a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains jokes

Women shopping for groceries secretly run the world, MRA suggests in incomprehensible memes


Apparently the Men’s Rightsers of the world think that they can defeat the forces of feminism by overwhelming them with incomprehensible memes.

I found the puzzling meme above on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. I think it’s safe to say that it will not be winning any awards for logic.

But AVFM’s meme-makers manage to top themselves in incomprehensibility with this followup meme:

wat squared

How exactly these grocery shopping women play “a stronger role than men” in getting men elected I’m not sure.

Can you buy extra votes at the grocery store, or something? Or are men afraid that their wives/girlfriends/mothers will go on a grocery shopping strike and cause them to starve to death, because men can’t grocery or something?

I’m not sure — and the AVFM meme maker isn’t giving out any hints — but apparently the power wielded by these grocery ladies is awesome indeed:


Men! Save yourselves! You don’t have to eat your own children!


I mean, it’s kind of boring, and eats up time you might otherwise spend sitting on the couch. But if you think about it, swinging by the grocery store on your way home from work and picking up a nice rotisserie chicken and some sides at the deli counter is probably less of a hassle than cooking an eating your own children, what with all the cleanup involved.


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9 years ago

Fh – uh – what? I – what?

Your first meme was just plain old incomprehensible, meme maker man. Then your second one, holy noodle.

How can you say “Women have all the power, now agree or go make me a sammich”?

And they think this is deep and insightful.


9 years ago

Reblogged this on The Monster's Ink and commented:
I remember Jack Kammer from college! He was nonsensical back then, too.

I feel like Cybil Sheridan, faced with a Japanese interpreter who is clearly changing her lines into something else entirely: “And the itsy bitsy spider, ran up the water spout.” That’s how I feel about these doodz’ logic: “The itsy bitsy spider, ran up the water spout!” Makes more sense.

9 years ago

Wait, wait, I’ve got it!

Women have ‘the power’ over the elected officials because they do things, while MRAs, being the ultimate slacktivists, won’t even bother to get out of their seats to vote. (Mind you, women still don’t have the electoral power that men in general do, but they most likely do have more than actual MRAs.)

9 years ago

swinging by the grocery store on your way home from work and picking up a nice rotisserie chicken

That’s a bit beta, you should cook it yourself by throwing a breast directly on to the oven shelf and leaving it there for at least 45 minutes, ideally until it’s dust. You don’t even have to ask for its permission first.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

It may be a commentary suggesting women are more likely to vote than men?

9 years ago

I think it’s hilarious that even their own dudebros have no clue as to what the meme says. Well done!

9 years ago

How exactly these grocery shopping women play “a stronger role than men” in getting men elected I’m not sure.

Didn’t you know? If you present your Feminist High Council card at the polling place, you get extra ballots.

We also get unlimited free groceries because the feminist run government takes the tax dollars of hardworking men to give women food stamps in the amount of infinity.

All hail Katie!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

1. Okay, this one was literally made in fucking MS Paint. Even the crappiest of generators anti-alias the text.

2. “Jack Kammer.” The stupidest MRAs and real names related to their gender and/or junk: Is it correlation or causation?

3. So, uh. The power gap has been around for thousands of years. Women only gained the right to vote about a century ago. Why do so many right-wing pet theories boil down to “Time travel”? William of Ockham is spinning in his bloody grave.

9 years ago

I honestly don’t even know how to counter this meme. It’s so obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that running the government is not at all like grocery shopping that I’m not sure how to even explain the difference. It’d be like explaining that blue is not red.

If you have to explain your first meme with a second meme that has a multiple paragraph explanation and the explanation doesn’t make sense either, you’ve failed at memes.

mola the ocean sunfish
mola the ocean sunfish
9 years ago

Maybe they’re referring to how women make up 51% of the electorate.

Or they think that because you can’t go around saying women are literally subhuman or shouldn’t have access to education or the vote without losing political credibility anymore, that must mean feminism is now the dominant ideology and women are secretly running everything.

9 years ago

Wow. I thought the first meme, rather than the second, was comprehensible if wrong. I was thinking it was along the lines of the “apex fallacy” thing. Women at a grocery store don’t have all the food, they just have access to it. Anyone can go and buy food. As can they run for office and take power, because power is located in the buildings and not the people… somehow…

Ok, mildly comprehensible.

The second “meme” was the one that made me double-take, if only because I expected the stuff after “ok, here’s how it works” to explain how the first “meme” was supposed to work.

9 years ago

AVFM always talk about the need for evidence. I am dying to see the evidence of all of teh menz who would cook and eat their own children. Or maybe this is just another way for an antifeminist to be dramatic and gain sympathy for poor menz.

Johanna Roberts
Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

These people really need to work on their similes.

9 years ago

Maybe they’re referring to how “women” are considered a voting bloc that politicians need to court, because “woman” is thought to be a variation on the default “man.” Therefore… since politicians aren’t actively courting the “male” voting bloc, women have more power?

Still, its funny that, despite women apparently being more responsible for our leaders than men, somehow they keep electing sexist douchebags and keep not electing women. Women are the true sexists!

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

Grocery shopping and government are alike to MRAs in that they’ve never done either. An MRA map of Downing Street or of Sainsburys would bear the words “here be dragons”; or in this case, “here be wimminz.”

Are women dragons? Possibly. It would explain a lot about MRA ideology.

9 years ago

I think this meme is trying to get across the (very old) idea that women run the world through motherhood or some other such bull–the idea that women choose their mate and choose how to raise boys into men, and so their power comes from there. Of course, women didn’t start choosing their own mates until very recently, and there are many more influences on children than just dear ol’ Mom, not to mention that “power through birthing” isn’t really power at all.

mewfington catmouth iii
mewfington catmouth iii
9 years ago

who the hell needs even a puny oven to cook their chicken i just lay it out on the counter, blast some burzum on my stereo, glare at the chicken with my nose touching the edge of the counter top, and watch it slowly cook itself to perfection with the infernal power of black metal played by a racist murderer

9 years ago

I love how this meme is so incomprehensible that a second, even more tortured and exasperated meme had to be made to explain it. Seriously, in my head I hear a loud sigh before “Look,” and a “geeze, dudes!” after.

However, now that I know that by grocery shopping I am keeping men from wielding TRUE POWER!, I’m going to cackle like a maniac as I wheel my cart through the produce section. More veggies, fools! You can’t run the world until you eat all of your broccoli!

9 years ago

If they’re going to pretend that USA is the only country on earth that matters then you’d think they would acknowledge the role of dark money and king-making megadonors in the post-Citizens United world. Those two women in the grocery store aren’t playing a greater role then men putting people in power unless they’re Koch brothers.

What happened to their beloved fake “logical fallacy”, the Apex Fallacy?

9 years ago

For that second meme: No! Just no!
Women do not make up the rules. What we are doing is attempting to disobey and circumvent all the rules ‘teh menz’ made up for everyone else to follow. I think that’s how that works.

I love how they completely ignore the existence of WoC. Its like we’re invisible. We don’t exist at all, except as punchlines to whatever points they want to make about White women. I’m guessing its a Hell of a lot harder to make that same argument using pictures of Black or Hispanic women.

Considering how nonsensical the above memes are you wouldn’t think it would be that hard to make a bad one involving WoC. Just write the usual gibberish, and throw some pictures on it.

Not that I want their attention or anything. The back splash on their BS is bad enough.

9 years ago

Mistressoflarry:(I love your misandrist code-name!) Who is Larry?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Best Mistress Ever (well, if you’re a Brit)

9 years ago

Here in the UK, women make up around 50% of the electorate, but up until 1918 they made up 0% of the electorate. Extrapolating, we can see that in less than 100 years, women will make up 100% of the electorate! It’s basically genocide!

9 years ago

Ok, I got it. This entire time we have been assuming that AVFM meme makers are dyed-in-the-wool MRA’s. I think this just gave away the game though. They are actually Dadaists attacking the incomprehensibility of the new misogynists through by linking nonsensical jargon with word salad.

That’s the only possible explanation…right?

9 years ago

I think what the first meme might possibly be getting at is that– in some sense– the gender or race of the people “in charge” is irrelevant as they shit indiscriminately on all us poor proles below; also, that racism/ sexism are good “divide and conquer” strategies to keep us at each others’ throats. At least, I thought along similar lines myself at one point. But it only goes so far. It’s no coincidence that those on top are rich, white men; they’ve exploited systematic inequality to climb to the top of the heap. And there’s plenty of people out there who, even if they don’t make it to the top of the heap themselves, are happy where they are on said heap provided they have their own petty ways of shitting on those below them. I suspect I’m making about as much sense as meme guy at this point…

As for the second meme, your guess is as good as mine…

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