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Uh Oh 7: Fictional spy dude to be paired with woman his own age; Redpillers declare end of cinema

Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Belluci
Daniel Craig in the clutches of hideous monster hag Monica Bellucci

Antifeminist douchenozzles regularly mock feminists for caring about so-called “first world problems” like “manspreading” and rape and systematic gender discrimination. Unlike those trivia-obsessed feminists, those who’ve taken the Red Pill only concern themselves with momentous questions, like the age of a certain fictional spy dude’s onscreen paramour.

On the Red Pill subreddit, the regulars are up in arms over the news that in the upcoming James Bond film Spectre, the main “Bond Girl” will be a woman more or less Bond’s own age, rather than half of it: current Bond Boy Daniel Craig, 47, will be playing opposite 50-year-old hag lady Monica Bellucci.

I know, right?

In a post with 145 upvotes and 178 comments so far, Bea_OProblem reports sadly that Bond — James Bond — will be “paired with [a] post-wall woman,” the hideous uggo Belluci.

Movie executives have got the memo that pandering to alimony laden post-wall consumers is a lucrative cash cow. In this distinctly blue pill universe, the mysterious and suave international spy wants no one other than a 51 year old woman. Because apparently a mature woman is more alluring than a dozen young pert sluts.

Apparently Bea was so horrified by the news that he added a year to Belucci’s age; Google says she’s 50.

Adding insult to injury, Craig told Esquire magazine that he hopes his Bond won’t be “as sexist and misogynistic” as his predecessors in the role. “The world has changed,” he said.

Red Pillers are not taking the news well. After taking a glance at the picture above, one Red Piller reacted as though he’d seen the dead come to life:

99639 15 points 1 day ago  Jesus I've seen other pics and thought she was ok, but here she looks like the crypt keeper.

Some thought that Bellucci, only three years Craig’s senior, looked less like his love interest than his mom.

tillybb 9 points 1 day ago  Funny how Daniel looks objectively loads better/healthier/younger when its women who use makeup & spend their days from puberty till the grave trying to look as good as possible.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]Epicureanist 4 points 1 day ago  Smoke and mirrors. Castles made of sand. That's all they are.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]nemaxofredpill 5 points 21 hours ago  Damn. I thought she looked good until you put her next to Daniel Craig. She looks old enough to be his mom.  permalinksaveparentreportgive gold [–]redundanteater 3 points 1 day ago  Bond might fuck her in order to get something more valuable (e.g. microfilm, launch codes, introduction to others, plausible cover, etc.), but she can't be a love interest.

Others railed at the manginas who enabled this horrible thing to happen:

aded_jester 116 points 1 day ago  Yeah let's ignore the entire history of the franchise so old dried up twats who don't watch Bond anyways can go "See!.....that's how it's supposed to be!" while shaking their jowls in glee.  Men have no one to blame but themselves for letting women get this out of control. Collectively so pussy whipped, we are allowed almost nothing if it doesn't bend its will to feminist demands. When was the last time something inherently female was invaded by men and forcefully changed to fit into what we want? Oh that's right, men don't give a shit if girls want special "girls only" crap.

To be sure, a few brave souls acknowledged that Ms. Bellucci might not be the ugliest old lady they’d ever seen, but they were still having none of it.

slcjosh 116 points 1 day ago  The 51 one year old is Monica Belluci to be fair. Even at 51 she is a smoke. It is not really realistic that she won the geneitc lottery and took care of herself throughout her career.  I see how this is annoying, as we all know a man like James Bond would never waste his time with a 50 plus woman. It just helps she looks 35.  In the real world, James would be bedding her 21 year old daughter.

In the real world, for what it’s worth, Daniel Craig is married to 45-year-old actress Rachel Weisz. Because, in the real world, not all men are obsessed with “bedding” women young enough to be their daughters.

Many of the assembled Red Pillers tried to convince their comrades that they personally Would Not Bang Ms. Bellucci, except perhaps in conditions of poor lighting.

cover20 6 points 1 day ago  I have lots of respect for her, OK. But that doesn't mean I would want to fuck her. One doesn't fuck a woman out of respect for her, any more than a woman fucks a man because he supplicates to her.  permalinkembedsaveparentreportgive gold [–]McLarenX 2 points 1 day ago  Of course. But if I had grapefruit balls and she was laying there naked in front of me in dim enough lighting, id hit it.


Regardless of their personal answer to the WB question, almost all agreed that this was pretty much the end of the world.

hypno_disc 2 points 1 day ago  Absolutely disgraceful. First that abomination of a new Ghostbusters movie, now this. Stupid feminists and their manginas ruining beloved movie franchises with their bullshit ideology. What's next, an Indy reboot with Emma Stone cast as Indiana Jones? How about Mila Kunis as Jane Rambo?? Fucking disgusting. I truly weep for the future of cinema.

I don’t know about you, but Mila Kunis as Rambo sounds kind of awesome to me.

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9 years ago

Geeze, better not tell these jokers about Grace Jones in “A View To A Kill”. They’d lose their damn minds.

9 years ago

A trans, lesbian woc starring in her own movie or movies:Rambo or Indiana Jones. That would blow their gaskets.

9 years ago

Here is a special thing about MRA Bubble World – aging is an evil feminist conspiracy to take away all their pretty, young things.


That would also explain the efficacy and prevalence of your anti-aging creams. They are secretly comprised of tiny wormholes looping back all the way from the ends of the universe infused with exotic matter to prevent their own gravitational collapse filled with particles travelling at the light speed making roundabout trips to ensure that we are not only experiencing the Urashima effect to help reverse the aging effects of your skin.

Why did you guys leave all that evidence lying around??? Do you not know how to do cover-ups properly???

9 years ago

ReallyFriendlycomment image

Steve Green
9 years ago

Just how many Bond movies have these jerks actually seen?

In the film adaptation of Goldfinger (1964), Bond (Sean Connery, born 1930) falls for the allegedly amusingly named Pussy Galore (Honor Blackman, born 1925).

In the film adaptation of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, released in 1969, Bond (George Lazenby, born 1939) falls for and MARRIES the ill-fated Tracy (Diana Rigg, born 1938).

9 years ago

Long time reader, first(ish) time commenter. It’s always astonishing that we get this kind of response from the slightest twinge towards a positive ethic from what is, ultimately, a horribly regressive franchise (as virtually all of the major media properties are). Would that we *actually* got an intersectional feminist James Bond, complete with avoidance of violence, sticking up for oppressed peoples against his own government’s manipulations, etc. and the MRA crowd would truly blow their tops.

That said, a Mila Kunis Rambo is just about the best idea ever. Can we get George Miller to direct?

9 years ago

So the canonical James Bond was not particularly attracted to young women – or “girls”?

I wonder what those noble defenders of the purity of the earlier movies have to say to that.

9 years ago

Funny how when anybody dares to criticize (not suppress, not ban, just criticize) any commercially successful entertainment product for promoting sexism or misogyny, these guys leap to the barricades with howls of FREE MARKET FREE SPEECH HOW DARE YOU TRY TO INTERFERE WITH THE SACRED PRODUCER-CONSUMER RELATIONSHIP!! OPPRESSION!! OPPRESSION!!

But when they happen to notice a commercial entertainment product that’s NOT promoting sexism or misogyny (or at least promoting slightly less of it; come on, 50-year-old lead actress or not, who really thinks that any Bond film isn’t going to be treating its female characters mostly as eye candy and plot devices?), their free-market “principles” go right out the window. Then it’s all HOW DARE THOSE MOVIE PRODUCERS PANDER TO ALL THE POST-WALL DRIED-UP OLD TWATS JUST BECAUSE IT’S A LUCRATIVE CASH COW?!? HOW DARE THOSE POST-WALL DRIED-UP OLD TWATS HAVE ANY DISPOSABLE INCOME AND INFLUENCE POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT OPTIONS WITH THEIR CONSUMER POWER??

Like everything else in the manosphere world, enjoying and financially supporting a form of entertainment that some other people dislike or disapprove of is just fine when they do it, but absolutely inexcusable when women do it.

9 years ago

You know, red pillers like to use the “but, it’s okay in Europe, you prudes!” excuse whenever we point out that it’s gross for adult men to pray on 15 year old girls. Funny how they ignore how in France or Italy, youth isn’t automatically tied to beauty so much and older women are often considered sexy.

9 years ago

This is hilarious (even more so because I’ve always found Ms Bellucci insanely hot). Listen up, guys, in the real world middle-aged men and middle-aged women have sex, sometimes (shock horror) even when the woman is slightly older. Sure, there’s a skew towards men pairing up with younger women, rather than vice-versa, but that in no way means the Evil Feminists have Ruined Bond. I’m not a Bond fan is the slightest, but to me it’s pretty cool that they’re showing Bond with a Hot (Slightly) Older Woman, and it’s not for ideological reasons.
Also, Kirbywarp’s comment:’Bond never was the avatar of their particular brand of misogyny’ is spot on. The Redpillers have made even Bond look not-quite-so-bad.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

@ RosadeLava

Probably something like “yadda yadda yadda “pre-wall!” yadda yadda yadda “FRAME!”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Rosa

The Bond of the books is very different from the Bond of the films; even the early ones. He’s not hyper competent (the reason he gets all the most dangerous missions is he’s the officer MI6 can most afford to lose) and not particular suave.

He lives off poached eggs and cold roast beef most of the time The reason he gets his gourmet reputation is that, when he does a mission with CIA he’s amazed at the food you can get in America so pigs out.

He had a pretty boring life in the books. His routine is described thusly:

elastic office hours from around ten to six; lunch, generally in the canteen; evenings spent playing cards in the company of a few close friends, or at Crockford’s; or making love, with rather cold passion, to one of three similarly disposed married women; weekends playing golf for high stakes at one of the clubs near London.

9 years ago

Craig has been my favorite Bond so far. I didn’t mind Brosnan either, but yeah, definitely Craig.

They were trying to tone down the sexism in Bond movies starting with Goldeneye. I particularly liked Dame Judi Dench as M. I thought she did a good job and was kind of sad to see her get killed off. I also liked the direction they took Bond in with Skyfall.

Anyway, I love the outrage from the Redpillers. I hope they call for a boycott, thus making sure the movie does well. And then, after Craig is ready to pass the baton, I really hope Idris Elba takes over. One, he’s a good actor and would be an excellent Bond, and two, the bigots’ heads will explode.

9 years ago

What did these people always liked to say? Oh right: “if you don’t like it then make your own!”

Not that it’s good idea since all of these guys seem to have the aesthetic taste and cinematographic talent of an infamous duo that’s not a duo anymore and whom are failing miserably

9 years ago

I truly weep for the future of cinema.

I too would weep for the future of cinema, if it went the way you want: a tired movie franchise, more than fifty years old, endlessly reprised and unchanging.

9 years ago

Ugh. Did everyone see the other day when the latest Bond ghostwriter called Idris Elba “too street” to play Bond? In what universe would that man be unable to play suave? Please.

9 years ago


Yes, it extremely frustrating. They get just close enough to the surface to almost get that gulp of air before sinking back down again.

9 years ago

These little manosphere tantrums always remind me of Chris Rock speaking at the height of Tea Party frenzy over Obama’s potential re-election:

“You got kids? Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last — this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them — and the next thing you know, they’re fucking knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now.”

They are running scared because they know the mainstream media is one of the main forces in our culture upholding the idea that women are only valuable if they’re young and beautiful. It allows them to feel they have some sense of control and dominance, and this is one more step towards taking that away.

Oh and while she does not represent your typical 50 year old woman, Monica Belluci looks incredible and I don’t believe any one of these red pillers would throw her out of bed.

And – need it be said? People generally get into relationships with people of a similar age. A 50 year old man with a 21 year old woman is an outlier, even for an “alpha male” such as Bond. This is representative of reality.

9 years ago

So nothing different from what they usually say! 😀

Why didn’t they make the movies about the book Bond, though? He sounds a lot more endearing to me.
What really upsets me is when people use the argument that “it wouldn’t comply with the original” as an excuse for their agenda – but I wonder if movie Bond ever said anything about the age of the women he would seduce, to give them the idea that he would never sleep with an older woman.

9 years ago

Personally I’d love to see a film with James Bond’s mum in it, some sort of undercover super-spy who taught him everything he knows.

Although the Roger Moore-era Bond films are my favourite… they could easily have survived without the sexism, but I enjoyed that they were properly ridiculous, with villains attempting to launch missiles from their undersea volcanoes to blow up the moon.

9 years ago

Daniel Craig has gone up in my estimation. And great that a ‘tough’ guy like him is being called ‘mangina’ by the saddo’s in the Manureosphere. Anyone they insult has got to have something going for them.

Alpine, RN
Alpine, RN
9 years ago

Anybody else ALMOST see a glimmer of something approaching humanity in the “mature woman” comment right before it plunges off the cliff of MRA-dom with the “dozen young pert sluts”? It’s like for a second the author almost saw Monica Belucci as pretty attractive, but then realized he gets all his information about women from the back-of-DVD description of bad porn, and disappeared back into the abyss.

9 years ago

freemage: they did kind of address the idea of Bond being over-the-hill in Skyfall. There are scenes of him trying to pass various physicals and target practice and failing miserably, but being put on the case anyway becasue if he fails at it, then M can write him off to her government.

I’ve thought of Ms. Belucci as a total hottie, so I don’t know where they get this idea that she’s too old for Bond. What do they want him to do? Date a fetus?

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago

Remember how everyone was up in arms about a BLOND BOND?

This is more ridiculous than that.

9 years ago

I would love to see Bond try to seduce a man for information, in the next film. After all he is willing to do anything to accomplish his goal, right? He was willing to flirt with Silva in Skyfall. Or did they miss that part of the movie?

Can you calculate how far away the matter from their exploding heads would land, if such a scene happened?