I know, this pic is a little old. But I still think it’s funny!
Anyway, here’s a somewhat belated Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff. As always, Open Threads are CLOSED to MRAs/trolls, etc.
I know, this pic is a little old. But I still think it’s funny!
Anyway, here’s a somewhat belated Open Thread for Non-Personal Stuff. As always, Open Threads are CLOSED to MRAs/trolls, etc.
Everybody’s taking about Isaac, and I’m just sitting here drawing Pokemon sprites in Mario Maker.
Are those ghost types you’re drawing? In scented markers?
@EJ, I’m going on the refugee solidarity demo too. Want to meet up?
@Alan Robertshaw,
I thought her decision to post their email exchange on Twitter without redacting his name was a bad idea too, more so when you put it in legal context.
But I do think his remarks to her highly unprofessional, and I’m stunned that a national newspaper, even one as crappy as the Daily Fail, is gunning for her like this, and using words like ‘feminazi’, surely even Fox News doesn’t use language like that?
OK, I’ve been sucked into Brittersweet’s metafilter megathread, and it is fascinating reading. I’ve been thinking about writing something about what I’ve called the ‘Sherlock effect’–men get praised/considered extraordinary for doing something women are expected to do as a matter of course–is anyone familiar with any writing (aside from anecdotes and examples) that already exists about this?
Breaking news: https://np.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/3kmpuy/gamergate_supporter_arrested_by_fbi_for/
Cam someone please tell me who Katie (or Kate maybe?) Is and why she is an overlord?
Katie comes from a comment left by a troll who said something along the line of “I was talking to your friend Katie about X earlier”, somehow assuming that cause this mysterious Katie seemed to be a feminist we must all know her personally.
Since then Katie’s become an inside joke here, often referenced in “My feminist friend Katie said X” sentences. If you’re a feminist then Katie’s pretty much whoever you want them to be, basicly. Whether it’s your close friend, or the secret dictator who controls the feminist hivemind.
That’s my impression, anyway.
Holy shit, breaking news indeed. I think the FBI is about to solve a few hundred unsolved rapes and serial murders. o.O;;
Serial rapes and murders, even. They’re both serial. Cereal. I need food.
@Paradoxical Intention
Thank you. It started with a particularly outspoken one of my friends who considers herself a radical feminist, but now it seems that she’s managed to convince practically all of our mutual friends that trans women are “men invading women’s spaces” or that they’re appropriating womanhood. I think I’m going to have to cut off ties with some of them, but I’m too close to a couple of them to do that, and it’s pretty awful to hear them being bigoted and claiming they’re doing so in the name of feminism.
I don’t think there’s a happy solution. Thanks for listening to me vent, though, and for the good advice.
Captain Kei – I do not know radfems in person, but have frequented radfem blogs. I have left most of them because of this. It is rather ironic as Andrea Dworkin herself was in no way anti trans. But I don’t usually bother pointing this out – if they do not accept trans inclusivity is possible within radical feminism I am certainly not going to argue with them!
I think you are right – you will have to cut ties with them, but you could try arguing the Dworkin line first – see how they take it!
Did you email David? That’s probably the kind of thing I’d want to write about and I don’t know if he reads all the comments.
Some of the people in that thread are optimistic that this means online threats will be taken more seriously in the US now. Unfortunately, I disagree. This was taken seriously because he threatened a 9-11 memorial. That kind of thing and threats against law enforcement have always been taken seriously. I don’t think threats against people for being a woman, POC, gay or trans are going to be prioritized anytime soon. Not to be a cynic, but…
At least the internet is a little better place now though. It looks like he had hundreds of identities. All of them vile in some way. Praise be to Katie!
Um. I meant it’s the thing he’d want to write about. Did I just accidentally prove that we are all David socks and he doesn’t really have any readers or commenters π
@skiriki @SFHC
Ha-ha! Yes! That is good news.
Sorry, I didn’t see the message until after the event. It was awesome. I have so many photos. I was a little dismayed to see Billy fucking Bragg on the stage at the end, but everything else was downright awesome and it was a great day out.
It happened while I was lurking, just before I started posting.
I remember it being more that the troll said “My feminist friend Katie said X”, as if that makes X something that is automatically entirely true and beyond reproach. Presumably he thought that because one feminist said it – or is alleged to say it – we are therefore unable to argue.
The joke was therefore that Katie must be the empress of all feminists, and anything she said is holy writ. It sort of grew from there.
@Bananananana dakry
This kitten cam is making my day thanks for posting! π
I’m away from home doing fieldwork in Peru and miss my little fuzzbutt so I’ll take all the kitty overload I can get!
@weirwoodtreehugger — I dropped a line in Twitter couple of hours ago, but I can e-mail it as well.
Really, the whole thing boggles my mind.
I thought my day wasn’t going to get any better after going to a really good mass demonstration today, but… hahaha. Oh man. This is schadenfreude at its finest.
Even more fun is how furious backpedaling has begun and erasure of history and loud denials! π
Oh sure, they arrest him when he threatens a 9/11 memorial, but not when he runs a website dedicated to teaching men how to “correctively” rape women.
Sorry, just REALLY excited about this game right now. Four player online boardgame, with multiplayer and offline vs ai option. Rat, Wolf, Bear and Rabbit clans must depose the Lion king who is corrupted by the Rot. Quest, fight players, find treasure, and save the kingdom from corruption.
There’s male and female options for all four clans, and the female versions aren’t sexualized. Online play has restricted chat options, so no aside from the occasional snide “oops” or “you’ll pay for that” coming from a player portrait, you won’t get nailed by harassment.
The art is also adorable and awesome.
@Paradoxical Intention
I’m so glad to see another Northernlion fan on here! O/
Up, down, to the side, welcome to the lion pride. ^_^
What’s wrong with Billy Bragg?