a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains jokes

Women shopping for groceries secretly run the world, MRA suggests in incomprehensible memes


Apparently the Men’s Rightsers of the world think that they can defeat the forces of feminism by overwhelming them with incomprehensible memes.

I found the puzzling meme above on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I think it’s safe to say that it will not be winning any awards for logic.

But AVFM’s meme-makers manage to top themselves in incomprehensibility with this followup meme:

wat squared

How exactly these grocery shopping women play “a stronger role than men” in getting men elected I’m not sure.

Can you buy extra votes at the grocery store, or something? Or are men afraid that their wives/girlfriends/mothers will go on a grocery shopping strike and cause them to starve to death, because men can’t grocery or something?

I’m not sure — and the AVFM meme maker isn’t giving out any hints — but apparently the power wielded by these grocery ladies is awesome indeed:


Men! Save yourselves! You don’t have to eat your own children!


I mean, it’s kind of boring, and eats up time you might otherwise spend sitting on the couch. But if you think about it, swinging by the grocery store on your way home from work and picking up a nice rotisserie chicken and some sides at the deli counter is probably less of a hassle than cooking an eating your own children, what with all the cleanup involved.


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9 years ago

John Rew is of course referencing the famous “women tease politicians with unfulfilled promise of sex, make them eat their own babies” scandal that took place way back in the Shit That Never Happened era of American politics.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

Hey, MRAs, here’s a meme for you:

9 years ago

I think I found the anthem for MRAs.

9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw – you mean, that’s not what they’re doing already?

So, I ran the world today by buying some food on the way home from work. Does it count that Himself was with me?

We bought some cheese, a wholemeal loaf, a quiche and two avocados marked “ready to eat”. We looked for Bath Oliver biscuits but didn’t find any.

Then we went home and ate salad with cheese and quiche. One of the avocados turned out be mislabelled but the other was fine.

There’s a lesson there for all of us world leaders.

9 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw: Didn´t The Master kill himself at the end of season 3 by refusing to regenerate????

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ ethfiel

Well as the Master him/herself once put it “My dear Doctor, I can’t be killed. The whole universe knows that”.

But to answer your question specifically. Refused to regenerate but the Cult of the Master, under Lucy Saxon, used the ring he left behind (remember that) to bring him back from the dead.

He had a bit of an encounter with the Time Lords (turned out they’d created him as a weapon for the Time War) and vanished after the Doctor sent the Time Lords back into the time locked war.

Now (s)he’s back having chosen to regenerate as a woman this time; hence Missy (short for Mistress)

The Doctor: You’re a Time Lord.

Missy: Time LADY, please. I’m old-fashioned.


Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
9 years ago

My personal guess is that the second meme is something about women being more likely to have voted for Obama, so Obama owes his position to them.

But of course, the women only voted for him cause they think he’s cute, cause ladybrains wouldn’t understood the issues. OH MY GOD OBAMA CUCKED THE ENTIRE (MALE) AMERICAN ELECTORATE. Or something. I have no idea if I’m using “cucked” properly, but I don’t imagine it matters.

9 years ago

Funny how it always seems to end in “MAKE ME A SAMMITCH, WOMAN”. Can’t these guys buy and make their own sammitches?

9 years ago

I have the distinct impression that we all spend more time trying to understand this nonsense than the people making it do…

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago


No. Men can’t make sammiches, that’s why women hold the power over them.

Feminism 101: Withhold sammiches from men until they give you what you want.

9 years ago

I’m just going to agree with everyone on what these memes are trying to say. Your guesses are as good as mine.


9 years ago

Most of the men in power would cook and eat their own offspring if a woman told them to.

9 years ago

It’s the old The Little Woman Gets Her Way argument against equality. “You gals don’t need power/money/jobs/respect/rights of your own! If you do your best to please us, we might be charmed enough to toss you scraps of what we have! And in a way, isn’t that better?”

9 years ago

A more apt comparison would be to say that the men in low-level government positions are in power like the women buying groceries are in power. It would also be more accurate to compare the men in top positions in government to the grocery chain owners (or, at least, general and regional managers). Furthermore, unlike with politics, grocery chains aren’t constantly sexually and otherwise harassing female shoppers, profiling/following/having other customers profile/follow all women who shop based on the fact that one or two of their gender who have been let into the store have shoplifted from them (regardless of how many men are shoplifters, or in the case of politics when it comes to this analogy, how many MORE men are), aren’t smearing them over the PA by making rude remarks about PMS, menstruation, and their supposed inability to satisfy their husbands, and other hostilities which would make them inclined to just give up on grocery shopping altogether. Grocery chains also are certainly NOT engaging in that behaviour towards men, as more and more men are entering stores to buy the groceries for their families. Grocery chains, unlike male-dominated fields, eagerly welcome more and more customers regardless of gender. None of the cashiers, managers, stock boys, or other customers, including women, bat a friggin’ eye.

Also, the gender gap in voters is still fairly small, and men certainly aren’t prevented by women or by politicians from stepping up and voting more, they have more than a third of their non-voting eligible voters they could rally to the cause (of course, they won’t, because MRAs run a negative campaign against women, and that’s about it), so claiming that women have (a bit) more power because your own gender is fucking lazy or too caught up in toxic masculinity to avoid committing crimes which result in a felony conviction is… pretty weak. It’s also about more than voting for a woman versus voting for a man. There are generally fewer women as candidates, and so the chance of finding a woman whose platform and style and overall personality you agree with are less. I would bet that male politicians are more likely to have financial and other backing for their campaigns than women, too, such as backing from other members of their party, who are predominantly other men… and backing from big business, also mostly run by men. Prominent female leaders in history and currently seem to be more likely to have gotten where they are through luck of heredity (such as monarchy, when there was no male heir) or privileged connections (I really doubt Hillary would have gotten as far as she has if she weren’t First Lady to a well-known and at least somewhat liked president, first. That’s not a comment on her skill relative to men, although I wouldn’t vote for her even if I were American, but you know she’d be less likely to be given the time of day if it weren’t for Bill). It’s more important to end discrimination against women in male dominated fields such as politics, and the misogyny of men and internalized misogyny of women created by centuries upon centuries of patriarchy, to level the playing field when it comes to female politicians’ chances of being elected, than it is to just tell more even women to vote.

…but of course, MRAs don’t think about these causal layers of the issue, because they’re simplistic creatures who probably spent more time in the timeout corner/principal’s office for antisocial behaviour than they did paying attention to any of their lessons in school. Okay, maybe their ears perked up at anything in science class that involved setting something on fire, I’ll give them that much credit, but that’s about it.

9 years ago

Feminism 101: Withhold sammiches from men until they give you what you want.

I must have missed that chapter in Women’s Studies. Also, I didn’t take Women’s Studies. Oh dear!

9 years ago

Unrelated to the post, but I saw a bumpersticker from A Voice For Men out in the wild today. Not on a car – someone had stuck it to a sign. I was rather disturbed to realize it meant some of these idiots are in my area.

9 years ago

Palmedfire, my condolences.

9 years ago

Even with it explained, that meme is so wrong it’s not even wrong. It has transformed through wrong in such a way that it’s not even part of this reality.

9 years ago

Speaking of eating your offspring, a lot of white supremacists freaked out at this.
comment image

9 years ago

Oh my gosh, Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer are the greatest humans alive.

mewfington catmouth iii
mewfington catmouth iii
9 years ago

@Tyra Lith:

what how could you possibly have this photograph

i thought the guys “checking the smoke alarms” in the kitchen were a little strange (there are no smoke alarms in the kitchen; my people didn’t seem to notice that) but i never expected them to install cameras inside the damned stove or wherever

how dare you

(p.s. the bird was slightly undercooked i need to send my humans to the store to buy a food thermometer)

9 years ago

“I love how they completely ignore the existence of WoC. Its like we’re invisible. We don’t exist at all, except as punchlines to whatever points they want to make about White women. I’m guessing its a Hell of a lot harder to make that same argument using pictures of Black or Hispanic women.

Considering how nonsensical the above memes are you wouldn’t think it would be that hard to make a bad one involving WoC. Just write the usual gibberish, and throw some pictures on it.”

I have seen memes with one black boy being yelled at by a white woman “stop oppressing me!” And another meme with a woman in a burka “I thought I was oppressed until I discovered tumblr” and some other memes like that. They don’t care about people of color they’re just weapons to silence “their” women and girls it’s nothing more than an abusive tactic because a lot of them are abusers and rapists themselves and all they want is power and control. What I don’t understand is that if there are people who have it way worse why is there even a men’s rights movement in the USA to begin with? What a bunch of stupid hypocrites, just shot themselves in the feet they did.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Fuckin’ analogies. How do they work?

9 years ago

“The world is there for your taking like never before in human history. Quit dreaming up pseudoscience and lies to excuse your failure to woman up and deal—
Or go make someone a freaking sammich.”

Mr. Jack Kammer:

I’m going to not go out on a limb here and say that–given that you’ve made a barely intelligible graphic using a substandard graphic program for a website run by a man who holds a monumental, unending, over-the-top grudge against women, despite the fact that the women in his life have supported him both financially and emotionally–YOU don’t have much power.

And why is that, Mr. Kammer?

The president is a man. Congress is mostly male. The pope is a man. Most generals are men. Ditto professors, scientists, ministers, and even top-paid artists.

So why don’t YOU have that kind of power?

Never mind. Just make me a sandwich. Extra mustard. Wash your hands first.

9 years ago

We’re not getting anywhere with with these two memes. Obviously, a third one is needed.