Antifeminist douchenozzles regularly mock feminists for caring about so-called “first world problems” like “manspreading” and rape and systematic gender discrimination. Unlike those trivia-obsessed feminists, those who’ve taken the Red Pill only concern themselves with momentous questions, like the age of a certain fictional spy dude’s onscreen paramour.
On the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are up in arms over the news that in the upcoming James Bond film Spectre, the main “Bond Girl” will be a woman more or less Bond’s own age, rather than half of it: current Bond Boy Daniel Craig, 47, will be playing opposite 50-year-old hag lady Monica Bellucci.
I know, right?
In a post with 145 upvotes and 178 comments so far, Bea_OProblem reports sadly that Bond — James Bond — will be “paired with [a] post-wall woman,” the hideous uggo Belluci.
Movie executives have got the memo that pandering to alimony laden post-wall consumers is a lucrative cash cow. In this distinctly blue pill universe, the mysterious and suave international spy wants no one other than a 51 year old woman. Because apparently a mature woman is more alluring than a dozen young pert sluts.
Apparently Bea was so horrified by the news that he added a year to Belucci’s age; Google says she’s 50.
Adding insult to injury, Craig told Esquire magazine that he hopes his Bond won’t be “as sexist and misogynistic” as his predecessors in the role. “The world has changed,” he said.
Red Pillers are not taking the news well. After taking a glance at the picture above, one Red Piller reacted as though he’d seen the dead come to life:
Some thought that Bellucci, only three years Craig’s senior, looked less like his love interest than his mom.
Others railed at the manginas who enabled this horrible thing to happen:
To be sure, a few brave souls acknowledged that Ms. Bellucci might not be the ugliest old lady they’d ever seen, but they were still having none of it.
In the real world, for what it’s worth, Daniel Craig is married to 45-year-old actress Rachel Weisz. Because, in the real world, not all men are obsessed with “bedding” women young enough to be their daughters.
Many of the assembled Red Pillers tried to convince their comrades that they personally Would Not Bang Ms. Bellucci, except perhaps in conditions of poor lighting.
Regardless of their personal answer to the WB question, almost all agreed that this was pretty much the end of the world.
I don’t know about you, but Mila Kunis as Rambo sounds kind of awesome to me.
Not sure Emma Stone would be the right one for the role, but I would *definitely* be behind a female Indiana Jones. Not really a new idea, either, as Lloyd Alexander penned the Vesper Holly stories more than 20 years ago.
Not to interrupt Pandapool’s Quoteception Implosion Singularity, or whatever, but amid the creepy RedPiller “would bang?” garbage and predictions of the apocalypse due to Bond being paired up with a 50-year-old woman, there was one thing that made me laugh:
to which I would respond: Have you heard of a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Not to mention the phenomenon of jobs dominated by women becoming harder for women to succeed in if that job should happen to begin to attract men in larger numbers. (Or the reverse, jobs that were dominated by men and considered serious professions suddenly get downgraded to lower-paying, less respected jobs if women come to dominate them overtime. I remember seeing posts with sources on some blog a while back detailing these phenomena; I wish I could find them again. Anyone happen to know what I mean?)
Not to mention also the gigantic, ongoing tantrum being thrown by men who don’t like feminism because “WHAT ABOUT THE MENZ??” Yeah no, men never invade things made by and/or for women and mess them up, absolutely doesn’t happen.
I’m terribly surprised that this hasn’t shown up in the thread yet.
It is VERY important to me for people to know I am good at coding and making an ass out of myself at the same time.
Is the ‘baby eating Bishop of Bath and Wells’ based on any kind of historical character or anecdote? As far as I can tell it’s purely random, but maybe other people know more. Like the pirate Archbishop of York, which is an actual thing.
Maybe I’m projecting my own attraction to Judi Dench, but I thought there was plenty of sexual chemistry between her M and Craig’s Bond. Obviously there were all sorts of other dynamics to that relationship, but I sensed an unspoken acknowledgement that they were both intrigued by their attraction to the other. M was portrayed by the 70-something Dench as a sexual being -there was a shot of her in bed with a man who from the back of his head might well have been younger than her. And Bond twice broke into her private residence, if you go in for symbolism…
Now if Campbell or Craig etc. ever confirmed my theory, the red pill reaction would be amusing…
I have heard – although this is not supported by any definite source that I can find – that the references in Blackadder and Monty Python to the Bishop of Bath and Wells are due to the fact that Edward Henderson, bishop from 1960 to 1975, was an extreme social conservative who was also known for his thin skin when it came to mockery. The slanderous and entirely fictional bishop was intended, allegedly, as a way of needling him.
If this is true, then it’s sad because the next bishop of Bath and Wells was the very nice, pro-women-ordination John Bickersteth, who no doubt had to sit through a constant cavalcade of baby eating jokes.
Haha thanks EJ, I was clearly looking too far back in history–your explanation makes sense. I’m moving to Bath at the end of the month, so figured I should study up on the local history.
MRA faded_jester poses this question:
Men: You’re not fulfilling your rape quota.
Hypno_disc has this to say:
And I thought the ladies were the emotional ones?!
They have a problem with Monica Bellucci. M.o.n.i.c.a. Now I KNOW they’re operating way outside of normal human reasoning, because if there’s even the teeniest bit of wiggle room for me, on the Kinsey scale, that bit of wiggle room is reserved for Monica. How anyone can find you repulsive like that is beyond me.
I think that this has to be a young man thing. I showed the picture of Monica and Daniel to the 21yo friend of my son and he instantly thought that she was too old for him.
TBH when I was a young woman I couldn’t stand young men – apologies to any young men here (the under 25s) – I found them to be rude, arrogant and often offensive. I was very glad when my age meant that I no longer attracted their attention. Now my sons are young men I can see that they are much nicer than the average.
Uh? That’s great! Monica Bellucci hasn’t been in many movies lately and she’s a great actress. I sort of missed her.
Redpill douchebag asked:
“When was the last time something inherently female was invaded by men and forcefully changed to fit into what WE want?”
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. When adult men made it unsafe for young girls to Goggle their favorite show.
Yay! Grown ups!
Of course, I don’t watch films, so I won’t be seeing this. But good.
@ guest and EJ(TOO)
For some reason ‘Bath & Wells’ seems to be shorthand for comedy bishop. There is something intrinsically funny in the title.
There was a sketch years ago where two middle class white kids were doing all the ‘black culture’ DJ thing. that went something like:
“Yeah. Yo Daddy, yo daddy”
“Your daddy of course being the Bishop of Bath & Wells?”
“Er, yes”
Oh of course. That’s why MRAs throw a screaming fit whenever colleges or organisations hold safe spaces for women and other groups that aren’t white cis men. That’s why there is a FUCKING LAWYER WHO MAKES A CAREER OUT OF SUING WOMEN-FOCUSED COMPANIES FOR “EXCLUDING MEN”, EVEN IF IT’S NOT TRUE.
In other news my brother has been making worrying MRA noises lately, and he just told me with a smug grin that he found a poster on the Internet stating 53% of domestic violence victims are men. We all know where that statistic comes from, we’ve danced this dance before whenever a troll tries to throw it at us. I tried to explain that the survey it’s based on counts a defensive shove on a same level as a brutal beating and that men are more likely to severely injure or kill their partners. He won’t listen. He’s always believed what he wanted to believe his whole life and just doesn’t know how to evaluate or analyse. If it sounds right to him, he hangs on to it. He’ll ignore opposing evidence. He’ll read about once instance of something bad done by a member of X group and think its an ongoing problem that all Xes do. In other words, he’s already a master at all the mental gymnastics and hamstering that makes MRAs tick.
He’s my only family my own age and I’m really worried he’ll go down this path. If he starts actually following or regularly reading MRA material he’s fucked. He may absorb it all and not go back.
“We all know a man like James Bond would never waste his time with a 50 plus woman”
Maybe because the filmmakers realized that pairing him up with a 20-year old would only make him look decrepit (and like a try hard creep, as a bonus)? You know, the same effect it has on any wrinkly 50-year-old trying to squire around someone young enough to be their daughter. People don’t look at trophy wife marriages with admiration. They’re the butt of jokes and New Yorker cartoons.
“here she looks like the crypt keeper”
That revulsion you’re feeling, Red Pillers? That”s the exact same revulsion college girls will feel when 40-year-old you tries to hit on them at bars. It’s the same revulsion they feel now. Age is not going to magically Cloonify you.
The “men age like wine, women like milk” fantasy is really the only thing that keeps them going. The middle years aren’t going to be kind to them when they discover that no, they’re not Daniel Craig, all their redpill tricks are still useless and pathetic, their peers have aged into more mature relationships, and even the post-wall hags don’t want anything to do with them. Roosh really ought to be a cautionary tale for them.
Not meaning to imply that 50 year olds are decrepit in my previous post – but dang, Daniel Craig and Monica Bellucci make each other look good. I don’t think the effect would be quite as flattering if she were much younger.
It’s funny listening to TRPers drool over how great he looks, and then they’re like “hey wait, we’re supposed to be looking at HER, this is wrong.”
@sunnysombrera sorry to hear about your brother. I *think* my spouse starting reading this shit after our son was born. It gave him a really good excuse not to do his part in parenting. But he could have come into via ‘race and intelligence’ theory crap he was reading. There’s an amazing cross-over between those two groups. Anyway, it’s basically a great way to lay the blame for anything that’s not very good in your life onto someone else either as individuals or as a group. I imagine that’s pretty seductive. I’m not sure what the way back is…
I don’t think he has (AFAIK) any reason to find a way to blame his problems on someone else. He’s young and certainly not world wise. He probably feels the same investment as I do in feminism – I’m a woman so it will affect me positively.
He’s just not very good at, well, thinking. I’m the one who learnt how to reason and analyse by the subjects I’ve studied and the thousands of hours clocked up over the years reading about things on the Internet. He doesn’t self-educate unless he’s trying to learn a new language, languages are his passion.
But of course, trying to teach someone who knows nothing on a topic but thinks everything they think is right anyway…well that’s not going to go exactly swimmingly. It never has done. He’s a real life sealion and is almost blind to anything he does that’s wrong.
Two examples come to my mind.
1. Computer programming. Back in the early days, the manly men jobs were in hardware – both building the stuff and running it. The “mere” routine of programming was for lowly, non-thinking women. As the hardware became more standardised and reliable. programming suddenly became more ‘complex’ and ‘demanding’. Not at all suitable for those women any more.
2 Doctors in Russia. In the Western world, doctors have always been highly respected, highly paid professionals so that’s obviously a job for men, not for women. In Russia, higher education was equally available to both men and women. Women tended to dominate medicine. Surprise, surprise. Doctors are/were not highly regarded. They were just doing women’s work.
Oh crap, he sounds just like my brother-in-law, who is older…20-some years older than my sister. And full of all the patriarchal implications that that implies. There’s no talking to him, because he’s swallowed it all holus-bolus. He believes what he wants to believe, even if it’s utter crap. Not surprisingly, he’s into homeschooling (he didn’t do well at public school, what a shocker!) and is also an antivaxxer in spite of all reality to the contrary. I avoid him if I can, and make needling remarks about how glad I am I got my latest flu shot if I can’t. He’s a regular sealion, too!
I wish I knew what to advise, but other than “wait and see if he outgrows it when reality invades”, I got nuttin’. Sorry. 🙁