anti-Semitism evil SJWs homophobia kitties PUA return of kings rhymes with roosh

Who took down Roosh V’s sites this week? Danes, gays, Jews … or Big Toilet Paper?



So Roosh Valizadeh’s websites — Return of Kings, the Roosh V Forum, and his own blog — have been hit with DDOS attacks this week.

Roosh isn’t sure who’s to blame, but he has a few ideas. In a note on the DDOS attacks he posted to his site, he wrote:

I have so many enemies that it could have been organized by Canadian SJW’s, the American homosexual lobby, the Israeli Defense Force, or the nation of Denmark.

Denmark, huh? I always thought there was something sneaky about that country.

But I can’t imagine that many Danes are actually pissed at Roosh, really. After all, his Don’t Bang Denmark book explicitly suggested that his fans NOT visit the country. And generally speaking, the fewer Roosh fans in your country, the better.

I don’t think it’s Denmark, or any of the other suspects on Roosh’s little list.

There’s a much more obvious possibility: Toilet paper manufacturers.


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Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

Frankly, I think Denmark has better things to do :-p

firechild (@firechild)

It is strange that in my weird Canadian pride way I was oddly proud that we made it first on his list of enemies? Not since South Park has sometime thought to blame Canada for anything…little turd blossom that he is..

While I do not condone hacking or ddosing anyone…it couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow 🙂


I’d say, it was probably the union of jewish toilet paper manufacturers and their insidious army of danish gays in gimp suits, accompanied by an unshaven, lesbian feminist giant with a septum piercing, tattoos, purple hair and loads of emotions.

9 years ago

It had to have been Anonymous. They’ve taken not-so-legal stands on rapists before, and they’re not even really a collective. Just a loosely-associated bunch of hacktivists. Some like-minded folks congregate in the IRCs and plan attacks, much like #GamerGate or any other 4chan-based group. I may or may not idolize the ones who take down rapists. Just saying.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

A full half of the sites I visit or know of have been hit by DDoSes this week, so I don’t think anybody was aiming at him specifically. More likely, it’s just some jackass DDoSing every host he can for shits and giggles.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Just to be pedantic it’s “Israel Defence Forces”; but everyone seems to get that wrong.

Oh, and I’m commenting on the name, not suggesting they did it.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Oh no how horrible.

*sips some cider*

A.A. Wils
9 years ago

Hahah! “Big Toilet Paper!” I about spit my water all over the screen. Also, the picture of that cat looks like something my cat did while I was out of town last week. Little stinker…

I agree that it might be Anonymous. What is weird and creepy is that before this even happened, I was thinking “Anonymous, where are you guys? Come on, I’m sure you’ve got a dog in this fight when it comes to Roosh.” I never said it aloud, of course.

(I am not a member of Anonymous, just to let you know.)

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Ah, you have to love it when douchebags get attacked and then want to claim victimhood.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Must confess I can’t stand Anonymous.

I know it’s a group of individuals rather than a movement but a bunch of them once pounced on a friend of mine for having the audacity to correct an error someone had made in some online discussion. They pounced with a flurry of harassment and vile misogyny and made it very clear that women should not stick their opinions in in traditional male spaces.

I hate everything they stand for, their hypocrisy, their cowardice and their total misunderstanding and appropriation of Alan Moore’s work.

9 years ago

Bahahahhahhaa, suckah!! I hate that guy.

9 years ago

Alan, you cursed me- I lost the game.

9 years ago

I’ve always heard there’s something rotten in the state of Denmark but I don’t think it’s Roosh this time, fortunately.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ repentantphoneboth

Oh, brilliant, now you’ve taken me down with you. And so the cascade begins. We were doing so well, what was it? 3 weeks now?

I have lost the game!

9 years ago

As a Canadian SJW I have to acknowledge that he is right that we have a highly skilled set of super hacka that we unleash on people who forget to append ‘eh’ to the end of their statements.

That being said, we already have our hands full of dealing with much more important issues (like the one previously mentioned) than attacking no-name fools like him. He is giving himself way too much credit and we do recommend he use more toilet paper.

However, we do not endorse such actions from the people responsible and recommend your energies be put to more constructive use, like making sure that adorable cat images flood all Google searches.

Thank you.

9 years ago

@firechild, I like to think it’s because we’ve made it abundantly clear he’s not welcome here 🙂

9 years ago

That Katie, she’s an awesome hacker.

Now I kind of feel like watching that gloriously cheesy and dated movie, Hackers. I had such a crush on Jonny Lee Miller as a teenager thanks to that movie.

9 years ago

There’s no reason to DDoS him if you’re some kind of SJW, after all you just want him to keep talking as he more or less proves your point every time. If anything the people who want him to shut up the most are more “moderate” MRAs that Roosh supposedly gives a bad name to. Though blaming the IDF is a lot more fun, I guess.

9 years ago

So he just basically accused a bunch of people who have more important things to do? As a member of the Asexual Army, I can assure you, our allies in the American Homosexual Lobby are much too busy getting married to have time to shut down this delightful little turdmuffin’s sites.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I thought it was the Asexual Armada?

9 years ago

We have an armada now? Why wasn’t I informed?


Please don’t confuse DDoSing with hacking. Hacking can be a highly skilled process (though it’s frequently performed by the relatively clueless, using tools developed by more talented individuals). DDoSing is just brute force. If hacking is picking the lock on someone’s front door, a DDoS is just dumping a big pile of manure on their doorstep so that nobody can get in or out. It’s an activity for the bottom feeders of the Internet.

9 years ago

Dude’s got a serious case of delusional fantasies of relevance.
(seasoned with evil Jews and Organised Gay Lobby – and originally, Danes! conspiracy theories…)

9 years ago


Thank you

9 years ago

I’d be looking at the SlutHate forum, that’s full of embittered little boys with too much time of their hands. Or one of the Chans. Maybe someone will claim responsibility, whether or not they’re the actual culprit.

9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
I like the idea of Danes being responsible for the DDoS attacks on Douche V’s site, though their motivation is not what Douche V probably thinks it is. In my mind, he drew attention to himself with his book “Don’t Bang Denmark,” and their attitude was basically, a) “Oh my fucking shit, that ass-nugget was in OUR country?”, b) “He BETTER not come back!”, c) “Even if he has no intention ever to come back here, let’s fuck his shit up because it’s so funny to see his reaction. Dance, motherfucker, dance!”

But probably not because he thinks Danish women aren’t sufficiently fuckable.

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