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Red Pill Redditor: Give women sexy tingles by calling them losers

Mean Girls: The Red Pill bible?
Mean Girls: The Red Pill bible?

Forget backhanded compliments and clever “negs.” The best way for Red Pill would-be pickup artists to seduce the ladies with words is to call them “losers.”

At least that’s the claim of one much-upvoted Red Pill Redditor who says he learned this devastating new seduction technique from Mean Girls. Yes, that Mean Girls, from which he learned that “women resonate with this feeling of never being loved or accepted.”

In a post that’s garnered more than 450 upvotes so far, REDPILLRECKONING urges his Red Pill brothers to take advantage of “a woman’s desperate need to be accepted” in order to get her into bed.

Every woman has a big red button for a psychological nuke called acceptance in her mind. Learn to revel in her psychotic desperation for approval at large and hone your cool indifference to societal norms for maximum tingles.

And there’s no better way to do this, he tells us, than by the strategic use of the word “loser.”

While calling women “ugly” makes you seem both bitter and unoriginal, pulling out the L-word “gets to the heart off matters without coming across like a complete fedora.” Indeed, the word “loser” is “probably one of the most important tools you will ever have in the battle for tingles.”

If you have the requisite confidence, REDPILLRECKONING informs us, you can “call [a woman] a loser in a bemused way and watch the tingles flow.”

Naturally, the Red Pill regulars are impressed with this analysis.

Someone calling himself notmyusualreddit writes

The reason calling a woman a loser works so well is because they can’t hamster it back. They know they are. A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres nothing they can do. The proof is there.

When my old ex and I were breaking up, she was 26, living at home, having just killed our relationship of 2-3 years by getting way too close to her ex. Sure she had a good job and an MBA, but in reality she was a loser. She was a woman about to turn 27, with no real prospects for a quality man beyond her orbiters. She had to start over and wade through the guys that just want to fuck her and hope she can keep one.

What a sad position to be in at 27 instead of 21.

Because 27-year-olds are such decrepit hags.

Waynebradysworld agrees that abusive behavior is really the best way to score “poon.”

Treat a woman like dirt and she will stick to you like mud.

I’ve never really had to do this explicitly, as I prefer to simply keep them on their toes to prevent domination.

I have witnessed many other guys (who got more poon than me) do it all the time though. Its amazing and disturbing how effective it really is.

One fellow innocently remarks that he has actually found success not by insulting women but by — get this! — listening to them

Confessing that he doesn’t quite get how the “loser” thing “works with a nice normal girl,” he suggests that

I guess I just meet very different women from the ones ya’ll meet. Last night I seemed to impress a new woman pretty highly just by taking an interest in all of the things she does.

Naturally, he is downvoted below zero for this heresy.

Taking an interest in what a woman does! What’s next, taking her seriously as a human being? Respecting her opinions?

What a loser this guy is!


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9 years ago


I spose rage and fear are efficient fuel sources

An alternative energy source that seems to be limitless.

9 years ago

Well, there’s one thing to be said about the douchebro in the OP. He really does give away the entire “red pill” game. Which is to abuse young women who don’t have the relationship experience to fully suss them out, try and trap them early in marriages (and possibly pregnancy) so that they don’t feel they can escape easily and then escalate while stoking up their resentments that occasionally their woman property asks them to participate in chores.

It’s basically that abusive shitty college boyfriend except as a moral guiding philosophy.

9 years ago

Treat a woman like dirt and she will stick to you like mud.

But… but I thought the MRAs were all in a tizzy about women being filthy, filthy things that never shower and are thus becoming undateable! Now mud is a GOOD thing?

Alternate snarky response: Is that why you guys are so opposed to bathing and wiping your asses? You do know that ladies will not actually physically stick to you, right? Or if they do, something has gone terribly, terribly awry?

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I think the red pill people might be on to something here. Let’s extrapolate it to the logical conclusion of how to *really* get inside women’s minds.

Hey bro, you know how to really get a girl? You have to hit her in a place called “self esteem.” You have to make sure that she has lots of it, because then she won’t be all annoyingly needy and will actually be fun to be around due to being generally happier.

You may think that she’ll leave you if she feels confident. Not so! Remember that women’s hamsters naturally seek out a situation in which they feel safe and comfortable. Therefore she’ll be helpless against you if you adopt a strategy called “being a good and kind boyfriend.” That way when she likes and respects herself, she’ll want to be with someone she likes and respects too, and that’ll be you!

If you do this right you’ll accumulate more and more sex as it goes along, and will find that she’s more and more fun to be with. This happens due to an evopsych principle called “pair bonding”, which happened because back on the savannah, men and women who got along well would continue getting along well. It’s totally science even though it’s not falsifiable.

The process isn’t easy but for alphas like you it’s totally worth it. Remember these four simple rules: Raise her self esteem, be a good and kind boyfriend, be generally an admirable person, and cultivate the relationship. You’ll never be without sex!

9 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Fake alpha libertarian edginess? Check.
Idiotic, reductive jargon (“tingles”)? Check.
Writing style sounds like a pompous, badly programmed sci-fi robot? Check.
Avoids the need for self-improvement by moving the goalposts to where the ball already is? Check.
Is absolutely, utterly, 180-degree dead wrong about what women find attractive? Check.

Honestly, I don’t think they’re giving each other this terrible advice because they actually think it works. It just makes them feel better to come up with scientific justifications for lobbing kindergarten-level insults at women.

Once again, Buttercup, you have nailed it!

Bananananana dakry
Bananananana dakry
9 years ago


Must be. That and having nothing better to do with their time than to channel said rage and fear. 😛 I love how they keep caterwauling “I’m gonna go away and you’re gonna be sorry! You’ll really regret it when I get my sexbot! I’m gonna go away this time! Really!” Except sadly… they don’t.

Reminds me of that one Robin Williams routine talking about Ghaddafi and the ‘Line of Death’: “This is a Line of Death! You cross it, you die! No, *this* line, you die! This line, you die! THIS line, you die! Ehh, you knock on the door to my house, I’m not coming out, nyaaahhh!”

Follow-through: they not has it.

9 years ago

“I’m gonna go away and you’re gonna be sorry!”

Like the Randroids threatening to “Go Galt.” Go ahead, guys. We’re waiting.

9 years ago

Is someone trying to DDOS and

I keep getting the following:
Error 522 Connection timed out

DDOS, for those who don’t know:

David N-T
David N-T
9 years ago

@Alpine, I always assumed that the energy came from a misture of steroids and protein shakes.

9 years ago

Is someone trying to DDOS and

I keep getting the following:
Error 522 Connection timed out

I dunno…could be! Could also be something much more mundane, though…like Roosh not keeping his hosting or domain-name servers paid up and running.

Either way, I welcome this new development.

9 years ago

> “no prospects for quality guys”

> you’re trying to get in her pants

9 years ago


A temporary moment of self-awareness?

9 years ago

Hipsterterminator, both those domains use CloudFlare, who provide DDoS protection. Maybe check, because CF do have occasional issues. We saw this recently with a site we host behind CF: the customer reported an outage, but the origin server was fine, and CF was at fault.

I don’t follow Roosh’s sites, so I don’t know whether he’s used CF for ages, or has just switched today in response to problems.

9 years ago

“Sure she had a good job and an MBA,”

And a redpiller living off her.

9 years ago

Exhibit A:

> “no prospects for quality guys”

> you’re trying to get in her pants

Exhibit B:

“Sure she had a good job and an MBA,”

And a redpiller living off her.

Yeronner, it’s an open-and-shut case. The real loser…is the accuser.

IOW: He who smelt it, dealt it.

9 years ago

Haven’t read through all the comments yet, but his ex being a lost might make sense by this meaning!

(hope that embeds…)

9 years ago

Ugh, obviously by “lost” I meant “loser”.

9 years ago

Cue Beck’s song. “I’m a loser babyyyy, so why don’t you kill me?”

9 years ago

I’m 28 with no partner and no kid… guess I’m a loser. Oh no. What will I do with myself. Looks like I need to go out and find an indignant misogynist who believes a woman’s only value is in what she can provide to a husband and offspring… then I can marry him and my life will have purpose once again. Joy.

9 years ago

@ Alan from a page ago – Is it in Whitby? The soil erosion is Metal As Fuck there.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ altofronto

Nope, Cornwall.

Cliff erosion on the Holderness coast, where Whitby is, is an interesting topic. When I was a kid my nan had a caravan on that coast. We’d quite often go there. Originally it was about 3 miles from the sea. Every year the sea got a bit closer until one day the cliff edge was about 10 feet away.

Now that site is about 5 miles out to sea.

As significant parts of Yorkshire were being washed away they experimented with massive sea defences. That stopped the erosion but had the knock on effect of causing flooding in Holland. The spoil from the erosion had previously washed up there and reinforced the dykes.

Rather than take advantage of a super villain level of blackmail we agreed to sacrifice our coast to stop the Dutch from drowning.

For a fascinating look at this topic you can read up about the geographical feature, Spurn Head.

9 years ago

@Alan: Near Whitby, pretty much all of Runswick Bay fell into the sea in 1682. Luckily, everyone was at church at the top of the hill, so there were no casualties. And they say organised religion’s not good for you! /s

Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
Hambeast, Social Justice Road Warrior
9 years ago

Also, the redpillocks seem to have mistaken “seething rage” as “tingles”

This reminds me of the that thread about using the nazi whatever number of words on tinder… Because any emotional reaction means she’s turned on.

This seems to be the old “you’re beautiful when you’re angry” trope flipped on its head.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ andalusa

Yeah, lot of Yorkshire in the sea now, although on the bright side it reinforces our claim that Doggerland is part of the county.

9 years ago

“A woman without a kid and a husband after 25 IS a loser deep down and they know it and theres nothing they can do.”

Laughing raucously because I am such a woman. Married but no kids and way past 25. Wow. What a Loser am I. And I didn’t even know it. Thanks RedPillers.