embarrassing if it weren’t so funny.

Luna Cooler
9 years ago

There are some problems with feminism, and some women feel like the current feminism isn’t working for them, but those are problems we should actually fix, not abandon so we can go over to AVFM.

9 years ago

So a poster made to recruit members for AVFM, which by the way has a ton of women in, is wrong and anti-women.

When anti-men campaigns (which only a handful of manginas support) are held by political figures and media personnel, it’s called liberating women.


9 years ago

When anti-men campaigns (which only a handful of manginas support) are held by political figures and media personnel, it’s called liberating women.

What anti-man campaigns?

I hope you’re not talking about affirmative consent campaigns. Because men are more likely to be the victim of rape than they are to be falsely accused of rape. So affirmative consent actually helps men. If AVFM actually care about male rape victims. they would be all for it.

9 years ago

The sheer stupidity of calling feminist campaigns anti-men and then calling other men manginas. . . it’s astounding really.

9 years ago

Did you not just read the poster? Avfm thinks all feminists and women want marriage, etc and even ask “want some answers?” Assuming they’re going to mansplain to us. They even post that poster right after the university got threats so yeah they are being misognist idiots.

And also you are crying about anti men campaigns assuming they’re about consent. Newsflash men get raped too so those campaigns help men instead of avfm worrying about “false accusations” how about male victims since there are way more of them than being falsely accused.
I find it funny that you just used the word “mangina” in the same sentence about complaining stuff that is anti men. Who is the illogical one here again?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Thank you gregory for proving once again that the only people who truly think lowly of and hate men are MRAs.

But, naturally, any man who doesn’t agree with the almighty gregory and his MRA ideals is disqualified from being a man.

Because gregory said so.

9 years ago

To be honest I don’t really know what a condo is – like a duplex it is something we do not have in the UK. I didn’t know that the feminist womanifesto promised us condos, dates and marriage by 30 – maybe it’s a Canadian thing!

Why are all feminists to Manospherians hetero women? Whatever happened to their mantra ‘all feminists are fat ugly lesbians’?! Some of us do not want to marry, and some of us will marry women, and some of us are men.

9 years ago

A condo is like an apartment/flat except it’s owned not rented and you pay an association fee monthly for upkeep of the property. At least that’s how it is in the US. Maybe it’s a whole other thing in Canada.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Ellesar

I think ‘duplex’ is just what we call a semi-detached.

Still no idea what a condo is though.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Ah, I also now know what a condo is.

9 years ago

Love the poster, Paradoxical Intention. Not only the correction, but the mammoth you added, make it a thousand times better than the original.

And I hope Gregory is not talking about affirmative consent as being anti-men because… Christ, that’d be creepy!

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
9 years ago

I just think it’s funny that they threw in the bit about high condo fees. So, now they WANT women to use men just for the money?

9 years ago

The biggest shock is he didn’t write “Ladie’s”?

My biggest shock is that he didn’t write “Females”.

9 years ago

Okay, that hurts! I made the mistake of trying to parse that mini-rant and now:

My brain hurts!

9 years ago

I know, I know. I shouldn’t have tried to look too closely at it but, in my defense, it was really short. I don’t think anything would go wrong, and how much nonsense could be fit into a couple of sentences?

9 years ago

Pathetic. I’m under 30, happily married for 3 years and paying my rental fees. Feminism is working great for me, and I’d rather eat an actual shit sandwich than visit their website. AVAM, kindly get your garbage ads out of my city. The TTC already has enough of a problem with littering.

9 years ago

Not getting married is a goal of MRAS, isn’t it?

Not paying for ANYTHING for the greedy feeemales, including half a condo, is also a goal of MRAS, I thought.

So, if feminists are unhappy with their feministing, they should go to AVFM, so that they can get dates, get married, and get someone to pay for a condo.

No, thank you, AVFM, I am fine.

9 years ago

What is it with Toronto and MRAs?