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Red Pill Redditor: Give women sexy tingles by calling them losers

Mean Girls: The Red Pill bible?
Mean Girls: The Red Pill bible?

Forget backhanded compliments and clever “negs.” The best way for Red Pill would-be pickup artists to seduce the ladies with words is to call them “losers.”

At least that’s the claim of one much-upvoted Red Pill Redditor who says he learned this devastating new seduction technique from Mean Girls. Yes, that Mean Girls, from which he learned that “women resonate with this feeling of never being loved or accepted.”

In a post that’s garnered more than 450 upvotes so far, REDPILLRECKONING urges his Red Pill brothers to take advantage of “a woman’s desperate need to be accepted” in order to get her into bed.

Every woman has a big red button for a psychological nuke called acceptance in her mind. Learn to revel in her psychotic desperation for approval at large and hone your cool indifference to societal norms for maximum tingles.

And there’s no better way to do this, he tells us, than by the strategic use of the word “loser.”

While calling women “ugly” makes you seem both bitter and unoriginal, pulling out the L-word “gets to the heart off matters without coming across like a complete fedora.” Indeed, the word “loser” is “probably one of the most important tools you will ever have in the battle for tingles.”

If you have the requisite confidence, REDPILLRECKONING informs us, you can “call [a woman] a loser in a bemused way and watch the tingles flow.”

Naturally, the Red Pill regulars are impressed with this analysis.

Someone calling himself notmyusualreddit writes

The reason calling a woman a loser works so well is because they can’t hamster it back. They know they are. A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres nothing they can do. The proof is there.

When my old ex and I were breaking up, she was 26, living at home, having just killed our relationship of 2-3 years by getting way too close to her ex. Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser. She was a woman about to turn 27, with no real prospects for a quality man beyond her orbiters. She had to start over and wade through the guys that just want to fuck her and hope she can keep one.

What a sad position to be in at 27 instead of 21.

Because 27-year-olds are such decrepit hags.

Waynebradysworld agrees that abusive behavior is really the best way to score “poon.”

Treat a woman like dirt and she will stick to you like mud.

I’ve never really had to do this explicitly, as I prefer to simply keep them on their toes to prevent domination.

I have witnessed many other guys (who got more poon than me) do it all the time though. Its amazing and disturbing how effective it really is.

One fellow innocently remarks that he has actually found success not by insulting women but by — get this! — listening to them

Confessing that he doesn’t quite get how the “loser” thing “works with a nice normal girl,” he suggests that

I guess I just meet very different women from the ones ya’ll meet. Last night I seemed to impress a new woman pretty highly just by taking an interest in all of the things she does.

Naturally, he is downvoted below zero for this heresy.

Taking an interest in what a woman does! What’s next, taking her seriously as a human being? Respecting her opinions?

What a loser this guy is!


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9 years ago

… sweet fancy moses, Trump is gonna win the election.

Don’t even joke about that.

Please, no.

Saturday Night Live would be incredible, but everything else? Please, please no.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

having just killed our relationship of 2-3 years by getting way too close to her ex.

Uh huh. So after a couple of years with this guy, she decided her ex was looking pretty good after all. In other news, water is wet.

Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser

Oh, my sides. Do they ever actually listen to themselves?

“Sure, she had a Nobel Prize, an IQ of 150, three Olympic gold medals, and a hospital wing named after her, but she was a LOSER.”

She was a woman about to turn 27, with no real prospects for a quality man beyond her orbiters.

The hell…?

“She was about to turn 27, with absolutely no prospects in sight other than the dozens of men who were interested in dating her.”

Sounds to me like she finished up her business degree, found a good job, and realized her future would be much brighter without a jealous, abusive piece of deadwood dragging her down. Take away all the self-serving hamstering, and it’s pretty clear what happened. Her star is rising, his is going nowhere. She’s back with her ex (or one of her many “orbiters”), and he’s on Red Pill whining about it. I don’t see how this is proof that Red Pill works. It sounds like the opposite, actually.

hone your cool indifference to societal norms for maximum tingles

Societal norms like etiquette, hygiene, and not turning every basic interaction into a pathetic power struggle?

This phrase, right here, encapsulates everything that’s ridiculous and wrong about Red pill.

Fake alpha libertarian edginess? Check.
Idiotic, reductive jargon (“tingles”)? Check.
Writing style sounds like a pompous, badly programmed sci-fi robot? Check.
Avoids the need for self-improvement by moving the goalposts to where the ball already is? Check.
Is absolutely, utterly, 180-degree dead wrong about what women find attractive? Check.

All that’s missing is an acronym and some numbers.

9 years ago

It’d do wonders for John Oliver’s show.

… until it got shut down by Trump’s feds, of course. I can’t imagine what that clown would do if he was in power, how he’d handle the criticism that a president always gets. The dude can’t even handle his own hair.

9 years ago

I’m not defending anything the Red Pillers say, fuck no, but I will defend watching Mean Girls. It’s a really good movie. Also, while they’re playing high school students, I don’t believe any of the main actors are actually underage in it. In fact, IIRC, I think Rachel McAdams was like 28 or something, though I do believe she’s the oldest of them.

On another topic, more weird terminology: What the heck does “hamster it back” mean?

9 years ago

Every woman has a big red button for a psychological nuke called acceptance in her mind. Learn to revel in her psychotic desperation for approval at large and hone your cool indifference to societal norms for maximum tingles.

… Is it just me, or is this no different than what redpillers have been saying since forever? Wasn’t this the whole justification for “negging?” That women wanted approval and if you negged them then they wouldn’t have that approval so they’d work extra hard to get it? How is it that the theory hasn’t changed and yet their views on “ugly” have reversed?

Rhetorical question…

Still, I don’t think I’ll ever understand how making someone feel guilty and depressed over the state of their life causes sexual arousal… Wouldn’t that ultimately put them even more on guard against making potentially bad decisions, like dating the person who called them a loser?

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if they discovered the awesome, unstoppable power of the word “loser” through Trump’s presidential campaign?

9 years ago

This guy thinks Mean Girls was a documentary? OMG, that is so fetch!

9 years ago

I love the way this guy is presenting his “discovery” of a grade school insult as though it’s some massive sociological revelation.

9 years ago


I don’t think they’ve ever said anything original, have they? It’s all repackaged misogyny, wrapped in layers and layers of cultural filth, back to a kernel of “you’re my property, do what I tell you.” I can’t see how they can really have a unique thought, just endless iterations of the same old excuses for bullshit. It’s like a really awful jawbreaker, with layers of excrement and grossness instead of hard candy.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago


Oh, I’m not saying it’s a bad movie or anything, just that we’re talking about the people who won’t even watch Mad Max because it has a woman in it.

9 years ago


That… that is the worst jawbreaker I’ve ever heard of.

Here’s hoping it doesn’t end up actually being an Everlasting Gobstopper.

9 years ago

When my old ex and I were breaking up, she was 26, living at home, having just killed our relationship of 2-3 years by getting way too close to her ex. Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser.

I see many people have said this already, but in what universe is this a bad situation for the woman? She’s in her mid-20’s, she’s educated and has a good job, and she just got out of an abusive relationship, not letting her overly insecure douchebag boyfriend hold her back. She’s living “at home”, meaning she can calmly look for an apartment for herself which she could presumably pay for with the money she earns from her good job. Again, mid-20’s!! Can I trade places with this lady please?

9 years ago

Wait you’re saying if you beat down a person emotionally and mentally enough they’ll be depressed, become co-dependent and start believing in what you feed them? Who would have thunk it?

“Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser”

Pfft well someone’s jelly and nothing’s good enough for these redpr*cks

I love how they say women want approval from men while they get advice on how to be an alpha and share stories with each other on how alfalfa they are.

firechild (@firechild)

Jebus I’m 35, unmarried with no kids, I’d hate to think what these asshats would think of me ~curls into her bubble where everyone is nice and happy and has kittens~

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

The reason calling a woman a loser works so well is because they can’t hamster it back. They know they are. A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres nothing they can do. The proof is there.

Dude, I’m 25 and roughly half, I can’t find a job despite having a bachelor’s, and I live with my grandmother. I know I’m a loser by a lot of people’s standards.

Even by your shitty retro 1950’s bullshit of “no husband, no kids” standards.

All that said, I’d rather be single with three cats and working a minimum wage job than fuck or be in a terrible relationship with you or any of your gross-ass, crusty redpillock brothers-in-whinging.

Moggie | September 1, 2015 at 2:31 pm
This guy thinks Mean Girls was a documentary? OMG, that is so fetch!

9 years ago

Whoa, PI, I didn’t know we were about the same age. I was born in November, 1989. You?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

May, 1990. 😀

So you’re a bit older than me. :3

9 years ago

What I hear when I read “Yeah, she’s got a great job and an MBA and is 27 but she’s a loser” is “The girl broke up with me, so there must be something wrong with her, ’cause I’m perfect.” Basically, dood can’t fathom that he might not be a fabulous catch and is justifying this to himself.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ Paradoxy

At your age I’d been bumming around working for bands for 10 years and was back crashing at my parents after years of living in scuzzy shared houses with my fellow bums. It was only then that I thought I’d better do something if I didn’t want to be a 50 year old living on tour busses. So I applied to law school. I spent the next 5 years studying and holding down 2 jobs.

Everything turned out great.

Trust me, 25 is the *minimum* age you should be thinking about what you want to do in life. Personally I’d give it another few years of enjoying the cats and free thinking. It is a cliché but you have your whole life ahead of you to worry about grown up stuff.

Identifying as a loser at 25 is as daft as saying that about a 5 year old. You can’t even apply for loser status until you’ve got at least 3.5 decades of experience, that’s the law.

9 years ago


I love how they say women want approval from men while they get advice on how to be an alpha and share stories with each other on how alfalfa they are.

From this point on, I will always and only refer to the geniuses of TRP as alfalfa males.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Alan Robertshaw | September 1, 2015 at 3:31 pm
Trust me, 25 is the *minimum* age you should be thinking about what you want to do in life. Personally I’d give it another few years of enjoying the cats and free thinking. It is a cliché but you have your whole life ahead of you to worry about grown up stuff.

Identifying as a loser at 25 is as daft as saying that about a 5 year old. You can’t even apply for loser status until you’ve got at least 3.5 decades of experience, that’s the law.

Aw, thanks Alan. That’s very nice of you. :3

tinyorc | September 1, 2015 at 3:31 pm
From this point on, I will always and only refer to the geniuses of TRP as alfalfa males.

Which is hilarious, because I tend to think of TRPers as the Little Rascals and their “no girls allowed” club.

9 years ago

What I really want to know is what he means by a ‘quality’ man?

Scratch that. On second thought, maybe I don’t. I may be a huge horror movie buff, but there are some things in the world that is too scary for me.

Also, I don’t know if the man knows how to use ‘loser’ because the person he is describing sounds like she is in a good position in life, whereas his own actions (trawling around in a Reddit board seeking approval) doesn’t reflect well on him.

9 years ago


Cool! I don’t really think about age much, so it’s always neat to find out how old folks that I’ve known for a while are. ^_^

Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
Pandapool -- The Species that Endangers YOU (aka Banana Jackie Cake, for those who still want to call me "Banana", "Jackie" or whatever)
9 years ago
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


All that said, I’d rather be single with three cats and working a minimum wage job than fuck or be in a terrible relationship with you or any of your gross-ass, crusty redpillock brothers-in-whinging.

Yeah, this is a very basic truth that Red Pillers still haven’t figured out. People seek out situations and people that they think are the best deal for them. TRPers have various fancy names for it when applied to women – hypergamy, Briffault’s law, etc. – but it doesn’t require deep insight or a specially named law to realize that humans in general (not just women) gravitate away from those who make them feel bad/don’t meet their needs, and gravitate towards those who make them feel good/meet their needs. Men also follow Briffault’s law. It’s just that when they do it, the twerps find that understandable, even laudable. When women do it, it’s because they’re irrational and self-centered and don’t know what they “really” want. That’s why TRPers think operant conditioning only works on women.

If his ex left him, it’s because she realized she’d be happier with somebody else. If women decide they’re better off alone than with a Red Piller…well, what does that say about Red Pillers and what they have to offer? Obviously, negging harder isn’t the answer.

Honestly, I don’t think they’re giving each other this terrible advice because they actually think it works. It just makes them feel better to come up with scientific justifications for lobbing kindergarten-level insults at women.

9 years ago

Hello, longtime reader here, first time comment. Just wanted to comment on this particular chestnut left by the alfalfa piller (leaving out the blockquote since I’m not a 100% sure how to make it work: A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres (sic) nothing they can do.

They really should know that the average married age for men and women is getting higher and higher. If I remember my Modern Romance correctly, the average age for men being married is something on the order of 30, while for women it’s around 27 or so.

Red Pillers: so backasswards with their idea of gender roles they’re lose a fight before it even started