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Red Pill Redditor: Give women sexy tingles by calling them losers

Mean Girls: The Red Pill bible?
Mean Girls: The Red Pill bible?

Forget backhanded compliments and clever “negs.” The best way for Red Pill would-be pickup artists to seduce the ladies with words is to call them “losers.”

At least that’s the claim of one much-upvoted Red Pill Redditor who says he learned this devastating new seduction technique from Mean Girls. Yes, that Mean Girls, from which he learned that “women resonate with this feeling of never being loved or accepted.”

In a post that’s garnered more than 450 upvotes so far, REDPILLRECKONING urges his Red Pill brothers to take advantage of “a woman’s desperate need to be accepted” in order to get her into bed.

Every woman has a big red button for a psychological nuke called acceptance in her mind. Learn to revel in her psychotic desperation for approval at large and hone your cool indifference to societal norms for maximum tingles.

And there’s no better way to do this, he tells us, than by the strategic use of the word “loser.”

While calling women “ugly” makes you seem both bitter and unoriginal, pulling out the L-word “gets to the heart off matters without coming across like a complete fedora.” Indeed, the word “loser” is “probably one of the most important tools you will ever have in the battle for tingles.”

If you have the requisite confidence, REDPILLRECKONING informs us, you can “call [a woman] a loser in a bemused way and watch the tingles flow.”

Naturally, the Red Pill regulars are impressed with this analysis.

Someone calling himself notmyusualreddit writes

The reason calling a woman a loser works so well is because they can’t hamster it back. They know they are. A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres nothing they can do. The proof is there.

When my old ex and I were breaking up, she was 26, living at home, having just killed our relationship of 2-3 years by getting way too close to her ex. Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser. She was a woman about to turn 27, with no real prospects for a quality man beyond her orbiters. She had to start over and wade through the guys that just want to fuck her and hope she can keep one.

What a sad position to be in at 27 instead of 21.

Because 27-year-olds are such decrepit hags.

Waynebradysworld agrees that abusive behavior is really the best way to score “poon.”

Treat a woman like dirt and she will stick to you like mud.

I’ve never really had to do this explicitly, as I prefer to simply keep them on their toes to prevent domination.

I have witnessed many other guys (who got more poon than me) do it all the time though. Its amazing and disturbing how effective it really is.

One fellow innocently remarks that he has actually found success not by insulting women but by — get this! — listening to them

Confessing that he doesn’t quite get how the “loser” thing “works with a nice normal girl,” he suggests that

I guess I just meet very different women from the ones ya’ll meet. Last night I seemed to impress a new woman pretty highly just by taking an interest in all of the things she does.

Naturally, he is downvoted below zero for this heresy.

Taking an interest in what a woman does! What’s next, taking her seriously as a human being? Respecting her opinions?

What a loser this guy is!


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9 years ago

I’m enjoying the recent stuff. Obviously only the most idiotic stuff from these reddits ends up here, but the quantity of upvotes speaks volumes 🙂

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

Doesn’t that chap not realise that listening to the ladies gives you ear cooties!

Johanna Roberts
9 years ago

Hate to break it to that one redpiller but unless you let it dry out mud isn’t all that sticky. Even then it just kinda cakes. So I suppose they stick like mud in the way that they go away once soap reveals them for the person they are….

9 years ago

If calling a woman a “looser” works so well why did his girlfriend leave him?

Somehow I think the redpiller mistakes anger/”f-off” (and its variants) for tingles.

9 years ago

Did they miss that Mean Girls was about the dynamic between girls? Aaron Samuels was attractive to Cady because he was cute and nice to her.

The appropriate teen movie reaction to these guys would be more like this

9 years ago

Yet another tally mark in the “MRAs only idea of socializing comes from movies” column.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Good lord, even a Fleshlight® deserves better than these tools.

9 years ago

While calling women “ugly” makes you seem both bitter and unoriginal, pulling out the L-word “gets to the heart off matters without coming across like a complete fedora.”

Hey Red Pillock, it’s a TRILBY. You come across like a complete TRILBY. Not to mention a projecting one.

The reason calling a woman a loser works so well is because they can’t hamster it back. They know they are. A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres nothing they can do. The proof is there.

Urgh, again this unhealthy Pillock obsession with hamsters. I’m beginning to think there’s something to it…namely, that these dudes are so busy stuffing their cheeks with endless rationalizations, shredding newspapers all night just to annoy the humans, and running on a wheel that goes nowhere.

(Either that, or they’ve all got gerbils up their bums…in which case, EWWWW.)

When my old ex and I were breaking up, she was 26, living at home, having just killed our relationship of 2-3 years by getting way too close to her ex. Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser. She was a woman about to turn 27, with no real prospects for a quality man beyond her orbiters. She had to start over and wade through the guys that just want to fuck her and hope she can keep one.

Or maybe she just got sick of this dude’s loser ass and went back to her ex because at least he wasn’t burbling inane theories at her and wondering why she didn’t act in a properly Pavlovian manner.

Treat a woman like dirt and she will stick to you like mud.

Or to phrase it a bit differently, be a complete shit and you will attract flies!

9 years ago

Yeah, how much you wanna bet that lunkhead used this tactic on his ex, and then she dumped him?

This whole thing is basically another ploy to create new coins to put into that blobby, machine-thingy that produces sex, because none of the other coins they’ve used actually works.

9 years ago

Not for the first time, I wonder if these people have ever actually interacted with real live women apart from mothers, siblings, teachers and people on the other side of shop counters.

9 years ago

Sexy tingles for dudes that aren’t him, the fact that he hasn’t realized this is just sad. Truly. Not just regular sad but EPIC.

9 years ago

Listening to women?! That is hivemind propaganda! Somebody feed this guy more narratives of ‘matriachy’ and ‘untrustworthy man-eaters’!

Do they have their priests who can exorcise the demons of reasonableness and human decency from the poor fool? They should!

9 years ago

A woman says yes to a red piller and it’s evidence the red pill works. A woman says no to or dumps him, it’s evidence the red pill works. And they think we have rationalization hamsters?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

… Okay, I was about to ask why the fuck an MRA was watching Mean Girls despite how much they hate movies with cooties in them, then I realised that I do NOT want to know the answer. Fucking paedophiles. Need a shower now.

9 years ago

@WWTH: I think this might be where the disconnect lies. Maybe to them “women are socialized to treat other women like shit and see them only as competition” = “women like being treated like shit”. The reasoning probably ends there though, because it’s provided an excuse and therefore served its purpose.

9 years ago

I have a pressure washer, just wish it could be used on my brain sometimes, seems like it would be as effective but much less harmful compared to bleach.

9 years ago


You’ve figured it out! MRAs come from an alternate dimention where hamsters live in butts!

9 years ago

Funny how single at 27 with a MBA sounds like way more fun to me than 25, married to a jerk, with kids.

Then again, I never want kids, so I’m biased. Still, the not being married to a jerk sounds really nice.

9 years ago

Dammit, TRPers, why you gotta bring Wayne Brady into this?!

9 years ago

This is why I gave up on dating. These days when a guy acts like an asshole I don’t know if they’re disinterested or gaming me. That said, in red pill years I’m a fossil so maybe none of this applies to me?

9 years ago

Single at 27 with an MBA, according to redpillows:

Woman: loser!

Man: alpha!

9 years ago

So calling people losers is the key to winning?

… sweet fancy moses, Trump is gonna win the election.

9 years ago

So when Cady says the meaner Regina was to her the more she wanted her approval sunk in…. but the end of the movie didn’t?

9 years ago

“call [a woman] a loser in a bemused way and watch the tingles flow.”

So, pretend to be confused? I guess being a PUA jackass doesn’t require a firm grasp of vocabulary.

9 years ago

These days when a guy acts like an asshole I don’t know if they’re disinterested or gaming me.

You do however, know that they act like an opening which exiting solid bodily waste passes through.

Useful information, methinks!

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