antifeminism entitled babies gross incompetence irony alert misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men playing the victim reddit

Men’s Rights Activists still angry that they’re considered a joke, vow to do nothing to change this

Oh, Colorado, you make me sad. Can't you just search for Nickelback lyrics like normal people?
Oh, Colorado, you make me sad. Can’t you just search for Nickelback lyrics like normal people?

So the fellas on the Men’s Rights subreddit are kicking up a shine about a post one of them found on the internet that treats them like the joke that they are.

You see, a blogger on real estate site decided, out of sheer boredom, I imagine, to assemble a list of Each State’s Most Embarrassing Google Searches. 

As you can see from the map above, the searches range from terrible music (for some reason, Maine residents feel a need to track down Nickelback lyrics) to assorted penis-size related concerns.

In Colorado, the search term that made Estately’s Ryan Nickum giggle the most was “Men’s Rights.” 

Nickum notes in his post that Coloradans were also interested in learning more about Vape pens and Crocs (the ugly shoes). He concludes from this that

If you’re a man in Colorado wearing crocs and puffing on your vape pen you deserve to have your rights taken away.

Actually, that’s not quite fair. It’s not right to lump vaping and Crocs with Men’s Rights. Vaping is much better for you than smoking, and Crocs, while atrociously ugly, are at least comfortable (or so I’ve heard).

Naturally, Men’s Rights Redditors were outraged by this assault on their basic human rights.

[–]Clockw0rk 42 points 18 hours ago The "article" makes things worse. Analysis: If you’re a man in Colorado wearing crocs and puffing on your vape pen you deserve to have your rights taken away Oh really? Let's flip the details. If you're a woman in Wisconsin wearing open toed shoes and drinking flavored malt beverages, you deserve to have your rights taken away. Hmmm.. No, that still seems like a monstrous overreach that would have the writer fired before the end of the day. I mean, if we were talking about women's rights. permalinksavereportgive goldreply [–]baskandpurr 13 points 17 hours ago Easier than that. Searching for women's rights would be great and make you a wonderful person. Searching for men's right is embarrassing and makes you offensive. You consider the idea that 50% of humanity should maybe have better rights and that makes you evil.

Poor babies.

Maybe the reason everyone sees you as a joke is because most people realize that men not only already have rights but also have innumerable privileges as a gender?

Or that they realize the Men’s Rights movement has accomplished literally nothing of value over the past five years of its existence? That MRAs in the US haven’t built a single shelter for men, or even set up a phone hotline?

That MRA’s virtually ignore the real issues facing young men of color in our country, from police shootings and gun violence to a misguided drug war that has left an unprecedented number of young black men behind bars.

That instead of actually doing anything about anything they would rather circle-jerk about spermjacking and friend-zoning and the alleged evils of assorted rape prevention campaigns.

Fellas: People treat you like a joke because you are a joke.

In the thread complaining about Nickum’s map, the only “accomplishment” any of the Men’s Rights redditors thought to mention was the fact that people are more aware of Men’s Rights activists than they were a few years ago. And I have to admit that this is true.

Congratulations, fellas, you’ve managed to successfully annoy the world with your stupid complaints, so much so that numerous sites are taking down their comments so they won’t have to deal with irritating abusive babies like you any more.

And you’ve given me an excuse to post this:

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9 years ago

We all have our hate groups festering in our communities. I’m a long time hardcore gamer and was just so frustrated/angry at how this whole Gamergate thing turned out. Unfortunately people sharing a similar interest with you may be complete twats that reflect badly on your demographic.

What I always get curious about is why they turned out so differently from me. What were they exposed to that I wasn’t? Glad I dodged that radioactive spider…

9 years ago


…. girl and dad saw what in the theatre?

<3<3<3 hearts and care your way.

9 years ago

aw, the gif didn’t embed.

did that one? 😮

9 years ago


Eeeeewwwww. Also why are so many dudes that entitled? The whole fucking point of bronies was that they were not the target demographic and simply enjoy the show because it’s a good show.

@a wolverine

Funny because I dated a furry and first thing she told me was ‘yeah I’m not one of *those* furries, we hate then too’


That’s, like, the ugly truth of every hobby I’ve had. On the flip side, I was surprised with how many awesome people played Magic The Gathering. I had assumed the stereotypes about MTG players being condescending, elitist and perpetually scowling. I was pleased to see those players are in the minority.

I’m also a huge gamer as well and I have the ability to look at something that I like, see the flaws and still like it. That’s a key skill gaters seem to lack. Also I think it has something to do with how video games have been vilified in the media for bullshit reasons so many times, a lot of entitled dudes think this is just another one of those times (hence why they constantly try to make Anita Sarkeesian look loke a con artist of some sort). Add a few doses of sexism, entitlement, heaps of insecurity, a very immature attitude and you’ve got a legion of foaming-at-the-mouth elitist ‘gamers’ who believe their super exclusive pastime is being invaded by eeeeeeeeeevil feminists and people who care about social justice.

9 years ago

@ Scildfreja Brilliant 8p It did load and it is perfect. If only I could make that gif the wallpaper of every Gator out there. Got to find me that magic lamp!

9 years ago

Can we please use the word “a-hole” instead of tw*t? I’m not trying to make you feel bad or anything just saying the word “tw*t is a misognist insult. And thanks for the hearts and caring, those girls who had bad encounters with creepy, misognist bronies need them more than I do.

“Also why are so many dudes that entitled?”

They were socialized, they been taught and they been excused from their actions way too much. When we call out their behavior and make them take all the responsibility for their actions then all of this will finally stop.

“…they were not the target demographic”

That’s the main reason why some guys are so angry because they can’t stand anything that’s not for them they are so used to getting everything when they see women/girls getting something they claim “misandry” and try to scare them out and claim it as their own. Like I said when we call them out they will stop.

9 years ago

ReallyFriendly: Hi! Have you helped yourself to our welcome package?

9 years ago

@ Moocow

There in lies their issue. Sure, gaming has come under fire for weak reasons before (Magic is ‘satanic’ and gaming creates ‘violent’ people) so this makes it really hard for them to realize that it COULD actually have issues. There was a recent piece written by Brianna Wu shortly before the anniversary of Gamergate that highlights some things worth thinking about:

but unfortunately those chugging the ‘Gatorgate’ will ignore everything she says because they have already done such a wonder job of demonizing her in their own minds.

I have tried pointing out to them how you could be critical of media while simultaneously enjoying it (the thing Anita says IN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER VIDEOS). Here is the thing – I am a feminist, but I do enjoy playing games like the Dead Or Alive series, the Soulcalibur series, Bayonetta, Arkham City and League of Legends. I remain very aware of their very real sexist issues even as I enjoy the gameplay mechanics and style of each game.

The gaming industry has normalized such sexism to the point where we think it is ‘regular’ but that is really the privilege of males to enjoy the benefits without recognizing the demerits. If you watch the counter-arguments to Anita from the MRAs (or their indistinguishable ‘non-MRA’ counterparts. Note: there actually exists good criticism of Anita’s videos that talks about her ideas, but you will not hear it from the anti-feminists) they don’t even want to allow the possibility that she could possibly be right. Painting Anita as a con-artist gives them an easy out to ignore her completely – they have no real interest in engaging her ideas.

I am personally glad there is a revolution in the video gaming industry that is now pushing out more innovative ideas while dumping sexist baggage. I really enjoyed the Last of Us recently which was a great example of a huge AAA title showing how really great games DON’T need sexism to succeed. I want more studios to keep following that trend to greater success. As gaming has become more accessible than ever, it is my personal belief that the company that embraces diversity combined with creativity will be the one that will go furthest.

9 years ago

@ fruitloopsie Oops, my bad. I just like incorporating British insults into my vocabulary thanks to Terry Pratchett (may he rest in peace) and have now updated myself to its meaning. Thank you for pointing that out and I will refrain from its further usage. I better run a check through all my British insults….

Awesome, gormless is still allowed! So is manky… and po-faced…. excellent…

@ katz I never even knew there was one! Thank you for your generosity 8p

9 years ago

Moocow, have you seen “Military Bronies React to Teens React to MLP”? It is made of hilarity because of course the teens make all the wrong assumptions when being told “grown men watch this show” (to be far, apparently they only showed the kids the theme song which was ingenuous) and this one obvious MRA in the making with a babyface kept trying to act like he was so much tougher an more manly than any guy who liked MLP. Amd cut back to the military bronies.

9 years ago

Gah, meant “disingenuous” not “ingenuous”

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ reallyfriendly

Hi, glad to see you’re taking on board some good old British insults.

The T one is problematic as has been pointed out. In the North of England it’s just a regional variation on Twit and also means to hit but we’re a cosmopolitan crowd here so we avoid any words that have unfortunate meanings in any place.

Might I though suggest wanker? That’s a popular one. Knobhead is also handy. Git is used a lot but it is less jovial unless used as tight git, meaning parsimonious, then it can be positively complementary, especially in Yorkshire where we admire thrift.

I’m not sure how Berk would be received here. Nowadays it’s completely inoffensive. A teacher could safely use it towards a pupil. But it derives from Cockney rhyming slang, Berkley Hunt, which is everyone’s least favourite gender based epithet. Perhaps we could get a steer from David on that one?

Div is going out of fashion now but it used to be a variant on daft, also divvy and divhead. If you want a retro 70s vibe though it could be handy.

EJ (The Other One)
EJ (The Other One)
9 years ago

I’ve heard three etymologies for “Div”, two of them ableist and one homophobic. Insults, sadly, are seldom innocent in origin.

1) “Div” derives from the schoolyard, where children who had “individual needs” would be singled out for bullying because of their disabilities.

2) “Div” derives from the famous Deva Hospital outside Liverpool, a psychiatric institute, and is thus a Scouse term for a mentally ill person.

3) “Div” is a contraction of “Deviant”; that is, a homosexual.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“Berk” just makes me think of How To Train Your Dragon.

As for the best British insult: Smeghead. Always smeghead.

9 years ago

This is hilarious.

Georgia: “meth recipe”
Ohio: “bath salts”

The last time I drove thru Ohio, all the rest areas along the highway were closed, due to the state being broke. I could have used some bath salts! (I hope I haven’t offended any Ohioans here.)

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

If wanting to know more about Miss Cleo is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago


Ah, thanks for the heads up; best consigned to history then.


Smeg and it variants provide a word for every possible occasion. Speaking of Red Dwarf, much as we don’t like the T word round here I must confess I love the bit where Rimmer’s brother manages to pronounce it like it has 8 syllables.

9 years ago


Smeg and it variants provide a word for every possible occasion.

Also fridges.

9 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw In regards to the T word I was using it in reference to Twit, but I have read up on it and found its other unfortunate connotation. No skin off my teeth to drop it. There is just something about British insults that just feel more… insulting. I’m a little evil, I admit it 8p

@ SFHC and EJ(TOO)

Thanks for the input! Of interesting sidenote, my father’s side is Hokkien (a Chinese dialect) who are famous for their very, very expressive sexist insults – when I was a kid, I used it frequently without really understanding it.

OH THE HORRORS! Urgh….. I feel ill now…

9 years ago

Look who has a catvatar!

9 years ago

Thanks. I’m not quite familiar with British insults even some words here in America are extremely offensive like for example c*nt but not so much in Australia. One of my teachers was in Africa and he played “I got your nose” game with one of the children and the position of the hand is the same as “flipping the bird” to them, funny how countries are so different with their words and hand symbols ain’t it?

I think wa*ker is alright since it’s someone who masterbates (if I’m not mistaken) so it’s not gendered.

9 years ago

@ katZ Of course! I love cats, my girlfriend dogs, so you already know that THIS IS AN IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCE! I blamez the sexual dimorphismz! Curse you evolution! Why did you make us so superior and fail to implant that idea in womenz! WHY?!

P.S. Sarcasm for the… whoever that didn’t get it?

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
9 years ago

“C**t” is a bit of a weird one here in Aus; in my experience, whether it’s considered offensive or not depends on the state. When I lived down in South Australia, even my super-religious schools didn’t find it rude enough to warrant detention, but here up north in Queensland, it’s the worst word you can say, no contest.

(Needless to say, I prefer Queensland’s opinion. =P)

9 years ago

OT: Are we ever going to have that new people introductions thread we ere talking about at one point? Because I know there are loads of new people around who I’ve missed because I didn’t see a particular comment mentioning that they were new.

9 years ago


I now have a image of Dave Lister opening that fridge and pulling out a beer and a fresh pair of sneakers.

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