alpha males antifeminism dozens of upvotes drama kings entitled babies evil old women imaginary oppression lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit would not bang

Uh Oh 7: Fictional spy dude to be paired with woman his own age; Redpillers declare end of cinema

Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Belluci
Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Bellucci

Antifeminist douchenozzles regularly mock feminists for caring about so-called “first world problems” like “manspreading” and rape and systematic gender discrimination. Unlike those trivia-obsessed feminists, those who’ve taken the Red Pill only concern themselves with momentous questions, like theĀ age of a certain fictional spy dude’s onscreen paramour.

On the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are up in arms over the news that in the upcoming James Bond film Spectre, the main “Bond Girl”Ā will be a woman more or less Bond’sĀ own age, rather than half of it: current Bond Boy Daniel Craig, 47, will be playing oppositeĀ 50-year-old hag lady Monica Bellucci.

I know, right?

In a post with 145 upvotes and 178 comments so far,Ā Bea_OProblem reports sadly that Bond — James Bond — will be “pairedĀ with [a] post-wall woman,” the hideous uggo Belluci.

Movie executives have got the memo that pandering to alimony laden post-wall consumers is a lucrative cash cow. In this distinctly blue pill universe, the mysterious and suave international spy wants no one other than a 51 year old woman. Because apparently a mature woman is more alluring than a dozen young pert sluts.

Apparently Bea was so horrified by the news that he added a year to Belucci’s age; Google says she’s 50.

Adding insult to injury, Craig told Esquire magazine that he hopes his Bond won’t be “as sexist and misogynistic” as his predecessors in the role. “The world has changed,” he said.

Red Pillers are not taking the news well. After taking a glance at the picture above, one Red Piller reacted as though he’d seen the dead come to life:

99639 15 points 1 day ago  Jesus I've seen other pics and thought she was ok, but here she looks like the crypt keeper.

Some thought that Bellucci, only three years Craig’s senior, looked less like his love interest thanĀ his mom.

tillybb 9 points 1 day ago  Funny how Daniel looks objectively loads better/healthier/younger when its women who use makeup & spend their days from puberty till the grave trying to look as good as possible.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [ā€“]Epicureanist 4 points 1 day ago  Smoke and mirrors. Castles made of sand. That's all they are.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [ā€“]nemaxofredpill 5 points 21 hours ago  Damn. I thought she looked good until you put her next to Daniel Craig. She looks old enough to be his mom.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [ā€“]redundanteater 3 points 1 day ago  Bond might fuck her in order to get something more valuable (e.g. microfilm, launch codes, introduction to others, plausible cover, etc.), but she can't be a love interest.

Others railed at the manginas who enabled this horrible thing to happen:

aded_jester 116 points 1 day ago  Yeah let's ignore the entire history of the franchise so old dried up twats who don't watch Bond anyways can go "See!.....that's how it's supposed to be!" while shaking their jowls in glee.  Men have no one to blame but themselves for letting women get this out of control. Collectively so pussy whipped, we are allowed almost nothing if it doesn't bend its will to feminist demands. When was the last time something inherently female was invaded by men and forcefully changed to fit into what we want? Oh that's right, men don't give a shit if girls want special "girls only" crap.

To be sure, a few brave soulsĀ acknowledged that Ms. Bellucci might not be the ugliest old lady they’d ever seen,Ā but they were still having none of it.

slcjosh 116 points 1 day ago  The 51 one year old is Monica Belluci to be fair. Even at 51 she is a smoke. It is not really realistic that she won the geneitc lottery and took care of herself throughout her career.  I see how this is annoying, as we all know a man like James Bond would never waste his time with a 50 plus woman. It just helps she looks 35.  In the real world, James would be bedding her 21 year old daughter.

In the real world, for what it’s worth, Daniel Craig is married to 45-year-old actressĀ Rachel Weisz. Because, in the real world, not all men are obsessed with “bedding” women young enough to be their daughters.

Many of the assembled Red Pillers tried to convince their comradesĀ that they personally Would Not Bang Ms. Bellucci, except perhaps in conditions of poorĀ lighting.

cover20 6 points 1 day ago  I have lots of respect for her, OK. But that doesn't mean I would want to fuck her. One doesn't fuck a woman out of respect for her, any more than a woman fucks a man because he supplicates to her.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [ā€“]McLarenX 2 points 1 day ago  Of course. But if I had grapefruit balls and she was laying there naked in front of me in dim enough lighting, id hit it.


Regardless of their personal answer to the WB question, almost allĀ agreed that this was pretty much the end of the world.

hypno_disc 2 points 1 day ago  Absolutely disgraceful. First that abomination of a new Ghostbusters movie, now this. Stupid feminists and their manginas ruining beloved movie franchises with their bullshit ideology. What's next, an Indy reboot with Emma Stone cast as Indiana Jones? How about Mila Kunis as Jane Rambo?? Fucking disgusting. I truly weep for the future of cinema.

I don’t know about you, butĀ Mila Kunis as Rambo sounds kind of awesome to me.

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9 years ago

@PI – Jack Harkness (Doctor Who, et al)

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

I did forget about Jack Harkness and Iron Bull. But I wasn’t aware of Rodger as I don’t watch anything Seth MacFarlne puts out anymore. : /

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxy

Well, the Baby Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells may have a few questionable attitudes, but he’s certainly pan.

“Animal, vegetable or mineral. I’ll do *anything* to *anything* with *anything*”

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

@Alan: Eh, I don’t think that’s what pansexuality actually is.

9 years ago


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxy

The good bishop’s sexuality certainly includes pansexuality, but also goes a bit wider.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

I always defined my pansexuality as not caring about gender or the dangly bits, only that they’re hot.

Hot, of course, is subjective. A person may not be physcially attractive, but they may have a beautiful soul. uWu

I also take into consideration sentience and legal age because, well, hot aliens and hot monsters that don’t nessarily meet human standards of beauty and gender and sexual dimorphism. And maybe robots.

You never know about the future.

And “doing anything with anything” isn’t pansexuality. That’s just having a broad range of fetishes ontop of what might be pansexuality.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Pandapool

I can see a future where all this gets interesting. Throws up some interesting moral questions though.

Take the replicants in Blade Runner. Even if Rachel gets into a consensual relationship and has a lifetime of memories, technically she’s less than four.

9 years ago

“In the real world, James would be bedding her 21 year old daughter.” In the real world? Does this guy believe in Santa Claus too?

9 years ago

Glad to see that MRAs are living up to their reputation of fighting the true evils of oppressive women and taking on the oh-so-important men’s rights issues of the day.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


That’s actually one reason I’m really iffy about robots. The reason we have the age of consent is to protect minors and we protect minors because one) they are not yet fully grown and two) they don’t have the experience or maturity to truly content. Minors aren’t finished, they aren’t complete. It’s like selling a half finished painting as complete to use a sort dehumanizing analogy.

A robot, however doesn’t grow and they won’t grow. They can be made as a complete adult. They can be programed with maturity, they could, artificially, have the experiences of an adult. Even if they aren’t of age, they don’t have to be because they aren’t humans. They just need to have the adult mindsets we would consider a legally aged adult should have.

Of course, this ends up in another grey area because some gross people would consider some minors have the same maturity but it’s STILL not the same. Some humans aren’t even mature at 18 or whatever. (Like me.) That’s just a blanket age for when we think maturity should begin. It’s better to have an older blanket age for all rather than go by a case by case basis.

IDK if I’m getting my point across well or not. I’m on my phone so it’s harder to express things but I hope I’m making a decent point.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw: “Yeah, SPECTRE was something introduced for the films. Thatā€™s quite an interesting story in itself as thereā€™s lots of legal fall out from that (SPECTRE may not have been Flemingā€™s idea) but in the book itā€™s SMERSH.”

Wf? No, SMERSH and SPECTRE (the Special Executive for Counterespionage, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion, if I recall correctly) both appear in the novels. SPECTRE is the Ernst Stavro Blofeld gang, first appearing in Thunderball and revived in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Now, I have no idea whether or how faithfully SPECTRE is represented in the Bond movies (including the eponymous one currently in production), but it definitely had an earlier incarnation in some of the novels, and was indubitably Fleming’s idea originally.

9 years ago

And I just realized that I probably totally misunderstood @Alan Robertshaw’s remark intending to convey that SPECTRE’s presence specifically in the movie of From Russia with Love was a modification of Fleming’s original story, rather than asserting that the whole idea of SPECTRE didn’t originate with Fleming. Sorry about that.

Harmonia LaLonde
9 years ago

They’re getting angry over Monica Bellucci and calling her ugly… do they not have eyes? I am just sitting here, flabbergasted.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Emma Stone would actually make a pretty damn good Indiana Jones?

9 years ago

This has enraged me beyond belief.

I was raised by a single father. I’m female. At 13, my mother walked out on us, and she died shortly after.

She beat my father. She was angry, and mean. She would hit him in public. My entire life up until she left, was a minefield of abuse from her directed at myself and my dad.

She bloodied his nose in an airport once. She hit him with her fist more times than I can count. She was a horrible human being. She did things that I can never repeat, that I could never tell another human.

My father would have benefited so very much from some kind of help or assistance. Anyone that he could go to, and say “my wife is violent, I can’t leave her because I can’t leave my daughter. What can I do?” It was the early 80s, if there was someone to help, neither of us knew it.

So, here we are. There are others like me, I know this kind of abuse happens still. Are the MRA assholes forming groups, trying to start a hotline? Are they working in their own communities, attempting to provide assistance to men who might be in an abusive situation?

Nope. They are bitching about James fucking bond, and that he is humiliating himself by having to deign to involvement with a not-20 year old. I mean, there is only so much time in the day, after they compare women to coat hangers, bitch about how they are so very nice but still can’t get laid, about how women ruin everything we touch and why can’t we get laid? Maybe then they will get around to helping the guys that need it.

But, I know that they would see a guy like my dad as a mangina, or some such shit. That’s the crux of all of it. They don’t actually help other men, because REAL men don’t ever need help, dontchaknow. They need to stop lying and admit what they actually are – bunch of whiney man babies that are incapable of caring about anyone but themselves.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Panda

You got your point across perfectly.

This is the sort of philosophical and moral quandary I find so interesting.

Obviously there are certain physical reasons that put young people out of bounds; but the main thing is mental maturity. Like you say, that can vary from person to person. Some people, for whatever reason (upbringing, natural mental development) may still be vulnerable well past the age of consent. Can they really be said to be making informed decisions about consent?

But what if you can just effectively implant memories and personalities, wither into an organic or mechanical being (or even a non corporeal AI). There’s all the issues about whether such a being would even be making choices but let’s assume they’re self aware and are thinking for themselves.

Say it becomes possible to artificially accelerate clone growth and a 30 year old woman downloads her mind into a cloned body that only took a year to grow. Would it be ok to enter into a physical relationship with her? Intuitively that seems ok. But what if you could put an entirely artificial personality into such a clone. So the clone has the knowledge and reasoning capacity of a 30 year old but no actual life experience of her own. Then what? Intuitively that feels icky. Notwithstanding that she’s a perfect simulation of an adult woman, when I try to imagine that I can’t get over the ‘she’s a child’ inhibition.

Interesting stuff.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Kimtsu

The Whole SPECTRE thing is complicated. Fleming collaborated with a chap called Kevin McClory to do Bond stories specifically for filming. There’s been a lot of debate as to who came up with SPECTRE and Blofield.

It all gets confusing because the concepts were first used in the film Thunderball but because the books were not filmed in order, SPECTRE was then retrofitted into the film adaptations of the books.

This is why we had Never Say Never Again (Kevin McClory owned the rights to the Thunderball story) and why a Blofield expy gets dropped down a chimney on the EON films.

Everybody is now friends now though (amazing what the multi millions from a revamped franchise can do) and SPECTRE is back for the next EON film.

9 years ago

I’m sorry about you and your father, what an a-hole. Hugs and kisses for you guys.

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


Well, considering we are all just made of memories, the age of the body shouldn’t matter if a thirty year old mind is being put into it, as long as the body isn’t maturing.

A still growing body has all sorts of hormones and incomplete systems that still need to get together. A completely rational mind would get muddled with all the hormones and stuff teenagers go through. A completely rational mind might not be able to reach the same conclusions with a brain that hasn’t finished growing yet.

Putting a thirty year old mind into a fully matured clone body thats less than a year old should be no different than putting it into a robot body that’s less than a year old.

Putting a thirty year old mind into a child or teenage body is a separate matter all together.

Adult maturity is half life experience, half having a fully grown body.

9 years ago

Fruitloopsie | September 4, 2015 at 1:09 pm

A trans, lesbian woc starring in her own movie or movies:Rambo or Indiana Jones. That would blow their gaskets.

Hm… How about a Bond who is panromantic but asexual (in terms of his own desires)? He only views sex as a tool, but can form close romantic relationships with anyone.

BTW, folks–anyone reading this thread and planning on rushing out and getting the books should be warned. There is some seriously painful racism in there, at least in the early books (I only got two or three books in). I don’t know if it’s actually worse than it actually was in England at the time, or if it just reflected the culture it was written in, but honestly, I’d say the racism is worse than the casual sexism.

And that’s bad enough. I do recall Casino Royale, the first book, had the line, “Making love to her had the sweet frission of rape.” (It was because she refused to give herself over to him emotionally, rather than being because she wasn’t actually consenting, but DAMN that’s a line that’s gonna stick with me to the grave.)

9 years ago


9 years ago

Second blockquote is actually all me.

9 years ago

What’s next, an Indy reboot with Emma Stone cast as Indiana Jones?

Yes please.

How about Mila Kunis as Jane Rambo?

A++ would watch.

When I was growing up, my dad had a bunch of James Bond films on VHS. They made me feel terrible. It was my first exposure to the idea that girls and women were defined by their sexual appeal for men. I didn’t even really know what “sexual appeal” was at the time, I just knew that these films made me feel degraded and lesser. Still can’t watch them without bursting into frustrated tears.

9 years ago

Raysa: I hear you! You got it all in one.

There are no organizations out there set up to help male abuse victims. And what’s really galling is these MRA f***ers, have the gall to ask why feminists aren’t doing that, instead of getting up off their asses and doing it themselves. But they do have enough to time in their day to send rape and death threats to any women they disagree with.

Women haven’t done that probably because we’re busy taking care of female abuse victims of men who think just like them..
These organizations haven’t been set up because men like that think male victims of rape or abuse are a joke. So you are exactly right.

9 years ago

Because god forbid he get involved with a fully formed adult with experience and history.

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