I found this graphic on the Men’s Rights subreddit, linked with the comment “[a]nd here is what I say to feminism.” (It was actually in the thread discussing this brilliant MRA comic.)
I’m sure the women of the world are heartbroken that men who think they are basically the equivalent of inanimate objects have “decided” to remain single.
Also, dudes, would it kill you to proofread your graphics?
@Crip Dyke
Interesting insights, wittily worded.
@Larry Smith
Watch the “e” situation. You use them much too freely.
Right, this guy actually does care–about what he wants.
So if the woman has enough power to ignore this guy from the get-go or to walk away from a bad relationship with him, he’ll start caring about her feelings–but only because her feelings get in the way of him getting what he wants. The relationship is utilitarian, providing him with a sexual release, prestige, and a scapegoat. Maybe money or other material rewards.
So you decided to come and tell a bunch of women that you don’t care whether they’re angry or not? Indifference doesn’t normally need to be explicitly stated, you know. In fact that’s one of the defining traits of indifference. Actually bothering to go all the way over to someone else’s website and post on it doesn’t strike me as indifference.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of people whose anger I’m indifferent about:
– Fulham Football Club fans
– Amyl nitrate takers disappointed that it’s harder to find now
– Creationists who are outraged that men are able to purchase anal sex toys
– People who were absolutely sure they were going to win Pop Idol but didn’t
By an astonishing coincidence, these are also the groups whose websites I don’t post on. How do I manage it? Through the power of indifference.
@Crip Dyke:
So what you mean to say is that:
Of course, the way I (would) like to be feminine is in the gothic lolita style, like this:
Which I’m sure these impractically spotted shit gnomes wouldn’t appreciate, and aren’t capable of appreciating because it’s not the same black tee shirt and cargo shorts or skimpy underwear, the louts.
(If only I had the money and/or sewing machine and fabric of my dreams. (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु )
Oooh, pretty dresses. So very pretty.
There are several ruined churches in my city which, throughout summer, are more or less constantly full of Elegant Gothic Lolita groups. Sometimes they’re doing photoshoots, but more often they just seem to be hanging out, twirling parasols and making witty remarks to one another.
About half the time they’re Japanese tourists, too. I would have thought that there were closer ruined churches to Japan than that, but what do I know? Maybe London is somehow unique and special to Gothic Lolita people.
There is a mysterious lack of creepy guys hitting on them, now that I think about it. Maybe the silhouette is indeed anathema to them.
A lot of Japanese girls started to wear gothic lolita fashions as a very subtle (and elegant) “fuck you” to people who told them that “men don’t like that”. Or I could be mixing that up with another fashion style altogether, which I’m prone to do.
It’s also another way for women to own their sexuality.
Source here. And emphasis is mine.
I have a bit of a passing interest with Japanese fashion trends for the most part that started with this book on the Japanese schoolgirl look and my love of frilly dresses. I’m rather fond of the Lolita, Kawaii, and Kogal (schoolgirl style) trends.
I think it’s the architecture specifically. I don’t think they have any gothic style ruined churches in Japan. (But I could be wrong, it’s been known to happen.)
@Pandapool: Inorite?
I’d love to be that fucking cute all the time, especially if it keeps the creepy douchebros off my case.
Of course, since I’m clumsy (*teehee*), I don’t like to hang around anything as fragile as a white cishet dude’s ego.
Or his masculinity.
This blog site is funny.
![comment image](https://media.giphy.com/media/GIrx4cbkSuEYE/giphy.gif)
Thanks, Larry! We think so too. It’s quite funny to see your ilk mocked into oblivion, isn’t it?
Hey, is it just me or does Anita look happier in the new Tropes vid?
IKR? Just buy the overpriced hangers. Or don’t buy them, I don’t care.
Larry is funny. Can we keep him? I mean, since we lost Woody we’ve just been so short on mildly amusing and blessedly short winded trolls of the obvious sort.
Larry is concise.
Larry is obvious.
Larry is silly.
That’s like, all the joys of mockability without any of the having to wade through nasty and long winded screeds.
Totally a troll, though.
I mean, when you come into a room, yell “WE DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK”, and then sit in the punchbowl…
… you got to be trolling.
“Blog site.”
Speaking as a white cishet man, if the egos and/or masculinities of the members of my gender can be crushed by as little a thing as a pretty dress, then they probably should be.
On the having of ruins, lemme pull out my maths brain:
Ground rent of one square metre of commercial space in Harajuku per month: ¥5,000,000
Footprint size of Abney Park chapel: 159sqm
Therefore, monthly cost of putting Abney Park chapel in Harajuku: ¥795,000,000
Cost of a return ticket from Tokyo Narita to London Heathrow: ¥73,475
Number of such tickets it takes to pay the rent on that site per month: 108
Annually: 1298
Number of Japanese people dressed in Elegant Gothic Lolita one sees in Abney Park chapel on any given day: 7,000,000,001 (approx.)
It therefore makes much more sense for the Japanese Lolita community to build their own ruined church than it does to continue to fly over to use ours. Especially once we throw in another two numbers:
Cost of maintenance on a ruined church: ¥0
Cost of hotel, meals etc in London: Above ¥0
I’m all for tourism, don’t get me wrong. I welcome everyone to London. However, if the Lolita community save their cash then they can make even more dresses, and that’s important.
Paradoxical Intention, if you haven’t seen Kamikaze Girls, you need to!
![comment image](https://media.giphy.com/media/KwhfyBDhCZS2k/giphy.gif)
Right next to Princess Jellyfish and Nana, and I also want to get more Bizenghast. I only have the first volume and it’s so good.
There’s so many shows I need to watch, and books I need to read, and dresses I need, and it’s all just impossible because there’s not enough hours in the day and not enough money in my wallet.
I need to sucker a rich dude into marrying me, apparently. Is Brad Pitt or one of his many clones that populate the Alpha Cock Carousel still available?
I fucking LOVE Nana!
I come up with a method by which Japan can have its very own ruined gothic church and you accuse me of ruining people’s fun? I call shenanigans. The amount of fun in the world is directly proportional to the number of awesome ruined churches in the world. Everyone knows this. It’s why the Fallout games are so awesome.