a woman is always to blame empathy deficit men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape rape culture

Damon Wayans: Cosby’s accusers are “unrape-able … bitches” out for money

Damon Wayans:
Damon Wayans: “Some of them really is unrape-able. I look at them and go, ‘I don’t want that.'”

Comedian Damon Wayans seems to be a shoo-on for this week’s Shitty Rape Apologist Shithead of the Week award.

In an interview on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club show on Friday, Wayans attacked Bill Cosby’s accusers — or at least the majority of them — as money-hustling “bitches” too ugly to have been really raped.

Wayans’ explanation for why 50 women have stepped forward with similar stories of drugging and sexual assault at the hands of Cosby?

I don’t believe he was raping. I think he was in relationships with all of them, and then he’s like, ‘You know what, [I’m] 78, I can’t get it up for any of y’all, bye bitches.’ And now they’re like, ‘Oh, really? Rape.’ Forty years — listen, how big is his penis that it gives you amnesia for 40 years? …

If you listen to them talk, they go, ‘Well, the first time…’ The first time? Bitch, how many times did it happen? Just listen to what they’re saying and some of them really is unrape-able. I look at them and go, ‘I don’t want that. Get outta here.’ [Laughs]

He added:

Look, I understand fame. I’ve lived it. Women will throw themselves at you. They just want to be in your presence. There’s some that innocently will come up there, but not 40-something women. They’re not that naïve.

You’re talkin’ about, what, in 1965 he just walked into someone’s dressing room and put his penis in their mouth?

Backtracking a little, Wayans later said that he thought some of the accusations could be true.

And for them, my heart goes out to them. For anybody who was raped by Bill Cosby, I’m sorry, and I hope you get justice. You other bitches, look. …

What’s the joy of banging someone who’s asleep?


Breakfast Club co-host Angela Yee pushed back against some of Wayans’ assertions, pointing out that many of the women came forward decades ago. In an aside that seems to have gone unnoticed in the coverage of Wayans’ remarks, she said that when she was a little girl her mother told her she knew someone who’d been drugged (and presumably raped) by Cosby.

50 women have already come forward; I wonder how many more there are?

For more quotes from the interview, see Gossip Cop. Or you can watch the actual interview below; skip ahead to 26 minutes in.


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9 years ago

Yeah, I think I’m going with the Gossip Cop…

9 years ago

Aaand there goes any respect I ever had for Damon Fucking Wayans. Bye, Felipe!

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

I heard a story about him in 1976. It didn’t involve rape, but it did involve a young woman who was pressured by him to attend his show and hang out afterwards. He wouldn’t accept a polite “no thanks,” and she was so uncomfortable she wound up hating him.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Damon Wayans has always been a sexist. That ruined In Living Color for me.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Look, I understand fame. I’ve lived it. Women will throw themselves at you. They just want to be in your presence.

Given the context of rape apologia, I can’t tell if this is standard toxic masculine bravado or a tacit admission of guilt.

Deborah Kerr
Deborah Kerr
9 years ago

I find that one positive of this Cosby scandal is that the undercover misogynists are slithering out from under rocks. “Thanks Damon for showing yourself to be another woman-hating dbag. As such I’m no longer a fan of yours.”

9 years ago

What’s the joy of banging someone who’s asleep?

Pretty sure it’s got something to do with power and impunity. But why don’t you ask Bill? I’m sure HE knows.

9 years ago

Is he saying disgusting things in the vain hope he may once again become somewhat relevant, or is he merely a complete sexist ignorant apologist douchecanoe? I am going for the latter. *vomits*

9 years ago

Even if the idea that only conventionally attractive women can be raped wasn’t absurd, Cosby’s victims tended to be actresses and models. So, this doesn’t even make any sense.

9 years ago

What an utter and massive fuckwit. I never thought his movies were that good anyway, too much pandering to stereotypes and cheap humour.

I think the best response to the ‘…some of them really is unrape-able. I look at them and go, ‘I don’t want that. Get outta here.’ is this poem by Pages Matam:

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Barf. Just…baaaarrrfff. That’s all I have for today.

9 years ago

Related: The Atlantic is bemoaning that comedians can’t act like giant douchebags at college shows anymore. What is the world coming to?

9 years ago

Even if the idea that only conventionally attractive women can be raped wasn’t absurd, Cosby’s victims tended to be actresses and models. So, this doesn’t even make any sense.

So, then, he’s saying that they WERE raped, after all.

Either that, or he’s saying ol’ Bill was one helluva serial cheater.

I haz a confuzzle again.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I don;t know who this is and I’m glad because that means I’ve probably never saw any of the shows.

Although I do watch reruns of In Living Color…

9 years ago

PS: That slam poem, though.

9 years ago

@sn0rkmaiden thank you for posting the poem. I am feeling really shaken and actually physically sick after reading Wayan’s comments. That poem makes me feel a bit better. I’m sorry I can’t be more articulate than that, I’m too upset.

9 years ago

remember wayans didn’t actually write any of the funny stuff he did on ilc-Paul Mooney did

9 years ago

That slam poem was great.

I haven’t been a fan of Bill Cosby for years. I know some people who met him, and they were not impressed. He’s not a nice person. When these rape allegations came out, I wasn’t exactly quick to condemn him, but since I hadn’t thought of him as a nice man for a while, it wasn’t exactly a shock. The more information that came out, the more obvious it became.

Wayans is an asshole. I was unaware of that until now. How disappointing.

9 years ago

“Some if them is really un-rape able”

Nice to know he has a type that he would rape. ::shivers::

9 years ago

So on the one hand, he’s pointing out that most of this happened 40 years ago, on the other hand, he seems to be judging the women on what they look like now. Even if judging them on their looks (and HIS opinions of their looks wouldn’t necessarily be Cosby’s) this still makes no sense. And the whole thing is just gross.

9 years ago

delurking to thank snØrkmaiden for that. incredible. stunning. poem.
thank you.

9 years ago

Brian-“So on the one hand, he’s pointing out that most of this happened 40 years ago, on the other hand, he seems to be judging the women on what they look like now. Even if judging them on their looks (and HIS opinions of their looks wouldn’t necessarily be Cosby’s) this still makes no sense. And the whole thing is just gross.”

I know, right? It is like he expects women not to age at all. Many of these women are in their 60s and a some of them are in their 70s. Of course they have aged! As weirwoodtreehugger already stated, Bill Cosby’s victims tend to be actresses and models, so saying that they weren’t raped because they were not conventionally attractive is a load of crap of crap.

9 years ago

And more than a few of them were famous models and actresses. I feel sick at the horrible idea that he spent so much time around the young ladies of the Cosby Show, while still doing this in his off hours to who were close to their ages.

Bina: I second that emotion. Any respect (and there was never a lot) for this Damon Wayans has gone right out the door. He must have thought he was being really funny.


As for the Atlantic article: I have no sympathy for comedians who find it difficult to ply their shitty material at colleges, for fear of criticism. Then what they need to do is get new material that’s not insulting the intelligence of their audience. It is possible to be smart and edgy without being bland or insulting. Example; George Carlin.

But then Carlin was a better comedian than most of the ones complaining could ever hope to be.

9 years ago

Thanks for the poem, sn0rkmaiden! That was the most moving poem I have ever heard/read. :’-)

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