anti-Semitism evil SJWs homophobia kitties PUA return of kings rhymes with roosh

Who took down Roosh V’s sites this week? Danes, gays, Jews … or Big Toilet Paper?



So Roosh Valizadeh’s websites — Return of Kings, the Roosh V Forum, and his own blog — have been hit with DDOS attacks this week.

Roosh isn’t sure who’s to blame, but he has a few ideas. In a note on the DDOS attacks he posted to his site, he wrote:

I have so many enemies that it could have been organized by Canadian SJW’s, the American homosexual lobby, the Israeli Defense Force, or the nation of Denmark.

Denmark, huh? I always thought there was something sneaky about that country.

But I can’t imagine that many Danes are actually pissed at Roosh, really. After all, his Don’t Bang Denmark book explicitly suggested that his fans NOT visit the country. And generally speaking, the fewer Roosh fans in your country, the better.

I don’t think it’s Denmark, or any of the other suspects on Roosh’s little list.

There’s a much more obvious possibility: Toilet paper manufacturers.


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Tanya Nguyen
9 years ago

Well we know it’s not feminists. at least not the females. cause females don’t have the brains to computer. amirite?

9 years ago

sn0rkmaiden: Given the ubiquity of DDoS tools (I remember the Low Orbit Ion Cannon script), it really could be anyone, so I wouldn’t completely rule out anyone. That said, i agree with you: the PUAhate sites that spawned Elliot Rogers would be the first place I’d look.

9 years ago

My good friend Roosh, I believe that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
That’s just my ass.

snow leopard
snow leopard
9 years ago

Those who cause DDoS attacks are slime, but I can’t say I feel bad for the king of slime himself. I just wish I could have seen the look on his disgusting face when he found his shithole of a site has been attacked.

9 years ago

Blaming Canada and Denmark? Yeah, that’s real alpha. (snurklesnort!)

Srsly, though: It couldn’t have happened to a worse-smelling prat.

9 years ago

Is Roosh DDDosing his own site again to bolster the siege mentality.
If it was the IDF, I’d expect they could do better than intermittently disrupt his site

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
9 years ago

What, now all the Omega countries are lording it over Roosh?

Oh, the huge manatee!

9 years ago

maybe the perpetrators didn’t have a political or social motive for the attack but did it because they though it would be would fun to watch him recact like this.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

If this was the IDF (which it wasn’t) this sort of thing comes under the purview of Yehida Shmoneh-Matayim (Unit 8200).

They mainly do Sigint stuff (tapping and listening) but they also cover pro-active things. They were the ones who remotely turned off the Syrian air defence network prior to the sorties against the Deir ez-Zor reactor.

They have better things to do than annoy Roosh though.

9 years ago

As if Denmark has the technical chops to DDOS a website. Sweden’s the one with all the computer skills. As seen here:

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | September 4, 2015 at 3:22 pm
Must confess I can’t stand Anonymous.

I know it’s a group of individuals rather than a movement but a bunch of them once pounced on a friend of mine for having the audacity to correct an error someone had made in some online discussion. They pounced with a flurry of harassment and vile misogyny and made it very clear that women should not stick their opinions in in traditional male spaces.

I hate everything they stand for, their hypocrisy, their cowardice and their total misunderstanding and appropriation of Alan Moore’s work.

I can understand the sentiment. The hypocrisy alone is too much for me to tolerate. They can do good things, and they are a collective of independent individuals, but, much like Gators who have done jack chicken shit in the name of good, the good ones, or any good they might do, are tainted by the sins of the dirty ones.

9 years ago

Something sinister that Roosh continues to do lately is use war rhetoric.
What is creepy about it is he said that his forum does not encourage violence in “peace time”.
And he implies that he and the forum will, in the future, be engaged in battle again.
So it seems that a prudent gentleman would want to clarify that violence is never acceptable from his followers.
And possibly post some hotline phone numbers that they can call in a crisis.

Miss Andry
9 years ago

It was unicorns. It was unicorns all along.

9 years ago

alysonmiers-“I like the idea of Danes being responsible for the DDoS attacks on Douche V’s site, though their motivation is not what Douche V probably thinks it is. In my mind, he drew attention to himself with his book “Don’t Bang Denmark,” and their attitude was basically, a) “Oh my fucking shit, that ass-nugget was in OUR country?”, b) “He BETTER not come back!”, c) “Even if he has no intention ever to come back here, let’s fuck his shit up because it’s so funny to see his reaction. Dance, motherfucker, dance!”

But probably not because he thinks Danish women aren’t sufficiently fuckable.”

I wondered what he had against Denmark, now I know. Now why the hell does he think the Israeli Defense Force got anything to do with this? Do they have a habit of this sort of thing? O.O

9 years ago

Wow, what a typical troll douche. He thinks a whole country is devastated by his disapproval, just like every dumbass internet troll thinks their stupid childish insults are devastating, and all the people laughing and making fun of them is really the Joker-like mass chaos they caused. Pathetic narcissist.

9 years ago

“I hate everything they stand for, their hypocrisy, their cowardice and their total misunderstanding and appropriation of Alan Moore’s work.”

I’m sorry for your friends bad experience with anons. However the collective predates V for Vendetta memes. I’m not going to say “no true Scotsman”, because the truth is the goals of Anonymous are as varied as the individuals involved. A quick history of the the social justice involved Anon can be found here:

You of course know where to find the dark side of the collective, or people posing as the collective. (There are a couple of ways to test these folks which I’m not going to explain under this screen name. Suffice it to say teabagger/bandwagon “anon” pushing Ron Paul made a nuisance of themselves a few years back. It did not go well for them.)

I’m not out to change your opinion. But it does not sound like you know what the collective is, it’s values, or how it operates(for the record, many old Anon hate both the word “hacktavist” and GF masks). Yes, there is the good(WWP), the bad/YMMV(4chan), and the gawdawful ugly(the sewer that ED has become).

For the record, members of the collective once helped hunt down a particularly nasty Nazi apologist troll I unfortunately became acquainted with, so they have my thanks. I would never, however, assume that means any Anon I meet are going to be fuzzy and cuddly.

But the fact you share a strong opinion without apology, free of hero worship or lack of critical thinking, will ironically earn the respect of any mature Anon individual.

rebekka j.
rebekka j.
9 years ago

I mean this in all seriousness, it is not meant to joke or be funny, but I am wondering if Roosh V as molested or raped or sexually assaulted in any way during his life. Not that it would justify anything, but it would explain a lot.

9 years ago

It was the Lithuanians.

This is the fourth time where I’ve woken up and had an entire country mad at me. It does make the day a little more interesting…

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

Now why the hell does he think the Israeli Defense Force got anything to do with this? Do they have a habit of this sort of thing?

Because JEWS! See, there’s the International Jew Conspiracy Something, we’re everywhere! BoooOOOooOOooooo!

(And no, while as Alan noted the 8200 unit does handle some aspects of electronic warfare as well, DDoS attacks on douchenozzle blogs are not really their thing. As they would be no army’s thing. Because armies don’t care about douchenozzle blogs.)

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
9 years ago

Also, the butler did it.

9 years ago

Totally makes sense to me, Canada, the US and Denmark are all part of Nato, and have a reciprocal defended agreement with Zahal ( the IDF) Jewish Zionist intellectuals formed both Socialism and Israel hence how the SWJ’s who command the top echelons of the Danish and Canadian military along with the Gay Leadership of the US military, formed the coalition of the ‘couldn’t give a fuck’, to wage shock and awe hacktivism on an insignificant but vocal cock-knocker for some some reason I can’t be arsed inventing – oh yeah its cos he’s getting all that sweeeeeet HB97 puh-say, and the combined might of these countries ain’t… Or he tried to pull a Canadian/American Scandinavian Jewish bird and she said ‘piss off Mr stinky”

charlie G
charlie G
9 years ago

shhhh 😉

9 years ago

Long term lurker first time poster here.
What gets me about these MRAs is that they aren’t. Activists, I mean.
All they do is scour the earth, on line or in real life, and look for examples of women being treated like people, then come back and sit about complain about how easy women have it. Women and their male allies have had to fight for centuries to get to the place where they are today, but they won’t even make the slightest effort and get something done.
Their idea of activism is to haunt every comments section of sites that treat women like people and whenever someone quotes some fact about women being abused because of their sex, then they lay down,”men have it bad too”.
That’s it!
As a watcher and not a contributor, I have noticed that some MRAs are noticing, “when are we going to get our acts together and really do something for our fellow men?” And the hardcore MRAs say, “well, we can’t because women and their male allies run everything”.
A hundred years ago, men ran everything.Made the laws, decided who was boss.
If women and their male allies could get to where we are today with very little official help at all, just through stubbornness and persistence, why can’t MRAs do the same?
I suppose it’s easier to sit about and moan about how bad they’ve got it.
Maybe, deep down, they know that men in general do have it pretty good, and they really have nothing much to complain about.

9 years ago

Sorry not sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯

9 years ago

Penny Psmith-LOL!!