Fun fact: publishing a novel takes a long time. A looong time.
It was really exciting getting accepted by a publisher but… that was months ago… soo exhausted already… could be like another year or something…
Also really hungry, but that doesn’t have anything to do with publishing. Well, maybe a little. I could buy more food if my book was already out there, hypothetically? IDK, this whole adult thing is hard sometimes.
My husband’s back home, yay! There’s some bad things but I’m so glad he’s home that I really don’t care about the bad crap and dealing with his mother. He’s home.
Deon Harvey
9 years ago
I’ve been reading from this website for quite a while and this probably the first time I’ve commented. I would like to thank you for helping me understand feminism as guy. Back when I was a “egalitarian” I kind of saw feminism as an extremist position due to my only listening to straw-arguments from others about it, but after actually reading things from sites like these on subjects like toxic masculinity, male privilege and sexism as whole I came to understand how ignorant I actually was about feminism. It really enrages me that we live a society where women are at the mercy of men rather than at equal standing with men and that’s supposed to be normal. Thank you for the enlightenment and I hope you keep doing what you do.
Best of luck Kathrine! Hope it (eventually) goes out on the market!
On my end we had a teacher bail on us without any sort of warning on the first day of school, so I got to step in and be a Kindergarden and First grade teacher for the past two weeks.
First grade was relatively easy to teach but Kindergarden was WAAAAAY harder than I anticipated (Apparently teachers often say “I’ll teach any grade except Kindergarden and now I see why). Yeah, all the rules like “Sit down” and “listen to the teacher” and “follow directions”? Turns out teaching those rules is reeeeeeeally hard. And of course, LOTS of injuries (scariest was when a girl started to choke on her food during lunch), LOTS of homesick kids who are scared on their very first day of school ever, etc..
It was exhausting but their adorableness made it worthwhile, and the experience taught me a lot for when I have kids of my own one day.
Sadly I had to neglect my youtube channel during this time, but I did manage to hit 100 subscribers last week! 😀
I applied for a graphic designer job at a local UPS store, so I’m waiting to see how that turns out. They at least sent me emails telling me that my application was being evaluated, so there’s that.
I just don’t want to spend the next week camping in my inbox. : P
I really should get to work on designing those tarot card decks I’ve been planning (One that’s a minimalist design featuring sigils for each card, and the other that’s based on Animal Crossing: New Leaf). Mostly because I found a place where I can actually get them printed with nice little tuck boxes and booklets explaining each of the cards as well, and it’d cost me about 18.25 USD a pack.
So, if I get a job, I can get the decks printed, and maybe sell them on etsy or something for like maybe 25 USD?
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago
Wow. Some creative folks round here. Fingers crossed for all.
Well I’ve successfully moved my family and myself out of London to the south coast. The first month was really difficult as I’d taken a job here but had nowhere to live, so I spent the first fortnight alternating between sleeping rough in doorways sofasurfing with my MGTOW, manonazi, utter fuckwits of a brother (did he think I’d really be impressed with the stories if sending cockshots to young women…. Gah!!!). Found a flat, moved DW and the sproglets down here. It’s been stressful, difficult and downright horrible.
DW and the sproglets love the beach, love the flat, love the city. I hate it, I miss London soooo much. I don’t like my job, I work with a load of arrogant dipshitd and I’ve been bollocked and threatened with dismissal on three occasions. If it wasn’t for being so skint, I’d tell me to fuck right off and give their ball a squeeze.
DW is happy for the first time in a long time, the stress psoriasis has nearly gone, her hair has stopped thinking and she’s much more relaxed. I sort of resent that I come from that old school geezer mentality of suck it up get on with it and do the right thing for the family, but things will level out and sort out.
My research partner and I are about finished putting together our powerpoint presentation for our thesis defense, which we should be doing the first week of November–if we can get our chair and co-chair to synchronize their schedules–that’s been the hardest part. It will be nice to have that finally off our shoulders, and will take us that much closer to our graduation, which our entire class is more than ready for. It’s been a long haul, but it will be worth it in the end.
My husband will be back home from his job out of town next week. Probably I should pick up the place a bit so he doesn’t trip over my giant textbooks that are lying all over the place, and maybe I should shave my legs and brush my hair or something…not that he minds my “sloppy” sort of stuck in the 1990’s grunge movement look. I showed up on our first date like that, and he said it was love at first sight. He’s such a peach 🙂 But, at least I should mow down the cactus spikes that have formed on my legs…
So, if I get a job, I can get the decks printed, and maybe sell them on etsy or something for like maybe 25 USD?
I don’t know, are you asking me? Sure? I guess? 25 seems a fairly average going price for Tarot Cards on Etsy and people like buying Tarot Cards. Go for it!
I still have trouble getting a regular schedule with my therapist, we’re setting up dates as we go. Not the best system but I still get help, and it’s all covered in my health plan, so yay! (it’s a limited amount of sessions but still, all covered!).
I’m also having bronchitis for the second time in about a month, and I’m having a hard time staying in bed when I’m also in charge of my daughter. I already took a week off last time, and I’m taking a week and a half so far this time, and might be more if I don’t recover. The good thing is I only do it for a living so I’m not missing out much, and laws are strict against firing people for being sick too often, so I can take my time. I’m really hoping I don’t need more than antibiotics and a bit of rest.
As for the radio show, new admins cut off most of it, so it moved from daily to one weekly appearance. But I’ll still be featured there, albeit not just as often.
I keep feeling things are not going perfectly well, but it’s not that bad either, I’m just hanging in there.
I miss discussing stuff here but I also have a lot of fun lurking and reading, I might start providing kitty gifs more often, since they don’t get me caught up in a debate ????
So, I hope everyone is ok, and best of luck to all who are sharing their projects!!
Didn’t know about the radio show. Is there any way we can hear it?
9 years ago
The new job is going well although the novelty is starting to wear off and I’m beginning to feel bored already. Mind you I do have my favourite department that I’m a) good at and b) enjoy, so there’s that.
I am making big bucks from the hard work and by next paycheck I will have paid off one of the larger debts 😀 . Also, at the end of the month I will be off probation which means a pay rise!
I’ve started using the gym again for the first time in years, because scales have confirmed what I’ve been suspecting for a while – that I’m thirty pounds overweight. I’m emotionally content with the way I am at the minute, and have decided to take a slow but disciplined weight loss route so I don’t put it on again. At a loss of one pound a week I’ll be svelte again by next April. Good thing I like exercise as much as I do!
Perhaps my only gripe with my life at present is that I don’t really have any friends. My work schedule doesn’t help. What also doesn’t work is when I try to make plans with new-ish friends and they cancel on me for some reason. Frequently. 🙁 Plus I’m getting tired of being the one to ALWAYS make the arrangements, always. Would be nice if someone invited me out for a change.
9 years ago
Such good news on this thread! I wish you all good luck for whatever it is you guys need/want.
Hello, everyone. I’m thinking about buying a smartphone, but all the choices are overwhelming me. It doesn’t help that I’ve only ever owned a go-phone.
I live in a mountainous, rural area of the NE US. For the longest time, we couldn’t get a cellphone signal up here. Now, we’re getting a signal of fair strength.
I will be grateful for anyone’s advice/suggestions…
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago
@ Roscoe
Are you likely to drop your phone in water?* If so the Sony Xperia Aqua might be a choice. Android OS, makes calls, probably does other stuff.
[* Oh, that’s just me then]
9 years ago
My doctor moved to a new clinic, very suddenly. That new clinic doesn’t answer their fucking phones, and I need to book an important appointment. Soooooo…. I’m pissed. I better not be charged for any transfer of records, over this. I shouldn’t be.
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago
Good to hear everybody’s good news.
Autosoma, I’m really glad to hear that it’s worked out. I was hella worried for you.
Paradoxy, if you do a nice minimalist Tarot then I’d definitely buy a copy. I enjoy playing with Tarot and am a big fan of clean, minimal design.
A. A. Wils: Best of luck for the thesis defence.
Sunnysombrera: Boredom at work can get harsh, but if you enjoy and feel in control of it then that really makes a huge difference. If you can make the job your own then that’s a huge victory.
Luz: Sorry to hear about the radio station and the therapist thing. It sounds totes awks and I hope everything gets worked out. You are very welcome to lurk all you like and I shall think of you whenever Argentina is mentioned.
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago
Autosoma, we were going to have a pint at some point, weren’t we?
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago
RoscoeTCat – Do you know anyone with a smartphone that might let you noodle around on it for a bit? That way, you could give a salesperson an idea about what you’ve experienced and what you did/didn’t like about it. That’s how I graduated from my hubby’s hand-me-down phones to my current Samsung Galaxy S-3 (old, I know, but it still works great.)
FWIW, I have to deal with a lot of smartphones in my job as a cashier (finding/scanning coupons for people) and iPhones are my least favorite as well as the most ubiquitous. More than a few customers feel the same way!
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago
Working tonight (part-time), finally gotten over a bug that I think nailed both spouse and I. Don’t remember much of Tuesday and Wednesday other than sleeping a lot, aching a lot, and feeling like shit, and he had the dizzies and no desire for food. By yesterday I was starting to feel human again.
Freakin’ hate the bugs that might *conceivably* allow you to do work, but you’d feel like hell the entire time. Hooray, passive-aggression in viriii, what I always wanted!
Really need to get back into painting… nothing major, just something shiny. But at least I read Pratchett last night so I was dong something other than MMOs and minding fish.
9 years ago
@Alan – ha ha…maybe a toilet. I’m clumsy sometimes.
@Hambeast – I’ve played around with my sister’s phone. She’s got a Galaxy, only a more recent model, like the phone you mentioned.
The iPhone seems to have more than its fair share of detractors. I assume you’re a supermarket cashier, Hambeast? You’re expected to look up coupons for customers? Holy hell…
Somehow, I acquired con crud on top of flu. I had no idea that’s possible (since con crud tends to be flu as well), but there you go.
Speaking of Samsung Galaxy S 3, I’m going to give mine away to a friend of mine who broke his phone. “Gotta” (read: SQUEE! SHINY!) head to the city to pick a new phone (SG 6 not-edge version) for myself on Saturday, and shackle myself to my operator for 36 months, but that’s okay, I can’t change my operator anyway, I live in a bizarro spot where they are the only one with any decent signal and they’ve been okay, with nationwide 4G access.
Downsides: approaching darkness is messing up my internal balance, including medication. Could someone post some weird-awesome-funny cats/other animals to cheer me up? Just animals being downright bizarre and funny.
It’s so nice to read about things other people are achieving and feeling a sort of second hand pride. I hope that doesn’t come off as too creepy, though now that I’ve said that, I’m sure it does. o.O
In personal news, I’ve noticed that my routine of going on a daily walk is doing good things to my mental and physical well-being. I think that my weight is, if not actually going down, at least staying stable. I’m by no means obese, just a little overweight, but seeing as I’m in my 30s already I want to keep careful tabs on these things. In slightly less positive news, I’m also noticing that my social life is pretty damn non-existent. It’s mainly to do with the fact that I’m painfully shy and have social anxiety issues out the wazoo, so I guess that might just come with the territory. I’ve also had to stop going to a couple of websites I used to frequent due to the fact that there were some problems with other users on there. Nothing too major, but I felt that it was best if I took some time off from them, and maybe go check how things are going in a couple of months’ time.
Anywho…that’s my situation pretty much covered. Now back to lurkity-lurking. 🙂
Fun fact: publishing a novel takes a long time. A looong time.
It was really exciting getting accepted by a publisher but… that was months ago… soo exhausted already… could be like another year or something…
Also really hungry, but that doesn’t have anything to do with publishing. Well, maybe a little. I could buy more food if my book was already out there, hypothetically? IDK, this whole adult thing is hard sometimes.
How’s y’all doing?
My husband’s back home, yay! There’s some bad things but I’m so glad he’s home that I really don’t care about the bad crap and dealing with his mother. He’s home.
I’ve been reading from this website for quite a while and this probably the first time I’ve commented. I would like to thank you for helping me understand feminism as guy. Back when I was a “egalitarian” I kind of saw feminism as an extremist position due to my only listening to straw-arguments from others about it, but after actually reading things from sites like these on subjects like toxic masculinity, male privilege and sexism as whole I came to understand how ignorant I actually was about feminism. It really enrages me that we live a society where women are at the mercy of men rather than at equal standing with men and that’s supposed to be normal. Thank you for the enlightenment and I hope you keep doing what you do.
Best of luck Kathrine! Hope it (eventually) goes out on the market!
On my end we had a teacher bail on us without any sort of warning on the first day of school, so I got to step in and be a Kindergarden and First grade teacher for the past two weeks.
First grade was relatively easy to teach but Kindergarden was WAAAAAY harder than I anticipated (Apparently teachers often say “I’ll teach any grade except Kindergarden and now I see why). Yeah, all the rules like “Sit down” and “listen to the teacher” and “follow directions”? Turns out teaching those rules is reeeeeeeally hard. And of course, LOTS of injuries (scariest was when a girl started to choke on her food during lunch), LOTS of homesick kids who are scared on their very first day of school ever, etc..
It was exhausting but their adorableness made it worthwhile, and the experience taught me a lot for when I have kids of my own one day.
Sadly I had to neglect my youtube channel during this time, but I did manage to hit 100 subscribers last week! 😀
I applied for a graphic designer job at a local UPS store, so I’m waiting to see how that turns out. They at least sent me emails telling me that my application was being evaluated, so there’s that.
I just don’t want to spend the next week camping in my inbox. : P
I really should get to work on designing those tarot card decks I’ve been planning (One that’s a minimalist design featuring sigils for each card, and the other that’s based on Animal Crossing: New Leaf). Mostly because I found a place where I can actually get them printed with nice little tuck boxes and booklets explaining each of the cards as well, and it’d cost me about 18.25 USD a pack.
So, if I get a job, I can get the decks printed, and maybe sell them on etsy or something for like maybe 25 USD?
Wow. Some creative folks round here. Fingers crossed for all.
Well I’ve successfully moved my family and myself out of London to the south coast. The first month was really difficult as I’d taken a job here but had nowhere to live, so I spent the first fortnight alternating between sleeping rough in doorways sofasurfing with my MGTOW, manonazi, utter fuckwits of a brother (did he think I’d really be impressed with the stories if sending cockshots to young women…. Gah!!!). Found a flat, moved DW and the sproglets down here. It’s been stressful, difficult and downright horrible.
DW and the sproglets love the beach, love the flat, love the city. I hate it, I miss London soooo much. I don’t like my job, I work with a load of arrogant dipshitd and I’ve been bollocked and threatened with dismissal on three occasions. If it wasn’t for being so skint, I’d tell me to fuck right off and give their ball a squeeze.
DW is happy for the first time in a long time, the stress psoriasis has nearly gone, her hair has stopped thinking and she’s much more relaxed. I sort of resent that I come from that old school geezer mentality of suck it up get on with it and do the right thing for the family, but things will level out and sort out.
Hmmm! My fingers seem to be working against me too, my keying was atroschouys in my previous post.
My research partner and I are about finished putting together our powerpoint presentation for our thesis defense, which we should be doing the first week of November–if we can get our chair and co-chair to synchronize their schedules–that’s been the hardest part. It will be nice to have that finally off our shoulders, and will take us that much closer to our graduation, which our entire class is more than ready for. It’s been a long haul, but it will be worth it in the end.
My husband will be back home from his job out of town next week. Probably I should pick up the place a bit so he doesn’t trip over my giant textbooks that are lying all over the place, and maybe I should shave my legs and brush my hair or something…not that he minds my “sloppy” sort of stuck in the 1990’s grunge movement look. I showed up on our first date like that, and he said it was love at first sight. He’s such a peach 🙂 But, at least I should mow down the cactus spikes that have formed on my legs…
I don’t know, are you asking me? Sure? I guess? 25 seems a fairly average going price for Tarot Cards on Etsy and people like buying Tarot Cards. Go for it!
Hey! I thought I could drop an update here ????
I still have trouble getting a regular schedule with my therapist, we’re setting up dates as we go. Not the best system but I still get help, and it’s all covered in my health plan, so yay! (it’s a limited amount of sessions but still, all covered!).
I’m also having bronchitis for the second time in about a month, and I’m having a hard time staying in bed when I’m also in charge of my daughter. I already took a week off last time, and I’m taking a week and a half so far this time, and might be more if I don’t recover. The good thing is I only do it for a living so I’m not missing out much, and laws are strict against firing people for being sick too often, so I can take my time. I’m really hoping I don’t need more than antibiotics and a bit of rest.
As for the radio show, new admins cut off most of it, so it moved from daily to one weekly appearance. But I’ll still be featured there, albeit not just as often.
I keep feeling things are not going perfectly well, but it’s not that bad either, I’m just hanging in there.
I miss discussing stuff here but I also have a lot of fun lurking and reading, I might start providing kitty gifs more often, since they don’t get me caught up in a debate ????
So, I hope everyone is ok, and best of luck to all who are sharing their projects!!
Hi Lux
Hope all goes well for you.
Didn’t know about the radio show. Is there any way we can hear it?
The new job is going well although the novelty is starting to wear off and I’m beginning to feel bored already. Mind you I do have my favourite department that I’m a) good at and b) enjoy, so there’s that.
I am making big bucks from the hard work and by next paycheck I will have paid off one of the larger debts 😀 . Also, at the end of the month I will be off probation which means a pay rise!
I’ve started using the gym again for the first time in years, because scales have confirmed what I’ve been suspecting for a while – that I’m thirty pounds overweight. I’m emotionally content with the way I am at the minute, and have decided to take a slow but disciplined weight loss route so I don’t put it on again. At a loss of one pound a week I’ll be svelte again by next April. Good thing I like exercise as much as I do!
Perhaps my only gripe with my life at present is that I don’t really have any friends. My work schedule doesn’t help. What also doesn’t work is when I try to make plans with new-ish friends and they cancel on me for some reason. Frequently. 🙁 Plus I’m getting tired of being the one to ALWAYS make the arrangements, always. Would be nice if someone invited me out for a change.
Such good news on this thread! I wish you all good luck for whatever it is you guys need/want.
Deon Harvey
You will see at the top where it says welcome Package click on it!
Hello, everyone. I’m thinking about buying a smartphone, but all the choices are overwhelming me. It doesn’t help that I’ve only ever owned a go-phone.
I live in a mountainous, rural area of the NE US. For the longest time, we couldn’t get a cellphone signal up here. Now, we’re getting a signal of fair strength.
I will be grateful for anyone’s advice/suggestions…
@ Roscoe
Are you likely to drop your phone in water?* If so the Sony Xperia Aqua might be a choice. Android OS, makes calls, probably does other stuff.
[* Oh, that’s just me then]
My doctor moved to a new clinic, very suddenly. That new clinic doesn’t answer their fucking phones, and I need to book an important appointment. Soooooo…. I’m pissed. I better not be charged for any transfer of records, over this. I shouldn’t be.
Good to hear everybody’s good news.
Autosoma, I’m really glad to hear that it’s worked out. I was hella worried for you.
Paradoxy, if you do a nice minimalist Tarot then I’d definitely buy a copy. I enjoy playing with Tarot and am a big fan of clean, minimal design.
A. A. Wils: Best of luck for the thesis defence.
Sunnysombrera: Boredom at work can get harsh, but if you enjoy and feel in control of it then that really makes a huge difference. If you can make the job your own then that’s a huge victory.
Luz: Sorry to hear about the radio station and the therapist thing. It sounds totes awks and I hope everything gets worked out. You are very welcome to lurk all you like and I shall think of you whenever Argentina is mentioned.
Autosoma, we were going to have a pint at some point, weren’t we?
RoscoeTCat – Do you know anyone with a smartphone that might let you noodle around on it for a bit? That way, you could give a salesperson an idea about what you’ve experienced and what you did/didn’t like about it. That’s how I graduated from my hubby’s hand-me-down phones to my current Samsung Galaxy S-3 (old, I know, but it still works great.)
FWIW, I have to deal with a lot of smartphones in my job as a cashier (finding/scanning coupons for people) and iPhones are my least favorite as well as the most ubiquitous. More than a few customers feel the same way!
Working tonight (part-time), finally gotten over a bug that I think nailed both spouse and I. Don’t remember much of Tuesday and Wednesday other than sleeping a lot, aching a lot, and feeling like shit, and he had the dizzies and no desire for food. By yesterday I was starting to feel human again.
Freakin’ hate the bugs that might *conceivably* allow you to do work, but you’d feel like hell the entire time. Hooray, passive-aggression in viriii, what I always wanted!
Really need to get back into painting… nothing major, just something shiny. But at least I read Pratchett last night so I was dong something other than MMOs and minding fish.
@Alan – ha ha…maybe a toilet. I’m clumsy sometimes.
@Hambeast – I’ve played around with my sister’s phone. She’s got a Galaxy, only a more recent model, like the phone you mentioned.
The iPhone seems to have more than its fair share of detractors. I assume you’re a supermarket cashier, Hambeast? You’re expected to look up coupons for customers? Holy hell…
Somehow, I acquired con crud on top of flu. I had no idea that’s possible (since con crud tends to be flu as well), but there you go.
Speaking of Samsung Galaxy S 3, I’m going to give mine away to a friend of mine who broke his phone. “Gotta” (read: SQUEE! SHINY!) head to the city to pick a new phone (SG 6 not-edge version) for myself on Saturday, and shackle myself to my operator for 36 months, but that’s okay, I can’t change my operator anyway, I live in a bizarro spot where they are the only one with any decent signal and they’ve been okay, with nationwide 4G access.
Downsides: approaching darkness is messing up my internal balance, including medication. Could someone post some weird-awesome-funny cats/other animals to cheer me up? Just animals being downright bizarre and funny.
@skiriki: Ask, and ye shall receive:×720-Clr.jpg
I love these threads on WHTM. ^_^
It’s so nice to read about things other people are achieving and feeling a sort of second hand pride. I hope that doesn’t come off as too creepy, though now that I’ve said that, I’m sure it does. o.O
In personal news, I’ve noticed that my routine of going on a daily walk is doing good things to my mental and physical well-being. I think that my weight is, if not actually going down, at least staying stable. I’m by no means obese, just a little overweight, but seeing as I’m in my 30s already I want to keep careful tabs on these things. In slightly less positive news, I’m also noticing that my social life is pretty damn non-existent. It’s mainly to do with the fact that I’m painfully shy and have social anxiety issues out the wazoo, so I guess that might just come with the territory. I’ve also had to stop going to a couple of websites I used to frequent due to the fact that there were some problems with other users on there. Nothing too major, but I felt that it was best if I took some time off from them, and maybe go check how things are going in a couple of months’ time.
Anywho…that’s my situation pretty much covered. Now back to lurkity-lurking. 🙂