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A Redditor shares his darkest fear: “Will I be paying a White Tax in 20 years?”

Life will soon be very tough indeed for handsome, muscular white dudes, and their shirts
Life will soon be very tough indeed for handsome, muscular white dudes, and their shirts

To very loosely paraphrase Kermit the Frog, it’s not easy being white.

Here, one worried Redditor, posting in the Tumbler In Action Discussion subreddit (r/TiADiscussion) wonders what horrors will await him and others like him in the future if the dreaded SJWs get their way.

Is this movement going to go anywhere? (self.TiADiscussion) submitted 1 day ago by spritanium Even two or three years ago, the social justice movement was just a few loosely-organized (if that) groups of angry teenagers with no real social or political power. While that's still mostly true, it seems like some of their toxic concepts are leaking out of tumblr and into college classrooms. This is concerning to me. For one thing, SJWs are attached to the idea that heterosexual white men are the root cause of every problem in the world today. Normally a claim like this would be written off as delusional, but it's starting to look like racism, sexism, and homophobia have all come full circle to the point where it's "trendy" to act bigoted toward someone like me. Let me make one thing clear: I don't care if certain people choose to hate me for my skin color, sexual orientation, or any of that. There simply isn't any historical context for me to claim that I'm being "oppressed", and I'm certainly not trying to downplay the efforts that real social justice groups have made in the past to overcome their own oppression. The thing is, at what point will this go too far? If kids are learning about these backwards, unfair concepts in actual schools, what happens when those kids grow up and enter positions of power? Is it feasible that annoying, albeit harmless practices like charging white people extra for campus bake sales will eventually blossom into actual laws? Will I be paying a White Tax in 20 years? Obviously it sounds ridiculous now, but I'm genuinely concerned for what will happen to the world if these people get their way. It's like they're trying to backpedal human progress just to compensate for things that happened in the past. Discrimination has always been, and will always be, a fundamentally shitty thing. Is there anything we can do to help people understand that discrimination is discrimination no matter who it's against? Is there any hope that we'll live in a future where everyone just leaves each other the fuck alone? tl;dr: Will SJWs ever have any political power to bring about the changes they desire, or is the movement too radical to pick up any real speed?

A White Tax?

Don’t be ridiculous. There won’t be any White Tax.

There will be a straight, cis white MALE tax.

BY DWORKIN’S HAMMER, what a tax law!

H/T — r/BestOfOutrageCulture

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9 years ago

Yeah the gringo tax is a tourist tax basically and obviously not a real tax… just people trying to make an extra buck and when you realize how little they probably earn it’s not like you can blame em.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

In South Africa it’s not uncommon to be charged white person’s prices when buying from an informal vendor; but that probably ends up being more about class than about race, and most of all about having a pragmatic attitude to ripping off rich ignorant people. I’d imagine that dirt-poor white people who can speak vernacular would get their white person’s prices waived.

Given how extreme the wealth gap is, I’m at peace with this.

Zeb Berryman
Zeb Berryman
9 years ago

Re: Gringo tax. In Nicuragua I recall that they had something like this. One of the people I knew there who was intailly from Canada, but had moved there said she knew that she’d been excepted when she was offered the same initial price as the citizens. (there is generally haggling involved.) I also recall that I would sometimes accidentally pay more than something was worth and I wouldn’t get change. Overall I think its fine, for reasons similar to EJ’s.

9 years ago

Not to worry, the cost of shirts ripped to shreds by angry/lustful warrior women will be tax deductible.

9 years ago

Re: Re: Gringo tax: In my last job, when I was traveling for work and could afford such fripperies, a co-worker from the Dubai office where I was training insisted on accompanying me to the gold souk where she bought her own jewelry and haggling on my behalf to make sure I wouldn’t get ripped off when I bought a ring as a souvenir. We picked out the ring I wanted to buy, then I got lost while she hailed a clerk and did the negotiation. When she called me over and I held out my credit card, the look on the clerk’s face was as gold as his inventory. 😀

9 years ago

I love that he thinks that all this modern/recent social theory and notions about prejudice and bigotry started with the internet and “leaked” into universities. How ignorant of campus culture do you have to be not to realise that most people are at their most activist (regardless of persuasion) in university?

Most of the blunders I see from “Tumblr SJW’s” remind me intensely of people in first year sociology who took the first theory they liked as gospel without really having put in the study and hard thinking to substantiate it. Or high school students picking it up second hand from the former.

9 years ago

I think he’s one of these people who think they’re so much smarter than everyone else, that anything they believe is automatically true, so when they move on to a more exclusive environment such as college, they’ll find only enlightened people who agree with them. And when time passes and they actually get to see what college is like for real, instead of questioning their assumptions, they assume college must have gotten corrupted.

9 years ago

It will never cease to baffle me that internet dudebros spend so much time obsessing over Tumblr, where we know for a fact there are a lot of 4 (or 8)-chan sockpuppets masquerading as SJWs, and we know for a fact that there are a lot of very young teenagers who may or may not have that good a grasp on what they’re talking about yet, or even a lot of clarity about how to say it. So when they find a random blog that’s truly saying some problematic stuff in the name of feminism, there is an extremely good chance that it is either a troll, or someone who will facepalm at their own entries in another year or two–and either way, they have only a couple dozen followers.

But I guess it’s easier to take potshots at presumed teenage girls than to actually get involved in shaping cultural ideas, so.

9 years ago

Most of the blunders I see from “Tumblr SJW’s” remind me intensely of people in first year sociology who took the first theory they liked as gospel without really having put in the study and hard thinking to substantiate it. Or high school students picking it up second hand from the former.

Oh, this.

I also think there’s an added helping of anger and/or guilt due to what they heard, which makes them extra vocal, extra passionate, and a lot less likely to think clearly and rigorously about what they’re saying.

Granted, I think it is sad that my Anthro classes never really covered the nuances of power structures until senior year or graduate school. Some of the most important lessons are in the ebb and flow of social power, but you miss out if you’re majoring in Social Work or Pre-Med and don’t take the higher level courses (or can’t).

9 years ago

His greatest fear is a hypothetical tax that nobody but he and his friends are talking about. He’s not afraid of being raped or assaulted. He’s not afraid of lynch mobs or being gunned down by cops. He’s not afraid of his culture and history being distorted for the sake of bigots. He’s not afraid of losing the right to marry, work, or use the bathroom.

This is privilege. White, male, cisgender, heterosexual privilege.

9 years ago

Anti-feminists do seem to spend a lot more time visiting tumblr and talking about tumblr than I or any progressive I know do. The only thing I ever use tumblr for is gifs. Yet there’s a certain kind of anti-feminist who tells everyone to “go back to tumblr” every time you express a social justice oriented opinion of any kind.

Crip Dyke
9 years ago


You, sir, are obviously a geek of my generation.

We have had contractarian feminism, feminist abolitionism & anti-racist feminism, suffrage feminism, temperance-movement feminism, anti-poverty and sometimes eugenic feminism, socialist feminism, anti-war feminism, post-war feminism, second wave feminism, womanism, dis/abled feminism, sex positive feminism, third world feminism, subalternity, international feminism, and who knows how many more.

But it’s a very few of those that could really get that reference if they quested through the entire galaxy.

Well done.

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily
9 years ago

White tax? At best an interim plan. Once the Browning of Humanity™ is accomplished, who would pay the tax?

Bee (@welllahdeedah)
9 years ago

@D.D. Webb – Well said. Though some may believe it idealistic, I hold the same hope for mankind in general.

9 years ago

That’s ridiculous. How could there be a cishet while male tax when everybody who’d have to pay it will obviously be in cishet while male work camps run by the SJW Gaystapo?